diff --git a/html/languages/translations/sk.po b/html/languages/translations/sk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87f46cb188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/languages/translations/sk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: boinc-html-lang\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-16 00:44+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: marpes \n"
+"Language-Team: boinc.sk\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Slovak\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVAKIA\n"
+# ########################################
+# Language: Slovak (International)
+# FileID : $Id$
+# Author : marpes
+# Email : marpes@zoznam.sk
+# ########################################
+# Pre viac informácií prosím pozrite:
+# http://boinc.berkeley.edu/web_translation.php
+# ########################################
+# Znaková sada použitá pre textv tomto súbore (prosím skúste použiť UTF-8 ak je možné)
+msgid "CHARSET"
+msgstr "UTF-8"
+# The name of this language in this language
+msgstr "Slovenčina"
+# The name of this language in an international language (English)
+msgstr "Slovak"
+# #######################################
+# Apps page (apps.php)
+# #######################################
+msgid "APPS_TITLE"
+msgstr "Aplikačné programy"
+msgstr "$PROJECT v súčasnej dobe používa nasledujúce aplikačné programy. Ak ste zapojený v $PROJECT, práca pre jeden alebo viac z týchto aplikačných programov bude pridelená Vášmu počítaču. Aktuálna verzia aplikačného programu bude stiahnutá vaším počítačom automaticky, bez Vášho zásahu. "
+msgstr "Platforma"
+msgstr "Aktuálna verzia"
+msgstr "Inštalovaná"
+# #######################################
+# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
+# #######################################
+msgid "RULES_TITLE"
+msgstr "Prečítajte si pravidlá a zásady"
+msgstr "$PROJECT počítajte len na autorizovaných počítačoch"
+msgstr "$PROJECT počítajte len na počítačoch, ktoré vlastníte, alebo pre ktoré máte povolenie vlastníka. Niektoré firmy a školy majú predpisy, ktoré zakazujú používanie ich počítačov pre projekty ako je $PROJECT ."
+msgstr "Ako bude $PROJECT využívať Váš počítač"
+msgstr "Keď budete na Vašom počítači počítať $PROJECT, bude tento využívať časť výpočtového výkonu, miesta na disku a sieťového pripojenia Vášho počítača. Môžete ovládať, aký podiel výkonu bude $PROJECT využívať, a tiež kedy."
+msgstr "Práca vykonaná Vaším počítačom prispeje k dosiahnutiu cieľov $PROJECT, tak, ako je písané na stránkach projektu. Ciele projektu sa môžu z času na čas meniť."
+msgstr "Ochrana súkromia"
+msgstr "Vaše konto na $PROJECT bude identifikované menom, ktoré si zvolíte. Toto meno môže byť ukázané na $PROJECT web stránkach, spoločne s množstvom práce vykonanej Vaším počítačom pre $PROJECT. Ak chcete zostať v anonymite, zvoľte si meno, ktoré neodhalí Vašu pravú identitu."
+msgstr "Ak sa zapojíte do $PROJECT, informácie o Vašom počítači (ako typ procesora, veľkosť pamäte, atď.) budú zaznamenané v $PROJECT a použité na určenie, aký typ práce priodeliť pre Váš počítač. Tieto informácie budú tiež ukázané na web stránkach $PROJECT. Nič, čo by odhaľovalo umiestnenie Vášho počítača (napr. názov jeho domény alebo sieťová adresa) nebude ukázané."
+msgstr "Pre zapojenie sa do $PROJECT, musíte poskytnúť adresu, na ktorej prijímate e-maily. Táto adresa nebude ukázaná na web stránkach $PROJECT, ani zdieľaná s inými organizáciami. $PROJECT Vám môže posielať nové informácie, ktorých prijímanie môžete kedykoľvek zrušiť."
+msgid "RULES_SAFE"
+msgstr "Je bezpečné počítať $PROJECT ?"
+msgstr "Pri sťahovaní programov cez Internet beriete na seba riziko: program by mohol mať závažné chyby, alebo server, z ktorého sťahujete by mohol byť napadnutý útočníkom. $PROJECT má urobené opatrenia na minimalizáciu týchto rizík. Máme starostlivo testované naše aplikácie. Naše servery sú za bezpečnostnou bránou a sú nastavené na vysokú úroveň zabezpečenia. Pre zaistenie integrity sťahovaných programov sú všetky spustiteľné súbory digitálne pospísané na bezpečnom počítači, nepripojenom k Internetu."
+msgstr "Činnosť aplikačných programov $PROJECT môže na niektorých počítačoch spôsobovať prehrievanie. Ak sa to stane, zastavte výpočet $PROJECT, alebo použite %s ktoré obmedzujú využitie procesora."
+msgstr "pomocné programy"
+msgstr "$PROJECT bol vyvinutý v %s. BOINC bol vyvinutý na University of California v Berkeley."
+msgstr "Zodpovednosť"
+msgstr "$PROJECT a %s nenesú žiadnu zodpovednosť za poškodenie ášho počítača, stratu údajov, alebo akékoľvek iné udalosti alebo stavy, ktoré môžu nastať ako dôsledok účasti v $PROJECT."
+msgid "RULES_OTHER"
+msgstr "Iné BOINC projekty"
+msgstr "Tak ako $PROJECT, aj ďalšie projekty využívajú rovnakú platformu - BOINC. Môžete uvážiť účasť v jednom, alebo viacerých z týchto projektov. Ak tak urobíte, Vášr počítač bude užitočne pracovať, i keď $PROJECT nebude mať žiadnu prácu."
+msgstr "Tieto ďalšie projekty nie sú združené s $PROJECT, a teda sa nemôžeme zaručiť za ich bezpečnostnú praxani za predmet ich výskumu. Pripojte sa k nim na vlastné riziko."
+# #######################################
+# Create account form (create_account_form.php)
+# #######################################
+msgstr "Vytvorenie konta"
+msgstr "Prečítajte si %s pred vytvorením konta."
+msgstr "Ak ste už obdržali kľúč konta, nevypĺňajte tento formulár. %s namiesto toho."
+msgstr "Meno"
+msgstr "Identifikáciana stránke Vášho konta v našej sieti. Použite Vaše skutočné meno, alebo prezývku."
+msgstr "Emailová adresa"
+msgstr "Musí byť platná adresa tvaru 'meno@domena'."
+msgstr "Krajina"
+msgstr "Vyberte krajinu, ktorú chcete reprezentovať."
+msgid "CREATE_AC_ZIP"
+msgstr "Poštové smerovacie číslo"
+msgstr "Vytvoriť konto"
+msgstr "Vytváranie konta je zablokované"
+msgstr "Vytváranie konta je v $PROJECT dočasne zablokované. Prosím skúste znova neskôr."
+msgstr "Toto konto bude náležať k tímu %s a bude mať preferencie projektu podľa jeho zakladateľa."
+msgstr "POZNÁMKA: Ak používate BOINC verziu 5.2 a vyššiu s BOINC Manažérom, nepoužívajte tento formulár. Iba spustite BOINC, vyberte Attach Project (Pripojiť k projektu), a vložte emailovú adresu a heslo. "
+msgstr "Heslo"
+msgstr "Musí mať minimálne %s znakov"
+msgstr "Potvrdenie hesla"
+msgstr "Musíte vložiť pozvánkový kód pre vytvorenie konta."
+msgstr "Pozvánkový kód Vami vložený nie je správnyThe invitation code you gave is not valid."
+# #######################################
+# Forum sample index page
+# #######################################
+msgid "FORUM_TITLE"
+msgstr "$PROJECT Diskusné fórum"
+msgstr "Diskusné fórum"
+# #######################################
+# General stuff (create_account_form.php and others)
+# #######################################
+msgid "OPTIONAL"
+msgstr "Nepovinné"
+# #######################################
+# Various top table pages (top users, computers, teams)
+# #######################################
+msgstr "Najlepší účastníci"
+msgstr "Poradie"
+msgstr "Meno"
+msgstr "Celkový kredit"
+msgstr "Súčasný priemerný kredit (RAC)"
+msgstr "Krajina"
+msgstr "Účastník od"
+msgstr "Najlepšie %s tímy"
+msgstr "Členov"
+# #######################################
+# Forum
+# #######################################
+msgid "FORUM_POSTS"
+msgstr "Príspevkov"
+msgid "FORUM_TOPIC"
+msgstr "Téma"
+msgstr "Vlákna"
+msgstr "Najnovší príspevok"
+msgstr "Autor"
+msgid "FORUM_VIEWS"
+msgstr "Náhľady"
+msgstr "Žiadne také fórum nenájdené"
+msgstr "Pre vytvorenie nového vlákna v %s musíte mať istý kredit.Toto je na prevenciu a ochranu pred zneužitím systému."
+msgstr "Práve teraz nemôžete vytvoriť žiadne nové vlákna. Prosím počkajte chvíľu než skúsite znova.Toto zdržanie bola vložené ako ochrana proti zneužitiu systému."
+msgstr "Oblasť %s Vám umožňuje získať pomoc od iných užívateľov. Ak máte otázku alebo problém:"
+msgstr "Prečítajte si existujúci zoznam otázok. Ak už obsahuje Vašu otázku, kliknite na %s tlačidlo. Ak odpovede na otázku boli vložené, prečítajte si ich. Ak niektorá z nich odpovedá na Vašu otázku, kliknite na %s tlačidlo."
+msgstr "Ak Vaša otázka zatiaľ nebola zodpovedaná, položte ju pomocou tohoto formulára."
+msgstr "Tým sa predíde kladeniu duplicitných otázok."
+msgstr "Vložiť novú otázku/problém"
+msgstr "Vytvoriť nové vlákno"
+msgstr "Názov"
+msgstr "Formulujte Vašu otázku niekoľkými slovami. Stručné a jasné zhrnutie pomôže ostatným s rovnakou otázkou (alebo odpoveďou) ju nájsť."
+msgstr "Ak máte softvérové problemy, uveďte verziu softvéru, typ Vášho počítača a operačný systém."
+msgstr "Pridať môj podpis k tomuto príspevku"
+msgstr "Správa"
+msgstr "Mám tiež tento problém"
+msgstr "Toto odpovedá na moju otázku"
+msgstr "Používajte BBCode tagy na formátovanie Vášho textu"
+# #######################################
+# Forum thread
+# #######################################
+msgstr "Toto vlákno bolo schované z administratívnych dôvodov"
+msgstr "Reagovať na toto vlákno"
+msgstr "Ste zapísaný do tohoto vlákna."
+msgstr "Kliknúť sem pre zrušenie zápisu"
+msgstr "Zapísať sa do tohoto vlákna"
+# #######################################
+# Forum search features
+# #######################################
+msgstr "Hľadať na fóre"
+msgstr "Nadpisy obsahujúce '%s'"
+msgstr "Príspevky obsahujúce '%s'"
+msgstr "Žiadne nadpisy obsahujúce '%s' neboli nájdené."
+msgstr "Žiadne príspevky obsahujúce '%s' neboli nájdené."
+# #######################################
+# Links from the main page
+# #######################################
+msgid "LINKS_QA"
+msgstr "Otázky a odpovede"
diff --git a/html/languages/translations/zh_TW.po b/html/languages/translations/zh_TW.po
index 046e12f273..3544b3d375 100644
--- a/html/languages/translations/zh_TW.po
+++ b/html/languages/translations/zh_TW.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-11-15 10:57+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-19 17:29+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Jose Sun \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -158,112 +158,20 @@ msgstr "這個帳號屬於 %s 團隊並且有團隊創立者自己的專案偏
msgstr "備註:從 BOINC 5.2 版開始,你不再需要填寫此表單,可以直接從 BOINC 程式裡建立新帳號。只要執行 BOINC,選擇「加入專案」後,輸入你的電子郵件地址和密碼即可。"
-# ########################################
-# Account created page (account_created.php)
-# ########################################
-msgstr "帳號已建立。"
+msgstr "密碼"
-msgstr "恭喜你 - 你的 $PROJECT 帳號已經建立"
+msgstr "必須大於 %s 個字元"
-msgstr "請在這裡貼上你的帳號金鑰以繼續下一步:"
+msgstr "密碼確認"
-msgstr "然後按一下"
+msgstr "你必須輸入邀請碼才能建立帳號。"
-# ########################################
-# Account setup page (account_setuo.php)
-# ########################################
-# also used in account_setup_nonfirst.php:
-msgstr "帳號設定"
-msgstr "$PROJECT 使用 BOINC 軟體系統。"
-msgstr "BOINC 可以讓你自行分配你電腦的運算時間給數個分散式運算專案。"
-msgstr "這是你的第一個 BOINC 專案嗎?"
-msgstr "是的 - 這是我的第一個 BONIC 專案"
-msgstr "不是 - 我已經參與了一個以上它的 BOINC 專案"
-# ########################################
-# First Account setup page (account_setup_first.php)
-# ########################################
-msgstr "帳號偏好設定"
-msgstr "你可以控制 $PROJECT 運用你電腦的時間和方式"
-msgstr "如果要套用預設的設定值,請捲動頁面到最底端並按一下 OK。"
-# ########################################
-# First Account setup done page (account_setup_first_done.php)
-# and (account_setup_nonfirst_done.php
-# ########################################
-msgid "AC_DONE_TITLE"
-msgstr "帳號設定:完成"
-msgstr "你的帳號設定已經完成。"
-msgid "AC_DONE_BOINC"
-msgstr "下一步你必須下載和安裝 BOINC 軟體,然後告訴你的電腦使用這個帳號。"
-msgid "AC_DONE_URL"
-msgstr "當 BOINC 軟體第一次執行時,它會詢問你 專案網址 和 帳號金鑰 。"
-msgstr "複製下面的訊息並貼上到軟體中:"
-msgstr "你現在可以 %s 以完成 $PROJECT 的安裝。"
-msgstr "下載 BOINC 軟體"
-msgstr "感謝你參與 $PROJECT 專案"
-# ########################################
-# Non-first Account setup page (account_setup_nonfirst.php)
-# ########################################
-msgstr "帳號設定:資源分享"
-# ########################################
-# Non-first Account setup done page (account_setup_nonfirst_done.php)
-# ########################################
-msgstr "下一步你必須告訴你電腦使用這個帳號。"
-msgid "AC_DONE_WIN"
-msgstr "Windows 使用者:"
-msgstr "按兩下 BOINC 的系統匣圖示開啟 BOINC 應用程式視窗。然後從設定功能表選擇「加入新專案」。接下來程式會詢問你專案網址和帳號金鑰。"
-msgid "AC_DONE_UNIX"
-msgstr "Mac、Unix 和 Linux 的使用者:"
-msgstr "離開 BOINC 用戶端。然後以 -attach_project 選項執行 BOINC 用戶端。接下來程式會詢問你專案網址和帳號金鑰。"
-msgstr "所有使用者都要複製下面的訊息並貼上到軟體中:"
-msgstr "已經完成了 $PROJECT 的安裝。"
+msgstr "你輸入的邀請碼無效。"
# ########################################
# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
@@ -272,11 +180,10 @@ msgid "FORUM_TITLE"
msgstr "$PROJECT 留言板"
# ########################################
-# Different strange places:
+# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
# ########################################
-# account_created.php
-msgstr "組態你的帳號"
+msgstr "留言板"
# ########################################
# General stuff (create_account_form.php and others)
@@ -296,10 +203,10 @@ msgstr "排名"
msgstr "姓名"
msgstr "總積分"
msgstr "最近平均積分"
@@ -317,6 +224,36 @@ msgstr "%s 團隊排名"
msgstr "成員"
+msgid "FORUM_POSTS"
+msgstr "篇數"
+# ########################################
+# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
+# ########################################
+msgid "FORUM_TOPIC"
+msgstr "主題"
+# ########################################
+# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
+# ########################################
+msgstr "討論串"
+msgstr "最後發表時間"
+# ########################################
+# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
+# ########################################
+msgstr "發表者"
+# ########################################
+# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
+# ########################################
+msgid "FORUM_VIEWS"
+msgstr "觀看次數"
# ########################################
# Forum
# ########################################
@@ -383,6 +320,30 @@ msgstr "此文章解答了我的問題"
msgstr "使用 BBCode 標籤為文字加上格式"
+# ########################################
+# Forum thread
+# ########################################
+msgstr "因管理之故,此討論串已被隱藏"
+msgstr "回覆此討論串"
+msgstr "你已訂閱此討論串。"
+msgstr "按這裡取消訂閱"
+msgstr "訂閱此討論串"
+# ########################################
+# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
+# ########################################
+msgstr "討論區搜尋"
# ########################################
# Rules and Policies page (info.php)
# ########################################
diff --git a/languages/translations/de.po b/languages/translations/de.po
index 7624c18105..1e2995350c 100644
--- a/languages/translations/de.po
+++ b/languages/translations/de.po
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ msgid "HELP_P1_1"
msgstr "Mit der BOINC-Onlinehilfe können Sie sich persönlich mit "
"einem erfahrenen BOINC-Nutzer unterhalten. Dieser kann: "
"%sFragen rund um BOINC und Volunteer Computing beantworten, "
-"%sSie bei der Installation und beim Betrieb von BOINC unterstützen, "
+"%sSie bei der Installation und beim Betrieb von BOINC unterstützen "
"%sund Problemen aller Art auf den Grund gehen."
msgid "HELP_P1_2"
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ msgstr "Informationen und Rat erhalten Sie auch von: "
"%sder BOINC-Website%s"
"%sanderen Websites zum Thema BOINC%s"
"%sden BOINC-Diskussionsforen%s"
-"%sden Diskussionsforen der einzelnen BOINC-basierten Projekte.%s"
+"%sden Diskussionsforen der einzelnen BOINC-basierten Projekte."
msgstr "Ein freiwilliger Helfer werden"
@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@ msgid "HELP_P3_2"
msgstr "Wenn Sie bereits ein freiwilliger Helfer sind, können Sie "
"hier Ihre %sEinstellungen bearbeiten%s."
# index.php
@@ -703,16 +704,16 @@ msgstr "Bekämpfen Sie Krankheiten, studieren Sie die globale "
"Klimaerwärmung, entdecken Sie Pulsare und stellen Sie "
"zahlreiche andere Arten wissenschaftlicher Forschung an mit "
"der ungenutzten Rechenleistung Ihres Computers (Windows, Mac "
-"oder Linux). Es ist sicher und einfach zugleich:"
-"%sProjekte%s auswählen"
-"Die BOINC-Software %sherunterladen%s und starten"
-"Die Projekt-URLs, Ihre E-Mailadresse und ein Passwort "
+"oder Linux). Es ist sicher und einfach zugleich: "
+"%sAuswählen%s der Projekte"
+"%sHerunterladen%s und Starten der BOINC-Software "
+"%sEingeben%s der Projekt-URLs, Ihrer E-Mailadresse und eines "
msgid "HOME_P2"
-msgstr "Sie können der Einfachheit halber auch eine "
-"Kontoverwaltung wie beispielsweise %sGridRepublic%s oder "
-"%sBAM!%s verwenden, wenn Sie an mehreren Projekten teilnehmen."
+msgstr "Wenn Sie an mehreren Projekten teilnehmen, können Sie der "
+"Einfachheit halber auch eine Kontoverwaltung wie beispielsweise "
+"%sGridRepublic%s oder %sBAM!%s verwenden."
msgid "HOME_P3"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder Hilfe beim Einstieg benötigen, "
@@ -731,4 +732,4 @@ msgid "HOME_ADD_ONS"
msgstr "Add-ons"
-msgstr "Umfrage"
+msgstr "Umfrage"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.mo b/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.mo
index d704eb809e..147ca720a4 100755
Binary files a/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.mo and b/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.po b/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.po
index d7b0b7b78c..03920530de 100755
--- a/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.po
+++ b/locale/client/fr/BOINC Manager.po
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-11 20:08+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Arnaud \n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-18 12:11+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Arnaud \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ msgstr "Configuration de l'interface graphique et des param
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
#, c-format
msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
-msgstr "Se connecter un autre ordinateur travaillant sur %s"
+msgstr "Se connecte un autre ordinateur travaillant sur %s"
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
msgid "Select computer..."
@@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ msgstr "Je veux personnaliser mes pr
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:330
msgid "Customized Preferences"
-msgstr "Prfrences Personnalises"
+msgstr "Prfrences Personnelles"
#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:346
msgid "Do work only between:"
@@ -1707,7 +1707,6 @@ msgid "Show graphics"
msgstr "Montrer les graphiques"
#: clientgui/SkinManager.cpp:975
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"This will shut down %s and its tasks entirely until either the\n"
"%s application or the %s screen saver is run again.\n"
@@ -1716,6 +1715,12 @@ msgid ""
"rather than to exit the application; that will allow %s to run its\n"
"tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
msgstr ""
+"Cela va entirement arrter %s et ses tches jusqu' ce que\n"
+"l'application ou l'cran de veille soit redmarr.\n"
+"Dans la plupart des cas, il vaut mieux simplement fermer la fentre du %s \n"
+"plutt que de quitter l'application; cela permettra %s de\n"
+"traiter les tches aux moments que vous avez choisis dans les prfrences."
#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
@@ -2047,7 +2052,7 @@ msgstr "Suspendu par l'utilisateur"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:685
#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:632
msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "N'obtiendra pas de nouveau travail"
+msgstr "Pas de nouveau travail"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:688
#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:635
@@ -2484,14 +2489,14 @@ msgstr "Calculs en cours"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:778
#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:688
msgid "Waiting to run"
-msgstr "En attente de dmarrage"
+msgstr "Calculs en attente"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:780
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:690
#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:693
msgid "Ready to start"
-msgstr "Prt a dmarrer"
+msgstr "Prt dmarrer"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:787
#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:697
@@ -2679,7 +2684,7 @@ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:196
msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Lgende du Camembert"
#: clientgui/DlgAbout.h:52
msgid "About BOINC Manager"
diff --git a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo
index 2a4411a10a..92e2757f4a 100644
Binary files a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo and b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po
index d155c5613d..248cc2e5f9 100644
--- a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po
+++ b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 5.8.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: 1.38\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-12-26 22:40+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-15 17:24+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Yin Gang \n"
"Language-Team: www.EQUN.com \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: CHINA\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: iso-8859-1\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Entwicklung\\boinc\\\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: E:\\Works\\boinc_src\\dev\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:320
@@ -69,12 +68,11 @@ msgid "&Email address:"
msgstr "电子邮箱地址(&E):"
#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
-#, c-format
msgid "minimum length %d"
msgstr "最小长度 %d"
#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:435
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:314
msgid "Attach to project"
msgstr "加入项目"
@@ -87,12 +85,10 @@ msgid "Attach to account manager"
msgstr "加入帐号管理器"
#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:450
-#, c-format
msgid "The minimum password length for this project is %d. Please enter a different password."
msgstr "该项目要求的最小密码长度为%d,请输入符合要求的密码。"
#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:456
-#, c-format
msgid "The minimum password length for this account manager is %d. Please enter a different password."
msgstr "该帐号管理器要求的最小密码长度为%d。请输入符合要求的密码。"
@@ -102,7 +98,7 @@ msgstr "两次输入的密码不匹配,请重新输入。"
#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:225
msgid "Enter account key"
-msgstr "输入账号密钥"
+msgstr "输入帐号密钥"
#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:228
msgid ""
@@ -111,7 +107,7 @@ msgid ""
"Go to the project's web site to create an account. Your account\n"
"key will be emailed to you."
msgstr ""
@@ -125,7 +121,7 @@ msgstr "82412313ac88e9a3638f66ea82186948"
#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:240
msgid "Account key:"
-msgstr "账号密钥:"
+msgstr "帐号密钥:"
#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:175
msgid "Account Manager URL"
@@ -140,11 +136,11 @@ msgstr "请输入帐号管理器的网址。"
msgid ""
"You can copy and paste the URL from your browser's\n"
"address bar."
-msgstr "你可以从浏览器的地址栏中复制网址(URL)。"
+msgstr "您可以从浏览器的地址栏中复制网址(URL)。"
#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:185
msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
-msgstr "账号管理的网址(&U):"
+msgstr "帐号管理器的网址(&U):"
#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:188
msgid "For a list of BOINC-based account managers go to:"
@@ -152,7 +148,6 @@ msgstr "查看BOINC项目的帐号管理器网址列表请到:"
#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:190
#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:191
-#, c-format
msgid "Communicating with %s."
msgstr "正在和%s进行通讯。"
@@ -168,33 +163,34 @@ msgstr "请稍候..."
#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:313
#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:482
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:540
msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
msgstr "服务器上产生了一个内部错误。\n"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:100
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "已连接"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:108
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "已断开"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:308
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:310
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:103
msgid "&Close Window\tCTRL+W"
msgstr "关闭窗口(&C)\tCTRL+W"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:104
msgid "Close BOINC Manager Window."
msgstr "关闭BOINC管理器的窗口。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:316
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:317
msgid "Exit the %s"
msgstr "退出%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:322
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:614
#: clientgui/mac/MacSysMenu.cpp:129
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "退出(&X)"
@@ -205,193 +201,209 @@ msgstr "简易视图(&S)"
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
msgid "Display the simple BOINC graphical interface."
-msgstr "显示BOINC的简易图形界面。"
+msgstr "显示简洁的BOINC图形界面。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
-msgid "Attach to &project"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:341
+msgid "Attach to &project..."
msgstr "加入项目(&P)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
msgid "Attach to a project"
msgstr "加入一个项目"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
+msgid "Attach to &account manager..."
+msgstr "加入帐号管理器(&A)..."
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
-msgid "Attach to &account manager"
+msgid "Attach to an account manager"
msgstr "加入帐号管理器"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:348
-msgid "Attach to an account manager"
-msgstr "加入一个账号管理器"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:352
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:351
msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
msgstr "与%s进行同步(&S)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355
msgid "Get current settings from %s"
msgstr "从%s获取当前的参数设定"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
msgid "&Run always"
msgstr "一直运行(&R)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr "运行计算程序且不受参数设置的影响"
+msgstr "运行计算程序且不受参数的影响"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
+msgid "Run based on &preferences"
+msgstr "依照参数运行(&P)"
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:376
-msgid "Run based on &preferences"
-msgstr "依照参数设置运行(&P)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
msgid "Allow work according to your preferences"
msgstr "运行计算程序且依照用户设定的参数"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "暂停(&S)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:382
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr "暂停计算程序且不受参数设置的影响"
+msgstr "暂停计算程序且不受参数的影响"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:397
msgid "&Network activity always available"
msgstr "网络总是可用(&N)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
-msgstr "允许使用网络且不受参数设置影响"
+msgstr "允许使用网络且不受参数影响"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+msgid "Network activity based on &preferences"
+msgstr "依据参数使用网络(&P)"
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:403
-msgid "Network activity based on &preferences"
-msgstr "依据参数设置使用网络(&P)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:404
msgid "Allow network activity according to your preferences"
msgstr "允许使用网络且依照用户设定的参数"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
msgid "&Network activity suspended"
msgstr "暂停使用网络(&N)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:408
msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
-msgstr "暂停使用网络且不受参数设置的影响"
+msgstr "暂停使用网络且不受参数的影响"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
-msgid "&Options"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:415
+msgid "&Options..."
msgstr "选项(&O)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
msgid "Configure GUI options and proxy settings"
-msgstr "配置程序界面及网络代理选项"
+msgstr "配置界面及代理服务器选项"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
-msgstr "连接到一台运行%s的计算机"
+msgstr "连接到另外一台运行%s的计算机"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:427
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
msgid "Select computer..."
msgstr "选择计算机..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:432
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
msgstr "运行CPU基准测试(&B)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:432
msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
msgstr "运行BOINC的CPU基准测试"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
msgid "Retry &communications"
msgstr "重试所有连接(&C)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
msgid "Report completed work, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more work."
msgstr "上报所有完成的任务,获取最新的积分及参数设置,可能下载更多的新任务。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:442
+msgid "Read config file"
+msgstr "读取配置文件"
#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:320
+msgid "Read configuration info from cc-config.xml."
+msgstr "从cc-config.xml中读取配置信息。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+msgid "Read local prefs file"
+msgstr "读取本地参数设置文件"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:448
+msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
+msgstr "从global_prefs_override.xml中读取参数设置。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:322
#, c-format
msgid "&Defect from %s"
-msgstr "退出%s(&D)"
+msgstr "离开%s(&D)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:449
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
msgid "Remove client from account manager control."
-msgstr "从帐号管理器移除客户端。"
+msgstr "将客户端退出帐号管理器。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:454
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:462
+msgid "Attach to &project"
+msgstr "加入项目(&P)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
msgid "Attach to a project to begin processing work"
msgstr "加入一个项目以开始处理任务"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:113
#, c-format
-msgid "&%s\tF1"
-msgstr "&%s\tF1"
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:471
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:119
msgid "Show information about the %s"
msgstr "查看%s的信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:131
msgid "%s &website"
msgstr "%s网站(&W)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:489
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:137
msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
msgstr "查看BOINC和%s的信息"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:503
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:608
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:604
msgid "&About %s..."
msgstr "关于%s(&A)..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:520
msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
msgstr "查看许可与版权信息。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:527
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:160
msgid "&File"
msgstr "文件(&F)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:531
msgid "&View"
msgstr "视图(&V)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:526
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:535
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "工具(&T)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:539
msgid "&Activity"
msgstr "活动(&A)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
msgid "A&dvanced"
msgstr "高级(&D)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:150
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:356
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:363
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "帮助(&H)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1161
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1169
msgid "BOINC Manager - Detach from %s"
msgstr "BOINC管理器 - 退出%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1165
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1173
msgid ""
"If you defect from %s,\n"
"you'll keep all your current projects,\n"
@@ -399,53 +411,47 @@ msgid ""
"Do you want to defect from %s?"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1215
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1223
msgid "Attaching to project..."
msgstr "正在加入项目..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1257
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1261
msgid "Retrying communications for project(s)..."
msgstr "正在重试项目的网络通讯..."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1340
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1344
msgid "%s - Language Selection"
msgstr "%s - 语言选择"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1347
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1351
msgid "The %s's default language has been changed, in order for this change to take affect you must restart the %s."
msgstr "%s的缺省语言已被修改,且必须重启%s才能生效。"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1560
#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:105
-#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1563
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1569
msgid "%s has successfully attached to %s"
msgstr "%s已经成功地加入了%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1688
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1691
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1694
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1697
msgid "%s - (%s)"
msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1689
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1695
msgid "Connecting to %s"
msgstr "正在连接至 %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1692
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1698
msgid "Connected to %s"
msgstr "已连接至 %s"
@@ -487,22 +493,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:336
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:346
msgid "%s - Connection Error"
msgstr "%s - 连接错误"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:352
msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
msgstr "您提供的密码不正确,请重试。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:365
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:375
msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
msgstr "%s - 连接失败"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:374
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:384
msgid ""
"%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
"Would you like to try to connect again?"
@@ -510,38 +513,36 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:407
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:417
msgid "%s - Connection Status"
msgstr "%s - 连接状态"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:418
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:428
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
"To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
msgstr ""
-"%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
-"To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:436
msgid "Web sites"
msgstr "网站"
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:63
-#, c-format
msgid "%s - Network Status"
msgstr "%s - 网络状态"
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:260
-#, c-format
msgid "%s needs to connect to the Internet. Please click to open %s."
msgstr "%s需要连接至互联网。请点击打开%s。"
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:268
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is unable to communicate with a project and needs an Internet connection.\n"
"Please connect to the Internet, then select the 'retry communications' item off the advanced menu."
@@ -550,21 +551,18 @@ msgstr ""
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:314
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
"May it do so now?"
msgstr ""
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:327
-#, c-format
msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
msgstr "%s正在连接至互联网。"
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:358
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s couldn't do Internet communication, and no default connection is selected.\n"
"Please connect to the Internet, or select a default connection\n"
@@ -574,36 +572,30 @@ msgstr ""
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:392
-#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
msgstr "%s已经成功地连接至互联网。"
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:420
-#, c-format
msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
msgstr "%s连接至互联网失败。"
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:461
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
"Updating all projects and retrying all transfers."
msgstr ""
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:504
-#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
msgstr "%s已经成功地断开至互联网的连接。"
#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:520
-#, c-format
msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
msgstr "%s断开至互联网的连接失败。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:203
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:195
msgid ""
"BOINC ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall BOINC.\n"
"(Error code %d)"
@@ -611,63 +603,56 @@ msgstr ""
"(错误代码 %d)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:392
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:382
msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
msgstr "启动BOINC时仅显示在系统托盘区"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:383
msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
msgstr "禁用BOINC中用户和权限相关的安全选项"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:456
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:446
msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
msgstr "(自动检测)"
-# Dialog: Extras/Optionen/Sprachauswahl
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:447
msgid "(Unknown)"
msgstr "(未知)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:458
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:448
msgid "(User Defined)"
msgstr "(用户自定义)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1059
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
msgstr "%s - 退出确认"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:342
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:338
msgid "%s is currently suspended...\n"
msgstr "%s已被暂停...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:354
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:350
msgid "%s networking is currently suspended...\n"
msgstr "%s的网络已被暂停...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:394
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:390
msgid "%s is currently reconnecting to a %s client...\n"
msgstr "%s正在重新连接至一个%s客户端...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:406
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:402
msgid "%s is not currently connected to a %s client...\n"
msgstr "%s当前没有连接到任何%s客户端...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:589
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:585
msgid "Open %s Web..."
msgstr "打开%s的网站..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:596
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:592
msgid "Open %s..."
msgstr "打开%s..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:603
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:599
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "休息一下"
@@ -681,7 +666,7 @@ msgstr "更新帐号管理器失败"
#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:211
msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
-msgstr "移除账号管理器失败"
+msgstr "退出帐号管理器失败"
#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:215
msgid "Failed to attach to account manager"
@@ -726,7 +711,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "点击完成,您的浏览器将打开一个网页,您可在网页上设置您的帐号用户名及项目参数。"
#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
-#, c-format
msgid "Update from %s completed."
msgstr "从%s的更新已完成。"
@@ -735,7 +719,6 @@ msgid "Update completed."
msgstr "更新已完成。"
#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:257
-#, c-format
msgid "Removal from %s completed."
msgstr "退出%s已完成。"
@@ -744,7 +727,6 @@ msgid "Removal succeeded!"
msgstr "退出成功!"
#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:278
-#, c-format
msgid "Attached to %s"
msgstr "已经加入了%s"
@@ -753,21 +735,20 @@ msgid "Attached to account manager"
msgstr "已经加入到帐号管理器"
#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:292
-#, c-format
msgid "Welcome to %s!"
msgstr "欢迎来到%s!"
#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:306
-#, c-format
msgid "You are now successfully attached to the %s system."
-msgstr "您已经成功地加入了%s系统。"
+msgstr ""
#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:310
msgid "You are now successfully attached to this account manager."
msgstr "您已经成功地加入了当前帐号管理器。"
#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:99
-#, c-format
msgid "About %s"
msgstr "关于%s"
@@ -849,7 +830,7 @@ msgstr "设置默认值(&S)"
#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
msgid "&Clear Default"
-msgstr "消除默认值(&C)"
+msgstr "清除默认值(&C)"
#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:192
msgid "Default Connection:"
@@ -920,12 +901,10 @@ msgid "Host name:"
msgstr "主机名:"
#: clientgui/hyperlink.cpp:181
-#, c-format
msgid "%s - Can't find web browser"
msgstr "%s - 无法找到网页浏览器"
#: clientgui/hyperlink.cpp:192
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s tried to display the web page\n"
@@ -963,7 +942,7 @@ msgstr "提问及报告错误"
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
msgid "Your account"
-msgstr "您的账号"
+msgstr "您的帐号"
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
@@ -977,14 +956,13 @@ msgstr "您的参数设置"
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
msgid "View and modify your SETI@home account profile and preferences"
-msgstr "查看和修改您的SETI@home账号及参数设置"
+msgstr "查看和修改您的SETI@home帐号及参数设置"
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
msgid "Your results"
msgstr "您的任务"
-# Einstein@home project button
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
@@ -1076,7 +1054,8 @@ msgstr "GEO-600项目的主页"
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:155
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:400
msgid "Team"
msgstr "团队"
@@ -1181,7 +1160,7 @@ msgid ""
"Please check the URL and try again."
msgstr ""
@@ -1203,7 +1182,7 @@ msgstr "项目网址"
#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:234
msgid "Enter the URL of the project's web site."
-msgstr "请输入项目网站的地址:"
+msgstr "请输入项目网站的地址。"
#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:241
msgid "Project &URL:"
@@ -1239,29 +1218,24 @@ msgid ""
"BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet. The most likely\n"
"reasons are:\n"
-"1) Connectivity problem. Please check your network or modem\n"
-"connection and hit the back button to retry the previous\n"
+"1) Connectivity problem. Check your network\n"
+"or modem connection and click Back to try again.\n"
-"2) Personal firewall software is blocking BOINC. You must\n"
-"configure your personal firewall to let BOINC communicate\n"
-"on port 80. Once this is fixed, click Back to try again.\n"
+"2) Personal firewall software is blocking BOINC.\n"
+"Configure your personal firewall to let BOINC\n"
+"communicate on port 80, then click Back to try again.\n"
-"3) You are using a proxy server and BOINC needs to know\n"
-"about it."
+"3) You are using a proxy server.\n"
+"Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
msgstr ""
-"1) 连接问题。请检查您的网络或拨号连接并点击上一步以重试之前的操作。\n"
+"1) 连接问题。请检查您的网络或拨号连接并点击上一步以重试。\n"
"2) 被个人防火墙阻挡,您必须配置您的防火墙以允许BOINC在80端口的通讯。\n"
-"3) 您正在通过代理服务器接入互联网,您必须让BOINC也使用这个代理。"
-#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:216
-msgid "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
-msgstr "点击下一步对BOINC的代理进行配置。"
+"3) 您正在通过代理服务器接入互联网,请点击下一步以进行对BOINC的代理设置。"
#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
msgid "Proxy configuration"
@@ -1327,7 +1301,7 @@ msgstr "正在等待连接项目服务器。"
#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:318
#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:326
msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "正在取得当前状态。"
+msgstr "正在获取当前状态"
#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:321
msgid "No work available to process"
@@ -1337,317 +1311,307 @@ msgstr "无任务可供处理"
msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
msgstr "无法连接至核心客户端"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:104
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:106
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:110
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:153
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:269
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:862
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1630
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Project"
msgstr "项目"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:105
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:107
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:111
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
msgid "Time"
msgstr "时间"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:106
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:108
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:112
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
msgid "Message"
msgstr "消息"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:169
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:169
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:84
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "复制所有消息"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:171
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:175
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:171
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:189
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:85
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:103
msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
msgstr "复制所有消息至剪贴板。"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:181
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:181
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:91
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:91
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "复制选中的消息"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:184
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:196
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:184
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:210
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:222
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:111
msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
msgstr "复制选中的消息至剪贴板。您可以在选择的时候通过按住Shift键或Commandl键来选取多条消息。"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:188
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:200
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:188
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:226
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:97
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:102
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:115
msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
msgstr "复制选中的消息至剪贴板。您可以在选择的时候通过按住Shift键或Ctrl键来选取多条消息。"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:664
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages_bak.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:506
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:116
+msgid "Get help with BOINC"
+msgstr "从BOINC得到帮助"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:744
msgid "BOINC Manager - Messages"
msgstr "BOINC管理器 - 消息"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:92
msgid "100 MB"
msgstr "100 MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:93
msgid "200 MB"
msgstr "200 MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:94
msgid "500 MB"
msgstr "500 MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:94
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:95
msgid "1 GB"
msgstr "1 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96
msgid "2 GB"
msgstr "2 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97
msgid "5 GB"
msgstr "5 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98
msgid "10 GB"
msgstr "10 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99
msgid "20 GB"
msgstr "20 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100
msgid "50 GB"
msgstr "50 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:101
msgid "100 GB"
msgstr "100 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:132
msgid "10%"
msgstr "10%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:133
msgid "20%"
msgstr "20%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:134
msgid "30%"
msgstr "30%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:135
msgid "40%"
msgstr "40%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136
msgid "50%"
msgstr "50%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137
msgid "60%"
msgstr "60%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138
msgid "70%"
msgstr "70%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139
msgid "80%"
msgstr "80%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140
msgid "90%"
msgstr "90%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:141
msgid "100%"
msgstr "100%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:166
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:166
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:167
+msgid "3"
+msgstr "3"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:168
msgid "5"
msgstr "5"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:167
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:169
msgid "10"
msgstr "10"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170
msgid "15"
msgstr "15"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:169
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:171
msgid "30"
msgstr "30"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:172
msgid "60"
msgstr "60"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:281
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "皮肤"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:288
msgid "Skin:"
msgstr "皮肤:"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:304
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "参数设置"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:319
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:321
msgid "I want to customize my preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "我只想定制本台计算机的参数"
+msgstr "我想定制本台计算机的参数。"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:328
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:330
msgid "Customized Preferences"
msgstr "定制的参数设置"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:346
msgid "Do work only between:"
msgstr "计算时间段:"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:379
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:381
msgid "and"
msgstr "到"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:368
msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
msgstr "连接互联网的时间段:"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:388
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:407
msgid "Use no more than:"
msgstr "最多使用:"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:403
msgid "of disk space"
msgstr "磁盘空间"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:418
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:420
msgid "of the processor"
msgstr "处理器"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:422
-msgid "Do work while in use?"
-msgstr "使用计算机时仍然计算?"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:435
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
msgid "Do work while on battery?"
msgstr "电池供电时仍然计算?"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:448
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:437
msgid "Do work after idle for:"
msgstr "闲置一定时间后开始计算:"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:461
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:450
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "分钟"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:619
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:622
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:680
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:684
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:696
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:700
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:852
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:863
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:670
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:673
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:733
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:749
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:911
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:922
msgid "Anytime"
msgstr "任何时候"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:716
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:769
#, c-format
msgid "%d MB"
msgstr "%d MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:771
#, c-format
msgid "%4.2f GB"
msgstr "%4.2f GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:759
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:812
#, c-format
msgid "%d%%"
msgstr "%d%%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:848
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (一直运行)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
#, c-format
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1014
msgid "BOINC Manager - Preferences"
msgstr "BOINC管理器 - 参数设置"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:99
msgid "Attach to an additional project"
msgstr "加入其它项目"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:146
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:169
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:180
msgid "Open a window to view messages"
msgstr "打开一个窗口来查看消息"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:198
msgid "Stop all activity"
msgstr "暂停所有活动"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:210
msgid "Resume activity"
msgstr "继续所有活动"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:227
msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
msgstr "打开一个窗口进行参数设置"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:244
msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
msgstr "切换到BOINC的高级视图"
#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:103
#, c-format
-msgid "%s. Work done for %s: %0.2f"
-msgstr "%s。%s任务完成:%0.2f"
+msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
+msgstr "%s。%s已经完成的任务:%0.2f"
#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:218
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:368
msgid "Are you sure you want to detach from project '%s'?"
msgstr "您确定要退出'%s'项目吗?"
#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:224
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:374
msgid "Detach from Project"
msgstr "退出项目"
@@ -1664,16 +1628,19 @@ msgstr "%d时%d分%d秒"
#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:411
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:228
msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
msgstr "您确定要在远程计算机上显示图形吗?"
#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:412
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:106
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:229
msgid "Show graphics"
msgstr "显示图形"
-#: clientgui/SkinManager.cpp:948
+#: clientgui/SkinManager.cpp:975
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This will shut down %s and its tasks entirely until either the\n"
@@ -1703,7 +1670,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "账号管理器已暂停服务"
+msgstr "帐号管理器已暂停服务"
#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:196
msgid ""
@@ -1711,7 +1678,7 @@ msgid ""
"Please try again later."
msgstr ""
@@ -1721,7 +1688,7 @@ msgstr "请输入帐号密钥以继续。"
#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:72
msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "此账号密钥错误;请输入一个正确的帐号密钥"
+msgstr "此帐号密钥错误;请输入一个正确的帐号密钥"
#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:83
#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:87
@@ -1773,113 +1740,153 @@ msgstr ""
#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:105
#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:109
-#, c-format
msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的主机名称。"
#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:112
-#, c-format
msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的路径。"
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:80
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:80
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:98
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:105
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:831
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1599
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:94
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:101
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:103
msgid "Commands"
msgstr "命令"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:102
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "复制所有消息"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:109
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "复制选中的消息"
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:136
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:146
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "消息"
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:158
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:175
msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
msgstr "复制所有消息至剪贴板..."
#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:190
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:200
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:207
msgid "Aborting transfer..."
msgstr "中断传输..."
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:93
-msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift "
-msgstr "复制选中的消息至剪贴板。您可以在选择的时候通过按住Shift键"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages_bak.cpp:96
-msgid "or command key while clicking on messages."
-msgstr "或Commandl键来选取多条消息。"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
+msgid "Priority"
+msgstr "优先级"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:153
+msgid "MessagesGrid"
+msgstr "消息窗格"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:205
+msgid "Copying selected messages to Clipboard..."
+msgstr "复制选中的消息到剪贴板..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:109
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:116
msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:110
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:117
msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
msgstr "上报所有完成的任务,获取最新的积分及参数设置,可能下载更多的新任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:117
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:124
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:453
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:113
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:379
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "暂停"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:118
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:453
msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
msgstr "暂停当前项目的所有任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:124
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:465
msgid "No new tasks"
msgstr "禁止下载新任务"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:132
msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
msgstr "该项目不再下载任何新任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:138
msgid "Reset project"
msgstr "重置项目"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks. You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
msgstr "删除并重新下载当前项目所有相关文件。您可以先更新当前项目以上传所有已经完成的任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:148
msgid "Detach"
msgstr "退出"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:149
msgid "Detach computer from this project. Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
msgstr "在本计算机上退出当前项目。该项目所有正在计算的任务将丢失,您可以先点击“更新”按钮以上报所有已经完成的任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:154
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:274
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:385
msgid "Account"
msgstr "帐号"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:156
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
msgid "Work done"
msgstr "总积分"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
msgid "Avg. work done"
msgstr "近期平均积分"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "资源分享"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:159
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Status"
msgstr "状态"
@@ -1888,251 +1895,293 @@ msgid "Projects"
msgstr "项目"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:209
msgid "Updating project..."
msgstr "正在更新项目..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:239
msgid "Resuming project..."
msgstr "正在继续项目..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:243
msgid "Suspending project..."
msgstr "正在暂停项目..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:272
msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
msgstr "允许项目下载更多的任务..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:276
msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
msgstr "禁止项目下载更多的任务..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:310
msgid "Resetting project..."
msgstr "正在重置项目..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:299
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:317
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
msgstr "您确定要重置'%s'项目吗?"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:323
msgid "Reset Project"
msgstr "重置项目"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:361
msgid "Detaching from project..."
msgstr "正在退出项目..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:403
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:336
msgid "Launching browser..."
msgstr "正在启动浏览器..."
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:449
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:373
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "继续"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:449
msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
msgstr "继续当前任务的计算。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:461
msgid "Allow new tasks"
msgstr "允许下载新任务"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:461
msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
msgstr "允许当前项目下载新任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:465
msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
msgstr "禁止当前项目下载新任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:682
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:629
msgid "Suspended by user"
msgstr "已被用户暂停"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:632
msgid "Won't get new tasks"
msgstr "禁止下载新任务"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:635
msgid "Scheduler request pending"
msgstr "等待调度请求"
#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:642
msgid "Communication deferred "
msgstr "通讯被延迟 "
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:186
+msgid "ProjectsGrid"
+msgstr "项目窗格"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:95
+msgid "total disk usage"
+msgstr "总磁盘占用"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:112
+msgid "disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC项目的磁盘占用"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:141
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "磁盘"
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:235
msgid "not attached to any BOINC project - 0 bytes"
msgstr "未加入到任何BOINC项目 - 0字节"
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:251
msgid "free disk space - "
msgstr "剩余磁盘空间 - "
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:257
+msgid "used by BOINC - "
+msgstr "BOINC使用 - "
#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:263
-msgid "used by BOINC projects - "
-msgstr "BOINC项目 - "
+msgid "used by other programs - "
+msgstr "其它程序使用 - "
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:269
-msgid "used by others - "
-msgstr "其它 - "
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1126
msgid "User Total"
msgstr "用户的总积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1127
msgid "User Average"
msgstr "用户的近期平均积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:578
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1128
msgid "Host Total"
msgstr "主机的总积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1129
msgid "Host Average"
msgstr "主机的近期平均积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:682
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1234
#, c-format
msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
msgstr "上次更新:%.0f天前"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:835
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1603
msgid "Show user total"
msgstr "显示用户的总积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:836
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1604
msgid "Show total credit for user"
msgstr "显示用户的总积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:842
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1610
msgid "Show user average"
msgstr "显示用户的近期平均积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:843
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1611
msgid "Show average credit for user"
msgstr "显示用户的近期平均积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:849
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1617
msgid "Show host total"
msgstr "显示主机的总积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1618
msgid "Show total credit for host"
msgstr "显示主机的总积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:856
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1624
msgid "Show host average"
msgstr "显示主机的近期平均积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:857
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1625
msgid "Show average credit for host"
msgstr "显示主机的近期平均积分"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:866
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1634
msgid "< &Previous project"
msgstr "< 前一项目(&P)"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:867
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1635
msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "显示上一个项目的图表"
+msgstr "显示前一个项目的图表"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:872
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1640
msgid "&Next project >"
msgstr "后一项目(&N) >"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1641
msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "显示下一个项目的图表"
+msgstr "显示后一个项目的图表"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:878
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1646
msgid "Mode view"
msgstr "查看模式"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:881
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1649
msgid "All projects"
msgstr "所有项目"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:882
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1650
msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
msgstr "显示所有项目,一个项目一张图表"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:888
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1656
msgid "One project"
msgstr "单项目"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:889
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1657
msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
msgstr "显示当前项目的图表"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:895
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1663
msgid "All projects(sum)"
msgstr "所有项目(合成)"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:896
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1664
msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
msgstr "在一张图表中显示所有项目"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:913
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1681
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "统计"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:930
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:948
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:966
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:985
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1003
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1023
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1043
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1063
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1081
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1701
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1722
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1743
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1765
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1786
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1809
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1832
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1855
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1877
msgid "Updating charts..."
msgstr "正在更新图表..."
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:98
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:105
msgid "Retry Now"
msgstr "立即重试"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:106
msgid "Click 'Retry now' to transfer the file now"
msgstr "点击“立即重试”,则现在就传输该文件"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:112
msgid "Abort Transfer"
msgstr "中断传输"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:113
msgid "Click 'Abort transfer' to delete the file from the transfer queue. This will prevent you from being granted credit for this result."
msgstr "点击“中断传输”以从传输队列中删除该文件,这将导致您无法从该结果获得积分。"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "File"
msgstr "文件"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "进度"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "Size"
msgstr "大小"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "Elapsed Time"
msgstr "已用时间"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "速度"
@@ -2141,11 +2190,12 @@ msgid "Transfers"
msgstr "网络传输"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:159
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:174
msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
msgstr "正在重试传输..."
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:193
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:211
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
@@ -2155,80 +2205,108 @@ msgstr ""
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:219
msgid "Abort File Transfer"
msgstr "中断文件传输"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:406
msgid "Retry in "
msgstr "稍后重试 "
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:524
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:652
msgid "Download failed"
msgstr "下载失败"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:526
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:793
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:791
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:701
msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr "上传失败"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:529
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:542
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:426
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:663
msgid "Suspended"
msgstr "已被暂停"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:532
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:795
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:793
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:703
msgid "Uploading"
msgstr "正在上传"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:532
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:743
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:654
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "正在下载"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:418
msgid "Upload pending"
msgstr "等待上传"
#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:418
msgid "Download pending"
msgstr "等待下载"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:151
+msgid "TransfersGrid"
+msgstr "传输窗格"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:108
msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
msgstr "在新窗口中显示项目图形。"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:115
msgid "Suspend work for this result."
msgstr "暂停当前任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:121
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "中止"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:122
msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
msgstr "中止该任务,您将不能得到它的积分。"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Application"
msgstr "计算程序"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Name"
msgstr "任务名称"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "已用CPU时间"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "To completion"
msgstr "剩余时间"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:138
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "上报期限"
@@ -2237,23 +2315,26 @@ msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "任务"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:191
msgid "Resuming task..."
msgstr "正在继续该任务..."
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:195
msgid "Suspending task..."
msgstr "正在暂停该任务..."
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:221
msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
msgstr "正在显示该任务的图形..."
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:287
msgid "Aborting result..."
msgstr "正在中止任务..."
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:280
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
@@ -2262,182 +2343,220 @@ msgstr ""
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:307
msgid "Abort task"
msgstr "中止任务"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:506
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:374
msgid "Resume work for this task."
msgstr "继续计算当前任务。"
#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:380
msgid "Suspend work for this task."
msgstr "暂停计算当前任务。"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:648
msgid "New"
msgstr "新任务"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:748
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:749
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:659
msgid "Project suspended by user"
msgstr "项目已被用户暂停"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:661
msgid "Task suspended by user"
msgstr "任务已被用户暂停"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:755
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:665
msgid " - on batteries"
msgstr " - 电池供电"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:757
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:758
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:668
msgid " - user active"
msgstr " - 用户活跃"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:760
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:761
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:671
msgid " - computation suspended"
msgstr " - 计算被暂停"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:763
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:764
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:674
msgid " - time of day"
msgstr " - 休息时间段"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:766
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:767
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:677
msgid " - CPU benchmarks"
msgstr " - CPU基准测试"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:770
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:680
msgid " - need disk space"
msgstr " - 磁盘空间不足"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid " - CPU throttled"
-msgstr " - CPU限速"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:684
msgid "Waiting for memory"
msgstr "等待足够的内存"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:778
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:686
msgid "Running"
msgstr "运行中"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:780
-msgid "Preempted"
-msgstr "被抢占"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:785
-msgid "Ready to run"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:778
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:688
+msgid "Waiting to run"
msgstr "等待运行"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:789
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:780
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:690
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:693
+msgid "Ready to start"
+msgstr "准备运行"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:787
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:697
msgid "Computation error"
msgstr "计算错误"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:801
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:799
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:709
msgid "Aborted by user"
msgstr "已被用户终止"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:804
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:802
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:712
msgid "Aborted by project"
msgstr "已被项目中止"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:715
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "已中止"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:812
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:810
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:720
msgid "Acknowledged"
msgstr "已被确认"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:812
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:722
msgid "Ready to report"
-msgstr "准备上报"
+msgstr "等待上报"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:816
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:724
msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
msgstr "错误:非法状态 '%d'"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:824
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:822
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:732
msgid "Activities suspended by user"
msgstr "已被用户暂停"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:165
+msgid "TasksGrid"
+msgstr "任务窗格"
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:298
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s %%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:317
msgid ""
"We'll now guide you through the process of attaching\n"
"to a project."
-msgstr "我们将引导你完成加入一个项目的过程。"
+msgstr "我们将引导您完成加入一个项目的过程。"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"We'll now remove this computer from %s. You will\n"
-"be responsible for managing the BOINC client software from\n"
-"now on."
+"We'll now remove this computer from %s. From now on,\n"
+"attach and detach projects directly from this computer.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
msgid "Account manager"
-msgstr "账号管理器"
+msgstr "帐号管理器"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:342
msgid ""
-"We'll now guide you through the process of adding\n"
-"an account manager."
-msgstr "我们将引导你完成加入一个帐号管理器的过程。"
+"We'll now guide you through the process of attaching\n"
+"to an account manager.\n"
+"If you want to attach to a single project, click Cancel,\n"
+"then select the 'Attach to project' menu item instead."
+msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:354
msgid "Debug Flags"
msgstr "调试标志位"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:357
msgid "Project Properties Failure"
-msgstr "项目内容错误"
+msgstr "项目属性错误"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:360
msgid "Project Comm Failure"
msgstr "项目通讯失败"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:363
msgid "Project Properties URL Failure"
msgstr "项目网址错误"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:366
msgid "Account Creation Disabled"
msgstr "帐号创建已被停用"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:364
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:369
msgid "Client Account Creation Disabled"
msgstr "客户端的帐号创建已被停用"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:372
msgid "Account Already Exists"
msgstr "帐号已存在"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:375
msgid "Project Already Attached"
-msgstr "项目已经加入"
+msgstr "项目已被加入"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:378
msgid "Project Attach Failure"
msgstr "加入项目失败"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:381
msgid "Google Comm Failure"
msgstr "连接Google失败"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:379
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:384
msgid "Yahoo Comm Failure"
msgstr "连接Yahoo失败"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:382
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:387
msgid "Net Detection Failure"
msgstr "网络检测失败"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:392
msgid "To continue, click Next."
msgstr "点击下一步以继续。"
@@ -2467,26 +2586,26 @@ msgstr "完成(&F)"
#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:182
#, c-format
msgid "New page inserted. Index = %i"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "New page inserted. Index = %i"
#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:187
#, c-format
msgid "New page appended. Index = %i"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "New page appended. Index = %i"
#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:2048
#, c-format
msgid "Old Page Index = %i"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Old Page Index = %i"
#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:2053
#, c-format
msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:196
msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "派图"
#: clientgui/DlgAbout.h:52
msgid "About BOINC Manager"
diff --git a/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.mo b/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.mo
index c2cde25f72..a4a0a9887c 100644
Binary files a/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.mo and b/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.po b/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.po
index 225bd0e36b..4c2ff7b3cd 100644
--- a/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.po
+++ b/locale/client/zh_TW/Boinc Manager.po
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 4.x\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-05-06 19:50+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-19 17:15+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Jose Sun \n"
"Language-Team: BOINC Development Team \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -12,96 +12,97 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-Country: UNITED STATES\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: iso-8859-1\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\BOINCSRC\\Main\\boinc\n"
-"X-Poedit-Bookmarks: -1,-1,-1,-1,30,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:301
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:320
msgid "User information"
msgstr "使用者資訊"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:306
-msgid "Are you already running this project?"
-msgstr "您準備好運行此專案了嗎?"
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:326
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your account information\n"
+"(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
+msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:309
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:332
+msgid ""
+"This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
+"You can attach only if you already have an account."
+msgstr "該專案暫不接受新帳號註冊,只能加入已存在的帳號。"
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:338
+msgid "Are you already running this project?"
+msgstr "您準備好執行此專案了嗎?"
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:342
msgid "&No, new user"
msgstr "否,我是新使用者(&N)"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:345
msgid "&Yes, existing user"
msgstr "是,我是已存在的使用者(&Y)"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:331
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:494
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:498
msgid "&Password:"
msgstr "密碼:(&P)"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:335
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:368
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:513
msgid "Choose a &password:"
msgstr "選擇密碼(&O):"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:371
msgid "C&onfirm password:"
msgstr "密碼確認:(&O)"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:371
-msgid ""
-"Enter the username and password you used on\n"
-"the web site."
-msgstr "請輸入此網站的帳號名稱和密碼。"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:395
msgid "&Username:"
msgstr "使用者名稱(&U):"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:399
-msgid ""
-"Enter the email address and password you used on\n"
-"the web site."
-msgstr "請輸入此網站的電子郵件地址和密碼。"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:409
msgid "&Email address:"
msgstr "電子郵件地址:(&E)"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
#, c-format
msgid "minimum length %d"
msgstr "最小字元長度 %d"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:431
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:304
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:435
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:314
msgid "Attach to project"
msgstr "加入專案"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:437
msgid "Update account manager"
msgstr "更新帳號管理員"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:435
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:439
msgid "Attach to account manager"
msgstr "加入帳號管理"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:450
#, c-format
-msgid "The minimum password length for this project is %d. Please choose a different password."
-msgstr "此專案所需的最小密碼長度為 %d。請輸入其他的密碼。"
+msgid "The minimum password length for this project is %d. Please enter a different password."
+msgstr "此專案所需的最小密碼長度為 %d,請輸入其他的密碼。"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:452
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:456
#, c-format
-msgid "The minimum password length for this account manager is %d. Please choose a different password."
-msgstr "此帳號管理所需的最小密碼長度為 %d。請輸入其他的密碼。"
+msgid "The minimum password length for this account manager is %d. Please enter a different password."
+msgstr "此帳號管理員所需的最小密碼長度為 %d,請輸入其他的密碼。"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:463
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:467
msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
msgstr "「密碼」與「確認密碼」不相符。請再輸入一次。"
-#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:217
+#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:225
msgid "Enter account key"
msgstr "輸入帳號金鑰"
-#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:228
msgid ""
"This project uses an \"account key\" to identify you.\n"
@@ -112,74 +113,380 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:234
msgid "An account key looks like:"
msgstr "帳號金鑰看起來像:"
-#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:237
msgid "82412313ac88e9a3638f66ea82186948"
msgstr "82412313ac88e9a3638f66ea82186948"
-#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:240
msgid "Account key:"
msgstr "帳號金鑰:"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:167
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:175
msgid "Account Manager URL"
msgstr "帳號管理員網址"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:178
msgid "Enter the URL of the account manager's web site."
msgstr "請輸入帳號管理網站的網址。"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:173
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:229
-msgid "You can copy and paste the URL from your browser's address bar."
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:237
+msgid ""
+"You can copy and paste the URL from your browser's\n"
+"address bar."
msgstr "您可以從瀏覽器的網址列複製網址後貼上。"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:185
msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
msgstr "帳號管理員網址:(&U)"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:188
msgid "For a list of BOINC-based account managers go to:"
msgstr "要取得所有基於 BOINC 的帳號管理員列表請至:"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:182
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:190
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:191
#, c-format
msgid "Communicating with %s."
msgstr "正在與 %s 通訊。"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:189
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:198
msgid "Communicating with server."
msgstr "與伺服器通訊中。"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:202
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:203
msgid "Please wait..."
msgstr "請稍候..."
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:300
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:472
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:313
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:540
msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
msgstr "內部伺服器發生錯誤。\n"
-#: clientgui/AlreadyAttachedPage.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:100
+msgid "Connected"
+msgstr "已連線"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:108
+msgid "Disconnected"
+msgstr "已斷線"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:310
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:103
+msgid "&Close Window\tCTRL+W"
+msgstr "關閉視窗(&C)\tCTRL+W"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:104
+msgid "Close BOINC Manager Window."
+msgstr "關閉 BOINC 管理員"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:317
+#, c-format
+msgid "Exit the %s"
+msgstr "離開 %s"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:322
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/mac/MacSysMenu.cpp:129
+msgid "E&xit"
+msgstr "離開(&X)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:331
+msgid "&Simple View"
+msgstr "簡易檢視(&S)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+msgid "Display the simple BOINC graphical interface."
+msgstr "顯示精簡 BOINC 圖形介面。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:341
+msgid "Attach to &project..."
+msgstr "加入專案(&P)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342
+msgid "Attach to a project"
+msgstr "加入專案"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
+msgid "Attach to &account manager..."
+msgstr "加入帳號管理(&A)..."
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347
+msgid "Attach to an account manager"
+msgstr "加入帳號管理"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:351
+#, c-format
+msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
+msgstr "與 %s 同步(&S)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:355
+#, c-format
+msgid "Get current settings from %s"
+msgstr "從 %s 取得現在的設定"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
+msgid "&Run always"
+msgstr "持續執行(&R)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
+msgstr "不管偏好設定運行工作"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
+msgid "Run based on &preferences"
+msgstr "以偏好設定執行(&P)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:376
+msgid "Allow work according to your preferences"
+msgstr "依照您的偏好設定運行工作"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
+msgid "&Suspend"
+msgstr "暫止(&S)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
+msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
+msgstr "不管偏好設定停止工作"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:397
+msgid "&Network activity always available"
+msgstr "持續進行網路活動(&N)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
+msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
+msgstr "不管偏好設定進行網路活動"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+msgid "Network activity based on &preferences"
+msgstr "以偏好設定連線網路(&P)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:403
+msgid "Allow network activity according to your preferences"
+msgstr "依照您的偏好設定進行網路活動"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
+msgid "&Network activity suspended"
+msgstr "暫止網路活動(&N)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:408
+msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
+msgstr "停止 BONIC 的網路活動"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:415
+msgid "&Options..."
+msgstr "選項(&O)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+msgid "Configure GUI options and proxy settings"
+msgstr "GUI 組態選項和 Proxy 設定"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
+msgstr "連線到另一台運行 %s 的電腦"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
+msgid "Select computer..."
+msgstr "選擇電腦...(&S)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
+msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
+msgstr "執行 CPU 效能測試(&B)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:432
+msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
+msgstr "執行 BONIC 的 CPU 效能測試"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:436
+msgid "Retry &communications"
+msgstr "重試網路通訊(&C)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:437
+msgid "Report completed work, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more work."
+msgstr "回報所有已完成的工作,取得最新積分與偏好設定資訊且儘可能的取得工作。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:442
+msgid "Read config file"
+msgstr "讀取設定檔"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+msgid "Read configuration info from cc-config.xml."
+msgstr "從 cc-config.xml 讀取設定檔案。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+msgid "Read local prefs file"
+msgstr "讀取本機偏好設定"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:448
+msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
+msgstr "從 global_prefs_override.xml 讀取偏好設定。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:452
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:322
+#, c-format
+msgid "&Defect from %s"
+msgstr "從 %s 退出(&D)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:458
+msgid "Remove client from account manager control."
+msgstr "從帳號管理員控制中移除用戶端。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:462
+msgid "Attach to &project"
+msgstr "加入專案(&A)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463
+msgid "Attach to a project to begin processing work"
+msgstr "加入專案以開始進行工作"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:113
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:119
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show information about the %s"
+msgstr "顯示關於 %s 的資訊"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:131
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s &website"
+msgstr "%s 網站(&W)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:137
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
+msgstr "顯示關於 BONIC 及 %s 的資訊"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "&About %s..."
+msgstr "關於 %s...(&A)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:520
+msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
+msgstr "授權與版權資訊。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:527
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:160
+msgid "&File"
+msgstr "檔案(&F)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:531
+msgid "&View"
+msgstr "檢視(&V)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:535
+msgid "&Tools"
+msgstr "工具(&T)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:539
+msgid "&Activity"
+msgstr "活動(&A)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+msgid "A&dvanced"
+msgstr "進階(&D)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:547
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:150
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:363
+msgid "&Help"
+msgstr "說明(&H)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1169
+#, c-format
+msgid "BOINC Manager - Detach from %s"
+msgstr "BOINC 管理員 - 從 %s 退出"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1173
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you defect from %s,\n"
+"you'll keep all your current projects,\n"
+"but you'll have to manage projects manually.\n"
+"Do you want to defect from %s?"
+msgstr ""
+"如果您從 %s 退出,你會保留所有目前的專案,\n"
+"您要從 %s 退出嗎?"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1223
+msgid "Attaching to project..."
+msgstr "正在加入專案..."
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1261
+msgid "Retrying communications for project(s)..."
+msgstr "重試與專案的通訊中..."
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1344
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Language Selection"
+msgstr "%s - 語言選擇"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1351
+#, c-format
+msgid "The %s's default language has been changed, in order for this change to take affect you must restart the %s."
+msgstr "%s 預設的語言已改變。為了使變更生效, 您必須重新啟動 %s。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1560
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:105
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s"
+msgstr "%s"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1569
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s has successfully attached to %s"
+msgstr "%s 已成功加入 %s 專案。"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1694
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1697
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - (%s)"
+msgstr "%s - (%s)"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1695
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connecting to %s"
+msgstr "正在連線到 %s"
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1698
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connected to %s"
+msgstr "已連線到 %s"
+#: clientgui/AlreadyAttachedPage.cpp:182
msgid "Already attached to project"
msgstr "已加入專案"
-#: clientgui/AlreadyAttachedPage.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/AlreadyAttachedPage.cpp:185
msgid "You are already attached to this project."
msgstr "您已加入此專案。"
-#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:185
msgid "Username already in use"
msgstr "此帳號名稱已被使用"
-#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:188
msgid ""
"An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
"different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -191,11 +498,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:195
msgid "Email address already in use"
msgstr "此電子郵件地址已被使用"
-#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:190
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:198
msgid ""
"An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
"different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -207,16 +514,62 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Connection Error"
+msgstr "%s - 連線錯誤"
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:352
+msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
+msgstr "您提供的密碼不正確,請再試一遍。"
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:375
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
+msgstr "%s - 連線失敗"
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:384
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
+"Would you like to try to connect again?"
+msgstr ""
+"%s 無法連線到 %s 用戶端。\n"
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:417
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Connection Status"
+msgstr "%s - 連線狀態"
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:428
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
+"To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
+msgstr ""
+"%s 目前未連線到 %s 用戶端。\n"
+"請選擇「檔案」>「選擇電腦...」來連到 %s 用戶端。\n"
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:436
msgid "Web sites"
msgstr "網站"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:56
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:63
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Network Status"
msgstr "%s - 網路狀態"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:260
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s needs to connect to the Internet. Please click to open %s."
+msgstr "%s 需要連線到網路,請按一下開啟 %s。"
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:268
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is unable to communicate with a project and needs an Internet connection.\n"
@@ -225,24 +578,19 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 無法與專案通訊,需要網路連線。\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s needs a connection to the Internet to perform some maintenance, open the %s to connectup and perform the needed work."
-msgstr "%s 需要網路連線才可以進行某些維護動作。開啟 %s 連上網路後進行所需要的動作。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:314
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
"May it do so now?"
msgstr "%s 需要連線到網路。您要現在連線嗎?"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:327
#, c-format
msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
msgstr "%s 正連線到網路。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:358
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s couldn't do Internet communication, and no default connection is selected.\n"
@@ -252,195 +600,148 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 無法與網路通訊,沒有選擇預設的連線。\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:392
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
msgstr "%s 已成功與網路連線。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:420
#, c-format
msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
msgstr "%s 連線到網路失敗。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:461
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
"Updating all projects and retrying all transfers."
msgstr "%s 偵測到現在處於連線狀態。正在更新所有專案並重試所有檔案傳送。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:504
#, c-format
msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
msgstr "%s 已成功從網路斷線。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:520
#, c-format
msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
msgstr "%s 從網路斷線失敗。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:195
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please provide the email address and password you used to register\n"
-"at GridRepublic. (if you have not yet created an account at\n"
-"GridRepublic, please do so at http://www.gridrepublic.org)"
+"BOINC ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall BOINC.\n"
+"(Error code %d)"
msgstr ""
-"請輸入於 GridRepublic 上註冊的電子郵件地址和密碼。\n"
-"(如果您尚未於 GirdRepublic 建立帳號,請前往 http://www.gridrepublic.org)"
+"BOINC 的所有權或權限未正確設定,請重新安裝 BOINC。\n"
+"(錯誤碼 %d)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:165
-msgid "Start Project"
-msgstr "開始專案"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:168
-msgid ""
-"Please enter an email address and password. You will need your email\n"
-"address if you want to change your account options or use our message\n"
-"We will send you occasional emails. You can stop these at any time.\n"
-"We will not pass your email address on to others."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:175
-msgid "Project Started"
-msgstr "專案已開始"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:177
-msgid ""
-"Congratulations, you have now successfully started your Climate\n"
-"Change Experiment."
-msgstr "恭喜!您已成功開始您的氣候變遷實驗。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:180
-msgid ""
-"Click finish to exit. You will be taken to a web page which tells\n"
-"you more about your model."
-msgstr "按「完成」離開。您會啟動一個網頁告訴您有關您模型的更多資訊。"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:187
-msgid ""
-"This will shut down your experiment until it restarts automatically\n"
-"following your user preferences. Close window to close the manager\n"
-"without stopping the experiment."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:382
msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
msgstr "只以系統匣圖示啟動 BOINC"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:551
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:383
+msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
+msgstr "停用 BOINC 安全性使用者和權限"
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:446
msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
msgstr "(自動偵測)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:552
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:447
msgid "(Unknown)"
msgstr "(未知的語言)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:448
msgid "(User Defined)"
msgstr "(使用者定義)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1036
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
+msgstr "%s - 關閉確認視窗"
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:338
#, c-format
msgid "%s is currently suspended...\n"
msgstr "%s 目前已暫止...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:350
#, c-format
msgid "%s networking is currently suspended...\n"
msgstr "%s 網路活動目前已暫止...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:390
#, c-format
msgid "%s is currently reconnecting to a %s client...\n"
msgstr "%s 正重新連線到 %s 用戶端...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:402
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not currently connected to a %s client...\n"
msgstr "%s 目前未連線到 %s 用戶端...\n"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:469
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:348
-#: clientgui/mac/MacSysMenu.cpp:69
-msgid "E&xit"
-msgstr "離開(&X)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:585
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s Web..."
msgstr "開啟 %s 網站..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:592
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s..."
msgstr "開啟 %s..."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:599
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "稍後通知"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:527
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:510
-#, c-format
-msgid "&About %s..."
-msgstr "關於 %s...(&A)"
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:202
msgid "Failed to attach to project"
msgstr "加入專案失敗"
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:207
msgid "Failed to update account manager"
msgstr "更新帳號管理員失敗"
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:211
msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
msgstr "移除帳號管理員失敗"
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:215
msgid "Failed to attach to account manager"
msgstr "加入帳號管理失敗"
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:224
msgid ""
-"An error has occurred, please check the messages tab for further\n"
+"An error has occurred;\n"
+"check Messages for details.\n"
"Click Finish to close."
msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:223
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:229
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:253
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:274
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:325
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:316
msgid "Click Finish to close."
msgstr "按「完成」關閉此視窗。"
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:240
msgid "Messages from server:"
msgstr "伺服器傳來的訊息:"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
msgid "Attached to project"
msgstr "已加入專案"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:210
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
msgid "You are now successfully attached to this project."
msgstr "您已成功加入此專案。"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
msgid ""
"When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
"you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -448,76 +749,65 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
#, c-format
msgid "Update from %s completed."
msgstr "從 %s 更新已完成。"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:240
msgid "Update completed."
msgstr "更新已完成。"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:264
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:257
#, c-format
msgid "Removal from %s completed."
msgstr "從 %s 移除已完成。"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:261
msgid "Removal succeeded!"
msgstr "成功移除!"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:278
#, c-format
msgid "Attached to %s"
msgstr "已加入 %s"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:282
msgid "Attached to account manager"
msgstr "加入帳號管理"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:292
#, c-format
msgid "Welcome to %s!"
msgstr "歡迎加入 %s!"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:313
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:306
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You are now successfully attached to the %s system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"您已成功加入 %s 系統。\n"
+msgid "You are now successfully attached to the %s system."
+msgstr "您已成功加入 %s 系統。"
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:319
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:310
msgid "You are now successfully attached to this account manager."
msgstr "您已成功加入此帳號管理員。"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:99
#, c-format
msgid "About %s"
msgstr "中止 %s"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:98
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s"
-msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:136
-#: clientgui/WizardAccountManager.cpp:130
-#: clientgui/WizardAttachProject.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:137
msgid "BOINC Manager"
msgstr "BOINC 管理員"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:156
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "版本:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:164
msgid "Copyright:"
msgstr "Copyright:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:167
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:168
msgid ""
"(C) 2003-2006 University of California at Berkeley.\n"
"All Rights Reserved."
@@ -525,132 +815,125 @@ msgstr ""
"(C) 2003-2006 University of California at Berkeley.\n"
"All Rights Reserved."
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
msgstr "柏克萊開放式網路運算平台"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:176
msgid "A software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources"
msgstr "自願者提供的電腦資源所用的分散式運算平台"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:187
-#: clientgui/DlgDialupCredentials.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:122
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:133
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "確定(&O)"
-#: clientgui/DlgDialupCredentials.cpp:111
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "使用者名稱:"
-#: clientgui/DlgDialupCredentials.cpp:122
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:253
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:309
-#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:122
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:344
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:364
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "密碼:"
-#: clientgui/DlgDialupCredentials.cpp:141
-#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:127
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:329
-#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:138
-#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:360
-msgid "&Cancel"
-msgstr "取消(&C)"
#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:114
msgid "Click here to disable displaying this message in the future."
msgstr "按一下這裡以後不要顯示此訊息。"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:325
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:138
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:360
+msgid "&Cancel"
+msgstr "取消(&C)"
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:138
msgid "Language Selection:"
msgstr "語言選擇:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:145
msgid "What language should the manager display by default."
msgstr "預設要使用何種語言顯示。"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:149
msgid "Reminder Frequency:"
msgstr "提示頻率:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:159
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:155
msgid "How often, in minutes, should the manager remind you of possible connection events."
msgstr "設定 BOINC 管理員要隔多久才提示您重要訊息。(以分鐘計)"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:162
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:158
msgid "General"
msgstr "一般"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:166
msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
msgstr "撥接與虛擬私人網路(VPN) 設定"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:180
msgid "&Set Default"
msgstr "設為預設值(&S)"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
msgid "&Clear Default"
msgstr "清除預設值(&C)"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:192
msgid "Default Connection:"
msgstr "預設連線:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:199
msgid "Connections"
msgstr "連線"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:208
msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
msgstr "經由 HTTP Proxy 伺服器連線"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
msgstr "HTTP Proxy 伺服器組態設定"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:224
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:276
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "位址:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:232
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:288
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:338
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:358
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:228
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:366
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "埠:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:239
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:295
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
msgstr "如不需要請留空"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:245
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:301
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:341
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:369
msgid "User Name:"
msgstr "使用者名稱:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:372
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "密碼:"
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:256
msgid "HTTP Proxy"
msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:264
msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
msgstr "經由 SOCKS Proxy 伺服器連線"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:268
msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
msgstr "SOCKS Proxy 伺服器組態設定"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
@@ -658,12 +941,12 @@ msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
msgid "Host name:"
msgstr "主機名稱:"
-#: clientgui/hyperlink.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/hyperlink.cpp:181
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Can't find web browser"
msgstr "%s - 找不到瀏覽器"
-#: clientgui/hyperlink.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/hyperlink.cpp:192
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s tried to display the web page\n"
@@ -814,7 +1097,9 @@ msgstr "GEO-600 專案首頁"
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:152
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:400
msgid "Team"
msgstr "團隊"
@@ -878,313 +1163,27 @@ msgstr "研究"
msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
msgstr "於 World Community Grid 學習更多有關此專案資訊"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:328
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:318
msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
msgstr "取回系統狀態中;請稍候..."
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:326
msgid "Retrieving host information; please wait..."
msgstr "取回主機資訊中;請稍候..."
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:89
-msgid "Connected"
-msgstr "已連線"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:97
-msgid "Disconnected"
-msgstr "已斷線"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid "Exit the %s"
-msgstr "離開 %s"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:358
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:460
-msgid "Attach to &project"
-msgstr "加入專案(&A)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:359
-msgid "Attach to a project"
-msgstr "加入專案"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:363
-msgid "&Account manager"
-msgstr "帳號管理(&A)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:364
-msgid "Attach to an account manager"
-msgstr "加入帳號管理"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:368
-#, c-format
-msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
-msgstr "與 %s 同步(&S)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:372
-#, c-format
-msgid "Get current settings from %s"
-msgstr "從 %s 取得現在的設定"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:387
-msgid "&Run always"
-msgstr "持續執行(&R)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:388
-msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr "不管偏好設定運行工作"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:392
-msgid "Run based on &preferences"
-msgstr "以偏好設定執行(&P)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:393
-msgid "Allow work according to your preferences"
-msgstr "依照您的偏好設定運行工作"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:397
-msgid "&Suspend"
-msgstr "暫止(&S)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:398
-msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr "不管偏好設定停止工作"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:405
-msgid "&Network activity always available"
-msgstr "持續進行網路活動(&N)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:406
-msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
-msgstr "不管偏好設定進行網路活動"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:410
-msgid "Network activity based on &preferences"
-msgstr "以偏好設定連線網路(&P)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:411
-msgid "Allow network activity according to your preferences"
-msgstr "依照您的偏好設定進行網路活動"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:415
-msgid "&Network activity suspended"
-msgstr "暫止網路活動(&N)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:416
-msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
-msgstr "停止 BONIC 的網路活動"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:423
-msgid "&Options"
-msgstr "選項(&O)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:424
-msgid "Configure GUI options and proxy settings"
-msgstr "GUI 組態選項和 Proxy 設定"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:429
-#, c-format
-msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
-msgstr "連線到另一台運行 %s 的電腦"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:434
-msgid "Select computer..."
-msgstr "選擇電腦...(&S)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:439
-msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
-msgstr "執行 CPU 效能測試(&B)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:440
-msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
-msgstr "執行 BONIC 的 CPU 效能測試"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:444
-msgid "Retry &communications"
-msgstr "重試網路通訊(&C)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:445
-msgid "Report completed work, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more work."
-msgstr "回報所有已完成的工作,取得最新積分與偏好設定資訊且儘可能的取得工作。"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:450
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:311
-#, c-format
-msgid "&Defect from %s"
-msgstr "從 %s 退出(&D)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:456
-msgid "Remove client from account manager control."
-msgstr "從帳號管理員控制中移除用戶端。"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:461
-msgid "Attach to a project to begin processing work"
-msgstr "加入專案以開始進行工作"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:472
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s\tF1"
-msgstr "&%s\tF1"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:478
-#, c-format
-msgid "Show information about the %s"
-msgstr "顯示關於 %s 的資訊"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:490
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s &website"
-msgstr "%s 網站(&W)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:496
-#, c-format
-msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
-msgstr "顯示關於 BONIC 及 %s 的資訊"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:516
-msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
-msgstr "授權與版權資訊。"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:529
-msgid "&File"
-msgstr "檔案(&F)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:533
-msgid "&Tools"
-msgstr "工具(&T)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:537
-msgid "&Activity"
-msgstr "活動(&A)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:541
-msgid "A&dvanced"
-msgstr "進階(&D)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:545
-#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:356
-#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:363
-msgid "&Help"
-msgstr "說明(&H)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1086
-msgid ""
-"This will shut down your tasks until it restarts automatically\n"
-"following your user preferences. Close window to close the manager\n"
-"without stopping the tasks."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1091
-msgid "Close Confirmation"
-msgstr "關閉確認視窗"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1222
-#, c-format
-msgid "BOINC Manager - Detach from %s"
-msgstr "BOINC 管理員 - 從 %s 退出"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1226
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If you defect from %s,\n"
-"you'll keep all your current projects,\n"
-"but you'll have to manage projects manually.\n"
-"Do you want to defect from %s?"
-msgstr ""
-"如果您從 %s 退出,你會保留所有目前的專案,\n"
-"您要從 %s 退出嗎?"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1278
-msgid "Attaching to project..."
-msgstr "正在加入專案..."
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1320
-msgid "Retrying communications for project(s)..."
-msgstr "重試與專案的通訊中..."
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1403
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Language Selection"
-msgstr "%s - 語言選擇"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1410
-#, c-format
-msgid "The %s's default language has been changed, in order for this change to take affect you must restart the %s."
-msgstr "%s 預設的語言已改變。為了使變更生效, 您必須重新啟動 %s。"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1895
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1898
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - (%s)"
-msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1896
-#, c-format
-msgid "Connecting to %s"
-msgstr "正在連線到 %s"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:1899
-#, c-format
-msgid "Connected to %s"
-msgstr "已連線到 %s"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:2064
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Connection Error"
-msgstr "%s - 連線錯誤"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:2070
-msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
-msgstr "您提供的密碼不正確,請再試一遍。"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:2087
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
-msgstr "%s - 連線失敗"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:2096
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
-"Would you like to try to connect again?"
-msgstr ""
-"%s 無法連線到 %s 用戶端。\n"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:2123
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Connection Status"
-msgstr "%s - 連線狀態"
-#: clientgui/MainFrame.cpp:2134
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'File\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
-"To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
-msgstr ""
-"%s 目前未連線到 %s 用戶端。\n"
-"請選擇「檔案」>「選擇電腦...」來連到 %s 用戶端。\n"
-#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
msgid "No Internet connection"
msgstr "無網路連線"
-#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:185
msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
msgstr "請連線到網路後再試一次。"
-#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
msgid "Project not found"
msgstr "找不到專案"
-#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:187
msgid ""
"The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -1193,11 +1192,11 @@ msgstr ""
"您所輸入的網址並非基於 BOINC 的專案網站。\n"
-#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:193
msgid "Account manager not found"
msgstr "找不到帳號管理"
-#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:196
msgid ""
"The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -1207,35 +1206,35 @@ msgstr ""
"您所輸入的網址並非基於 BOINC 的帳號管理員。\n"
-#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:176
-msgid "Account not found"
-msgstr "找不到帳號"
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:184
+msgid "Login Failed."
+msgstr "登入失敗。"
-#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:188
msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
msgstr "請檢查您的帳號名稱和密碼後再試一次。"
-#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:192
msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
msgstr "請檢查您的電子郵件地址和密碼後再試一次。"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:231
msgid "Project URL"
msgstr "專案網址"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:234
msgid "Enter the URL of the project's web site."
msgstr "請輸入專案網頁的網址。"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:241
msgid "Project &URL:"
msgstr "專案網址:(&U)"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:244
msgid "For a list of BOINC-based projects go to:"
msgstr "要取得所有基於 BOINC 的專案列表請至:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:326
#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:327
msgid ""
"Communicating with project\n"
@@ -1244,7 +1243,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:478
msgid ""
"Required wizard file(s) are missing from the target server.\n"
@@ -1252,64 +1251,458 @@ msgstr ""
"此目標伺服器必須的 wizard 檔案遺失。\n"
-#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:190
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:198
msgid "Network communication failure"
msgstr "網路通訊失敗"
-#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:201
msgid ""
"BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet. The most likely\n"
"reasons are:\n"
-"1) Connectivity problem. Please check your network or modem\n"
-"connection and hit the back button to retry the previous\n"
+"1) Connectivity problem. Check your network\n"
+"or modem connection and click Back to try again.\n"
-"2) Personal firewall software is blocking BOINC. You must\n"
-"configure your personal firewall to let BOINC communicate\n"
-"on port 80. Once this is fixed, click Back to try again.\n"
+"2) Personal firewall software is blocking BOINC.\n"
+"Configure your personal firewall to let BOINC\n"
+"communicate on port 80, then click Back to try again.\n"
-"3) You are using a proxy server and BOINC needs to know\n"
-"about it."
+"3) You are using a proxy server.\n"
+"Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
msgstr ""
"BOINC 與網路通訊失敗。可能有幾個原因:\n"
"1) 通訊問題。\n"
"2) 防火牆軟體阻擋了 BOINC 的連線。\n"
-"請設定您的防火牆讓 BOINC 能存取 port 80。此問題修復後,按「上一步」重試。\n"
-"3) 你使用 Proxy 伺服器但 BOINC 並不知道。"
+"請設定您的防火牆讓 BOINC 能存取 port 80。然後按「上一步」重試。\n"
+"3) 你正使用 Proxy 伺服器。\n"
+"按「下一步」設置 Proxy 設定。"
-#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:208
-msgid "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
-msgstr "按「下一步」繼續設定 BOINC 的 Proxy 設定。"
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
msgid "Proxy configuration"
msgstr "Proxy 組態設定"
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:340
msgid "HTTP proxy"
msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:335
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:363
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "伺服器:"
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:356
msgid "Autodetect"
msgstr "自動偵測"
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:360
msgid "SOCKS proxy"
msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:289
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "取回目前狀態中。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:292
+msgid "You don't have any projects. Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "你沒有任何專案,請加入專案。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:295
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "正從伺服器下載工作。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:300
+msgid "Processing Suspended: Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 正以電池供電"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:302
+msgid "Processing Suspended: User Active."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 使用者正在操作"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:304
+msgid "Processing Suspended: User paused processing."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 被使用者暫停"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:306
+msgid "Processing Suspended: Time of Day."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 不在設定時間內"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:308
+msgid "Processing Suspended: Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 正在執行效能測試"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:310
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "處理已暫止。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:314
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "正在等待連到專案伺服器。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:326
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "取回目前狀態中"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:321
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "無工作可用"
+#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:323
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "無法連到核心用戶端"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:110
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1630
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
+msgid "Project"
+msgstr "專案"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "時間"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:103
+msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
+msgstr "複製全部訊息到剪貼簿。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:210
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:111
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+msgstr "只複製已選取的訊息到剪貼簿,您可以在選取訊息時按住 Shift 或 Command 鍵以同時選取多個訊息。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:115
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+msgstr "只複製已選取的訊息到剪貼簿, 您可以在選取訊息時按住 Shift 或 Ctrl 鍵以同時選取多個訊息。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:506
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:116
+msgid "Get help with BOINC"
+msgstr "取得 BOINC 說明"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:744
+msgid "BOINC Manager - Messages"
+msgstr "BOINC 管理員 - 訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:92
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:93
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:94
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:95
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:101
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:132
+msgid "10%"
+msgstr "10%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:133
+msgid "20%"
+msgstr "20%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:134
+msgid "30%"
+msgstr "30%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:135
+msgid "40%"
+msgstr "40%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136
+msgid "50%"
+msgstr "50%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137
+msgid "60%"
+msgstr "60%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138
+msgid "70%"
+msgstr "70%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139
+msgid "80%"
+msgstr "80%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140
+msgid "90%"
+msgstr "90%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:141
+msgid "100%"
+msgstr "100%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:166
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:167
+msgid "3"
+msgstr "3"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:168
+msgid "5"
+msgstr "5"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:169
+msgid "10"
+msgstr "10"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170
+msgid "15"
+msgstr "15"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:171
+msgid "30"
+msgstr "30"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:172
+msgid "60"
+msgstr "60"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:281
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "面板"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:288
+msgid "Skin:"
+msgstr "面板:"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:304
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "偏好設定"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:321
+msgid "I want to customize my preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "我要自訂只適合這台電腦的偏好設定。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:330
+msgid "Customized Preferences"
+msgstr "本機自訂偏好設定"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:346
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "只在此時段執行工作:"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:381
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "到"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:368
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "只在此時段連上網路:"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:407
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "資源耗用不超過:"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:403
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "磁碟空間"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:420
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "/CPU 使用率"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "以電池供電時要執行工作嗎?"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:437
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "閒置多久後執行工作:"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:450
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "分"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:670
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:673
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:733
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:749
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:911
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:922
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "隨時"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:769
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:771
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:812
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:848
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (持續執行)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1014
+msgid "BOINC Manager - Preferences"
+msgstr "BOINC 管理員 - 偏好設定"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:99
+msgid "Attach to an additional project"
+msgstr "加入其他專案"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:169
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:180
+msgid "Open a window to view messages"
+msgstr "開啟視窗以檢視訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:198
+msgid "Stop all activity"
+msgstr "停止所有活動"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:210
+msgid "Resume activity"
+msgstr "繼續活動"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:227
+msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
+msgstr "開新視窗設置你的偏好設定"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:244
+msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
+msgstr "切換到 BOINC 進階檢視"
+#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:103
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
+msgstr "%s,%s 已完成: %0.2f"
+#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:368
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to detach from project '%s'?"
+msgstr "您確定從專案「%s」中退出嗎?"
+#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:374
+msgid "Detach from Project"
+msgstr "退出專案"
+#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:268
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1lf"
+msgstr "%.1lf"
+#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:397
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec"
+msgstr "%d 時 %d 分 %d 秒"
+#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:228
+msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
+msgstr "您確定要顯示遠端電腦的圖形嗎?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:229
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "顯示圖形"
+#: clientgui/SkinManager.cpp:975
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This will shut down %s and its tasks entirely until either the\n"
+"%s application or the %s screen saver is run again.\n"
+"In most cases, it is better just to close the %s window\n"
+"rather than to exit the application; that will allow %s to run its\n"
+"tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
+msgstr ""
+"這會完全關閉 %s 和其運算的工作直到 %s 程式或 %s 螢幕保護程式再次啟動。\n"
+"一般而言只關掉 %s 視窗會比完全離開程式來的好,\n"
+"這樣子可以讓 %s 依照你設置的偏好設定按時執行。"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
msgstr "專案暫時無法使用"
-#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:189
msgid ""
"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
@@ -1319,11 +1712,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
msgstr "帳號管理暫時無法使用"
-#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:196
msgid ""
"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
@@ -1334,7 +1727,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:69
-#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:78
msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
msgstr "請輸入帳號金鑰以繼續。"
@@ -1343,11 +1735,15 @@ msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
msgstr "無效的帳號金鑰;請輸入有效的帳號金鑰"
#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:83
-#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:87
msgid "Validation conflict"
msgstr "驗證衝突"
-#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:73
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "請輸入電子郵件地址"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:76
msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
msgstr "無效的電子郵件位址;請輸入有效的電子郵件位址"
@@ -1397,348 +1793,456 @@ msgstr "「%s」不是有效的主機名稱。"
msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
msgstr "「%s」不是有效的路徑。"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:78
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:102
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:637
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:92
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:100
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:80
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:98
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1599
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:94
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:103
msgid "Commands"
msgstr "命令"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:102
msgid "Copy all messages"
msgstr "複製所有訊息"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:83
-msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
-msgstr "複製全部訊息到剪貼簿。"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:109
msgid "Copy selected messages"
msgstr "複製選取的訊息"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:90
-msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
-msgstr "只複製已選取的訊息到剪貼簿。 您可以在選取訊息時按住 Shift 或 Ctrl 鍵以同時選取多個訊息。"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:102
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:150
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:76
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:668
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:115
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:130
-msgid "Project"
-msgstr "專案"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:103
-msgid "Time"
-msgstr "時間"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:104
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr "訊息"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:128
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:136
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "訊息"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:150
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:175
msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
msgstr "複製全部訊息到剪貼簿..."
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:182
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:190
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:207
msgid "Aborting transfer..."
msgstr "中止檔案傳送中..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:132
+msgid "Priority"
+msgstr "優先順序"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:153
+msgid "MessagesGrid"
+msgstr "MessagesGrid"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:205
+msgid "Copying selected messages to Clipboard..."
+msgstr "複製所選訊息到剪貼簿..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:109
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:116
msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:110
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:117
msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
msgstr "回報所有已完成的工作;取得最新的積分與偏好設定資訊且儘可能的取得工作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:114
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:559
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:111
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:124
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:379
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "暫止"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:115
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:559
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:453
msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
msgstr "暫止此專案的工作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:121
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:124
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:465
msgid "No new tasks"
msgstr "不要新工作"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:132
msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
msgstr "不要取得新工作給此專案。"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:128
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:138
msgid "Reset project"
msgstr "重新開始專案"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks. You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
msgstr "刪除所有和此專案相關的檔案和工作後取得新的工作。 在重新開始之前您可以先更新專案來回報已完成的工作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:138
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:148
msgid "Detach"
msgstr "退出"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:149
msgid "Detach computer from this project. Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
msgstr "從專案中退出這台電腦。進行中的工作將會遺失。(在退出之前您可以先按一下「更新」來回報已完成的工作。)"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:385
msgid "Account"
msgstr "帳號"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:156
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
msgid "Work done"
msgstr "運算完成"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:154
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "平均完成的工作"
+msgstr "平均完成"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "資源分享"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:156
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:121
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:159
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Status"
msgstr "狀態"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:169
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:172
msgid "Projects"
msgstr "專案"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:209
msgid "Updating project..."
msgstr "正在更新專案..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:239
msgid "Resuming project..."
msgstr "正在繼續專案..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:243
msgid "Suspending project..."
msgstr "正在暫止專案..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:272
msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
msgstr "通知專案可以下載額外的工作..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:276
msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
msgstr "通知專案不要取得額外的工作..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:310
msgid "Resetting project..."
msgstr "正在重新設定專案..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:317
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
msgstr "您確定要重新開始專案「%s」嗎?"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:323
msgid "Reset Project"
msgstr "重新開始專案"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:361
msgid "Detaching from project..."
msgstr "正在退出專案..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to detach from project '%s'?"
-msgstr "您確定從專案「%s」中退出嗎?"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:346
-msgid "Detach from Project"
-msgstr "退出專案"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:375
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:322
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:403
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:336
msgid "Launching browser..."
msgstr "啟動瀏覽器..."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:555
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:449
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:373
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "繼續"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:555
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:449
msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
msgstr "繼續此專案的工作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:567
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:461
msgid "Allow new tasks"
msgstr "允許新工作"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:567
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:461
msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
msgstr "允許此專案取得新工作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:465
msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
msgstr "不要取得新工作給此專案。"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:673
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:755
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:682
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:629
msgid "Suspended by user"
msgstr "被使用者暫止"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:632
msgid "Won't get new tasks"
msgstr "無法取得新工作"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:635
msgid "Scheduler request pending"
msgstr "排程器請求中"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:642
msgid "Communication deferred "
msgstr "已擱置通訊 "
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:77
-msgid "Disk Space"
-msgstr "磁碟空間"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:186
+msgid "ProjectsGrid"
+msgstr "ProjectsGrid"
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:95
+msgid "total disk usage"
+msgstr "總磁碟空間"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:112
+msgid "disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC 專案所用的磁碟空間"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:141
msgid "Disk"
msgstr "磁碟"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:44
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:62
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:235
+msgid "not attached to any BOINC project - 0 bytes"
+msgstr "未加入任何 BOINC 專案 - 0 位元組"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:251
+msgid "free disk space - "
+msgstr "可用磁碟空間 - "
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:257
+msgid "used by BOINC - "
+msgstr "BOINC 所使用 - "
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:263
+msgid "used by other programs - "
+msgstr "其他程式所使用 - "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1126
msgid "User Total"
msgstr "使用者總計"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:641
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "顯示使用者總計"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:648
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "顯示使用者平均"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:655
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "顯示此主機總計"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:662
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "顯示此主機平均"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:672
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< 上一個專案(&P)"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:678
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "下一個專案(&N) >"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:684
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "模式檢視"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:687
-msgid "All projects"
-msgstr "所有專案"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:694
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "單一專案"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:701
-msgid "All projects(sum)"
-msgstr "所有專案 (總計)"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:719
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "統計"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:736
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:755
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:774
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:794
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:813
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:833
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:853
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:873
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:891
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "更新圖表中..."
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:756
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1127
msgid "User Average"
msgstr "使用者平均"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1128
msgid "Host Total"
msgstr "此主機總計"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:795
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1129
msgid "Host Average"
msgstr "此主機平均"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1234
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "上次更新: %.0f 天前"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1603
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "顯示使用者總計"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1604
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "顯示使用者的總積分"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1610
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "顯示使用者平均"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1611
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "顯示使用者的平均積分"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1617
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "顯示此主機總計"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1618
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "顯示主機的總積分"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1624
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "顯示此主機平均"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1625
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "顯示主機的平均積分"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1634
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< 上一個專案(&P)"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1635
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "顯示上個專案的統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1640
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "下一個專案(&N) >"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1641
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "顯示下個專案的統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1646
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "模式檢視"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1649
+msgid "All projects"
+msgstr "所有專案"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1650
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "顯示所選專案於個別統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1656
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "單一專案"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1657
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "顯示所選專案於同一統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1663
+msgid "All projects(sum)"
+msgstr "所有專案 (總計)"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1664
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "顯示所有專案於同一統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1681
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "統計"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1701
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1722
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1743
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1765
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1786
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1809
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1832
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1855
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1877
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "更新圖表中..."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:98
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:105
msgid "Retry Now"
msgstr "立即重試"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:106
msgid "Click 'Retry now' to transfer the file now"
msgstr "按一下「立即重試」可以立即上傳檔案。"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:112
msgid "Abort Transfer"
msgstr "中止檔案傳送"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:113
msgid "Click 'Abort transfer' to delete the file from the transfer queue. This will prevent you from being granted credit for this result."
msgstr "按一下「中止傳送」可以從上傳佇列中刪除這個檔案。 這個動作會使您無法從這個運算結果中獲取積分。"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "File"
msgstr "檔案"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:117
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "進度"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "Size"
msgstr "大小"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "Elapsed Time"
msgstr "剩餘時間"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:128
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "速度"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:136
msgid "Transfers"
msgstr "傳送"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:159
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:174
msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
msgstr "立即重試檔案傳送..."
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:211
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
@@ -1748,113 +2252,137 @@ msgstr ""
"您確定要中止「%s」 的檔案傳輸嗎?\n"
"提示: 終止傳輸會使此工作無效且不會收到任何積分。"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:219
msgid "Abort File Transfer"
msgstr "中止檔案傳送"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:520
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:406
msgid "Retry in "
msgstr "重試於 "
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:522
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:524
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:652
msgid "Download failed"
msgstr "下載失敗"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:524
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:526
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:791
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:701
msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr "上傳失敗"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:527
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:426
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:663
msgid "Suspended"
msgstr "已暫止"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:530
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:784
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:793
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:703
msgid "Uploading"
msgstr "上傳中"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:530
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:746
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:654
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "下載中"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:418
msgid "Upload pending"
msgstr "上傳資料中"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:418
msgid "Download pending"
msgstr "下載資料中"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:104
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:213
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "顯示圖形"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:151
+msgid "TransfersGrid"
+msgstr "TransfersGrid"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:108
msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
msgstr "於新視窗中顯示應用程式的圖形。"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:115
msgid "Suspend work for this result."
msgstr "暫止這個結果的工作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:121
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "中止"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:122
msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
msgstr "放棄這個結果的工作。您將不會取得任何積分。"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Application"
msgstr "應用程式"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:132
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名稱"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "CPU time"
msgstr "CPU 時間"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "To completion"
msgstr "剩餘時間"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:138
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:139
msgid "Report deadline"
msgstr "回報期限"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:150
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:152
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "工作"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:191
msgid "Resuming task..."
msgstr "繼續工作中..."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:195
msgid "Suspending task..."
msgstr "暫止工作中..."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:221
msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
msgstr "顯示此工作圖形..."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:212
-msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
-msgstr "您確定要顯示遠端電腦的圖形嗎?"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:287
msgid "Aborting result..."
msgstr "中止結果中..."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:285
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:280
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
@@ -1863,157 +2391,237 @@ msgstr ""
"(進度: %s,狀態: %s)"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:289
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:307
msgid "Abort task"
msgstr "中止工作"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:510
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:506
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:374
msgid "Resume work for this task."
msgstr "繼續這個工作的動作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:380
msgid "Suspend work for this task."
msgstr "暫止這個工作的動作。"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:740
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:648
msgid "New"
msgstr "新工作"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:751
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:775
-msgid "Aborted by user"
-msgstr "被使用者中止"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:749
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:659
msgid "Project suspended by user"
msgstr "專案被使用者暫止"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:757
-msgid "Activities suspended"
-msgstr "活動已暫止"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:661
+msgid "Task suspended by user"
+msgstr "被使用者暫止"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:760
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:755
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:665
+msgid " - on batteries"
+msgstr " - 正以電池供電"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:758
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:668
+msgid " - user active"
+msgstr " - 使用者正在操作"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:761
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:671
+msgid " - computation suspended"
+msgstr "- 運算已暫止"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:764
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:674
+msgid " - time of day"
+msgstr " - 不在設定時間內"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:767
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:677
+msgid " - CPU benchmarks"
+msgstr " - CPU 效能測試"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:770
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:680
+msgid " - need disk space"
+msgstr " - 需要磁碟空間"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:684
+msgid "Waiting for memory"
+msgstr "等待記憶體釋放"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:686
msgid "Running"
msgstr "運行中"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:762
-msgid "Preempted"
-msgstr "被先佔"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:778
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:688
+msgid "Waiting to run"
+msgstr "等待執行"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:764
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:767
-msgid "Ready to run"
-msgstr "準備執行"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:780
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:690
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:693
+msgid "Ready to start"
+msgstr "準備開始"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:787
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:697
msgid "Computation error"
msgstr "運算錯誤"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:789
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:799
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:709
+msgid "Aborted by user"
+msgstr "被使用者中止"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:802
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:712
+msgid "Aborted by project"
+msgstr "被專案中止"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:715
+msgid "Aborted"
+msgstr "已中止"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:810
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:720
msgid "Acknowledged"
msgstr "已認可"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:791
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:812
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:722
msgid "Ready to report"
msgstr "準備回報"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:793
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:724
#, c-format
msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
msgstr "錯誤: 無效狀態「%d」"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:801
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:822
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:732
msgid "Activities suspended by user"
msgstr "被使用者暫止活動"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:307
-msgid "We'll now guide you through the process of attaching to a project."
-msgstr "現在我們會引導您進行加入專案的步驟。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:165
+msgid "TasksGrid"
+msgstr "TasksGrid"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:298
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"We'll now remove this computer from %s. You will\n"
-"be responsible for managing the BOINC client software from\n"
-"now on."
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s %%, Status: %s)"
msgstr ""
-"我們正從 %s 中移除此電腦。\n"
-"從現在起您將自己負責管理此 BOINC 用戶端。"
+"(進度: %s,狀態: %s)"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:328
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:317
+msgid ""
+"We'll now guide you through the process of attaching\n"
+"to a project."
+msgstr "現在我們會引導您進行加入專案的步驟。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:329
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"We'll now remove this computer from %s. From now on,\n"
+"attach and detach projects directly from this computer.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"我們會從 %s 移除這台電腦。\n"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
msgid "Account manager"
msgstr "帳號管理員(&A)"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:342
msgid ""
-"We'll now guide you through the process of adding an account\n"
-msgstr "現在我們會引導您進行加入帳號管理員的步驟。"
+"We'll now guide you through the process of attaching\n"
+"to an account manager.\n"
+"If you want to attach to a single project, click Cancel,\n"
+"then select the 'Attach to project' menu item instead."
+msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:340
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:354
msgid "Debug Flags"
msgstr "除錯旗標"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:357
msgid "Project Properties Failure"
msgstr "專案內容失敗"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:360
msgid "Project Comm Failure"
msgstr "專案通訊失敗"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:363
msgid "Project Properties URL Failure"
msgstr "專案內容網址失敗"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:366
msgid "Account Creation Disabled"
msgstr "帳號建立已停止。"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:369
msgid "Client Account Creation Disabled"
msgstr "用戶端帳號建立已停止"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:372
msgid "Account Already Exists"
msgstr "帳號已存在。"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:375
msgid "Project Already Attached"
msgstr "專案已加入。"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:364
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:378
msgid "Project Attach Failure"
msgstr "加入專案失敗"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:381
msgid "Google Comm Failure"
msgstr "Google 通訊失敗"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:384
msgid "Yahoo Comm Failure"
msgstr "Yahoo 通訊失敗"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:387
msgid "Net Detection Failure"
msgstr "網路偵測失敗"
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:392
msgid "To continue, click Next."
msgstr "請按「下一步」繼續。"
-#: clientgui/WizardAccountManager.cpp:434
-#: clientgui/WizardAttachProject.cpp:445
+#: clientgui/WizardAccountManager.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/WizardAttachProject.cpp:474
msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
msgstr "您真的要取消嗎?"
-#: clientgui/WizardAccountManager.cpp:435
-#: clientgui/WizardAttachProject.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/WizardAccountManager.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/WizardAttachProject.cpp:475
msgid "Question"
msgstr "問題"
#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:359
-#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:551
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:548
msgid "&Next >"
msgstr "下一步(&N) >"
@@ -2021,18 +2629,38 @@ msgstr "下一步(&N) >"
msgid "< &Back"
msgstr "< 上一步(&B)"
-#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:546
msgid "&Finish"
msgstr "完成(&F)"
+#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:182
+#, c-format
+msgid "New page inserted. Index = %i"
+msgstr "New page inserted. Index = %i"
+#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:187
+#, c-format
+msgid "New page appended. Index = %i"
+msgstr "New page appended. Index = %i"
+#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:2048
+#, c-format
+msgid "Old Page Index = %i"
+msgstr "Old Page Index = %i"
+#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:2053
+#, c-format
+msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
+msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:196
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
#: clientgui/DlgAbout.h:52
msgid "About BOINC Manager"
msgstr "關於 BOINC 管理員..."
-#: clientgui/DlgDialupCredentials.h:49
-msgid "BOINC Manager - Dialup Logon"
-msgstr "BOINC 管理員 - 撥號登入"
#: clientgui/DlgOptions.h:49
msgid "BOINC Manager - Options"
msgstr "BOINC 管理員 - 選項"