diff --git a/html/ops/host_stats.php b/html/ops/host_stats.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..585062fe4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/ops/host_stats.php
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// show counts of Linux hosts broken down by libc and vbox version
+$max_days = 30;
+ // include only hosts who have done an RPC within this many days
+function is_linux($host) {
+ return strstr($host->os_name, 'Linux');
+function libc_version($host) {
+ $p = $host->os_version;
+ $n = strpos($p, 'libc ');
+ if ($n === false) return '';
+ $m = strpos($p, ']', $n);
+ if ($m === false) return '';
+ $x = substr($p, $n+5, $m-$n-5);
+ $n = strpos($x, ' ');
+ if ($n !== false) return substr($x, 0, $n);
+ return $x;
+function vbox_version($host) {
+ $p = $host->serialnum;
+ $n = strpos($p, 'vbox|');
+ if ($n === false) return '';
+ $m = strpos($p, ']', $n);
+ if ($m === false) return '';
+ $x = substr($p, $n+5, $m-$n-5);
+ $n = strpos($x, '_');
+ if ($n !== false) return substr($x, 0, $n);
+ $n = strpos($x, 'r');
+ if ($n !== false) return substr($x, 0, $n);
+ return $x;
+function main() {
+ global $max_days;
+ $t = time()-$max_days*86400;
+ $hosts = BoincHost::enum("rpc_time>$t");
+ $descs = [];
+ foreach ($hosts as $host) {
+ if (!is_linux($host)) continue;
+ $d = new StdClass;
+ $d->libc = libc_version($host);
+ $d->vbox = vbox_version($host);
+ $descs[] = $d;
+ }
+ show($descs);
+// show:
+// counts by libc version
+// counts by libc version for hosts w/ vbox
+// counts by vbox version
+function show($descs) {
+ global $max_days;
+ $libc = [];
+ $libc2 = [];
+ $vbox = [];
+ $nv = 0;
+ foreach ($descs as $d) {
+ if (array_key_exists($d->libc, $libc)) {
+ $libc[$d->libc] += 1;
+ } else {
+ $libc[$d->libc] = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$d->vbox) continue;
+ $nv++;
+ if (array_key_exists($d->vbox, $vbox)) {
+ $vbox[$d->vbox] += 1;
+ } else {
+ $vbox[$d->vbox] = 1;
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists($d->libc, $libc2)) {
+ $libc2[$d->libc] += 1;
+ } else {
+ $libc2[$d->libc] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $n = count($descs);
+ echo "$n Linux hosts active in last $max_days days\n";
+ ksort($libc);
+ echo "libc versions:\n";
+ foreach ($libc as $x=>$count) {
+ if (!$x) continue;
+ echo "$x: $count\n";
+ }
+ ksort($vbox);
+ echo "vbox versions ($nv hosts):\n";
+ foreach ($vbox as $x=>$count) {
+ if (!$x) continue;
+ echo "$x: $count\n";
+ }
+ ksort($libc2);
+ echo "libc versions of hosts with vbox:\n";
+ foreach ($libc2 as $x=>$count) {
+ if (!$x) continue;
+ echo "$x: $count\n";
+ }