svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=12476

This commit is contained in:
David Anderson 2007-04-25 19:10:10 +00:00
parent 606263161d
commit 5502169153
12 changed files with 2 additions and 392 deletions

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
page_head("Back ends and work sequences");
echo "
Project that use work sequences will need two additional processes:
<table border=1 cellpadding=8>
<th>BOINC-supplied part</th>
<th>project-supplied part</th>
<td valign=top><b>Work sequence relocater</b>:
detects work sequences whose hosts have failed,
and relocates them to other hosts.</td>
<td valign=top>A program <b>seq_relocate</b></td>
<td valign=top>Some parameters used by seq_relocate</td>
<td valign=top><b>Work sequence validation and accounting</b>:
Similar to result validation, but for work sequences.
<td valign=top>A program <b>seq_validate</b></td>
<td valign=top>An application-specific function,
linked with <b>seq_validate</b>, that compares sets of redundant results.</td>

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
echo "
Workunits and results can be grouped together into <b>batches</b>.
Each batch is represented by an integer.
Results must belong to the same batch as their workunit.
BOINC provides tools for manipulating workunits and results by
batch: e.g., for changing the status of all results in a batch from
'inactive' to 'unsent'.

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
page_head("How to submit bug reports and feature requests");
echo "
There are several mechanisms for feedback on BOINC
(bug reports, feature requests, etc.).
<li> Post a message to the appropriate
<a href=email_lists.php>email list</a>.
Do this first.
Your bug may have already been fixed.
<li> Use BOINC's
<a href=>external bug database</a>
(which is readable and writable).
if (1) {
echo "
<li> Read BOINC's
<a href=>internal bug database</a>.
This is used by BOINC developers,
and is readable by the rest of the world.

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
page_head("Creating work on demand");
echo "
The daemon program
make_work -wu_name name [-wu_name name2 ... ] -cushion N
creates copies of the given workunits (cyclically)
as needed to maintain a supply of at least N unsent results.
This is useful for testing purposes.
Note: if you run the file_deleter and/or db_purge,
the master workunit or its input files may be deleted
(which will cause make_work to fail).
To avoid this, give the master workunit a name that contains
'nodelete' as a substring.
This causes the file_deleter and db_purge to skip over it.
It may be convenient to have a script that recreates the master workunit.
For example:
cp test_workunits/12ja04aa `bin/dir_hier_path 12ja04aa`
bin/create_work -appname setiathome -wu_name sah_nodelete -wu_template templates/setiathome_wu_0 -result_template templates/setiathome_result_0 12ja04aa

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
page_head("Installing BOINC on Mac OS/X");
echo "
<a name=mac></a>
<h3>Installing BOINC on Mac OS/X</h3>
The Mac OS X client will unpack correctly with gunzip on Mac OS X
10.2 (jaguar) or 10.3 (panther) as long as you type the command
within Terminal. Stuffit 7.x or newer will work under the Finder
in either OS X or OS 9, but I'd recommend using 'gunzip' or 'gzip -d'
within Terminal instead.
However, the two main browsers on OS X (IE 5.2.x and Safari 1.x) will
automatically unpack downloads by default, so your work may already
be done.
If you use IE, the boinc client will download and automatically unpack
leaving two files:
[this will have the stuffit icon in the finder]
[this will not have any icon in the finder]
#2 is the unpacked program ready-to-run. You can just start Terminal
and run boinc.
If you use Safari, the boinc client will download and automatically
unpack, leaving a single file:
[this will not have any icon in the finder]
This is the unpacked program, but it's not yet ready-to-run (this is
a bug with how Safari handles gzipped downloads; we'll fix this soon).
Here's what you have to do to fix the Safari download (apologies if
you already know how to do this):
<li> Create a folder in your home directory and put the boinc
file in it
<li> Start Terminal
<li> 'cd' to the folder you just created
<li> Type 'chmod +x boinc_2.12_powerpc-apple-darwin7.0.0'
(without the quotes)
Now you can run BOINC.

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
page_head("Client scheduling policies");
page_head("Client scheduling policies (version 4)");
echo "
This document describes two interrelated scheduling policies
in the BOINC client:
in version 4.x of the BOINC client:
<li> <b>CPU scheduling policy</b>: what result to run when.

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
page_head("Getting and building BOINC software");
echo "
<li> <a href=>Software prerequisites</a>
<li> <a href=source_code.php>Getting source code</a>
<h3>Platform-specific cookbooks</h3>
<li> <a href=build_system.php>Building BOINC on Unix</a>
<li> <a href=mac_>Building BOINC and BOINC applications on Mac OS X</a>
<li> <a href=>Building BOINC applications on Windows</a>
<li> <a href=>Building BOINC and BOINC Applications on Linux</a>
<li> <a href=>Linux install notes</a> (out of date).
<li> <a href=debian_linux_install.txt>Debian Linux packages needed</a> (out of date)
<h3>Other information</h3>
<li> <a href=test.php>Test applications and scripts</a>
<li> <a href=private_label.txt>Graphics files needed for
a 'private-label' BOINC client</a>.

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
page_head("Implementation notes");
echo "
<li> <a href=client_files.php>File structure</a>
<li> <a href=client_fsm.php>FSM structure</a>
<li> <a href=client_data.php>Data structures</a>
<li> <a href=client_logic.php>Main loop logic</a>
<li> <a href=sched.php>Client scheduling policies</a>
<li> <a href=host_measure.php>Host measurements</a>
<li> <a href=host_id.php>Host identification</a>
<li> <a href=client_app.php>Core client/application interaction (basic)</a>
<li> <a href=client_app_graphic.php>Core client/application interaction (graphics)</a>
<li> <a href=client_startup.php>Client configuration files</a>
<li> <a href=disk_management.php>Disk space management</a>
<h2>Server programs</h2>
<li> <a href=database.php>The BOINC database</a>
<li> <a href=sched_policy.php>Work distribution policy</a>
<li> <a href=backend_state.php>Backend state transitions</a>
<li> <a href=backend_logic.php>The logic of backend programs</a>
<li> <a href=server_debug.php>Debugging server components</a>
<li> <a href=comm.php>Protocol overview</a>
<li> <a href=protocol.php>The scheduling server protocol</a>
<li> <a href=rpc_policy.php>Scheduling server timing and retry policies</a>
<li> <a href=upload.php>Data server protocol</a>
<li> <a href=pers_file_xfer.php>Persistent file transfers</a>
<h2>Client extensions</h2>
<li> <a href=gui_rpc.php>GUI RPCs</a>
<br> Lets you control or show the status of BOINC clients,
local or remote.
<h2>Web-based extensions (statistics and account management)</h2>
<li> <a href=stats.php>Credit statistics data</a>
<li> <a href=cpid.php>Cross-project identification</a>
<li> <a href=web_rpc.php>Web RPCs (possibly useful for statistics sites)</a>
<li> <a href=acct_mgt.php>Account management systems</a>
<li> <a href=loc_sim/>BOINC simulator</a> (simulate large-scale projects)
<li> <a href=python.php>Python framework</a>
<li> <a href=prefs_impl.php>Preferences</a>
<li> <a href=trickle_impl.php>Trickle messages</a>
<li> <a href=version_diff.txt>How to see what has changed
between two versions of an executable</a>.
<li> <a href=spec.txt>Spec info for RPMs</a>

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
page_head("Work distribution policy");
echo "
The scheduling server will attempt to send enough work to exceed a
hosts high water mark. If the amount of work the scheduling server is
sending exceeds a certain level (default is four weeks), the
scheduling server will not attach more work to a scheduler reply.
This does not prevent the scheduling server from sending a lengthy
workunit, but rather from sending multiple lengthy workunits.
If a work unit uses more disk resources than a host has available, the
scheduling server will not attach that work unit.
The scheduling server
estimates the amount of time a work unit will take to complete with the
formula <b>(number of flops)/(flops per second)+(number of iops)/(iops
per second)</b>.
The number of floating point and integer operations are provided by
the project when creating the work unit, and the host calculation
speeds are included in a scheduler request.
If no work is available,
or if the host cannot accept it for whatever reason
(too slow, not enough space, etc),
the scheduling server sends the message
<b>no work available</b>,
and requests that the client wait before sending another request.

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
page_head("Running BOINC as a Windows Service");
echo "
BOINC can be run as a Windows service.
This requires the command-line interface (CLI) version of the core client,
which is not available for download;
you'll have to build it from the source code
using Visual Studio .Net.
If you haven't already run BOINC on the machine,
you'll need to run through the setup procedure
(using either the CLI or the GUI client)
in order to establish the
account* files which are needed for the project URLs and authenticators.
Then put the CLI executable (boinc_cli.exe) into the BOINC folder.
Type this from the commandline:
boinc_cli -install
This will setup BOINC as a Windows service which can be started on boot
and will be hidden from view.
If you are executing this on a Windows 2003 machine
the default user account that is chosen is 'Network
Service' which means you'll need to grant Read/Write/Execute/Delete permissions
to the client folder and all of its children before attempting to start
the service.
On Windows XP and older systems the client currently sets
itself up as local system.
Messages are logged to the 'eventlog' - check there
periodically for error and status messages.

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
The following web sites show statistics for one or more BOINC projects:
echo "
These sites use XML-format data exported by BOINC projects.
The format is described
<a href=>here</a>.
If you are interested in running your own site or
participating in the development efforts,
please contact the people listed above.
<h2>Statistics signature images</h2>
The following sites offer dynamically-generated
images showing your statistics in BOINC projects.
Use these in your email or message-board signature.

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
page_head("Testing the BOINC client");
echo "
<p>The following tests are meant for the single-user installation scenario:
<li>Attach to a project.
<li>Schedule an RPC to the project server requesting results to process.
<li>Download the project executable and support files.
<li>Download a result and support files.
<li>Begin execution of the project executable using the retrieved result and support files.
<li>Complete a result and upload the resulting file(s) of the result execution.
<li>Accept the update GUI RPC to tell the client to report the completed result to the scheduler.
<li>Server Scheduler Exponential Back-off on connection failure.
<li>File download Exponential Back-off on transient connection failure.
<li>Server Scheduler Back-off with a requested value.
<li>Server Scheduler error message reported to client.
<li>File download resumes after back-off completes.
<li>File upload resumes after back-off completes.