If a user has permission to create a new forum topic, s/he has permission to write comments on that forum topic only. They will not have permission to add comments elsewhere.
Feature updated with new site-wide permissions to allow 'community member' role to create forum topics and make comments.
Forum ACL will need to be set to restrict the 'community member' role to specific forums.
Change CSS so team forums style matches regular forums.
Fixed bugs 1) Quote did not show up as a link in the team forum starting topic,
2) When posting a new team forum topic, form links at bottom (Post Topic, Preview, Cancel) added, same format and style as regular forums,
3) Added flags (report comment/topic) to team forums.
4) Drupal report/log messages complained about a variable in template, due to PHP strict warnings. Made an intermediate variable ($imv)
A duplicate role was showing up for the special "Forum Moderator" role that the forum access module creates. The code that renames this has been improved to ensure that the role is set up and named properly when the discussion forums feature is enabled.
The forum menu export is no longer needed and has caused the discussion_forums feature to be stuck in an overridden state. Just delete the menu export file for this feature.
Initialized support for Teams:
* Team landing page
* Team details page
* Team management
* Team dashboard widget
* Team forums
* Team / team forum import
Changed roles to include a general concept of community member and a specific verified contributor role that is granted additional privileges;
Added role_export module to replace built in role export, which did not synchronize role ID between systems and led to improper role assignments on import
Topic locking was being broken by a hack that set nodes to read only mode. That setting has been removed and the comment form block has been updated to only render when comments are enabled.
The generic BOINC theme has been updated with changes from the E@H theme, which was the primary theme used in development.
Also, a significant advancement has been made in stats chart integration, which now pulls color configuration from the active theme.
Comments broken into separate region on news discussion page
* Removed comments and form from news pages
* Created block containing node comments and form
* Appended block to news node pages
Comment form broken into separate region in forums
* Removed existing comment form
* Created block containing node comment form
* Appended block to forum node pages
Updated template to support styling of content-bottom region
* Added a new "community member" role, assigned by default to all users (new or imported).
* The standard authenticated users role may no longer create topics or comment on other content.
* Users with the role of community members may participate in discussions, but this role can be revoked by moderators.
* Dependency added for the Role Delegation module, which establishes permissions for specific roles to assign other roles (in this case, moderator can manage community member assignment).
Automatically create the system role for forum_access if it hasn't been created yet;
Rename the role to not be so incredibly confusing to end users. Calling it "Forum Moderator" and then insisting that no user can have that role makes no sense at all to anyone.
Added a default hidden container for forums without a valid category during import;
Grant hidden forum access to moderator role, which is established in the Discussion Forums feature;
Removed redundant Forum Moderator role from BOINC Standard feature (role is used internally by Forum Access module, no users should be assigned to it)
Updated flag module to support export to features;
Check for nid in import process before flagging content for a user (subscribing);
Added subscription and abuse flags to boinc standard feature;
Added friend flag to friend feature... this stuff doesn't work without flags first being created!