Tracker for BT

svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=13091
This commit is contained in:
Janus B. Kristensen 2007-07-03 23:12:25 +00:00
parent ef80e8576f
commit f130600004
1 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions

html/bt/announce.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
* This file contains the main portion of the tracker.
* The tracker is the central part of any Bittorrent system. The tracker coordinates the downloads
* between peers and ensures that only valid files are tracked. It is queried multiple times during
* any Bittorrent-enabled download - usually whenever a peer wants to expand its list of other peers.
* The tracker also keeps track of how the downloads are progressing.
$cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
function trackerError($error){
echo BDictionary::toEncoded(array("failure_reason"=>$error));
$info_hash = rawurldecode($_GET["info_hash"]);
if (strlen($info_hash)<20) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed infohash key (length ".strlen($info_hash).")");
$peer_id = $_GET["peer_id"];
if (strlen($peer_id)<20) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed peer ID (".strlen($peer_id).")");
$port = $_GET["port"];
if (!is_numeric($port)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-numeric port supplied");
$event = $_GET["event"];
$ip = $_GET["ip"];
$uploaded = $_GET["uploaded"];
if (!$uploaded) $uploaded = 0;
if (!is_numeric($uploaded)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-numeric upload amount specified");
$downloaded = $_GET["downloaded"]; if (!$downloaded) $downloaded = 0;
if (!is_numeric($downloaded)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-numeric download amount specified");
if (!$ip){
// Is the IP banned?
if (isIPBanned($ip)){
trackerError("Banned IP: ".$ip);
// Check that the info_hash is one that we allow:
$queryHandle = mysql_query("SELECT * from bittorrent_files where info_hash=\"".process_user_text($info_hash)."\""); echo mysql_error();
if (!mysql_num_rows($queryHandle)){
trackerError("The tracker does not allow tracking of this file:".$info_hash);
$infoHashObject = mysql_fetch_object($queryHandle);
// If the peer is actively doing something let's update the DB
if ($event=="started" || $event=="stopped" || $event=="completed"){
mysql_query("REPLACE into bittorrent_peers SET fileid=".$infoHashObject->id.", peerid=\"".process_user_text($peer_id)."\", ip=\"".process_user_text($ip)."\", port=\"".process_user_text($port)."\", status=\"".$event."\", uploaded=".process_user_text($uploaded).", downloaded=".process_user_text($downloaded).", timestamp=".time());
echo mysql_error();
} else {
mysql_query("REPLACE delayed into bittorrent_peers SET fileid=".$infoHashObject->id.", peerid=\"".process_user_text($peer_id)."\", ip=\"".process_user_text($ip)."\", port=\"".process_user_text($port)."\", uploaded=".process_user_text($uploaded).", downloaded=".process_user_text($downloaded).", timestamp=".time());
echo mysql_error();
// Always send back a random selection of peers who are downloading a file with the same info_hash
$queryHandle = mysql_query("SELECT * from bittorrent_peers WHERE fileid = ".$infoHashObject->id." order by RAND() limit ".MAX_INFO_HASH_PEERS); echo mysql_error();
$peerList = array();
while ($dbPeer = mysql_fetch_object($queryHandle)){
$peer = array("peer id"=>$dbPeer->peerid, "ip"=>$dbPeer->ip, "port"=>intval($dbPeer->port));
$peerList[] = new BElement(BDictionary::toEncoded($peer));
// Get some statistical counts
$queryHandle = mysql_query("SELECT count(fileid) as complete from bittorrent_peers where fileid = '".$infoHashObject->id."' and status='completed'");
$data = mysql_fetch_object($queryHandle);
$complete = intval($data->complete);
$queryHandle = mysql_query("SELECT count(fileid) as incomplete from bittorrent_peers where fileid = '".$infoHashObject->id."' and status!='completed'");
$data = mysql_fetch_object($queryHandle);
$incomplete = intval($data->incomplete);
$peersElement = new BElement(BList::toEncoded($peerList));
$out = BDictionary::toEncoded(array("interval"=>DEFAULT_CONNECTION_INTERVAL, "complete"=>$complete, "incomplete"=>$incomplete, "peers"=>$peersElement));
// Echo the answer to stdout
echo $out;
$fh = fopen(TRACKER_LOGFILE, "a");
fputs($fh, date(DATE_ATOM, time())." ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]." - ".$event."\n");
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Check if the database needs cleaning
$cache_args = "tracker_timer";
if ($cacheddata){ //If we have got the timer in cache
// Do nothing
} else { //if not do queries etc to clean DB
// TODO: update the bittorrent_statistics table here before deleting entries
mysql_query("DELETE from bittorrent_files where timestamp<".(time()-TORRENT_TTL)); echo mysql_error();
mysql_query("DELETE from bittorrent_peers where timestamp<".(time()-PEER_TTL)); echo mysql_error();
mysql_query("DELETE from bittorrent_ipbans where timestamp<".time()); echo mysql_error();
// And reset the timer in the cache
set_cache_data(serialize(time()),$cache_args); //save data in cache