Mac: Fix automatic launch on login under MacOS 13.3.1

This commit is contained in:
Charlie Fenton 2023-04-29 07:46:19 -07:00
parent 86aef84d55
commit 49fecc6d71
4 changed files with 219 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -216,12 +216,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
sprintf(s, "dscl . -delete /Groups/boinc_project GroupMembership %s", pw->pw_name);
if (!AddUsers) {
// Delete per-user BOINC Manager and screensaver files
sprintf(s, "rm -fR \"/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC\"", pw->pw_name);
callPosixSpawn (s);
// Set or remove login item for this user
bool useOSASript = false;
@ -237,6 +231,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (useOSASript) {
if (!AddUsers) {
// Delete per-user BOINC Manager and screensaver files
sprintf(s, "rm -fR \"/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC\"", pw->pw_name);
callPosixSpawn (s);
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.boinc.plist", pw->pw_name);
SetLoginItemOSAScript(brandID, !AddUsers, pw->pw_name);
@ -535,6 +535,35 @@ Boolean SetLoginItemLaunchAgent(long brandID, Boolean deleteLogInItem, passwd *p
if (stat(s, &sbuf) != 0) {
return SetLoginItemLaunchAgentShellScript(brandID, deleteLogInItem, pw);
} else {
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC", pw->pw_name);
if (stat(s, &sbuf) != 0) {
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "sudo -u \"%s\" mkdir -p -m 0775 \"/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC\"",
pw->pw_name, pw->pw_name);
err = callPosixSpawn(s);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s returned error %d\n", s, (int) err);
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "cp -fR \"/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/\" \"/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC/\"", brandName[brandID], pw->pw_name, brandName[brandID]);
err = callPosixSpawn(s);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s returned error %d\n", s, (int) err);
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "chown -R %d:%d \"/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC/\"", pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_name, brandName[brandID]);
err = callPosixSpawn(s);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s returned error %d\n", s, (int) err);
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "chmod -R a+rw \"/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC/\"", pw->pw_name, brandName[brandID]);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s returned error %d\n", s, (int) err);
return SetLoginItemLaunchAgentFinishInstallApp(brandID, deleteLogInItem, pw);
@ -599,8 +628,8 @@ Boolean SetLoginItemLaunchAgentFinishInstallApp(long brandID, Boolean deleteLogI
fprintf(f, "\t<string>edu.berkeley.fix_login_items</string>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<key>ProgramArguments</key>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<array>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t\t<string>/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/</string>\n", brandName[brandID], brandName[brandID]);
if (deleteLogInItem) {
fprintf(f, "\t\t<string>/Users/%s/Library/Application Support/BOINC/</string>\n", pw->pw_name, brandName[brandID], brandName[brandID]);
if (deleteLogInItem) {
// If this user was previously authorized to run the Manager, there
// may still be a Login Item for this user, and the Login Item may
// launch the Manager before the LaunchAgent deletes the Login Item.

View File

@ -1087,8 +1087,8 @@ Boolean SetLoginItemLaunchAgent(long brandID, long oldBrandID, Boolean deleteLog
struct stat sbuf;
char s[2048];
// Create a LaunchAgent for the specified user, replacing any LaunchAgent created
// previously (such as by Uninstaller or by installing a differently branded BOINC.)
// Create a LaunchAgent to finish installation for the specified user, replacing any LaunchAgent
// created previously (such as by Uninstaller or by installing a differently branded BOINC.)
// Create LaunchAgents directory for this user if it does not yet exist
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents", pw->pw_name);
@ -1823,11 +1823,22 @@ OSErr UpdateAllVisibleUsers(long brandID, long oldBrandID)
if (compareOSVersionTo(13, 0) >= 0) {
deleteLoginItem = true; // Use LaunchAgent to autostart BOINC Manager
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "open \"/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/\"", brandName[brandID]);
err = callPosixSpawn(s);
if (err) {
printf("Command %s returned error %d\n", s, err);
printf("[2] calling SetLoginItemOSAScript for user %s, euid = %d, deleteLoginItem = %d\n",
pw->pw_name, geteuid(), deleteLoginItem);
SetLoginItemOSAScript(brandID, deleteLoginItem, pw->pw_name);
} else {
printf("[2] calling FixLaunchServicesDataBase for Finish_Install for user %s\n", pw->pw_name);

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/wait.h> // waitpid
#include <sys/param.h> // for MAXPATHLEN
#include <sys/stat.h> // for chmod
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cerrno>
@ -55,12 +56,13 @@
#include "mac_branding.h"
int callPosixSpawn(const char *cmd);
static int callPosixSpawn(const char *cmd);
static Boolean MakeLaunchManagerLaunchAgent(long brandID, passwd *pw);
static void FixLaunchServicesDataBase(int brandId, bool isUninstall);
static Boolean IsUserActive(const char *userName);
static char * PersistentFGets(char *buf, size_t buflen, FILE *f);
void print_to_log_file(const char *format, ...);
void strip_cr(char *buf);
static int compareOSVersionTo(int toMajor, int toMinor);
static void print_to_log_file(const char *format, ...);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int i, err;
@ -76,14 +78,16 @@ int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
while (!IsUserActive(userName)) {
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
for (i=0; i<NUMBRANDS; i++) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to delete login item \"%s\"'", appName[i]);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s\n", cmd);
fprintf(stderr, "Delete login item containing %s returned error %d\n", appName[i], err);
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("Delete login item containing %s returned error %d\n", appName[i], err);
@ -103,32 +107,67 @@ int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "killall -u %d -9 \"%s\"", getuid(), appName[iBrandId]);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s\n", cmd);
fprintf(stderr, "killall %s returned error %d\n", appName[iBrandId], err);
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("killall %s returned error %d\n", appName[iBrandId], err);
if (compareOSVersionTo(13, 0) >= 0) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "launchctl unload \"/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.launchboincmanager.plist\"", pw->pw_name);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("returned error %d\n", err);
sprintf(cmd, "rm -f \"/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.launchboincmanager.plist\"", pw->pw_name);
callPosixSpawn (cmd);
if (err) {
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("returned error %d\n", err);
} else {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to make new login item at end with properties {path:\"/Applications/\", hidden:true, name:\"%s\"}'", appName[iBrandId], appName[iBrandId]);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s\n", cmd);
fprintf(stderr, "Make new login item for %s returned error %d\n", appName[i], err);
if (compareOSVersionTo(13, 0) >= 0) {
bool success = MakeLaunchManagerLaunchAgent(iBrandId, pw);
if (!success) {
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("MakeLaunchManagerLaunchAgent for %s failed\n", appName[iBrandId]);
} else {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to make new login item at end with properties {path:\"%s\", hidden:true, name:\"%s\"}'", appPath[iBrandId], appName[iBrandId]);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("Make new login item for %s returned error %d\n", appName[iBrandId], err);
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "open -jg \"/Applications/\"", appName[iBrandId]);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Command: %s\n", cmd);
fprintf(stderr, "\"open -jg \"/Applications/\" returned error %d\n", appName[iBrandId], err);
if (compareOSVersionTo(13, 0) >= 0) {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "launchctl unload \"/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.launchboincmanager.plist\"", pw->pw_name);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("returned error %d\n", err);
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "launchctl load \"/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.launchboincmanager.plist\"", pw->pw_name);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("returned error %d\n", err);
} else {
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "open -jg \"%s\"", appPath[iBrandId]);
err = callPosixSpawn(cmd);
if (err) {
print_to_log_file("Command: %s\n", cmd);
print_to_log_file("\"open -jg \"%s\" returned error %d\n", appPath[iBrandId], err);
FixLaunchServicesDataBase(iBrandId, isUninstall);
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "rm -f \"/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.boinc.plist\"", pw->pw_name);
@ -153,6 +192,51 @@ int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
static Boolean MakeLaunchManagerLaunchAgent(long brandID, passwd *pw)
struct stat sbuf;
char s[2048];
// Create a LaunchAgent for the specified user to autostart BOINC Manager on login, replacing
// any LaunchAgent created previously (such as by installing a differently branded BOINC.)
// Create LaunchAgents directory for this user if it does not yet exist
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents", pw->pw_name);
if (stat(s, &sbuf) != 0) {
mkdir(s, 0755);
chown(s, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid);
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.launchboincmanager.plist", pw->pw_name);
FILE* f = fopen(s, "w");
if (!f) return false;
fprintf(f, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
fprintf(f, "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">\n");
fprintf(f, "<plist version=\"1.0\">\n");
fprintf(f, "<dict>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<key>Label</key>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<string>edu.berkeley.launchBOINCManager</string>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<key>ProgramArguments</key>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<array>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t\t<string>%s/Contents/MacOS/%s</string>\n", appPath[brandID], appName[brandID]);
fprintf(f, "\t\t<string>--autostart</string>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t</array>\n");
if (compareOSVersionTo(13, 0) >= 0) {
fprintf(f, "\t<key>AssociatedBundleIdentifiers</key>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<string>edu.berkeley.boinc</string>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<key>RunAtLoad</key>\n");
fprintf(f, "\t<true/>\n");
fprintf(f, "</dict>\n");
fprintf(f, "</plist>\n");
chmod(s, 0644);
chown(s, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid);
return true;
// If there are other copies of BOINC Manager with different branding
// on the system, Notifications may display the icon for the wrong
// branding, due to the Launch Services database having one of the
@ -260,6 +344,44 @@ static Boolean IsUserActive(const char *userName){
// Test OS version number on all versions of OS X without using deprecated Gestalt
// compareOSVersionTo(x, y) returns:
// -1 if the OS version we are running on is less than x.y
// 0 if the OS version we are running on is equal to x.y
// +1 if the OS version we are running on is lgreater than x.y
static int compareOSVersionTo(int toMajor, int toMinor) {
static SInt32 major = -1;
static SInt32 minor = -1;
if (major < 0) {
char vers[100], *p1 = NULL;
FILE *f;
vers[0] = '\0';
f = popen("sw_vers -productVersion", "r");
if (f) {
fscanf(f, "%s", vers);
if (vers[0] == '\0') {
print_to_log_file("popen(\"sw_vers -productVersion\" failed\n");
return 0;
// Extract the major system version number
major = atoi(vers);
// Extract the minor system version number
p1 = strchr(vers, '.');
minor = atoi(p1+1);
if (major < toMajor) return -1;
if (major > toMajor) return 1;
// if (major == toMajor) compare minor version numbers
if (minor < toMinor) return -1;
if (minor > toMinor) return 1;
return 0;
#define NOT_IN_TOKEN 0
@ -316,7 +438,7 @@ static int parse_posix_spawn_command_line(char* p, char** argv) {
int callPosixSpawn(const char *cmdline) {
static int callPosixSpawn(const char *cmdline) {
char command[1024];
char progName[1024];
char progPath[MAXPATHLEN];
@ -386,8 +508,21 @@ int callPosixSpawn(const char *cmdline) {
return result;
void strip_cr(char *buf)
char *theCR;
void print_to_log_file(const char *format, ...) {
theCR = strrchr(buf, '\n');
if (theCR)
*theCR = '\0';
theCR = strrchr(buf, '\r');
if (theCR)
*theCR = '\0';
#endif // CREATE_LOG
static void print_to_log_file(const char *format, ...) {
va_list args;
char buf[256];
@ -423,17 +558,3 @@ void print_to_log_file(const char *format, ...) {
void strip_cr(char *buf)
char *theCR;
theCR = strrchr(buf, '\n');
if (theCR)
*theCR = '\0';
theCR = strrchr(buf, '\r');
if (theCR)
*theCR = '\0';
#endif // CREATE_LOG

View File

@ -773,6 +773,11 @@ static OSStatus CleanupAllVisibleUsers(void)
DeleteLoginItemLaunchAgent(brandID, pw);
if (compareOSVersionTo(13, 0) >= 0) {
sprintf(s, "rm -f \"/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents/edu.berkeley.launchboincmanager.plist\"", pw->pw_name);
callPosixSpawn (s);
showDebugMsg("calling DeleteScreenSaverLaunchAgent for user %s, euid = %d\n",
@ -1054,8 +1059,8 @@ Boolean DeleteLoginItemLaunchAgent(long brandID, passwd *pw)
// Create a LaunchAgent for the specified user, replacing any LaunchAgent created
// previously (such as by Installer or by installing a differently branded BOINC.)
// Create a LaunchAgent to finish uninstall for the specified user, replacing any LaunchAgent
// created previously (such as by Uninstaller or by installing a differently branded BOINC.)
// Create LaunchAgents directory for this user if it does not yet exist
snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "/Users/%s/Library/LaunchAgents", pw->pw_name);