mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
*** empty log message ***
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=7465
This commit is contained in:
@ -10908,3 +10908,9 @@ Charlie 22 Aug 2005
Rom 23 Aug 2005
- Do not allow the checks for need network to happen while the manager
is attempting to connect to the CC.
@ -1410,229 +1410,231 @@ void CMainFrame::OnFrameRender(wxTimerEvent &event) {
#ifdef __WXMSW__
static wxDateTime dtLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static wxDateTime dtLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static wxDateTime dtLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static wxDateTime dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static bool already_notified_update_all_projects = false;
static bool connected_successfully = false;
static bool reset_timers = false;
static bool was_dialing = false;
static bool is_already_online = true;
bool should_check_connection = false;
bool is_dialing = false;
bool is_online = false;
int want_network = 0;
int answer = 0;
wxString strConnectionName = wxEmptyString;
wxString strConnectionUsername = wxEmptyString;
wxString strConnectionPassword = wxEmptyString;
wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString;
wxTimeSpan tsLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck;
wxTimeSpan tsLastDialupAlertSent;
wxTimeSpan tsLastDialupRequest;
wxTimeSpan tsFirstDialupDisconnectEvent;
if (pDoc->IsConnected()) {
static wxDateTime dtLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static wxDateTime dtLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static wxDateTime dtLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static wxDateTime dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
static bool already_notified_update_all_projects = false;
static bool connected_successfully = false;
static bool reset_timers = false;
static bool was_dialing = false;
static bool is_already_online = true;
bool should_check_connection = false;
bool is_dialing = false;
bool is_online = false;
int want_network = 0;
int answer = 0;
wxString strConnectionName = wxEmptyString;
wxString strConnectionUsername = wxEmptyString;
wxString strConnectionPassword = wxEmptyString;
wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString;
wxTimeSpan tsLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck;
wxTimeSpan tsLastDialupAlertSent;
wxTimeSpan tsLastDialupRequest;
wxTimeSpan tsFirstDialupDisconnectEvent;
if (m_pDialupManager && pDoc) {
// Update the always online flag every 60 seconds. This call is expensive
// on slow machines.
tsLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck = wxDateTime::Now() - dtLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck;
if (tsLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck.GetSeconds() > 60) {
dtLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck = wxDateTime::Now();
is_already_online = m_pDialupManager->IsAlwaysOnline();
// Are we configured to detect a network or told one already exists?
if (ID_NETWORKLAN != m_iNetworkConnectionType) {
if (ID_NETWORKDIALUP == m_iNetworkConnectionType) {
should_check_connection = true;
if (m_pDialupManager && pDoc) {
// Update the always online flag every 60 seconds. This call is expensive
// on slow machines.
tsLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck = wxDateTime::Now() - dtLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck;
if (tsLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck.GetSeconds() > 60) {
dtLastDialupIsAlreadyOnlineCheck = wxDateTime::Now();
is_already_online = m_pDialupManager->IsAlwaysOnline();
if (ID_NETWORKAUTODETECT == m_iNetworkConnectionType) {
if (!is_already_online) {
// Are we configured to detect a network or told one already exists?
if (ID_NETWORKLAN != m_iNetworkConnectionType) {
if (ID_NETWORKDIALUP == m_iNetworkConnectionType) {
should_check_connection = true;
if (should_check_connection) {
wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument));
// cache the various states
is_dialing = m_pDialupManager->IsDialing();
is_online = m_pDialupManager->IsOnline();
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Dialup Flags"));
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"),
wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - -- is_online = '%d', is_dialing = '%d', was_dialing = '%d', want_network = '%d'"),
is_online, is_dialing, was_dialing, want_network
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"),
wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - -- reset_timers = '%d', already_notified_update_all_projects = '%d', connected_successfully = '%d'"),
reset_timers, already_notified_update_all_projects, connected_successfully
// If we have received any connection event, then we should reset the
// dtLastDialupAlertSent and dtLastDialupRequest variables
// so that if we are disconnected without completing the user will
// be notifed in a prompt fashion.
if (reset_timers) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Resetting dial-up notification timers"));
reset_timers = false;
dtLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
dtLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
if (!is_online && !is_dialing && !was_dialing && want_network)
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Internet connection needed"));
if (!IsShown()) {
// BOINC Manager is hidden and displaying a dialog might interupt what they
// are doing.
tsLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime::Now() - dtLastDialupAlertSent;
if (tsLastDialupAlertSent.GetSeconds() >= (m_iReminderFrequency * 60)) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Manager not shown, notify instead"));
dtLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime::Now();
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC needs a connection to the Internet to perform some maintenance, open the BOINC Manager to connect up and perform the needed work."),
if (ID_NETWORKAUTODETECT == m_iNetworkConnectionType) {
if (!is_already_online) {
should_check_connection = true;
} else {
// BOINC Manager is visable and can process user input.
tsLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime::Now() - dtLastDialupRequest;
if (tsLastDialupRequest.GetSeconds() >= (m_iReminderFrequency * 60)) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Begin connection process"));
dtLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime::Now();
if (should_check_connection) {
wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument));
// cache the various states
is_dialing = m_pDialupManager->IsDialing();
is_online = m_pDialupManager->IsOnline();
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Dialup Flags"));
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"),
wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - -- is_online = '%d', is_dialing = '%d', was_dialing = '%d', want_network = '%d'"),
is_online, is_dialing, was_dialing, want_network
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"),
wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - -- reset_timers = '%d', already_notified_update_all_projects = '%d', connected_successfully = '%d'"),
reset_timers, already_notified_update_all_projects, connected_successfully
// If we have received any connection event, then we should reset the
// dtLastDialupAlertSent and dtLastDialupRequest variables
// so that if we are disconnected without completing the user will
// be notifed in a prompt fashion.
if (reset_timers) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Resetting dial-up notification timers"));
reset_timers = false;
dtLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
dtLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
if (!is_online && !is_dialing && !was_dialing && want_network)
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Internet connection needed"));
if (!IsShown()) {
// BOINC Manager is hidden and displaying a dialog might interupt what they
// are doing.
tsLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime::Now() - dtLastDialupAlertSent;
if (tsLastDialupAlertSent.GetSeconds() >= (m_iReminderFrequency * 60)) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Manager not shown, notify instead"));
dtLastDialupAlertSent = wxDateTime::Now();
if(pDoc->state.global_prefs.confirm_before_connecting) {
answer = ::wxMessageBox(
_("BOINC needs to connect to the network.\nMay it do so now?"),
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
} else {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC is connecting to the internet."),
_("BOINC needs a connection to the Internet to perform some maintenance, open the BOINC Manager to connect up and perform the needed work."),
answer = wxYES;
} else {
// BOINC Manager is visable and can process user input.
tsLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime::Now() - dtLastDialupRequest;
if (tsLastDialupRequest.GetSeconds() >= (m_iReminderFrequency * 60)) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Begin connection process"));
// Are we allow to connect?
if (wxYES == answer) {
if (m_strNetworkDialupConnectionName.size())
strConnectionName = m_strNetworkDialupConnectionName;
dtLastDialupRequest = wxDateTime::Now();
if (m_bNetworkDialupPromptCredentials) {
CDlgDialupCredentials* pDlgDialupCredentials = new CDlgDialupCredentials(this);
answer = pDlgDialupCredentials->ShowModal();
if (wxID_OK == answer) {
strConnectionUsername = pDlgDialupCredentials->GetUsername();
strConnectionPassword = pDlgDialupCredentials->GetPassword();
if (pDlgDialupCredentials) {
already_notified_update_all_projects = false;
connected_successfully = false;
m_pDialupManager->Dial(strConnectionName, strConnectionUsername, strConnectionPassword, true);
} else if (!is_dialing && !was_dialing) {
if (is_online && want_network && connected_successfully && !already_notified_update_all_projects) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Connection Detected, notifing user of update to all projects"));
already_notified_update_all_projects = true;
// We are already online but BOINC for some reason is in a state
// where it belives it has some pending work to do, so give it
// a nudge
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC has detected it is now connected to the internet. Updating all projects and retrying all transfers."),
// Sleep for a couple of seconds to let the network interface finish
// initializing.
// Signal BOINC to update all projects and transfers.
} else if (is_online && !want_network && connected_successfully) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Connection Detected, Don't need the network, We successfully connected."));
// Should we disconnect now? The first time we see the disconnect event
// we should ignore it and wait for 5 seconds to see if it is really
// safe to disconnect.
if (wxDateTime((time_t)0) == dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent) {
dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent = wxDateTime::Now();
tsFirstDialupDisconnectEvent = wxDateTime::Now() - dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent;
if (tsFirstDialupDisconnectEvent.GetSeconds() >= 5) {
if (pDoc->state.global_prefs.hangup_if_dialed) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Connection Detected, Don't need the network, Hanging up."));
if (m_pDialupManager->HangUp()) {
if(pDoc->state.global_prefs.confirm_before_connecting) {
answer = ::wxMessageBox(
_("BOINC needs to connect to the network.\nMay it do so now?"),
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC has successfully disconnected from the internet."),
connected_successfully = false;
} else {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC failed to disconnected from the internet."),
_("BOINC is connecting to the internet."),
answer = wxYES;
// Are we allow to connect?
if (wxYES == answer) {
if (m_strNetworkDialupConnectionName.size())
strConnectionName = m_strNetworkDialupConnectionName;
if (m_bNetworkDialupPromptCredentials) {
CDlgDialupCredentials* pDlgDialupCredentials = new CDlgDialupCredentials(this);
answer = pDlgDialupCredentials->ShowModal();
if (wxID_OK == answer) {
strConnectionUsername = pDlgDialupCredentials->GetUsername();
strConnectionPassword = pDlgDialupCredentials->GetPassword();
if (pDlgDialupCredentials) {
already_notified_update_all_projects = false;
connected_successfully = false;
m_pDialupManager->Dial(strConnectionName, strConnectionUsername, strConnectionPassword, true);
} else if (!is_dialing && !was_dialing) {
if (is_online && want_network && connected_successfully && !already_notified_update_all_projects) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Connection Detected, notifing user of update to all projects"));
already_notified_update_all_projects = true;
// We are already online but BOINC for some reason is in a state
// where it belives it has some pending work to do, so give it
// a nudge
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC has detected it is now connected to the internet. Updating all projects and retrying all transfers."),
// Sleep for a couple of seconds to let the network interface finish
// initializing.
// Signal BOINC to update all projects and transfers.
} else if (is_online && !want_network && connected_successfully) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Connection Detected, Don't need the network, We successfully connected."));
// Should we disconnect now? The first time we see the disconnect event
// we should ignore it and wait for 5 seconds to see if it is really
// safe to disconnect.
if (wxDateTime((time_t)0) == dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent) {
dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent = wxDateTime::Now();
tsFirstDialupDisconnectEvent = wxDateTime::Now() - dtFirstDialupDisconnectEvent;
if (tsFirstDialupDisconnectEvent.GetSeconds() >= 5) {
if (pDoc->state.global_prefs.hangup_if_dialed) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - Connection Detected, Don't need the network, Hanging up."));
if (m_pDialupManager->HangUp()) {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC has successfully disconnected from the internet."),
connected_successfully = false;
} else {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC failed to disconnected from the internet."),
} else if (!is_dialing && was_dialing) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - We were dialing and now we are not, detect success or failure of the connection."));
was_dialing = false;
reset_timers = true;
if (is_online) {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC has successfully connected to the internet."),
connected_successfully = true;
} else {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC failed to connect to the internet."),
connected_successfully = false;
} else if (is_dialing && !was_dialing) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - We are now dialing, where before we were not."));
was_dialing = true;
} else if (!is_dialing && was_dialing) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - We were dialing and now we are not, detect success or failure of the connection."));
was_dialing = false;
reset_timers = true;
if (is_online) {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC has successfully connected to the internet."),
connected_successfully = true;
} else {
_("BOINC Manager - Network Status"),
_("BOINC failed to connect to the internet."),
connected_successfully = false;
} else if (is_dialing && !was_dialing) {
wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CMainFrame::OnFrameRender - We are now dialing, where before we were not."));
was_dialing = true;
Reference in New Issue