mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
- fix typo in DB schema
- msg tweaks in make_project svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=24253
This commit is contained in:
@ -6340,3 +6340,12 @@ Rom 21 Sept 2011
David 21 Sept 2011
- fix typo in DB schema
- msg tweaks in make_project
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
create table platform (
id integer not null auto_increment,
create_time integer not null,
name varchar(254) not null,
user_friendly_name varchar(254) not null,
deprecated tinyint not null default 0,
id integer not null auto_increment,
create_time integer not null,
name varchar(254) not null,
user_friendly_name varchar(254) not null,
deprecated tinyint not null default 0,
primary key (id)
) engine=InnoDB;
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ create table user_submit (
logical_start_time double not null,
submit_all tinyint not null,
-- can submit jobs to any app
manage_all tinyint not null,
manage_all tinyint not null
-- manager privileges for all apps
-- grant/revoke permissions (except manage), change quotas
-- create apps
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ create table user_submit (
create table user_submit_app (
user_id integer not null,
app_id integer not null
app_id integer not null,
manage tinyint not null
-- can
-- create/deprecated app versions of this app
@ -369,23 +369,6 @@ create table assignment (
primary key (id)
) engine = InnoDB;
-- the following not used for anything right now
create table state_counts (
appid integer not null,
last_update_time integer not null,
result_server_state_2 integer not null,
result_server_state_4 integer not null,
result_file_delete_state_1 integer not null,
result_file_delete_state_2 integer not null,
result_server_state_5_and_file_delete_state_0 integer not null,
workunit_need_validate_1 integer not null,
workunit_assimilate_state_1 integer not null,
workunit_file_delete_state_1 integer not null,
workunit_file_delete_state_2 integer not null,
primary key (appid)
) engine=MyISAM;
@ -410,38 +393,38 @@ create table profile (
-- help desk is a group of categories that are handled separately
create table category (
id integer not null auto_increment,
orderID integer not null,
id integer not null auto_increment,
orderID integer not null,
-- order in which to display
lang integer not null,
lang integer not null,
-- not used
name varchar(254) binary,
is_helpdesk smallint not null,
name varchar(254) binary,
is_helpdesk smallint not null,
primary key (id)
) engine=InnoDB;
-- message board topic
create table forum (
id integer not null auto_increment,
category integer not null,
id integer not null auto_increment,
category integer not null,
-- ID of entity to which this forum is attached.
-- The type (table) of the entity is determined by parent_type
orderID integer not null,
title varchar(254) not null,
description varchar(254) not null,
timestamp integer not null,
orderID integer not null,
title varchar(254) not null,
description varchar(254) not null,
timestamp integer not null,
-- time of last new or modified thread or post
threads integer not null,
threads integer not null,
-- number of non-hidden threads in forum
posts integer not null,
rate_min_expavg_credit integer not null,
rate_min_total_credit integer not null,
post_min_interval integer not null,
post_min_expavg_credit integer not null,
post_min_total_credit integer not null,
is_dev_blog tinyint not null default 0,
parent_type integer not null,
posts integer not null,
rate_min_expavg_credit integer not null,
rate_min_total_credit integer not null,
post_min_interval integer not null,
post_min_expavg_credit integer not null,
post_min_total_credit integer not null,
is_dev_blog tinyint not null default 0,
parent_type integer not null,
-- entity type to which this forum is attached:
-- 0 == category (public)
-- 1 == team
@ -452,33 +435,33 @@ create table forum (
-- threads in a topic (or questions)
create table thread (
id integer not null auto_increment,
forum integer not null,
owner integer not null,
id integer not null auto_increment,
forum integer not null,
owner integer not null,
-- user ID of creator
status integer not null,
status integer not null,
-- whether a question has been answered
-- News forum: if set, don't export as notice
title varchar(254) not null,
timestamp integer not null,
title varchar(254) not null,
timestamp integer not null,
-- time of last new or modified post
views integer not null,
views integer not null,
-- number of times this has been viewed
replies integer not null,
replies integer not null,
-- number of non-hidden posts in thread, not counting the initial one
activity double not null,
activity double not null,
-- for questions: number of askers / time since asked
-- (set periodically by update_forum_activity.php)
sufferers integer not null,
sufferers integer not null,
-- in help desk: # people who indicated they had same problem
score double not null,
votes integer not null,
create_time integer not null,
score double not null,
votes integer not null,
create_time integer not null,
-- when this record was created
hidden integer not null,
hidden integer not null,
-- nonzero if hidden by moderators
sticky tinyint not null default 0,
locked tinyint not null default 0,
sticky tinyint not null default 0,
locked tinyint not null default 0,
primary key (id)
) engine=MyISAM;
@ -486,20 +469,20 @@ create table thread (
-- Each thread has an initial post
create table post (
id integer not null auto_increment,
thread integer not null,
user integer not null,
timestamp integer not null,
id integer not null auto_increment,
thread integer not null,
user integer not null,
timestamp integer not null,
-- create time
content text not null,
modified integer not null,
content text not null,
modified integer not null,
-- when last modified
parent_post integer not null,
parent_post integer not null,
-- post that was replied to, if any
score double not null,
votes integer not null,
signature tinyint not null default 0,
hidden integer not null,
score double not null,
votes integer not null,
signature tinyint not null default 0,
hidden integer not null,
-- nonzero if hidden by moderators
primary key (id)
) engine=MyISAM;
@ -507,68 +490,68 @@ create table post (
-- subscription to a thread
create table subscriptions (
userid integer not null,
threadid integer not null,
notified_time integer not null default 0
userid integer not null,
threadid integer not null,
notified_time integer not null default 0
-- deprecated
) engine=InnoDB;
-- actually: prefs for all community features
create table forum_preferences (
userid integer not null default 0,
signature varchar(254) not null default '',
posts integer not null default 0,
last_post integer not null,
avatar varchar(254) not null default '',
hide_avatars tinyint not null default 0,
forum_sorting integer not null,
thread_sorting integer not null,
no_signature_by_default tinyint not null default 1,
images_as_links tinyint not null default 0,
link_popup tinyint not null default 0,
mark_as_read_timestamp integer not null default 0,
special_user char(12) not null default '0',
jump_to_unread tinyint not null default 1,
hide_signatures tinyint not null default 0,
rated_posts varchar(254) not null,
low_rating_threshold integer not null default -25,
userid integer not null default 0,
signature varchar(254) not null default '',
posts integer not null default 0,
last_post integer not null,
avatar varchar(254) not null default '',
hide_avatars tinyint not null default 0,
forum_sorting integer not null,
thread_sorting integer not null,
no_signature_by_default tinyint not null default 1,
images_as_links tinyint not null default 0,
link_popup tinyint not null default 0,
mark_as_read_timestamp integer not null default 0,
special_user char(12) not null default '0',
jump_to_unread tinyint not null default 1,
hide_signatures tinyint not null default 0,
rated_posts varchar(254) not null,
low_rating_threshold integer not null default -25,
-- deprecated
high_rating_threshold integer not null default 5,
high_rating_threshold integer not null default 5,
-- deprecated
minimum_wrap_postcount integer DEFAULT 100 NOT NULL,
display_wrap_postcount integer DEFAULT 75 NOT NULL,
ignorelist varchar(254) not null,
ignore_sticky_posts tinyint not null default 0,
banished_until integer not null default 0,
pm_notification tinyint not null default 0,
minimum_wrap_postcount integer DEFAULT 100 NOT NULL,
display_wrap_postcount integer DEFAULT 75 NOT NULL,
ignorelist varchar(254) not null,
ignore_sticky_posts tinyint not null default 0,
banished_until integer not null default 0,
pm_notification tinyint not null default 0,
-- actually controls all notifications.
-- 0 = no email
-- 1 = email per event
-- 2 = digest email
highlight_special tinyint not null default 1,
highlight_special tinyint not null default 1,
primary key (userid)
) engine=MyISAM;
-- keep track of last time a user read a thread
create table forum_logging (
userid integer not null default 0,
threadid integer not null default 0,
timestamp integer not null default 0,
userid integer not null default 0,
threadid integer not null default 0,
timestamp integer not null default 0,
primary key (userid,threadid)
) engine=MyISAM;
create table post_ratings (
post integer not null,
user integer not null,
rating tinyint not null,
post integer not null,
user integer not null,
rating tinyint not null,
primary key(post, user)
) engine=MyISAM;
create table sent_email (
userid integer not null,
time_sent integer not null,
email_type smallint not null,
userid integer not null,
time_sent integer not null,
email_type smallint not null,
-- 0 = other
-- 1 = newsletter
-- 2 = lapsed reminder
@ -580,95 +563,95 @@ create table sent_email (
) engine=MyISAM;
create table private_messages (
id integer not null auto_increment,
userid integer not null,
senderid integer not null,
date integer not null,
opened tinyint not null default 0,
subject varchar(255) not null,
content text not null,
id integer not null auto_increment,
userid integer not null,
senderid integer not null,
date integer not null,
opened tinyint not null default 0,
subject varchar(255) not null,
content text not null,
primary key(id),
key userid (userid)
) engine=MyISAM;
create table credited_job (
userid integer not null,
workunitid bigint not null
userid integer not null,
workunitid bigint not null
) engine=MyISAM;
create table donation_items (
id integer not null auto_increment,
item_name varchar(32) not null,
title varchar(255) not null,
description varchar(255) not null,
required double not null default '0',
id integer not null auto_increment,
item_name varchar(32) not null,
title varchar(255) not null,
description varchar(255) not null,
required double not null default '0',
) engine=MyISAM;
create table donation_paypal (
id integer not null auto_increment,
order_time integer not null,
userid integer not null,
email_addr varchar(255) not null,
order_amount double(6,2) not null,
processed tinyint not null default '0',
payment_time integer not null,
item_name varchar(255) not null,
item_number varchar(255) not null,
payment_status varchar(255) not null,
payment_amount double(6,2) not null,
payment_fee double(5,2) default null,
payment_currency varchar(255) not null,
txn_id varchar(255) not null,
receiver_email varchar(255) not null,
payer_email varchar(255) not null,
payer_name varchar(255) not null,
id integer not null auto_increment,
order_time integer not null,
userid integer not null,
email_addr varchar(255) not null,
order_amount double(6,2) not null,
processed tinyint not null default '0',
payment_time integer not null,
item_name varchar(255) not null,
item_number varchar(255) not null,
payment_status varchar(255) not null,
payment_amount double(6,2) not null,
payment_fee double(5,2) default null,
payment_currency varchar(255) not null,
txn_id varchar(255) not null,
receiver_email varchar(255) not null,
payer_email varchar(255) not null,
payer_name varchar(255) not null,
) engine=MyISAM;
-- record changes in team membership
create table team_delta (
userid integer not null,
teamid integer not null,
timestamp integer not null,
joining tinyint not null,
total_credit double not null
userid integer not null,
teamid integer not null,
timestamp integer not null,
joining tinyint not null,
total_credit double not null
) engine=MyISAM;
-- tables for moderator banishment votes
create table banishment_vote (
id serial primary key,
userid integer not null,
modid integer not null,
start_time integer not null,
end_time integer not null
id serial primary key,
userid integer not null,
modid integer not null,
start_time integer not null,
end_time integer not null
) engine=MyISAM;
create table banishment_votes (
id serial primary key,
voteid integer not null,
modid integer not null,
time integer not null,
yes tinyint not null
id serial primary key,
voteid integer not null,
modid integer not null,
time integer not null,
yes tinyint not null
) engine=MyISAM;
create table team_admin (
teamid integer not null,
userid integer not null,
create_time integer not null,
rights integer not null
teamid integer not null,
userid integer not null,
create_time integer not null,
rights integer not null
) engine=MyISAM;
-- A friendship request.
-- The friendship exists if (x,y) and (y,x)
create table friend (
user_src integer not null,
user_src integer not null,
-- initiator
user_dest integer not null,
user_dest integer not null,
-- target
message varchar(255) not null,
create_time integer not null,
reciprocated tinyint not null
message varchar(255) not null,
create_time integer not null,
reciprocated tinyint not null
-- whether the reciprocal exists
@ -678,11 +661,11 @@ create table friend (
-- a personal message
-- These records are deleted when the user acts on them
create table notify (
id serial primary key,
userid integer not null,
id serial primary key,
userid integer not null,
-- destination of notification
create_time integer not null,
type integer not null,
opaque integer not null
create_time integer not null,
type integer not null,
opaque integer not null
-- some other ID, e.g. that of the thread, user or PM record
@ -470,9 +470,6 @@ class Project:
os.chmod(self.logdir(), 02770)
def query_create_keys(self):
return query_yesno("Keys don't exist in %s; generate them?"%self.keydir())
def keys_exist(self):
keys = ['upload_private', 'upload_public',
'code_sign_private', 'code_sign_public' ]
@ -485,18 +482,17 @@ class Project:
if os.path.exists(self.dir()):
raise SystemExit('Project directory "%s" already exists; this would clobber it!'%self.dir())
verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server: creating directories");
verbose_echo(1, "Creating directories");
if not self.web_only:
if not self.keys_exist():
if self.query_create_keys():
verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: generating keys");
verbose_echo(1, "Generating encryption keys");
# copy the user and administrative PHP files to the project dir,
verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: copying files")
verbose_echo(1, "Copying files")
# Create the project log directory
@ -533,7 +529,7 @@ class Project:
match = r.search(line)
if match:
cgi_name = match.group(1)
verbose_echo(2, "Setting up server files: copying " + cgi_name);
verbose_echo(2, "Copying " + cgi_name);
install(builddir('sched/cgi'), self.dir('cgi-bin', cgi_name,''))
@ -550,12 +546,12 @@ class Project:
drop_first = options.drop_db_first
verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: writing config files")
verbose_echo(1, "Writing config files")
# create symbolic links to the CGI and HTML directories
verbose_echo(1, "Setting up server files: linking cgi programs")
verbose_echo(1, "Linking CGI programs")
if options.__dict__.get('cgi_dir'):
force_symlink(self.dir('cgi-bin'), os.path.join(options.cgi_dir, self.short_name))
if options.__dict__.get('html_dir'):
Reference in New Issue