diff --git a/checkin_notes b/checkin_notes
index 9a3d6b5a59..193fba8ff0 100644
--- a/checkin_notes
+++ b/checkin_notes
@@ -4917,3 +4917,10 @@ David 1 June 2009
+David 1 June 2009
+ - Updated Python assimilator (from Jeremy Cowles)
+ sched/
+ assimilator.py
+ testasm.py
diff --git a/sched/assimilator.py b/sched/assimilator.py
index 9da6606103..744dc9b639 100644
--- a/sched/assimilator.py
+++ b/sched/assimilator.py
@@ -1,150 +1,282 @@
-Python implementation of an assimilator
-Contributed by Stephen Pellicer
+Generic Assimilator framework
import os, re, signal, sys, time, hashlib
import database, boinc_db, configxml, sched_messages
-STOP_TRIGGER_FILENAME = os.path.join('..', 'stop_servers')
-caught_sig_int = False
+# Peter Norvig's Abstract base class hack
+def abstract():
+ """
+ This function is not necessary, but provides
+ a nice error message when Abstract methods are not
+ overridden by child classes.
+ See: http://norvig.com/python-iaq.html for details.
+ """
+ import inspect
+ # get the name of the calling function off the stack
+ caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3]
+ raise NotImplementedError(caller + ' must be implemented in subclass')
-def check_stop_trigger():
- global caught_sig_int, log_messages
- try:
- junk = open(STOP_TRIGGER_FILENAME, 'r')
- except IOError:
- if caught_sig_int:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Caught SIGINT\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Found stop trigger\n")
- sys.exit(1)
+class Assimilator():
+ '''
+ Use this class to create new pure-Python Assimilators.
+ To create a new assimilator:
+ 1) call __init__ from the new child class' __init__ method
+ 2) override the assimilate_handler method
+ 3) add the standard if __name__ == "__main__" bootstrap (see end of this file)
+ '''
-def sigint_handler(sig, stack):
- global caught_sig_int
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "Handled SIGINT\n")
- caught_sig_int = True
-def filename_hash(name, hash_fanout):
- h = hex(int(hashlib.md5(name).hexdigest()[:8], 16) % hash_fanout)[2:]
- if h.endswith('L'):
- h = h[:-1]
- return h
-def get_file_path(result):
- name = re.search('(.*)',result.xml_doc_in).group(1)
- fanout = int(config.uldl_dir_fanout)
- hashed = filename_hash(name, fanout)
- updir = config.upload_dir
- result = os.path.join(updir,hashed,name)
- return result
-def assimilate_handler(wu, results, canonical_result):
- # check for valid wu.canonical_resultid
- if wu.canonical_result:
- # do application specific processing
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.NORMAL, "[%s] Found canonical result\n", wu.name)
- result = get_file_path(canonical_result)
- for line in open(result, 'r').readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, " [%s] Answer found %s %s\n", canonical_result.name, line[-32:], line[:-33])
- else:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.NORMAL, "[%s] No canonical result\n", wu.name)
- if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_COULDNT_SEND_RESULT:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: couldn't send a result\n", wu.name)
- if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ERROR_RESULTS:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many error results\n", wu.name)
- if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TOTAL_RESULTS:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many total results\n", wu.name)
- if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SUCCESS_RESULTS:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many success results\n", wu.name)
- # check for error conditions
-pass_count = 0
-def do_pass(app):
- global pass_count
- did_something=False
- # check for stop trigger
- check_stop_trigger()
- pass_count += 1
- units = database.Workunits.find(app=app,assimilate_state=boinc_db.ASSIMILATE_READY)
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "pass %d, units %d\n", pass_count, len(units))
- # look for workunits with correct appid and
- # assimilate_state==ASSIMILATE_READY
- for wu in units:
- did_something=True
- canonical_result=None
- results=None
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "[%s] assimilating: state=%d\n", wu.name, wu.assimilate_state)
- results = database.Results.find(workunit=wu)
- # look for canonical result for workunit in results
- for result in results:
- if result == wu.canonical_result:
- canonical_result=result
- # assimilate handler
- assimilate_handler(wu, results, canonical_result)
- # tag wu as ASSIMILATE_DONE
- wu.assimilate_state = boinc_db.ASSIMILATE_DONE
- wu.transition_time = int(time.time())
- wu.commit()
- # set wu transition_time
- # return did something result
- return did_something
-# main function
-asynch = False
-one_pass = False
-appname = ''
-# check for asynch one_pass, debug, app
-args = sys.argv[1:]
- arg = args.pop()
- if arg == '-asynch':
- asynch = True
- elif arg == '-one_pass':
- one_pass = True
- elif arg == '-d':
- arg = args.pop()
- log_messages.set_debug_level(arg)
- elif arg == '-app':
- arg = args.pop()
- appname = arg
- else:
- log_messages.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Unrecognized arg: %s\n", arg)
+ # TODO: add a usage() method
+ # TODO: improve error handling
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Be sure to call Assimilator.__init__(self) from child classes
-config = configxml.default_config().config
+ # HACK: this belongs in boinc_db.py!
+ # initialize member vars
+ self.config = None
+ self.STOP_TRIGGER_FILENAME = os.path.join('..', 'stop_servers')
+ self.caught_sig_int = False
+ self.log=sched_messages.SchedMessages()
+ self.pass_count = 0
+ self.update_db = True
+ self.noinsert = False
+ self.wu_id_mod = 0
+ self.wu_id_remainder = 0
+ self.one_pass = False
+ self.one_pass_N_WU = 0
+ self.appname = ''
+ self.sleep_interval = 10
+ def check_stop_trigger(self):
+ """
+ Stops the daemon when not running in one_pass mode
+ There are two cases when the daemon will stop:
+ 1) if the SIGINT signal is received
+ 2) if the stop trigger file is present
+ """
+ try:
+ junk = open(self.STOP_TRIGGER_FILENAME, 'r')
+ except IOError:
+ if self.caught_sig_int:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Caught SIGINT\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Found stop trigger\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def sigint_handler(self, sig, stack):
+ """
+ This method handles the SIGINT signal. It sets a flag
+ but waits to exit until check_stop_trigger is called
+ """
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "Handled SIGINT\n")
+ self.caught_sig_int = True
+ def filename_hash(self, name, hash_fanout):
+ """
+ Accepts a filename (without path) and the hash fanout.
+ Returns the directory bucket where the file will reside.
+ The hash fanout is typically provided by the project config file.
+ """
+ h = hex(int(hashlib.md5(name).hexdigest()[:8], 16) % hash_fanout)[2:]
+ # check for the long L suffix. It seems like it should
+ # never be present but that isn't the case
+ if h.endswith('L'):
+ h = h[:-1]
+ return h
+ def get_file_path(self, result):
+ """
+ Accepts a result object and returns the relative path to the file.
+ This method accounts for file hashing and includes the directory
+ bucket in the path returned.
+ """
+ name = re.search('(.*)',result.xml_doc_in).group(1)
+ fanout = int(self.config.uldl_dir_fanout)
+ hashed = self.filename_hash(name, fanout)
+ updir = self.config.upload_dir
+ result = os.path.join(updir,hashed,name)
+ return result
+ def assimilate_handler(self, wu, results, canonical_result):
+ """
+ This method is called for each workunit (wu) that needs to be
+ processed. A canonical result is not guarenteed and several error
+ conditions may be present on the wu. Call report_errors(wu) when
+ overriding this method.
+ Note that the -noinsert flag (self.noinsert) must be accounted for when
+ overriding this method.
+ """
+ abstract()
+ def report_errors(self, wu):
+ """
+ Writes error logs based on the workunit (wu) error_mask field.
+ Returns True if errors were present, False otherwise.
+ """
+ if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_COULDNT_SEND_RESULT:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: couldn't send a result\n", wu.name)
+ return True
+ if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ERROR_RESULTS:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many error results\n", wu.name)
+ return True
+ if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TOTAL_RESULTS:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many total results\n", wu.name)
+ return True
+ if wu.error_mask&boinc_db.WU_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SUCCESS_RESULTS:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "[%s] Error: too many success results\n", wu.name)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def do_pass(self, app):
+ """
+ This method scans the database for workunits that need to be
+ assimilated. It handles all processing rules passed in on the command
+ line, except for -noinsert, which must be handled in assimilate_handler.
+ Calls check_stop_trigger before doing any work.
+ """
-# fork if asynch
- # add fork code
- pass
+ did_something=False
+ # check for stop trigger
+ self.check_stop_trigger()
+ self.pass_count += 1
+ n = 0
+ units = database.Workunits.find(app=app,assimilate_state=boinc_db.ASSIMILATE_READY)
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "pass %d, units %d\n", self.pass_count, len(units))
+ # look for workunits with correct appid and
+ # assimilate_state==ASSIMILATE_READY
+ for wu in units:
+ # if the user has turned on the WU mod flag, adhere to it
+ if self.wu_id_mod > 0 and self.wu_id_remainder > 0:
+ if wu.id % self.wu_id_mod != self.wu_id_remainder:
+ continue
+ # track how many jobs have been processed
+ # stop if the limit is reached
+ n += 1
+ if self.one_pass_N_WU > 0 and n > self.one_pass_N_WU:
+ return did_something
+ # only mark as dirty if the database is modified
+ if self.update_db:
+ did_something=True
+ canonical_result = None
+ results = None
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, "[%s] assimilating: state=%d\n", wu.name, wu.assimilate_state)
+ results = database.Results.find(workunit=wu)
-# retrieve app where name = app.name
-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
+ # look for canonical result for workunit in results
+ # HACK: shouldn't have to check types for comparion
+ # the Result object __eq__ method should handle
+ # the case of int vs Result
+ if type(wu.canonical_result) != type(0):
+ for result in results:
+ if result == wu.canonical_result:
+ canonical_result=result
+ if canonical_result == None:
+ # something is wrong, flag an error
+ wu.error_mask = boinc_db.WU_ERROR_NO_CANONICAL_RESULT
+ # assimilate handler
+ self.assimilate_handler(wu, results, canonical_result)
+ # TODO: check for DEFER_ASSIMILATION as a return value from assimilate_handler
+ if self.update_db:
+ # tag wu as ASSIMILATE_DONE
+ wu.assimilate_state = boinc_db.ASSIMILATE_DONE
+ wu.transition_time = int(time.time())
+ wu.commit()
+ # return did something result
+ return did_something
+ def parse_args(self):
+ """
+ Parses arguments provided on the command line and sets
+ those argument values as member variables. Arguments
+ are parsed as their true types, so integers will be ints,
+ not strings.
+ """
+ # TODO: this is inflexible, it should allow child classes
+ # to add or remove individual arguments easily
+ # without copying the entire loop
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ args.reverse()
+ while(len(args)):
+ arg = args.pop()
+ if arg == '-sleep_interval':
+ arg = args.pop()
+ self.sleep_interval = float(arg)
+ elif arg == '-one_pass':
+ self.one_pass = True
+ elif arg == '-one_pass_N_WU':
+ arg = args.pop()
+ self.one_pass_N_WU = int(arg)
+ elif arg == '-noinsert':
+ self.noinsert = True
+ elif arg == '-dont_update_db':
+ self.update_db = False
+ elif arg == '-mod':
+ self.wu_id_mod = int(args.pop())
+ self.wu_id_remainder = int(args.pop())
+ elif arg == '-d':
+ arg = args.pop()
+ self.log.set_debug_level(arg)
+ elif arg == '-app':
+ arg = args.pop()
+ self.appname = arg
+ else:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.CRITICAL, "Unrecognized arg: %s\n", arg)
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ This function runs the class in a loop unless the
+ one_pass or one_pass_WU_N flags are set. Before execution
+ parse_args() is called, the xml config file is loaded and
+ the SIGINT signal is hooked to the sigint_handler method.
+ """
+ self.parse_args()
+ self.config = configxml.default_config().config
+ # retrieve app where name = app.name
+ database.connect()
+ app=database.Apps.find1(name=self.appname)
+ database.close()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint_handler)
+ # do one pass or execute main loop
+ if self.one_pass:
+ self.do_pass(app)
+ else:
+ # main loop
+ while(1):
+ database.connect()
+ workdone = self.do_pass(app)
+ database.close()
+ if not workdone:
+ time.sleep(self.sleep_interval)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Add the following to your assimilator file:
+#if __name__ == '__main__':
+# asm = YourAssimilator()
+# asm.run()
-# do one pass or execute main loop
-if one_pass:
- do_pass(app)
- # main loop
- while(1):
- database.close()
- database.connect()
- if not do_pass(app):
- time.sleep(10)
diff --git a/sched/testasm.py b/sched/testasm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b918a40866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sched/testasm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from assimilator import *
+class TestAssimilator(Assimilator):
+ """
+ A minimal Assimilator example that dumps the result out to the log
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ Assimilator.__init__(self)
+ def assimilate_handler(self, wu, results, canonical_result):
+ """
+ Assimilates a canonical result, in this case assimilation
+ means dumping the contents of the result to the log.
+ Also calls report_errors to log any problems present in the workunit (wu)
+ """
+ # check for valid wu.canonical_result
+ if wu.canonical_result:
+ # do application specific processing
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.NORMAL, "[%s] Found canonical result\n", wu.name)
+ result = self.get_file_path(canonical_result)
+ for line in open(result, 'r').readlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.DEBUG, " [%s] Answer found %s %s\n", canonical_result.name, line[-32:], line[:-33])
+ else:
+ self.log.printf(sched_messages.NORMAL, "[%s] No canonical result\n", wu.name)
+ if self.report_errors(wu):
+ # report_errors returns true if error state was present
+ # perhaps add some special logic here
+ # even if no logic is required, report_errors should be called
+ pass
+# allow the module to be executed as an application
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ asm = TestAssimilator()
+ asm.run()