*** empty log message ***

svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=2841
This commit is contained in:
David Anderson 2004-01-01 04:12:08 +00:00
parent f4d30aa220
commit d3495ba47f
9 changed files with 271 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -8840,3 +8840,15 @@ David 31 Dec 2003
David 31 Dec 2003
- Added Python assimilator, courtesy of Stephen Pellicer
All the back-end programs could be implemented in Python;
CPU usage is a non-factor.
Some people might prefer this to C++.
No reason not to have both, as long as the logic stays in synch.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
page_head("Compile-it-yourself BOINC");
echo "
BOINC applications, and the BOINC core client, are native-mode programs,
so different versions are required for each platform
(a 'platform' is the combination of an operating
system and a processor type: e.g., Linux/IntelX86).
BOINC provides two ways to deal with the problem
of making programs available for different platforms.
<h3>The project-compiles-it-for-you model</h3>
In this approach, the BOINC-based project
compiles program versions for common platforms
(Windows/Intel, Linux/Intel, Mac OS/X. etc.),
and places them on its servers.
A participant downloads the core client for his platform
(assuming that it's supported by the project).
When the core client requests work from the project's scheduling server,
it tells the server its platform,
and the scheduling server instructs it to download
the appropriate application executables.
Although this addresses the needs of most BOINC participants,
there are two groups for whom it is inadequate:
People who, for security reasons,
want to only run executables they have compiled themselves.
People whose computers have platforms not supported by the project
(projects are generally resource-limited and cannot support all platforms).
<h3>The compile-it-yourself model</h3>
In this model participants compile programs themselves
rather than downloading them from the project.
Here's how it works:
Download the source code for the BOINC core client,
and for the project's applications,
and compile them for your computer.
Alternatively, you might download the programs from
a server of your choosing.
Run the core client with a option telling
it where to find the applications;
it incorporates them
into its state file and directory structure,
as if it had been downloaded from the server.
When the core client requests work from the scheduling server,
it reports its platform as 'anonymous',
and provides a list of the applications it has.
The server then just sends whatever work is available for those applications.
This model is possible only with projects that make their application
source code available.
Note: the compile-it-yourself model is under development,
and is not currently available.
Participants with uncommon platforms can prepare by porting
the current core client and applications to their platforms.

View File

@ -114,12 +114,9 @@ The work manager's menu items are as follows:
Menu names and other text in the work manager are stored in
a file called <i>language.ini</i>.
The release uses American English.
Other languages are available
<a href=>here</a>
(thanks to Robi Buechler and other volunteers for this).
The text displayed by the work manager (menu names, etc.)
can be translated to languages other than English;
information about this is <a href=language.php>here</a>.
The <b>BOINC screensaver</b> can be selected using the Display Properties dialog.

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Janus Kristensen
Tim Lan
Stephen Pellicer
Rom Walton
Oliver Wang

View File

@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ echo "
BOINC projects may export data describing teams, users and hosts.
This data is exported in XML files that can be downloaded via HTTP.
This data can be summarized and represented as Web pages.
An example (implemented using PHP) is at
<a href=http://www.boinc.dk/index.php?page=statistics>http://www.boinc.dk</a>.
If you are interested in using or contributing to this code,
please contact the developer,
<a href=mailto:stats@boinc.dk>Janus Kristensen</a>.
The data is presented in several different 'views':

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ echo "
<li> <a href=credit.php>Computation credit</a>
<li> <a href=teams.php>Teams</a>
<li> <a href=db_dump.php>Downloading statistics data</a>
<li> <a href=language.php>Language customization</a>
<li> <a href=anonymous_platform.php>Compile-it-yourself BOINC</a>

View File

@ -5,45 +5,27 @@ echo "
Information about BOINC is available in the following languages:
<li> Chinese
<li><a href=http://www.equn.com/boinchina><font size=-2>www.equn.com/boinchina</font></a>
<br><a href=http://www.equn.com/boinchina><font size=-2>www.equn.com/boinchina</font></a>
<li> Estonian
<li><a href=http://boinc.tmac.pri.ee><font size=-2>boinc.tmac.pri.ee</font></a>
<br><a href=http://boinc.tmac.pri.ee><font size=-2>boinc.tmac.pri.ee</font></a>
<li> Danish
<li><a href=http://www.boinc.dk><font size=-2>www.boinc.dk</font></a>
<br><a href=http://www.boinc.dk><font size=-2>www.boinc.dk</font></a>
<li> Dutch
<li><a href=http://www.seti-nl.org/content.php?c=boinc_berkeley_main><font size=-2>www.seti-nl.org</font></a>
<br><a href=http://www.seti-nl.org/content.php?c=boinc_berkeley_main><font size=-2>www.seti-nl.org</font></a>
<li> Finnish
<br><a href=http://www.universe-examiners.org/boinc_faq.php><font size=-2>Universe Examiners</font></a>
<li> French
<li><a href=http://www.boinc-fr.net><font size=-2>www.boinc-fr.net</font></a>
<br><a href=http://www.boinc-fr.net><font size=-2>www.boinc-fr.net</font></a>
<li> German
<li><a href=http://www.boinc.de/><font size=-2>www.boinc.de</font></a>
<br><a href=http://www.boinc.de/><font size=-2>www.boinc.de</font></a>
<li> Italian
<li><a href=http://boinc.homeunix.org/><font size=-2>boinc.homeunix.org</font></a>
<br><a href=http://boinc.homeunix.org/><font size=-2>boinc.homeunix.org</font></a>
<li> Japanese
<li><a href=http://members.fortunecity.com/je2bwm/indexj.html#next2ads><font size=-2>fortunecity.com</a> (by Komori Hitoshi) </font>
<br><a href=http://members.fortunecity.com/je2bwm/indexj.html#next2ads><font size=-2>fortunecity.com</a> (by Komori Hitoshi) </font>
<li> Russian
<li><a href=http://www.boinc.narod.ru><font size=-2>www.boinc.narod.ru</font></a>
<br><a href=http://www.boinc.narod.ru><font size=-2>www.boinc.narod.ru</font></a>
<li> Turkish
<li><a href=http://www.turksetiteam.org/boinc/index.html><font size=-2>www.turksetiteam.org</a>
<br><a href=http://www.turksetiteam.org/boinc/index.html><font size=-2>www.turksetiteam.org</a>
If you'd like to add a web site to this list, please
<a href=mailto:davea@ssl.berkeley.edu>contact us</a>.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import sys, time
class SchedMessages:
def __init__(self):
self.debug_level = 0
def set_debug_level(self, level):
self.debug_level = int(level)
def printf(self, kind, format, *args):
if kind <= self.debug_level:
if kind==CRITICAL:
kind = "CRITICAL"
elif kind==NORMAL:
kind = "normal "
elif kind==DEBUG:
kind = "debug "
kind = "*** internal error: invalid MessageKind ***";
sys.stderr.write("%s [%s] " % (time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), kind))
sys.stderr.write(format % args)

sched/assimilator.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
Python implementation of an assimilator
Contributed by Stephen Pellicer
import os, re, boinc_path_config, signal, sys, time
from Boinc import database, boinc_db, configxml, sched_messages
STOP_TRIGGER_FILENAME = os.path.join('..', 'stop_servers')
caught_sig_int = False
def check_stop_trigger():
global caught_sig_int, log_messages
junk = open(STOP_TRIGGER_FILENAME, 'r')
except IOError:
if caught_sig_int:
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Caught SIGINT\n")
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Found stop trigger\n")
def sigint_handler(sig, stack):
global caught_sig_int
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "Handled SIGINT\n")
caught_sig_int = True
def get_file_path(result):
return os.path.join(config.upload_dir, re.search('<name>(.*)</name>', result.xml_doc_out).group(1))
def assimilate_handler(wu, results, canonical_result):
# check for valid wu.canonical_resultid
if wu.canonical_result:
# do application specific processing
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.NORMAL, "[%s] Found canonical result\n", wu.name)
question = open(os.path.join('..', 'question'), 'r').read()[:32]
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "Comparing to %s\n", question)
if len(question) != 32:
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Question %s is wrong length\n", question)
result = get_file_path(canonical_result)
for line in open(result, 'r').readlines():
line = line.strip()
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, " [%s] Answer found %s %s\n", canonical_result.name, line[-32:], line[:-33])
if line[-32:] == question:
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[RESULT#%d %s] Found Answer %s\n", canonical_result.id, canonical_result.name, line[:-33])
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.NORMAL, "[%s] No canonical result\n", wu.name)
if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_COULDNT_SEND_RESULT:
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: couldn't send a result\n", wu.name)
if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ERROR_RESULTS:
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many error results\n", wu.name)
if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TOTAL_RESULTS:
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many total results\n", wu.name)
if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SUCCESS_RESULTS:
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many success results\n", wu.name)
# check for error conditions
def do_pass(app):
# check for stop trigger
# look for workunits with correct appid and assimilate_state==ASSIMILATE_READY
for wu in database.Workunits.find(app=app, assimilate_state=boinc_db.ASSIMILATE_READY):
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "[%s] assimilating: state=%d\n", wu.name, wu.assimilate_state)
results = database.Results.find(workunit=wu)
# look for canonical result for workunit in results
for result in results:
if result == wu.canonical_result:
# assimilate handler
assimilate_handler(wu, results, canonical_result)
wu.assimilate_state = boinc_db.ASSIMILATE_DONE
wu.transition_time = int(time.time())
# set wu transition_time
# return did something result
return did_something
# main function
asynch = False
one_pass = False
appname = ''
# check for asynch one_pass, debug, app
args = sys.argv[1:]
arg = args.pop()
if arg == '-asynch':
asynch = True
elif arg == '-one_pass':
one_pass = True
elif arg == '-d':
arg = args.pop()
elif arg == '-app':
arg = args.pop()
appname = arg
log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Unrecognized arg: %s\n", arg)
config = configxml.default_config().config
# fork if asynch
# add fork code
# retrieve app where name = app.name
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
# do one pass or execute main loop
if one_pass:
# main loop
if not do_pass(app):