diff --git a/checkin_notes b/checkin_notes
index d3f51c8f67..ef4e50eb8e 100644
--- a/checkin_notes
+++ b/checkin_notes
@@ -496,3 +496,14 @@ Charlie 3 Feb 2011
+David 4 Feb 2011
+ - client/manager: show venue in project properties
+ clientgui/
+ DlgItemProperties.cpp
+ client/
+ client_types.cpp
+ lib/
+ gui_rpc_client.h
+ gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
diff --git a/client/client_types.cpp b/client/client_types.cpp
index ab9c4ed058..650c21d56c 100644
--- a/client/client_types.cpp
+++ b/client/client_types.cpp
@@ -431,6 +431,9 @@ int PROJECT::write_state(MIOFILE& out, bool gui_rpc) {
if (no_cpu_pref) out.printf(" \n");
if (no_cuda_pref) out.printf(" \n");
if (no_ati_pref) out.printf(" \n");
+ if (strlen(host_venue)) {
+ out.printf(" %s\n", host_venue);
+ }
} else {
for (i=0; i.
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
-#pragma implementation "DlgItemProperties.h"
-#include "stdwx.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "DlgItemProperties.h"
-#include "BOINCGUIApp.h"
-#include "BOINCBaseFrame.h"
-#include "Events.h"
-#include "error_numbers.h"
-IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(CDlgItemProperties, wxDialog)
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CDlgItemProperties, wxDialog)
-/* Constructor */
-CDlgItemProperties::CDlgItemProperties(wxWindow* parent) :
- wxDialog( parent, ID_ANYDIALOG, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize( 503,480 ), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER ) {
- CBOINCBaseFrame* pFrame = wxGetApp().GetFrame();
- wxASSERT(pFrame);
- if (!pFrame) return;
- SetSizeHints( wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultSize );
- SetExtraStyle( GetExtraStyle() | wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY );
- m_bSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
- m_scrolledWindow = new wxScrolledWindow( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL );
- m_scrolledWindow->SetScrollRate( 5, 5 );
- wxBoxSizer* m_bSizer2;
- m_bSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
- m_gbSizer = new wxGridBagSizer( 0, 0 );
- m_gbSizer->AddGrowableCol( 1 );
- m_gbSizer->SetFlexibleDirection( wxBOTH );
- m_gbSizer->SetNonFlexibleGrowMode( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED );
- m_bSizer2->Add( m_gbSizer, 1, wxEXPAND, 5 );
- m_scrolledWindow->SetSizer( m_bSizer2 );
- m_scrolledWindow->Layout();
- m_bSizer2->Fit( m_scrolledWindow );
- m_bSizer1->Add( m_scrolledWindow, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
- m_btnClose = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("&Close"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- m_btnClose->SetDefault();
- m_bSizer1->Add( m_btnClose, 0, wxALIGN_BOTTOM|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5 );
- SetSizer( m_bSizer1 );
- Layout();
- Centre( wxBOTH );
- m_current_row=0;
- int currentTabView = pFrame->GetCurrentViewPage();
- switch(currentTabView) {
- case VW_PROJ:
- m_strBaseConfigLocation = wxString(wxT("/DlgProjectProperties/"));
- break;
- case VW_TASK:
- m_strBaseConfigLocation = wxString(wxT("/DlgTaskProperties/"));
- break;
- default:
- m_strBaseConfigLocation = wxString(wxT("/DlgProperties/"));
- break;
- }
- RestoreState();
-// destructor
-CDlgItemProperties::~CDlgItemProperties() {
- SaveState();
-/* saves dialog size and (on Mac) position */
-bool CDlgItemProperties::SaveState() {
- wxConfigBase* pConfig = wxConfigBase::Get(FALSE);
- wxASSERT(pConfig);
- if (!pConfig) return false;
- pConfig->SetPath(m_strBaseConfigLocation);
- pConfig->Write(wxT("Width"), GetSize().GetWidth());
- pConfig->Write(wxT("Height"), GetSize().GetHeight());
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
- pConfig->Write(wxT("XPos"), GetPosition().x);
- pConfig->Write(wxT("YPos"), GetPosition().y);
- return true;
-/* restores former dialog size and (on Mac) position */
-bool CDlgItemProperties::RestoreState() {
- wxConfigBase* pConfig = wxConfigBase::Get(FALSE);
- int iWidth, iHeight;
- wxASSERT(pConfig);
- if (!pConfig) return false;
- pConfig->SetPath(m_strBaseConfigLocation);
- pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, wxDefaultCoord);
- pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, wxDefaultCoord);
-#ifndef __WXMAC__
- // Set size to saved values or defaults if no saved values
- SetSize(iWidth, iHeight);
- int iTop, iLeft;
- pConfig->Read(wxT("YPos"), &iTop, wxDefaultCoord);
- pConfig->Read(wxT("XPos"), &iLeft, wxDefaultCoord);
- // If either co-ordinate is less then 0 then set it equal to 0 to ensure
- // it displays on the screen.
- if ((iLeft < 0) && (iLeft != wxDefaultCoord)) iLeft = 30;
- if ((iTop < 0) && (iTop != wxDefaultCoord)) iTop = 30;
- // Set size and position to saved values or defaults if no saved values
- SetSize(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
- // Now make sure window is on screen
- GetScreenPosition(&iLeft, &iTop);
- GetSize(&iWidth, &iHeight);
- Rect titleRect = {iTop, iLeft, iTop+22, iLeft+iWidth };
- InsetRect(&titleRect, 5, 5); // Make sure at least a 5X5 piece visible
- RgnHandle displayRgn = NewRgn();
- CopyRgn(GetGrayRgn(), displayRgn); // Region encompassing all displays
- Rect menuRect = ((**GetMainDevice())).gdRect;
- menuRect.bottom = GetMBarHeight() + menuRect.top;
- RgnHandle menuRgn = NewRgn();
- RectRgn(menuRgn, &menuRect); // Region hidden by menu bar
- DiffRgn(displayRgn, menuRgn, displayRgn); // Subtract menu bar region
- if (!RectInRgn(&titleRect, displayRgn)) {
- iTop = iLeft = 30;
- SetSize(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
- }
- DisposeRgn(menuRgn);
- DisposeRgn(displayRgn);
- return true;
-// show project properties
-void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(PROJECT* project_in) {
- std::string projectname;
- //collecting infos
- project_in->get_name(projectname);
- //disk usage needs additional lookups
- CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
- pDoc->CachedDiskUsageUpdate();
- // CachedDiskUsageUpdate() may have invalidated our project
- // pointer, so get an updated pointer to this project
- PROJECT* project = pDoc->project(project_in->master_url);
- if(!project) return; // TODO: display some sort of error alert?
- std::vector dp = pDoc->disk_usage.projects;
- double diskusage=0.0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i< dp.size(); i++) {
- PROJECT* tp = dp[i];
- std::string tname;
- tp->get_name(tname);
- wxString t1(wxString(tname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
- if(t1.IsSameAs(wxString(projectname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8)) || t1.IsSameAs(wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8))) {
- diskusage =tp->disk_usage;
- break;
- }
- }
- //set dialog title
- wxString wxTitle = _("Properties of project ");
- wxTitle.append(wxString(projectname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
- SetTitle(wxTitle);
- //layout controls
- addSection(_("General"));
- addProperty(_("Master URL"),wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8));
- addProperty(_("User name"),wxString(project->user_name.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
- addProperty(_("Team name"),wxString(project->team_name.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
- addProperty(_("Resource share"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.0f"),project->resource_share));
- if (project->min_rpc_time > dtime()) {
- addProperty(_("Scheduler RPC deferred for"), FormatTime(project->min_rpc_time - dtime()));
- }
- if (project->download_backoff) {
- addProperty(_("File downloads deferred for"), FormatTime(project->download_backoff));
- }
- if (project->upload_backoff) {
- addProperty(_("File uploads deferred for"), FormatTime(project->upload_backoff));
- }
- addProperty(_("Disk usage"),FormatDiskSpace(diskusage));
- addProperty(_("Computer ID"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), project->hostid));
- addProperty(_("Non CPU intensive"),project->non_cpu_intensive ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addProperty(_("Suspended via GUI"),project->suspended_via_gui ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addProperty(_("Don't request more work"),project->dont_request_more_work ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addProperty(_("Scheduler call in progress"),project->scheduler_rpc_in_progress ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addProperty(_("Added via account manager"),project->attached_via_acct_mgr ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addProperty(_("Remove when tasks done"),project->detach_when_done ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addProperty(_("Ended"),project->ended ? _("yes") : _("no"));
- addSection(_("Credit"));
- addProperty(_("User"),
- wxString::Format(
- wxT("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
- project->user_total_credit,
- project->user_expavg_credit
- )
- );
- addProperty(_("Host"),
- wxString::Format(
- wxT("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
- project->host_total_credit,
- project->host_expavg_credit
- )
- );
- if (!project->non_cpu_intensive) {
- addSection(_("Scheduling"));
- if (project->no_cpu_pref) {
- addProperty(_("Project preference"), _("Don't fetch CPU tasks"));
- }
- addProperty(_("CPU scheduling priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cpu_short_term_debt));
- addProperty(_("CPU work fetch priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cpu_long_term_debt));
- double x = project->cpu_backoff_time - dtime();
- if (x<0) x = 0;
- addProperty(_("CPU work fetch deferred for"), FormatTime(x));
- addProperty(_("CPU work fetch deferral interval"), FormatTime(project->cpu_backoff_interval));
- if (pDoc->state.have_cuda) {
- if (project->no_cuda_pref) {
- addProperty(_("Project preference"), _("Don't fetch NVIDIA GPU tasks"));
- }
- addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU scheduling priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cuda_short_term_debt));
- addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU work fetch priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cuda_debt));
- x = project->cuda_backoff_time - dtime();
- if (x<0) x = 0;
- addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU work fetch deferred for"), FormatTime(x));
- addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU work fetch deferral interval"), FormatTime(project->cuda_backoff_interval));
- }
- if (pDoc->state.have_ati) {
- if (project->no_ati_pref) {
- addProperty(_("Project preference"), _("Don't fetch ATI GPU tasks"));
- }
- addProperty(_("ATI GPU scheduling priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->ati_short_term_debt));
- addProperty(_("ATI GPU work fetch priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->ati_debt));
- x = project->ati_backoff_time - dtime();
- if (x<0) x = 0;
- addProperty(_("ATI GPU work fetch deferred for"), FormatTime(x));
- addProperty(_("ATI GPU work fetch deferral interval"), FormatTime(project->ati_backoff_interval));
- }
- addProperty(_("Duration correction factor"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.4f"), project->duration_correction_factor));
- }
- m_gbSizer->Layout();
- m_scrolledWindow->FitInside();
-// show task properties
-void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(RESULT* result) {
- CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
- wxDateTime dt;
- wxString wxTitle = _("Properties of task ");
- wxTitle.append(wxString(result->name, wxConvUTF8));
- SetTitle(wxTitle);
- RESULT* r = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name);
- if (r) {
- avp = r->avp;
- wup = r->wup;
- }
- addProperty(_("Application"), FormatApplicationName(result));
- addProperty(_("Workunit name"),wxString(result->wu_name, wxConvUTF8));
- addProperty(_("State"), result_description(result, false));
- if (result->received_time) {
- dt.Set((time_t)result->received_time);
- addProperty(_("Received"), dt.Format());
- }
- dt.Set((time_t)result->report_deadline);
- addProperty(_("Report deadline"), dt.Format());
- if (strlen(result->resources)) {
- addProperty(_("Resources"), wxString(result->resources, wxConvUTF8));
- }
- if (avp) {
- addProperty(_("Estimated app speed"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.2f GFLOPs/sec"), avp->flops/1e9));
- }
- if (wup) {
- addProperty(_("Estimated task size"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.0f GFLOPs"), wup->rsc_fpops_est/1e9));
- addProperty(_("Max RAM usage"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.0f MB"), wup->rsc_memory_bound/MEGA));
- }
- if (result->active_task) {
- addProperty(_("CPU time at last checkpoint"), FormatTime(result->checkpoint_cpu_time));
- addProperty(_("CPU time"), FormatTime(result->current_cpu_time));
- if (result->elapsed_time >= 0) {
- addProperty(_("Elapsed time"), FormatTime(result->elapsed_time));
- }
- addProperty(_("Estimated time remaining"), FormatTime(result->estimated_cpu_time_remaining));
- addProperty(_("Fraction done"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.3f %%"), result->fraction_done*100));
- addProperty(_("Virtual memory size"), FormatDiskSpace(result->swap_size));
- addProperty(_("Working set size"), FormatDiskSpace(result->working_set_size_smoothed));
- if (result->slot >= 0) {
- addProperty(_("Directory"), wxString::Format(wxT("slots/%d"), result->slot));
- }
- if (result->pid) {
- addProperty(_("Process ID"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), result->pid));
- }
- } else if (result->state >= RESULT_COMPUTE_ERROR) {
- addProperty(_("CPU time"), FormatTime(result->final_cpu_time));
- addProperty(_("Elapsed time"), FormatTime(result->final_elapsed_time));
- }
- m_gbSizer->Layout();
- m_scrolledWindow->FitInside();
-wxString CDlgItemProperties::FormatDiskSpace(double bytes) {
- double xTera = 1099511627776.0;
- double xGiga = 1073741824.0;
- double xMega = 1048576.0;
- double xKilo = 1024.0;
- wxString strBuffer= wxEmptyString;
- if (bytes >= xTera) {
- strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f TB"), bytes/xTera);
- } else if (bytes >= xGiga) {
- strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f GB"), bytes/xGiga);
- } else if (bytes >= xMega) {
- strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f MB"), bytes/xMega);
- } else if (bytes >= xKilo) {
- strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f KB"), bytes/xKilo);
- } else {
- strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.0f bytes"), bytes);
- }
- return strBuffer;
-wxString CDlgItemProperties::FormatApplicationName(RESULT* result ) {
- wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString;
- CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
- RESULT* state_result = NULL;
- wxString strAppBuffer = wxEmptyString;
- wxString strClassBuffer = wxEmptyString;
- wxASSERT(pDoc);
- wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument));
- if (result) {
- state_result = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name);
- if (!state_result) {
- pDoc->ForceCacheUpdate();
- state_result = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name);
- }
- wxASSERT(state_result);
- if (!state_result) return strBuffer;
- WORKUNIT* wup = state_result->wup;
- if (!wup) return strBuffer;
- APP* app = wup->app;
- if (!app) return strBuffer;
- APP_VERSION* avp = state_result->avp;
- if (!avp) return strBuffer;
- if (strlen(app->user_friendly_name)) {
- strAppBuffer = wxString(state_result->app->user_friendly_name, wxConvUTF8);
- } else {
- strAppBuffer = wxString(state_result->avp->app_name, wxConvUTF8);
- }
- if (strlen(avp->plan_class)) {
- strClassBuffer.Printf(
- wxT(" (%s)"),
- wxString(avp->plan_class, wxConvUTF8).c_str()
- );
- }
- strBuffer.Printf(
- wxT("%s%s %d.%02d %s"),
- state_result->project->anonymous_platform?_("Local: "):wxT(""),
- strAppBuffer.c_str(),
- state_result->avp->version_num / 100,
- state_result->avp->version_num % 100,
- strClassBuffer.c_str()
- );
- }
- return strBuffer;
-wxString CDlgItemProperties::FormatTime(float fBuffer) {
- wxInt32 iHour = 0;
- wxInt32 iMin = 0;
- wxInt32 iSec = 0;
- wxTimeSpan ts;
- wxString strBuffer= wxEmptyString;
- if (0 >= fBuffer) {
- strBuffer = wxT("---");
- } else {
- iHour = (wxInt32)(fBuffer / (60 * 60));
- iMin = (wxInt32)(fBuffer / 60) % 60;
- iSec = (wxInt32)(fBuffer) % 60;
- ts = wxTimeSpan(iHour, iMin, iSec);
- strBuffer = ts.Format();
- }
- return strBuffer;
-// adds a title section label to the dialog
-void CDlgItemProperties::addSection(const wxString& title) {
- wxStaticText* staticText = new wxStaticText( m_scrolledWindow, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0);
- staticText->Wrap( -1 );
- staticText->SetFont( wxFont( wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(), 70, 90, 92, false, wxEmptyString ) );
- m_gbSizer->Add( staticText, wxGBPosition( m_current_row, 0 ), wxGBSpan( 1, 2 ), wxALL|wxEXPAND, 3);
- m_current_row++;
-// adds a property row to the dialog
-void CDlgItemProperties::addProperty(const wxString& name, const wxString& value) {
- wxStaticText* staticText = new wxStaticText( m_scrolledWindow, wxID_ANY, name, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- staticText->Wrap( -1 );
- m_gbSizer->Add( staticText, wxGBPosition( m_current_row, 0 ), wxGBSpan( 1, 1 ), wxALL, 3 );
- staticText = new wxStaticText( m_scrolledWindow, wxID_ANY, value, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- staticText->Wrap( -1 );
- m_gbSizer->Add( staticText, wxGBPosition( m_current_row, 1 ), wxGBSpan( 1, 1 ), wxALL|wxEXPAND, 3 );
- m_current_row++;
+// This file is part of BOINC.
+// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
+// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
+// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with BOINC. If not, see .
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+#pragma implementation "DlgItemProperties.h"
+#include "stdwx.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "DlgItemProperties.h"
+#include "BOINCGUIApp.h"
+#include "BOINCBaseFrame.h"
+#include "Events.h"
+#include "error_numbers.h"
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(CDlgItemProperties, wxDialog)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CDlgItemProperties, wxDialog)
+/* Constructor */
+CDlgItemProperties::CDlgItemProperties(wxWindow* parent) :
+ wxDialog( parent, ID_ANYDIALOG, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize( 503,480 ), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER ) {
+ CBOINCBaseFrame* pFrame = wxGetApp().GetFrame();
+ wxASSERT(pFrame);
+ if (!pFrame) return;
+ SetSizeHints( wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultSize );
+ SetExtraStyle( GetExtraStyle() | wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY );
+ m_bSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
+ m_scrolledWindow = new wxScrolledWindow( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL );
+ m_scrolledWindow->SetScrollRate( 5, 5 );
+ wxBoxSizer* m_bSizer2;
+ m_bSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
+ m_gbSizer = new wxGridBagSizer( 0, 0 );
+ m_gbSizer->AddGrowableCol( 1 );
+ m_gbSizer->SetFlexibleDirection( wxBOTH );
+ m_gbSizer->SetNonFlexibleGrowMode( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED );
+ m_bSizer2->Add( m_gbSizer, 1, wxEXPAND, 5 );
+ m_scrolledWindow->SetSizer( m_bSizer2 );
+ m_scrolledWindow->Layout();
+ m_bSizer2->Fit( m_scrolledWindow );
+ m_bSizer1->Add( m_scrolledWindow, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
+ m_btnClose = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("&Close"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ m_btnClose->SetDefault();
+ m_bSizer1->Add( m_btnClose, 0, wxALIGN_BOTTOM|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5 );
+ SetSizer( m_bSizer1 );
+ Layout();
+ Centre( wxBOTH );
+ m_current_row=0;
+ int currentTabView = pFrame->GetCurrentViewPage();
+ switch(currentTabView) {
+ case VW_PROJ:
+ m_strBaseConfigLocation = wxString(wxT("/DlgProjectProperties/"));
+ break;
+ case VW_TASK:
+ m_strBaseConfigLocation = wxString(wxT("/DlgTaskProperties/"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_strBaseConfigLocation = wxString(wxT("/DlgProperties/"));
+ break;
+ }
+ RestoreState();
+// destructor
+CDlgItemProperties::~CDlgItemProperties() {
+ SaveState();
+/* saves dialog size and (on Mac) position */
+bool CDlgItemProperties::SaveState() {
+ wxConfigBase* pConfig = wxConfigBase::Get(FALSE);
+ wxASSERT(pConfig);
+ if (!pConfig) return false;
+ pConfig->SetPath(m_strBaseConfigLocation);
+ pConfig->Write(wxT("Width"), GetSize().GetWidth());
+ pConfig->Write(wxT("Height"), GetSize().GetHeight());
+#ifdef __WXMAC__
+ pConfig->Write(wxT("XPos"), GetPosition().x);
+ pConfig->Write(wxT("YPos"), GetPosition().y);
+ return true;
+/* restores former dialog size and (on Mac) position */
+bool CDlgItemProperties::RestoreState() {
+ wxConfigBase* pConfig = wxConfigBase::Get(FALSE);
+ int iWidth, iHeight;
+ wxASSERT(pConfig);
+ if (!pConfig) return false;
+ pConfig->SetPath(m_strBaseConfigLocation);
+ pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, wxDefaultCoord);
+ pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, wxDefaultCoord);
+#ifndef __WXMAC__
+ // Set size to saved values or defaults if no saved values
+ SetSize(iWidth, iHeight);
+ int iTop, iLeft;
+ pConfig->Read(wxT("YPos"), &iTop, wxDefaultCoord);
+ pConfig->Read(wxT("XPos"), &iLeft, wxDefaultCoord);
+ // If either co-ordinate is less then 0 then set it equal to 0 to ensure
+ // it displays on the screen.
+ if ((iLeft < 0) && (iLeft != wxDefaultCoord)) iLeft = 30;
+ if ((iTop < 0) && (iTop != wxDefaultCoord)) iTop = 30;
+ // Set size and position to saved values or defaults if no saved values
+ SetSize(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
+ // Now make sure window is on screen
+ GetScreenPosition(&iLeft, &iTop);
+ GetSize(&iWidth, &iHeight);
+ Rect titleRect = {iTop, iLeft, iTop+22, iLeft+iWidth };
+ InsetRect(&titleRect, 5, 5); // Make sure at least a 5X5 piece visible
+ RgnHandle displayRgn = NewRgn();
+ CopyRgn(GetGrayRgn(), displayRgn); // Region encompassing all displays
+ Rect menuRect = ((**GetMainDevice())).gdRect;
+ menuRect.bottom = GetMBarHeight() + menuRect.top;
+ RgnHandle menuRgn = NewRgn();
+ RectRgn(menuRgn, &menuRect); // Region hidden by menu bar
+ DiffRgn(displayRgn, menuRgn, displayRgn); // Subtract menu bar region
+ if (!RectInRgn(&titleRect, displayRgn)) {
+ iTop = iLeft = 30;
+ SetSize(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
+ }
+ DisposeRgn(menuRgn);
+ DisposeRgn(displayRgn);
+ return true;
+// show project properties
+void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(PROJECT* project_in) {
+ std::string projectname;
+ //collecting infos
+ project_in->get_name(projectname);
+ //disk usage needs additional lookups
+ CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
+ pDoc->CachedDiskUsageUpdate();
+ // CachedDiskUsageUpdate() may have invalidated our project
+ // pointer, so get an updated pointer to this project
+ PROJECT* project = pDoc->project(project_in->master_url);
+ if(!project) return; // TODO: display some sort of error alert?
+ std::vector dp = pDoc->disk_usage.projects;
+ double diskusage=0.0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i< dp.size(); i++) {
+ PROJECT* tp = dp[i];
+ std::string tname;
+ tp->get_name(tname);
+ wxString t1(wxString(tname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
+ if(t1.IsSameAs(wxString(projectname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8)) || t1.IsSameAs(wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8))) {
+ diskusage =tp->disk_usage;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //set dialog title
+ wxString wxTitle = _("Properties of project ");
+ wxTitle.append(wxString(projectname.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
+ SetTitle(wxTitle);
+ //layout controls
+ addSection(_("General"));
+ addProperty(_("Master URL"),wxString(project->master_url, wxConvUTF8));
+ addProperty(_("User name"),wxString(project->user_name.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
+ addProperty(_("Team name"),wxString(project->team_name.c_str(),wxConvUTF8));
+ addProperty(_("Resource share"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.0f"),project->resource_share));
+ if (project->min_rpc_time > dtime()) {
+ addProperty(_("Scheduler RPC deferred for"), FormatTime(project->min_rpc_time - dtime()));
+ }
+ if (project->download_backoff) {
+ addProperty(_("File downloads deferred for"), FormatTime(project->download_backoff));
+ }
+ if (project->upload_backoff) {
+ addProperty(_("File uploads deferred for"), FormatTime(project->upload_backoff));
+ }
+ addProperty(_("Disk usage"),FormatDiskSpace(diskusage));
+ addProperty(_("Computer ID"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), project->hostid));
+ addProperty(_("Non CPU intensive"),project->non_cpu_intensive ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ addProperty(_("Suspended via GUI"),project->suspended_via_gui ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ addProperty(_("Don't request more work"),project->dont_request_more_work ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ if (strlen(project->venue)) {
+ addProperty(_("Host location"),wxString(project->venue, wxConvUTF8));
+ }
+ //addProperty(_("Scheduler call in progress"),project->scheduler_rpc_in_progress ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ addProperty(_("Added via account manager"),project->attached_via_acct_mgr ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ addProperty(_("Remove when tasks done"),project->detach_when_done ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ addProperty(_("Ended"),project->ended ? _("yes") : _("no"));
+ addSection(_("Credit"));
+ addProperty(_("User"),
+ wxString::Format(
+ wxT("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
+ project->user_total_credit,
+ project->user_expavg_credit
+ )
+ );
+ addProperty(_("Host"),
+ wxString::Format(
+ wxT("%0.2f total, %0.2f average"),
+ project->host_total_credit,
+ project->host_expavg_credit
+ )
+ );
+ if (!project->non_cpu_intensive) {
+ addSection(_("Scheduling"));
+ if (project->no_cpu_pref) {
+ addProperty(_("Project preference"), _("Don't fetch CPU tasks"));
+ }
+ addProperty(_("CPU scheduling priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cpu_short_term_debt));
+ addProperty(_("CPU work fetch priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cpu_long_term_debt));
+ double x = project->cpu_backoff_time - dtime();
+ if (x<0) x = 0;
+ addProperty(_("CPU work fetch deferred for"), FormatTime(x));
+ addProperty(_("CPU work fetch deferral interval"), FormatTime(project->cpu_backoff_interval));
+ if (pDoc->state.have_cuda) {
+ if (project->no_cuda_pref) {
+ addProperty(_("Project preference"), _("Don't fetch NVIDIA GPU tasks"));
+ }
+ addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU scheduling priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cuda_short_term_debt));
+ addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU work fetch priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->cuda_debt));
+ x = project->cuda_backoff_time - dtime();
+ if (x<0) x = 0;
+ addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU work fetch deferred for"), FormatTime(x));
+ addProperty(_("NVIDIA GPU work fetch deferral interval"), FormatTime(project->cuda_backoff_interval));
+ }
+ if (pDoc->state.have_ati) {
+ if (project->no_ati_pref) {
+ addProperty(_("Project preference"), _("Don't fetch ATI GPU tasks"));
+ }
+ addProperty(_("ATI GPU scheduling priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->ati_short_term_debt));
+ addProperty(_("ATI GPU work fetch priority"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.2f"), project->ati_debt));
+ x = project->ati_backoff_time - dtime();
+ if (x<0) x = 0;
+ addProperty(_("ATI GPU work fetch deferred for"), FormatTime(x));
+ addProperty(_("ATI GPU work fetch deferral interval"), FormatTime(project->ati_backoff_interval));
+ }
+ addProperty(_("Duration correction factor"),wxString::Format(wxT("%0.4f"), project->duration_correction_factor));
+ }
+ m_gbSizer->Layout();
+ m_scrolledWindow->FitInside();
+// show task properties
+void CDlgItemProperties::renderInfos(RESULT* result) {
+ CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ wxString wxTitle = _("Properties of task ");
+ wxTitle.append(wxString(result->name, wxConvUTF8));
+ SetTitle(wxTitle);
+ RESULT* r = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name);
+ if (r) {
+ avp = r->avp;
+ wup = r->wup;
+ }
+ addProperty(_("Application"), FormatApplicationName(result));
+ addProperty(_("Workunit name"),wxString(result->wu_name, wxConvUTF8));
+ addProperty(_("State"), result_description(result, false));
+ if (result->received_time) {
+ dt.Set((time_t)result->received_time);
+ addProperty(_("Received"), dt.Format());
+ }
+ dt.Set((time_t)result->report_deadline);
+ addProperty(_("Report deadline"), dt.Format());
+ if (strlen(result->resources)) {
+ addProperty(_("Resources"), wxString(result->resources, wxConvUTF8));
+ }
+ if (avp) {
+ addProperty(_("Estimated app speed"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.2f GFLOPs/sec"), avp->flops/1e9));
+ }
+ if (wup) {
+ addProperty(_("Estimated task size"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.0f GFLOPs"), wup->rsc_fpops_est/1e9));
+ addProperty(_("Max RAM usage"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.0f MB"), wup->rsc_memory_bound/MEGA));
+ }
+ if (result->active_task) {
+ addProperty(_("CPU time at last checkpoint"), FormatTime(result->checkpoint_cpu_time));
+ addProperty(_("CPU time"), FormatTime(result->current_cpu_time));
+ if (result->elapsed_time >= 0) {
+ addProperty(_("Elapsed time"), FormatTime(result->elapsed_time));
+ }
+ addProperty(_("Estimated time remaining"), FormatTime(result->estimated_cpu_time_remaining));
+ addProperty(_("Fraction done"), wxString::Format(wxT("%.3f %%"), result->fraction_done*100));
+ addProperty(_("Virtual memory size"), FormatDiskSpace(result->swap_size));
+ addProperty(_("Working set size"), FormatDiskSpace(result->working_set_size_smoothed));
+ if (result->slot >= 0) {
+ addProperty(_("Directory"), wxString::Format(wxT("slots/%d"), result->slot));
+ }
+ if (result->pid) {
+ addProperty(_("Process ID"), wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), result->pid));
+ }
+ } else if (result->state >= RESULT_COMPUTE_ERROR) {
+ addProperty(_("CPU time"), FormatTime(result->final_cpu_time));
+ addProperty(_("Elapsed time"), FormatTime(result->final_elapsed_time));
+ }
+ m_gbSizer->Layout();
+ m_scrolledWindow->FitInside();
+wxString CDlgItemProperties::FormatDiskSpace(double bytes) {
+ double xTera = 1099511627776.0;
+ double xGiga = 1073741824.0;
+ double xMega = 1048576.0;
+ double xKilo = 1024.0;
+ wxString strBuffer= wxEmptyString;
+ if (bytes >= xTera) {
+ strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f TB"), bytes/xTera);
+ } else if (bytes >= xGiga) {
+ strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f GB"), bytes/xGiga);
+ } else if (bytes >= xMega) {
+ strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f MB"), bytes/xMega);
+ } else if (bytes >= xKilo) {
+ strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f KB"), bytes/xKilo);
+ } else {
+ strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.0f bytes"), bytes);
+ }
+ return strBuffer;
+wxString CDlgItemProperties::FormatApplicationName(RESULT* result ) {
+ wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString;
+ CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
+ RESULT* state_result = NULL;
+ wxString strAppBuffer = wxEmptyString;
+ wxString strClassBuffer = wxEmptyString;
+ wxASSERT(pDoc);
+ wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument));
+ if (result) {
+ state_result = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name);
+ if (!state_result) {
+ pDoc->ForceCacheUpdate();
+ state_result = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name);
+ }
+ wxASSERT(state_result);
+ if (!state_result) return strBuffer;
+ WORKUNIT* wup = state_result->wup;
+ if (!wup) return strBuffer;
+ APP* app = wup->app;
+ if (!app) return strBuffer;
+ APP_VERSION* avp = state_result->avp;
+ if (!avp) return strBuffer;
+ if (strlen(app->user_friendly_name)) {
+ strAppBuffer = wxString(state_result->app->user_friendly_name, wxConvUTF8);
+ } else {
+ strAppBuffer = wxString(state_result->avp->app_name, wxConvUTF8);
+ }
+ if (strlen(avp->plan_class)) {
+ strClassBuffer.Printf(
+ wxT(" (%s)"),
+ wxString(avp->plan_class, wxConvUTF8).c_str()
+ );
+ }
+ strBuffer.Printf(
+ wxT("%s%s %d.%02d %s"),
+ state_result->project->anonymous_platform?_("Local: "):wxT(""),
+ strAppBuffer.c_str(),
+ state_result->avp->version_num / 100,
+ state_result->avp->version_num % 100,
+ strClassBuffer.c_str()
+ );
+ }
+ return strBuffer;
+wxString CDlgItemProperties::FormatTime(float fBuffer) {
+ wxInt32 iHour = 0;
+ wxInt32 iMin = 0;
+ wxInt32 iSec = 0;
+ wxTimeSpan ts;
+ wxString strBuffer= wxEmptyString;
+ if (0 >= fBuffer) {
+ strBuffer = wxT("---");
+ } else {
+ iHour = (wxInt32)(fBuffer / (60 * 60));
+ iMin = (wxInt32)(fBuffer / 60) % 60;
+ iSec = (wxInt32)(fBuffer) % 60;
+ ts = wxTimeSpan(iHour, iMin, iSec);
+ strBuffer = ts.Format();
+ }
+ return strBuffer;
+// adds a title section label to the dialog
+void CDlgItemProperties::addSection(const wxString& title) {
+ wxStaticText* staticText = new wxStaticText( m_scrolledWindow, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0);
+ staticText->Wrap( -1 );
+ staticText->SetFont( wxFont( wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(), 70, 90, 92, false, wxEmptyString ) );
+ m_gbSizer->Add( staticText, wxGBPosition( m_current_row, 0 ), wxGBSpan( 1, 2 ), wxALL|wxEXPAND, 3);
+ m_current_row++;
+// adds a property row to the dialog
+void CDlgItemProperties::addProperty(const wxString& name, const wxString& value) {
+ wxStaticText* staticText = new wxStaticText( m_scrolledWindow, wxID_ANY, name, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ staticText->Wrap( -1 );
+ m_gbSizer->Add( staticText, wxGBPosition( m_current_row, 0 ), wxGBSpan( 1, 1 ), wxALL, 3 );
+ staticText = new wxStaticText( m_scrolledWindow, wxID_ANY, value, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ staticText->Wrap( -1 );
+ m_gbSizer->Add( staticText, wxGBPosition( m_current_row, 1 ), wxGBSpan( 1, 1 ), wxALL|wxEXPAND, 3 );
+ m_current_row++;
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client.h b/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
index c5bfaf5646..f25e9cb9ba 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ public:
bool no_cpu_pref;
bool no_cuda_pref;
bool no_ati_pref;
+ char venue[256];
// NOTE: if you add any data items above,
// update parse(), and clear() to include them!!
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp b/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
index 7e75ef01a4..2de1c4b9df 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ int PROJECT::parse(MIOFILE& in) {
if (parse_bool(buf, "no_cpu_pref", no_cpu_pref)) continue;
if (parse_bool(buf, "no_cuda_pref", no_cuda_pref)) continue;
if (parse_bool(buf, "no_ati_pref", no_ati_pref)) continue;
+ if (parse_str(buf, "venue", venue, sizeof(venue))) continue;
@@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ void PROJECT::clear() {
no_cpu_pref = false;
no_cuda_pref = false;
no_ati_pref = false;
+ strcpy(venue, "");
APP::APP() {