diff --git a/html/languages/translations/nl.po b/html/languages/translations/nl.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..173c8f27ff --- /dev/null +++ b/html/languages/translations/nl.po @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +########################################## +# Language: Dutch +# FileID : $Id$ +# Author : Robin Weezepoel +# Email : rweezepoel@yahoo.com +########################################## +# For more information please see: +# http://boinc.berkeley.edu/web_translation.php +########################################## + +# The charset used for the text in this file (please try to use UTF-8 if possible) +msgid "CHARSET" +msgstr "UTF-8" +# The name of this language in this language +msgid "LANG_NAME_NATIVE" +msgstr "Nederlands" +# The name of this language in an international language (English) +msgid "LANG_NAME_INTERNATIONAL" +msgstr "Dutch" + + +######################################### +# Apps page (apps.php) +######################################### +msgid "APPS_TITLE" +msgstr "Applicaties" + +msgid "APPS_DESCRIPTION" +msgstr "$PROJECT heeft momenteel de volgende applicaties. " +"Als je deelneemt aan $PROJECT, wordt er werk voor een of meer " +"van deze applicaties aan jouw computer toegewezen. " +"De huidige vesie van de applicatie wordt dan gedownloadt. " +"Dit gebeurt automatisch; je hoeft er niets voor te doen. " + +msgid "APPS_PLATFORM" +msgstr "Platform" + +msgid "APPS_VERSION" +msgstr "Huidige versie" + +msgid "APPS_INSTALLTIME" +msgstr "Geïstalleerd" + +######################################### +# Rules and Policies page (info.php) +######################################### +msgid "RULES_TITLE" +msgstr "Lees onze regels en beleid" + +msgid "RULES_ONLY_AUTH" +msgstr "Draai $PROJECT alleen op geautoriseerde computers" + +msgid "RULES_ONLY_AUTH_TEXT" +msgstr "Draai $PROJECT alleen op je eigen computers, " +"of op computers waarvoor je toestemming hebt. " +"sommige bedrijven en scholen hebben een beleid dat verbiedt om computers te gebruiken " +"voor projecten zoals $PROJECT" + +msgid "RULES_COMPUTER_USE" +msgstr "Hoe $PROJECT jouw computer gebruikt" + +msgid "RULES_COMPUTER_USE_TEXT_A" +msgstr "als je $PROJECT op jouw computer draait, " +"gebruikt het een deel van de computer's CPU kracht, hardeschijfruimte, en netwerkbandbreedte. " +"Jij bepaalt hoeveel bronnen er worden gebruikt $PROJECT, " +"en wanneer het ze gebruikt." + +msgid "RULES_COMPUTER_USE_TEXT_B" +msgstr "Het werk dat door jouw computer wordt gedaan draagt bij aan de " +"doelstelling van $PROJECT, zoals beschreven op de website. " +"De applicaties kunnen van tijd tot tijd veranderen." + +msgid "RULES_PRIVACY" +msgstr "Privacybeleid" + +msgid "RULES_PRIVACY_TEXT_A" +msgstr "Jouw account op $PROJECT qordt geïdentificeerd door een door jouw gekozen naam. " +"Deze naam kan worden getoond op de $PROJECT website, samen met een overzicht van " +"het werk dat jouw computer gedaan heeft voor $PROJECT. " +"Als je anoniem wilt blijven, kies dan een naam die je identiteit niet onthult." + +msgid "RULES_PRIVACY_TEXT_B" +msgstr "Als je deelneemt aan $PROJECT, wordt informatie over jouw computer " +"(zoals processortype, hoeveelheid geheugen, etc.) " +"opgeslagen door $PROJECT en gebruikt om te bepalen wat voor werk aan " +"jouw computer toe te wijzen. Deze informatie wordt ook getoond op " +"$PROJECT's website. " +"Informatie die de locatie van de computer kan onthullen (bijv. de domeinnaam of " +"het netwerkadres) zal niet getoond worden." + +msgid "RULES_PRIVACY_TEXT_C" +msgstr "Om deel te nemen aan $PROJECT, moet je een adres op geven waar je email ontvangt. " +"Dit adres zal niet getoond worden op de website van $PROJECT of gedeeld worden met organisaties. " +"$PROJECT kan periodieke nieuwsbrieven sturen; hiervoor kan je je op ieder moment uitschrijven." + +msgid "RULES_SAFE" +msgstr "Is het veilig om $PROJECT te draaien?" + +msgid "RULES_SAFE_TEXT_A" +msgstr "Iedere keer als je een programma via internet download neem je een risico: " +"het programma kan gevaarlijke fouten bevatten, " +"of de downloadserver kan gehackt zijn. " +"$PROJECT probeert deze risico's tot een minimum te beperken. " +"We hebben onze applicaties zorgvuldig getest. " +"Onze servers staan achter een firewall en zijn geconfigureerd voor hoge veiligheid. " +"Om de integriteit van de downloads te verifiëren, zijn alle toepassingen digitaal " +"ondertekend op een computer die niet op internet aangesloten is." + +msgid "RULES_SAFE_TEXT_B" +msgstr "Door de applicaties die gedraaid worden door $PROJECT kunnen sommige computers oververhitten. " +"Als dit gebeurt, stop dan met het draaien van $PROJECT of gebruik een %s dat CPU-gebruik limiteert." + +msgid "RULES_UTILITY_PROGRAM" +msgstr "hulpprogramma" + +msgid "RULES_SAFE_TEXT_C" +msgstr "$PROJECT is ontwikkeld door %s. BOINC is ontwikkeld door de Universiteit van " +"Californië." + +msgid "RULES_LIABILITY" +msgstr "Aansprakelijkheid" + +msgid "RULES_LIABILITY_TEXT" +msgstr "$PROJECT en %s nemen geen verantwoordelijkheid voor schade aan jouw computer, " +"verlies van data, of enige andere gebeurtenis of voorwaarde die voortkomt uit " +"deelname aan $PROJECT." + +msgid "RULES_OTHER" +msgstr "Andere BOINC projecten" + +msgid "RULES_OTHER_TEXT_A" +msgstr "Andere projecten gebruiken hetzelfde platform, BOINC, als $PROJECT. Je zou kunnen " +"overwegen om aan een of meer van deze projecten deel te nemen. " +"Hierdoor blijft je computer bruikbaar werk doen, zelfs als $PROJECT er geen werk " +"beschikbaar voor heeft." + +msgid "RULES_OTHER_TEXT_B" +msgstr "Deze projecten zijn niet geä met $PROJECT, en we kunnen hun " +"veiligheidsmaatregelen en de intenties van hun onderzoek niet controleren. Deelname " +"is op eigen risico." + +######################################### +# Create account form (create_account_form.php) +######################################### +msgid "CREATE_AC_TITLE" +msgstr "Maak een an account" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_READ_RULES" +msgstr "Lees de %s voordat je een account maakt." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_ALREADY_GOT" +msgstr "Als je al een account key hebt ontvangen, verstuur dit formulier dan niet. " +"%s instead." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_NAME" +msgstr "Naam" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_NAME_DESC" +msgstr "Identificeert jou op onze website. Gebruik je echte naam of een bijnaam." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_EMAIL" +msgstr "Emailadres" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_EMAIL_DESC" +msgstr "Moet een geldig adres zijn van de vorm 'naam@domein'." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_COUNTRY" +msgstr "Land" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_COUNTRY_DESC" +msgstr "Selecteer het land dat je wilt representeren, of laat open." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_ZIP" +msgstr "Postcode" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_CREATE" +msgstr "Maak een account" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_DISABLED" +msgstr "Het aanmaken van accounts is uitgezet" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_DISABLED_TEXT" +msgstr "Het aanmaken van accounts voor $PROJECT is momenteel uitgezet. " +"Probeer het later opnieuw." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_TEAM" +msgstr "Dit account zal toebehoren aan het team %s en zal de project-voorkeuren van de stichter hebben." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_USE_CLIENT" +msgstr "OPMERKING: Als je BOINC versie 5.2+ met de BOINC manager gebruikt, " +"gebruik dit formulier dan niet. " +"Draai simpelweg BOINC, selecteer Project toevoegen, " +"en vul een emailadres en wachtwoord in. " + +msgid "CREATE_AC_PASSWORD" +msgstr "Wachtwoord" + +msgid "CREATE_AC_PASSWORD_DESC" +msgstr "Moet ten minste %s karakters lang zijn." + +msgid "CREATE_AC_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" +msgstr "Bevestig wachtwoord" + +msgid "AC_INVITE_CODE" +msgstr "Invitatiecode" + +msgid "AC_INVITE_CODE_DESC" +msgstr "Een geldige invitatiecode is vereist om een account aan te maken" + +msgid "AC_INVITE_REQUIRED" +msgstr "Je moet een invitatiecode opgeven om een account aan te maken." + +msgid "AC_INVITE_INVALID" +msgstr "De invitatiecode die je opgaf is niet geldig." + + +######################################### +# Forum sample index page +######################################### + +msgid "FORUM_TITLE" +msgstr "$PROJECT Forums" + +msgid "FORUM_TITLE_SHORT" +msgstr "Forums" + + +######################################### +# General stuff (create_account_form.php and others) +######################################### +msgid "OPTIONAL" +msgstr "Optioneel" + +######################################### +# Various top table pages (top users, computers, teams) +######################################### + +msgid "TOP_PARTICIPANT_TITLE" +msgstr "Beste deelnemers" + +msgid "USER_TABLE_RANK" +msgstr "Positie" + +msgid "USER_TABLE_NAME" +msgstr "Naam" + +msgid "TOTAL_CREDIT" +msgstr "Punten totaal" + +msgid "EXPAVG_CREDIT" +msgstr "Punten gemiddeld" + +msgid "USER_TABLE_COUNTRY" +msgstr "Land" + +msgid "USER_TABLE_PTIME" +msgstr "Deelnemer sinds" + +msgid "TOP_TEAMS_TITLE" +msgstr "Beste %s teams" + +msgid "TEAM_TABLE_MEMBERS" +msgstr "Leden" + + +######################################### +# Forum +######################################### +msgid "FORUM_POSTS" +msgstr "Berichten" +msgid "FORUM_TOPIC" +msgstr "Onderwerp" +msgid "FORUM_THREADS" +msgstr "Threads" +msgid "FORUM_LAST_POST" +msgstr "Laatste bericht" +msgid "FORUM_AUTHOR" +msgstr "Auteur" +msgid "FORUM_VIEWS" +msgstr "Views" + +msgid "FORUM_ERR_NOT_FOUND" +msgstr "Geen forum met die naam" + +msgid "FORUM_ERR_EXPAVG" +msgstr "Om een nieuwe discussie te beginnen in %s moet je een bepaald aantal credits hebben." +"Dit is om het systeem te beschermen en misbruik te voorkomen." + +msgid "FORUM_ERR_INTERVAL" +msgstr "Je kan momenteel geen discussies meer beginnen. Wacht even voor je het weer probeert." +"Deze vertraging is tegen misbruik van het systeem." + +msgid "FORUM_QA_POST_MESSAGE" +msgstr "Het %s gebied bied hulp van andere gebruikers. Als je een vraag of probleem hebt:" +msgid "FORUM_QA_POST_MESSAGE2" +msgstr "Lees de bestaande lijst van vragen. Als je vraag erbij staat, " +"klik op de %s knop. Als er al antwoorden zijn ingestuurd lees deze dan. " +"Als een van deze je vraag beantwoord, klik op de %s knop." +msgid "FORUM_QA_POST_MESSAGE3" +msgstr "Als je vraag nog niet is gesteld, vul het formulier dan in en verstuur het." +msgid "FORUM_QA_POST_MESSAGE4" +msgstr "Dit zorgt ervoor dat vragen niet meerdere malen worden gesteld." + +msgid "FORUM_QA_SUBMIT_NEW" +msgstr "Verstuur een nieuwe vraag/nieuw probleem" + +msgid "FORUM_SUBMIT_NEW" +msgstr "Creëer een nieuwe discussie" + +msgid "FORUM_SUBMIT_NEW_TITLE" +msgstr "Titel" + +msgid "FORUM_QA_SUBMIT_NEW_HELP" +msgstr "Beschrijf je vraag met een paar woorden. " +"Een korte, heldere samenvatting helpt anderen met dezelfde " +"vraag (of een antwoord) het te vinden." + +msgid "FORUM_QA_SUBMIT_NEW_BODY_HELP" +msgstr "Als je problemen hebt met de software, " +"vermeld dan het versie nummer ervan, " +"je computertype en besturingssysteem." + +msgid "FORUM_ADD_MY_SIG" +msgstr "Voeg mijn handtekening toe aan dit bericht" + +msgid "FORUM_MESSAGE" +msgstr "Bericht" + +msgid "FORUM_QA_GOT_PROBLEM_TOO" +msgstr "Ik heb hetzelfde probleem" + +msgid "FORUM_QA_QUESTION_ANSWERED" +msgstr "Dit beantwoort mijn vraag" + +msgid "FORUM_HTML_INFO" +msgstr "gebruik BBCode tags om je tekst op te maken" + + +######################################### +# Forum thread +######################################### + +msgid "FORUM_THREAD_HIDDEN" +msgstr "Deze discussie is verborgen voor administratieve doeleinden" + +msgid "FORUM_THREAD_REPLY" +msgstr "Reageer op deze discussie" + +msgid "FORUM_THREAD_SUBSCRIBED" +msgstr "Je bent geabbonneerd op deze discussie." + +msgid "FORUM_THREAD_UNSUBSCRIBE" +msgstr "Klik hier om op te zeggen" + +msgid "FORUM_THREAD_SUBSCRIBE" +msgstr "Abbonneer op deze discussie" + + +######################################### +# Forum search features +######################################### +msgid "FORUM_SEARCH" +msgstr "Zoek forums" + +msgid "FORUM_SEARCH_TITLES" +msgstr "Titels die '%s' bevatten" + +msgid "FORUM_SEARCH_BODIES" +msgstr "Berichten die '%s' bevatten" + +msgid "FORUM_SEARCH_TITLES_NO" +msgstr "Geen titels gevonden die '%s' bevatten." + +msgid "FORUM_SEARCH_BODIES_NO" +msgstr "Geen berichten gevonden die '%s' bevatten." + + +######################################### +# Links from the main page +######################################### +msgid "LINKS_QA" +msgstr "Vragen en antwoorden" diff --git a/languages/translations/ca.po b/languages/translations/ca.po index ab6f6a5aed..20751c3dfe 100644 --- a/languages/translations/ca.po +++ b/languages/translations/ca.po @@ -2,22 +2,24 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-05 19:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-09 22:14+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Xavier Mor-Mur \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Poedit-Language: Catalan\n" -"X-Poedit-Country: SPAIN\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" # ######################################## # Language: Catalan # FileID : $Id$ +# Author : Xavier Mor-Mur, based on en.po svn rev. 14992 +# Email : xmormur@telepolis.com ########################################## # For more information please see: # http://boinc.berkeley.edu/web_translation.php ########################################## + # The charset used for the text in this file (please try to use UTF-8 if possible) msgid "CHARSET" msgstr "UTF-8" @@ -33,11 +35,27 @@ msgstr "Catalan" ######################################## # poll-related stuff ######################################## + msgid "POLL_TITLE" msgstr "Enquesta per a usuaris de BOINC" msgid "POLL_INTRO" -msgstr "Diversos projectes de computació distribuïda, incloent Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, i SETI@home, utilitzen un programari anomenat BOINC. Si participa en projectes com aquests, li demanem que respongui a les següents qüestions. Això ajudarà els projectes basats en BOINC a incrementar la participació i a assolir majors fites científiques.

Si us plau respongui tantes preguntes com vulgui, llavors dirigeixi's a la part inferior i premi el botó OK. Si ha respost amb anterioritat a l'enquesta però les seves repostes han canviat, si us plau completi-la un altra cop - les seves noves respostes substituiran les antigues.

Els resultats actuals de l'enquesta són aquí. " +msgstr "Diversos projectes de computació distribuïda, " +"incloent Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, " +"i SETI@home, utilitzen un programari anomenat BOINC. " +"Si participa en projectes com aquests, " +"li demanem que respongui a les següents qüestions. " +"Això ajudarà els projectes basats en BOINC a incrementar " +"la participació i a assolir majors fites científiques. " +"

" +"Si us plau respongui tantes preguntes com vulgui, " +"llavors dirigeixi's a la part inferior i premi el botó OK. " +"Si ha respost amb anterioritat a l'enquesta però les seves repostes han canviat, " +"si us plau completi-la un altra cop - " +"les seves noves respostes substituiran les antigues. " +"

" +"Els resultats actuals de l'enquesta són " +"aquí. " msgid "POLL_RUN" msgstr "Executa BOINC?" @@ -306,6 +324,7 @@ msgstr "Aquests són els resultats de l'enquesta per a usuaris ######################################## # download.php 2006/08/03 by je2bwm ######################################## + msgid "DL_DOWNLOAD" msgstr "Descarregar BOINC" @@ -313,7 +332,14 @@ msgid "DL_VERSION_LNAME_SIZE" msgstr "%s for %s (%s MB)" msgid "DL_WHATS_BOINC" -msgstr " BOINC és un programa que li permet donar la capacitat de càlcul no aprofitada del seu ordinador a projectes científics com SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, i molts altres.

Després d'intal·lar BOINC al seu ordinador, el pot connectar a tants projectes com vostè vulgui.

" +msgstr " BOINC és un programa que li permet donar" +" la capacitat de càlcul no aprofitada del seu ordinador a projectes científics com" +" SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home," +" World Community Grid, i molts altres." +"

" +" Després d'intal·lar BOINC al seu ordinador," +" el pot connectar a tants projectes com vostè vulgui." +"

" msgid "DL_SYSTEMREQ" msgstr "Requiriments del sistema" @@ -337,13 +363,19 @@ msgid "DL_MAKEYOUROWN" msgstr "%s crear els seu propi client %s o bé" msgid "DL_DL_FROM3RDP" -msgstr "%s descarregar executables des de pàgines de tercers %s (disponible per a Solaris/Opteron, Linux/Opteron, Linux/PPC, HP-UX, i FreeBSD, i altres)." +msgstr "%s descarregar executables des de pàgines de tercers %s" + " (disponible per a Solaris/Opteron, Linux/Opteron, Linux/PPC, HP-UX, i FreeBSD, i altres)." msgid "DL_DOWNLOAD_TITLE" msgstr "BOINC: computació per a la ciència" msgid "DL_MIRRORS" -msgstr "Nota: els fitxers es descarreguen des de servidors alternatius des de boinc.berkeley.edu, morel.mit.edu, einstein.aei.mpg.de, einstein.astro.gla.ac.uk, einstein.ligo.caltech.edu, i einstein.aset.psu.edu (gràcies a aquestes institucions). El servidor es escollit aleatòriament - si la descàrrega falla, actualitzeu la pàgina i torneu a provar-ho. " +msgstr "Nota: els fitxers es descarreguen des de servidors alternatius " + "des de boinc.berkeley.edu, morel.mit.edu, einstein.aei.mpg.de, " + "einstein.astro.gla.ac.uk, einstein.ligo.caltech.edu, i einstein.aset.psu.edu " + "(gràcies a aquestes institucions). " + "El servidor es escollit aleatòriament - " + "si la descàrrega falla, actualitzeu la pàgina i torneu a provar-ho. " ############################################## # system_requirements.php by je2bwm 2006/08/07 @@ -352,7 +384,8 @@ msgid "SRQ_PAGE_TITLE" msgstr "Requeriments del sistema" msgid "SRQ_INTRO" -msgstr "El seu ordinador ha de satisfer els següents requeriments per poder executar BOINC. Els projectes basats en BOINC poden tenir requeriments adicionals." +msgstr "El seu ordinador ha de satisfer els següents requeriments per poder executar BOINC. " + "Els projectes basats en BOINC poden tenir requeriments adicionals." msgid "SRQ_MSWIN" msgstr "Windows" @@ -433,37 +466,70 @@ msgid "RLN_KNOWN_ISSUES" msgstr "Problemes coneguts" msgid "RLN_WIN_INSTALL_PROBLEMS" -msgstr "(Windows) Esporàdicament, la instal·lació pot fallar degut a una instal·lació anterior de BOINC. Si passa això: %s Finalitzeu BOINC, si està en execució, i desintal·leu BOINC " +msgstr "(Windows) Esporàdicament, la instal·lació pot fallar degut " + "a una instal·lació anterior de BOINC. Si passa això: " + "%s Finalitzeu BOINC, si està en execució, i desintal·leu BOINC " + "utilitzant %s Inici/Panell de Control/Afegir i treure programes%s. · + "Instal·lar la nova versió de nou. " + "%s Si això falla, torneu a instal·lar la versió de BOINC " + "que s'estava executant inicialment " + "(les versions anteriors es poden trobar %saquí%s). " + "Desinstal·lar com abans, desprès instal·lar la nova versió. " + "%s Si això falla, descarregar la utilitat %sWindows Install Clean Up%s " + "des de Microsoft i executar-la. " + "La versió BOINC anterior es mostra com BOINC.msi o com " + "una icona .msi malmesa (serà la primera l'opció). " + "Seleccioneu-la, premeu Eliminar i Sortir. " + "Re-iniciar l'ordinador. " + "Instal·lar la nova versió. " + "(Atenció: deixeu tots els altres fitxers .msi tal i com estan, " + "o podríeu tenir problemes desinstal·lant altres programes). " + "%s " msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT" msgstr "Resolució de problemes" msgid "RLN_NEWF_5_4_AM" -msgstr "Suport per 'Gestors de comptes' - pàgines web que permeten seleccionar projectes BOINC, adherir-s’hi o no, canviar recursos i configuracions, tot amb la senzillesa d'un clic. Els Gestors de comptes també ajuden en el cas de disposar de mes d'un ordinador - només cal fer els canvis un sol cop." +msgstr "Suport per 'Gestors de comptes' - pàgines web que permeten seleccionar " + "projectes BOINC, adherir-s’hi o no, canviar recursos i configuracions, " + "tot amb la senzillesa d'un clic. " + "Els Gestors de comptes també ajuden en el cas de disposar de mes d'un ordinador - " + "només cal fer els canvis un sol cop." msgid "RLN_NEWF_5_4_PREF_OVERRIDE" -msgstr "Les Preferències generals es poden superar a través d'un arxiu local; els detalls els trobara %s aquí %s." +msgstr "Les Preferències generals es poden superar a través d'un arxiu local; " + "els detalls els trobara %s aquí %s." msgid "RLN_NEWF_5_4_ALERTS_CONNECT" -msgstr "BOINC l'avisarà si requereix que l'usuari estableixi una connexió de xarxa." +msgstr "BOINC l'avisarà si requereix que " + "l'usuari estableixi una connexió de xarxa." msgid "RLN_5_8_SIMPLE_GUI" -msgstr "El client BOINC ofereix dues interfícies: 'Senzilla' (petita, gràfica, aspecte modificable) i 'Avançada' (màxima informació). La interfície Senzilla permet l'edició local de les preferències. Podeu canviar entre les dues interfícies tantes vegades com desitgeu. " +msgstr "El client BOINC ofereix dues interfícies: " + " 'Senzilla' (petita, gràfica, aspecte modificable) " + " i 'Avançada' (màxima informació). " + " La interfície Senzilla permet l'edició local de les preferències. " + " Podeu canviar entre les dues interfícies tantes vegades com desitgeu. " msgid "RLN_5_8_THROTTLE" -msgstr " limitar la CPU: podeu reduir la temperatura de la CPU limitant el temps d'execució de BOINC. " +msgstr " limitar la CPU: podeu reduir la temperatura de la CPU " + " limitant el temps d'execució de BOINC. " msgid "RLN_5_8_SCHED" -msgstr " Una millor planificació de les tasques permet evitar que finalitzin les tasques fora de temps inclusiu en ordinadors lents amb molts projectes. " +msgstr " Una millor planificació de les tasques permet evitar que finalitzin " + " les tasques fora de temps inclusiu en ordinadors lents amb molts projectes. " msgid "RLN_5_8_MEM" -msgstr " Pot limitar la quantitat de memòria utilitzada per BOINC; això permet l'execució permanent sense pèrdua de rendiment. " +msgstr " Pot limitar la quantitat de memòria utilitzada per BOINC; " + " això permet l'execució permanent sense pèrdua de rendiment. " msgid "RLN_5_8_SANDBOX" -msgstr " La versió per Mac OS X executa les aplicacions en un compte sense privilegis, incrementant la seguretat. " +msgstr " La versió per Mac OS X executa les aplicacions en un compte sense privilegis, " + " incrementant la seguretat. " msgid "RLN_5_8_SNOOZE" -msgstr " El botó Aturar (a la icona de la barra de tasques) li permet aturar el l'execució durant una hora. " +msgstr " El botó Aturar (a la icona de la barra de tasques) li permet " + " aturar el l'execució durant una hora. " msgid "RLN_RECOMMEND_LATEST_VERSION" msgstr "Recomanem a tots els usuaris de BOINC que actualitzin a %s." @@ -487,22 +553,42 @@ msgid "RLN_SINGLE_USER_INSTALL" msgstr "Instal·lació com a usuari únic (Single-user installation)" msgid "RLN_MSWIN_INSTALL_SINGLE_USER_DESC" -msgstr "Aquest és el tipus d'instal·lació recomanat. BOINC s'executarà mentre l'usuari d'instal·lació està actiu. BOINC es declarat en el menú d'inici d'aquest usuari però no en el dels altres. L'ordre 'Mostrar els grafics' del gestor BOINC es exclusiva per aquest usuari. El salvapantalles de BOINC li mostra una aplicació gràfica (els altres usuaris poden executar el salvapantalles però només informació en modo text)." +msgstr "Aquest és el tipus d'instal·lació recomanat. " + "BOINC s'executarà mentre l'usuari d'instal·lació està actiu. " + "BOINC es declarat en el menú d'inici d'aquest usuari però no en el dels altres. " + "L'ordre 'Mostrar els grafics' del gestor BOINC es exclusiva per aquest usuari. " + "El salvapantalles de BOINC li mostra una aplicació gràfica " + "(els altres usuaris poden executar el salvapantalles però només " + "informació en modo text)." msgid "RLN_SHARED_INSTALL" msgstr "Instal·lació compartida (Shared installation)" msgid "RLN_MSWIN_INSTALL_SHARED_DESC" -msgstr "El client BOINC és executat mentre qualsevol usuari tingui una sessió oberta. BOINC es declarat en el menú d'inici de tots els usuaris. L'execució de BOINC és per l'usuari que l'inicia (el primer en activar-se o el primer en executar BOINC). La visualització dels gràfics en el client BOINC només es per aquest usuari. El salvapantalles mostra els gràfics només per aquest usuari (els altres usuaris poden executar el salvapantalles però només informació en modo text)." +msgstr "El client BOINC és executat mentre qualsevol usuari tingui una sessió oberta. " + "BOINC es declarat en el menú d'inici de tots els usuaris. " + "L'execució de BOINC és per l'usuari que l'inicia " + "(el primer en activar-se o el primer en executar BOINC). " + "La visualització dels gràfics en el client BOINC només es per aquest usuari. " + "El salvapantalles mostra els gràfics només per aquest usuari " + "(els altres usuaris poden executar el salvapantalles però només " + "informació en modo text)." msgid "RLN_WIN_SERVICE_INSTALL" msgstr "Instal·lació com a Servei (Service installation)" msgid "RLN_MSWIN_INSTALL_WINSERVICE_DESC" -msgstr "El client BOINC és executat sempre (encara que no hi hagi cap sessió oberta). BOINC és declarat en el menú d'inici de l'usuari que fa la instal·lació, i no en el dels altres. L'ordre 'Mostrar els grafics' del gestor BOINC no es operativa per a cap usuari. El salvapantalles mostrarà, només, informació en modo text." +msgstr "El client BOINC és executat sempre (encara que no hi hagi cap sessió oberta). " + "BOINC és declarat en el menú d'inici de l'usuari que fa la instal·lació, " + "i no en el dels altres. " + "L'ordre 'Mostrar els grafics' del gestor BOINC " + "no es operativa per a cap usuari. " + "El salvapantalles mostrarà, només, informació en modo text." msgid "RLN_LINUX_INSTALL_SEA_DESC" -msgstr "El client BOINC per Linux és distribuït com a arxiu autoextraïble. Aquest tipus d'instal·lació requereix de l'usuari el coneixement de la interficie de línia de comandes del UNIX." +msgstr "El client BOINC per Linux és distribuït com a arxiu autoextraïble. " + "Aquest tipus d'instal·lació requereix de l'usuari el coneixement de la " + "interficie de línia de comandes del UNIX." msgid "RLN_LINUX_DL_FILENAME" msgstr "Els arxius que cal descarregar tenen noms com %s." @@ -529,28 +615,47 @@ msgid "RLN_LINUX_AUTOSTART" msgstr "Pot voler%s executar automaticament el client %sen el moment d'iniciar l'ordinador." msgid "RLN_MSWIN_UNINSTALL_DESC" -msgstr "Seleccioni Inici / Panell de control / Afegir o Treure Programes. Seleccionar BOINC, prémer Treure. Aixó només elimina el programari BOINC. Per eliminar totalment BOINC, eliminar el directori BOINC (normalment C:/Arxius de Programa/BOINC). " +msgstr "Seleccioni Inici / Panell de control / Afegir o Treure Programes. " + "Seleccionar BOINC, prémer Treure. " + "Aixó només elimina el programari BOINC. " + "Per eliminar totalment BOINC, eliminar el directori BOINC " + "(normalment C:/Arxius de Programa/BOINC). " msgid "RLN_ISSUE_PROXY_NTLMAUTH" -msgstr "Si utilitza un servidor proxy, si us plau, de moment no actualitzi el programari. Estem desembelopant una actualització per proxis que utilitzen autenticació NTLM." +msgstr "Si utilitza un servidor proxy, si us plau, de moment no actualitzi el programari. " + "Estem desembelopant una actualització per proxis que utilitzen autenticació NTLM." msgid "RLN_ISSUE_MSWIN_LATEST_DIRECTX" -msgstr "(Windows) Si les aplicacions BOINC fallen sistemàticament en el seu ordinador, és possible que necessiti %sactualitzar DirectX a la darrera versió (9.0c o posterior) %s." +msgstr "(Windows) Si les aplicacions BOINC fallen sistemàticament en el seu ordinador, " + "és possible que necessiti " + "%sactualitzar DirectX a la darrera versió (9.0c o posterior) %s." msgid "RLN_ISSUE_MSWIN_SCREENSAVER_XP3D" -msgstr "(Windows) Si BOINC s'executa al mateix temps que el salvapantalles 3D de Windows XP, el sistema pot esdevenir lent i sense resposta." +msgstr "(Windows) Si BOINC s'executa al mateix temps que el salvapantalles 3D de Windows XP, " + "el sistema pot esdevenir lent i sense resposta." msgid "RLN_ISSUE_MSWIN_NO_SCREENSAVER" -msgstr "(Windows) Les aplicacions creades amb anterioritat a Octubre de 2004 no mostren els gràfics del salvapantalles en la instal·lació del tipus Servei o Compartit, o en el tipus Usuari amb la contrasenya del salvapantalles activada en equips basats en NT." +msgstr "(Windows) Les aplicacions creades amb anterioritat a Octubre de 2004 " + "no mostren els gràfics del salvapantalles en la instal·lació del tipus " + "Servei o Compartit, " + "o en el tipus Usuari amb la " + "contrasenya del salvapantalles activada en equips basats en NT." msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT_INTRO" msgstr "Si experimenta problemes amb BOINC, hi ha alguns passos que pot seguir:" msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT_PRJ_SPECIFIC" -msgstr "Si el problema és amb algun projecte en particular, dirigegis a la secció 'Preguntes i Respostes' de la pàgina del projecte. Poder hi trobareu la solució al vostre problema. En cas contrari, deixeu-hi un misatge, i obtindreu ajuda d'altres usuaris. Si el problema persisteix, utilitzeu el gestor BOINC per 're-iniciar' el projecte. Aixó eliminarà tots els treballs en curs i l'iniciarà de zero. " +msgstr "Si el problema és amb algun projecte en particular, " + "dirigegis a la secció 'Preguntes i Respostes' de la pàgina del projecte. " + "Poder hi trobareu la solució al vostre problema. " + "En cas contrari, deixeu-hi un misatge, i obtindreu ajuda d'altres usuaris. " + "Si el problema persisteix, " + "utilitzeu el gestor BOINC per 're-iniciar' el projecte. " + "Aixó eliminarà tots els treballs en curs i l'iniciarà de zero. " msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT_BOINC_ITSELF" -msgstr "Si experimenta problemes amb el propi BOINC, obtingui ajuda de %s BOINC message boards %s." +msgstr "Si experimenta problemes amb el propi BOINC, " + "obtingui ajuda de %s BOINC message boards %s." ############################################## # help.php @@ -562,22 +667,38 @@ msgid "HELP_HEADING1" msgstr "Ajuda en línia" msgid "HELP_P1_1" -msgstr "L'Ajuda en línia de BOINC li permet converses directes amb usuaris experts, que poden: %s respondre preguntes respecte BOINC i la computació assistida; %s proporcionar informació respecte el procés d'instal·lació i utilització de BOINC; %s resolució de qualsevol problema que pugui tenir. " +msgstr "L'Ajuda en línia de BOINC li permet converses directes " + "amb usuaris experts, que poden: " + "%s respondre preguntes respecte BOINC i la computació assistida; " + "%s proporcionar informació respecte el procés d'instal·lació i utilització de BOINC; " + "%s resolució de qualsevol problema que pugui tenir. " msgid "HELP_P1_2" -msgstr "La Ajuda en línia BOINC està basada en %sSkype%s, un sistema telefónic basat en Internet. Skype is lliure (ambdós programari i trucades). Si no té instal·lat Skype, si us plau %sel descarregui i instal·li ara%s. Quan hagi finalitzat, torni a aquesta pàgina. " +msgstr "La Ajuda en línia BOINC està basada en " + "%sSkype%s, " + "un sistema telefónic basat en Internet. " + "Skype is lliure (ambdós programari i trucades). " + "Si no té instal·lat Skype, si us plau " + "%sel descarregui i instal·li ara%s. " + "Quan hagi finalitzat, torni a aquesta pàgina. " msgid "HELP_P1_3" -msgstr "El millor sistema per obtenir ajuda és de paraula, per la qual cosa necessita un sistema intern o extern de micròfon i altaveus per el seu ordinador. També pot utilitzar el sistema de conversa basat en text de Skype o per correu electrònic (si no disposa de Skype) per comunicar-se amb els Voluntaris que ofereixen ajuda." +msgstr "El millor sistema per obtenir ajuda és de paraula, " + "per la qual cosa necessita un sistema intern o extern de " + "micròfon i altaveus per el seu ordinador. " + "També pot utilitzar el sistema de conversa basat en text " + "de Skype o per correu electrònic (si no disposa de Skype) " + "per comunicar-se amb els Voluntaris que ofereixen ajuda." msgid "HELP_P1_4" -msgstr "El Voluntaris parlen diversos idiomes. Si us plau seleccioni un idioma: " +msgstr "El Voluntaris parlen diversos idiomes. " + "Si us plau seleccioni un idioma: " msgid "HELP_HEADING2" -msgstr "Altres llocs d'ajuda" +msgstr "Ajuda per a BOINC a la web" msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM1" -msgstr "Executant BOINC " +msgstr "Manual de l'usuari BOINC" msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM2" msgstr "Resolució de problemes BOINC " @@ -595,34 +716,49 @@ msgid "HELP_HEADING3" msgstr "Facis Voluntari per ajudar" msgid "HELP_P3_1" -msgstr "Si es un usuari avançat de BOINC, l'animem %sa fer-se Voluntari%s. Es una manera d'ajudar a la recerca científica i la computació distribuïda - i es divertit! " +msgstr "Si es un usuari avançat de BOINC, l'animem " + "%sa fer-se Voluntari%s. " + "Es una manera d'ajudar a la recerca científica " + "i la computació distribuïda - " + "i es divertit! " msgid "HELP_P3_2" -msgstr "Si ja és un Voluntari: per editar la seva configuració, %spremi aquí%s. " +msgstr "Si ja és un Voluntari: per editar la seva configuració, " + "%spremi aquí%s. " ############################################## # index.php ############################################## + msgid "HOME_HEADING1" msgstr "Voluntari" msgid "HOME_P1" -msgstr " Utilitzar el temps d'inactivitat del seu ordinador (Windows, Mac, o Linux) per curar malalties, estudiar el calentament global, descobrir pulsars, i realitzar molts altres tipus de recerca científica. Es segur i fàcil: %sEsculli%s els projectes %sDescarregui%s i executi el programari BOINC %sEntri%s l'adreça URL del projecte, el vostre correu electrònic, i contrasenya. " +msgstr " Utilitzar el temps d'inactivitat del seu ordinador " + " (Windows, Mac, o Linux) " + " per curar malalties, estudiar el calentament global, " + " descobrir pulsars, i realitzar molts altres tipus de recerca científica. " + " Es segur i fàcil: " + " %sEsculli%s els projectes " + " %sDescarregui%s i executi el programari BOINC " + " %sEntri%s una adreça de correu electrònic i contrasenya. " msgid "HOME_P2" -msgstr "O, si executa mes d'un projecte, provi un %sgestor de comptes%s tal com %sGridRepublic%s o %sBAM!%s. " +msgstr "O, si executa mes d'un projecte, provi " + "un %sgestor de comptes%s tal com %sGridRepublic%s o %sBAM!%s. " msgid "HOME_P3" -msgstr "Si té preguntes, o necessita ajuda per començar, pot %sdemanar-ho als Voluntaris%s. " +msgstr "Si té preguntes, o necessita ajuda per començar, pot " + "%sdemanar-ho als Voluntaris%s. " -msgid "HOME_MORE_INFO" -msgstr "Executant BOINC" +msgid "HOME_HELP" +msgstr "Ajuda" msgid "HOME_DOWNLOAD" msgstr "Descarregar" msgid "HOME_WEB_SITES" -msgstr "Pàgines Web" +msgstr "Web" msgid "HOME_ADD_ONS" msgstr "Suplements (Add-ons)" @@ -634,5 +770,4 @@ msgid "HOME_BOINC" msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing" msgid "HOME_BOINC_DESC" -msgstr "Programari lliure per la %scomputació distribuïda%s i la %scomputació en xarxa%s" - +msgstr "Programari lliure per la %scomputació distribuïda%s i la %scomputació en xarxa%s" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/languages/translations/es.po b/languages/translations/es.po index 7ded7ea59d..dbf4ffbc52 100644 --- a/languages/translations/es.po +++ b/languages/translations/es.po @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-01 20:09-0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-06 16:28-0000\n" "Last-Translator: David M \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ msgid "HELP_HEADING2" msgstr "Ayuda para BOINC en la web" msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM1" -msgstr "Ejecutando BOINC" +msgstr "manual de usuario de BOINC" msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM2" msgstr "Solucionando problemas con BOINC" diff --git a/languages/translations/zh_CN.po b/languages/translations/zh_CN.po index f8d4d27379..d5b1a38c4d 100644 --- a/languages/translations/zh_CN.po +++ b/languages/translations/zh_CN.po @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 14801\n" +"Project-Id-Version: 14992\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-04 10:02+0800\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-07 10:48+0800\n" "Last-Translator: Yin Gang \n" "Language-Team: www.EQUN.com \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ msgid "HELP_HEADING2" msgstr "网站上的 BOINC 帮助信息" msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM1" -msgstr "运行 BOINC" +msgstr "BOINC 用户手册" msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM2" msgstr "BOINC 疑难解答" diff --git a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo index 04e84d49f4..61d514f6c4 100644 Binary files a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo and b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.mo differ diff --git a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po index 90e85d3006..3eaea3e9de 100644 --- a/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po +++ b/locale/client/zh_CN/BOINC Manager.po @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 5.10.x\n" +"Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-14 11:55+0800\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-08 10:08+0800\n" "Last-Translator: Yin Gang \n" "Language-Team: Team China \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgstr "" "X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n" "X-Poedit-Country: CHINA\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: iso-8859-1\n" -"X-Poedit-Basepath: E:\\Works\\boinc_src\\boinc_core_release_5_10\n" +"X-Poedit-Basepath: E:\\Works\\boinc_src\\trunk\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:332 @@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ msgid "" "Please enter your account information\n" "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)" msgstr "" -"请输入您的帐号信息\n" -"(要创建帐号,请访问项目网站)" +"请输入您的帐户信息\n" +"(要创建帐户,请访问项目网站)" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:344 msgid "" "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n" "You can attach only if you already have an account." msgstr "" -"该项目目前不支持新建帐号。\n" -"您只能用现有的帐号在客户端加入该项目。" +"该项目目前不支持新建帐户。\n" +"您只能用现有的帐户在客户端加入该项目。" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:350 msgid "Are you already running this project?" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ msgstr "用户名(&U):" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:421 msgid "&Email address:" -msgstr "电子邮箱地址(&E):" +msgstr "电子邮件地址(&E):" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:428 #, c-format @@ -83,17 +83,18 @@ msgid "Forgot your password?" msgstr "忘记您的密码了?" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:463 +#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:343 msgid "Attach to project" msgstr "加入项目" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:465 msgid "Update account manager" -msgstr "更新帐号管理器" +msgstr "更新帐户管理器" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:467 msgid "Attach to account manager" -msgstr "加入帐号管理器" +msgstr "加入帐户管理器" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:478 #, c-format @@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ msgstr "该项目要求的最小密码长度为%d,请输入符合要求的密 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:484 #, c-format msgid "The minimum password length for this account manager is %d. Please enter a different password." -msgstr "该帐号管理器要求的最小密码长度为%d。请输入符合要求的密码。" +msgstr "该帐户管理器要求的最小密码长度为%d。请输入符合要求的密码。" #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:495 msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again." @@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ msgstr "两次输入的密码不匹配,请重新输入。" #: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:225 msgid "Enter account key" -msgstr "输入帐号密钥" +msgstr "输入帐户密钥" #: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:228 msgid "" @@ -120,13 +121,13 @@ msgid "" "Go to the project's web site to create an account. Your account\n" "key will be emailed to you." msgstr "" -"该项目通过\"帐号密钥\"来鉴别您的身份。\n" +"该项目通过\"帐户密钥\"来鉴别您的身份。\n" "\n" -"请访问项目网站以创建一个帐号。您的帐号密钥将通过电子邮件发送给您。" +"请访问项目网站以创建一个帐户。您的帐户密钥将通过电子邮件发送给您。" #: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:234 msgid "An account key looks like:" -msgstr "帐号密钥看上去就像:" +msgstr "帐户密钥看上去就像:" #: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:237 msgid "82412313ac88e9a3638f66ea82186948" @@ -134,15 +135,15 @@ msgstr "82412313ac88e9a3638f66ea82186948" #: clientgui/AccountKeyPage.cpp:240 msgid "Account key:" -msgstr "帐号密钥:" +msgstr "帐户密钥:" #: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:175 msgid "Account Manager URL" -msgstr "帐号管理器的网址" +msgstr "帐户管理器的网址" #: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:178 msgid "Enter the URL of the account manager's web site." -msgstr "请输入帐号管理器的网址。" +msgstr "请输入帐户管理器的网址。" #: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:181 msgid "" @@ -152,11 +153,11 @@ msgstr "您可以从浏览器的地址栏中复制网址(URL)。" #: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:185 msgid "Account Manager &URL:" -msgstr "帐号管理器的网址(&U):" +msgstr "帐户管理器的网址(&U):" #: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:188 msgid "For a list of BOINC-based account managers go to:" -msgstr "查看 BOINC 项目的帐号管理器网址列表请到:" +msgstr "查看 BOINC 项目的帐户管理器网址列表请到:" #: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:191 #: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:191 @@ -188,299 +189,304 @@ msgstr "已连接" msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "已断开" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:335 -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:102 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:338 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:103 msgid "&Close Window\tCTRL+W" msgstr "关闭窗口(&C)\tCTRL+W" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:103 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:104 msgid "Close BOINC Manager Window." msgstr "关闭 BOINC Manager 的窗口。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:342 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:345 #, c-format msgid "Exit the %s" msgstr "退出 %s" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:347 -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:601 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:350 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:582 #: clientgui/mac/MacSysMenu.cpp:220 msgid "E&xit" msgstr "退出(&X)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:356 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359 msgid "&Accessible View" msgstr "辅助视图(&A)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:357 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:360 msgid "Accessible views are compatible with accessibility aids such as screen readers." msgstr "辅助视图用来兼容如屏幕阅读器之类的辅助设备。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:363 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:366 msgid "&Grid View" msgstr "网格视图(&G)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:364 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:367 msgid "Grid views allow you to sort various columns and displays graphical progress bars." msgstr "网格视图允许用户按表格列进行排序并可显示图形化的进度条。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:373 msgid "&Simple View..." -msgstr "简易视图(&S)..." +msgstr "简易视图(&S)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:371 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374 msgid "Display the simple BOINC graphical interface." msgstr "显示简洁的 BOINC 图形界面。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392 msgid "Attach to &project..." msgstr "加入项目(&P)..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:390 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393 msgid "Attach to a project" msgstr "加入一个项目" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:394 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:397 msgid "Attach to &account manager..." -msgstr "加入帐号管理器(&A)..." +msgstr "加入帐户管理器(&A)..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:395 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398 msgid "Attach to an account manager" -msgstr "加入帐号管理器" +msgstr "加入帐户管理器" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:402 #, c-format msgid "&Synchronize with %s" msgstr "与 %s 进行同步(&S)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:403 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406 #, c-format msgid "Get current settings from %s" msgstr "从 %s 获取当前的参数设定" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:418 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421 msgid "&Run always" msgstr "一直运行(&R)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:419 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences" -msgstr "运行计算程序且不受参数的影响" +msgstr "运行计算程序且不受参数设置的影响" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:423 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426 msgid "Run based on &preferences" msgstr "依照参数运行(&P)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:424 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:427 msgid "Allow work according to your preferences" -msgstr "运行计算程序且依照用户设定的参数" +msgstr "运行计算程序且依照用户的参数设置" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:428 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431 msgid "&Suspend" msgstr "暂停(&S)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:429 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:432 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences" -msgstr "暂停计算程序且不受参数的影响" +msgstr "暂停计算程序且不受参数设置的影响" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:445 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455 msgid "&Network activity always available" msgstr "网络总是可用(&N)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:446 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences" -msgstr "允许使用网络且不受参数影响" +msgstr "允许使用网络且不受参数设置的影响" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460 msgid "Network activity based on &preferences" -msgstr "依据参数使用网络(&P)" +msgstr "依照参数使用网络(&P)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461 msgid "Allow network activity according to your preferences" -msgstr "允许使用网络且依照用户设定的参数" +msgstr "允许使用网络且依照用户的参数设置" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465 msgid "&Network activity suspended" msgstr "暂停使用网络(&N)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:466 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity" -msgstr "暂停使用网络且不受参数的影响" +msgstr "暂停使用网络且不受参数设置的影响" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:473 msgid "&Options..." msgstr "选项(&O)..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474 msgid "Configure GUI options and proxy settings" msgstr "配置界面及代理服务器选项" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:468 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:478 msgid "&Preferences..." -msgstr "参数设置..." +msgstr "本地参数设置..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479 msgid "Configure local preferences" -msgstr "修改本地参数设置" +msgstr "修改本地参数设置(配置信息将保存于 global_prefs_override.xml)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485 #, c-format msgid "Connect to another computer running %s" msgstr "连接到另外一台运行 %s 的计算机" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:490 msgid "Select computer..." msgstr "选择计算机..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:485 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:495 msgid "Shut down connected client..." -msgstr "关闭连接的客户端..." +msgstr "关闭当前连接的客户端..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:486 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496 msgid "Shut down the currently connected core client" -msgstr "关闭当前连接的核心客户端" +msgstr "关闭当前连接的客户端核心服务程序(boinc.exe)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:490 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:500 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks" msgstr "运行 CPU 基准测试(&B)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:491 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:501 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks" msgstr "运行 BOINC 的 CPU 基准测试" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:495 -msgid "Retry &communications" -msgstr "重试所有连接(&C)" +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505 +msgid "Do network &communication" +msgstr "进行网络通讯(&C)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496 -msgid "Retry all deferred network communication." -msgstr "重试所有延缓的网络通讯。" +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506 +msgid "Do all pending network communication." +msgstr "进行所有等待中的网络通讯请求。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:500 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510 msgid "Read config file" -msgstr "读取配置文件" +msgstr "读取客户端核心配置文件" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:501 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml." msgstr "从 cc-config.xml 中读取配置信息。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515 msgid "Read local prefs file" msgstr "读取本地参数设置文件" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml." -msgstr "从 global_prefs_override.xml 中读取参数设置。" +msgstr "从 global_prefs_override.xml 中读取本地参数设置。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:520 #, c-format msgid "&Stop using %s..." msgstr "停止使用 %s(&S)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:526 msgid "Remove client from account manager control." -msgstr "将客户端退出帐号管理器。" +msgstr "将客户端退出帐户管理器。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:520 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:530 msgid "Attach to &project" msgstr "加入项目(&P)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:521 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:531 msgid "Attach to a project to begin processing work" msgstr "加入一个项目以开始处理任务" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:532 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:542 #, c-format msgid "%s &help" msgstr "%s 帮助(&H)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:538 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:548 #, c-format msgid "Show information about %s" msgstr "查看 %s 的信息" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:560 #, c-format msgid "&%s help" msgstr "%s 帮助" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:556 -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:118 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:119 #, c-format msgid "Show information about the %s" msgstr "查看 %s 的信息" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:568 -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:130 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:578 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:131 #, c-format msgid "%s &website" msgstr "%s 网站(&W)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:574 -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:136 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:584 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:137 #, c-format msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s" msgstr "查看 BOINC 和 %s 的信息" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:590 -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:591 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:600 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:572 #, c-format msgid "&About %s..." msgstr "关于 %s(&A)..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:596 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:606 msgid "Licensing and copyright information." msgstr "查看许可与版权信息。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:603 -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:159 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:613 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:160 msgid "&File" msgstr "文件(&F)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:607 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617 msgid "&View" msgstr "视图(&V)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:621 msgid "&Tools" msgstr "工具(&T)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:615 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 msgid "&Activity" msgstr "活动(&A)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:619 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:629 msgid "A&dvanced" msgstr "高级(&D)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:623 -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:149 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:633 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:150 #: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:399 #: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:406 msgid "&Help" msgstr "帮助(&H)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1234 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1192 +msgid ":" +msgstr ":" + +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1254 #, c-format msgid "%s - Shutdown the current client..." -msgstr "%s - 关闭当前客户端..." +msgstr "%s - 关闭当前连接的客户端..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1243 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1263 #, c-format msgid "" "%s is going to shutdown the core client it is currently connected to.\n" "NOTE: Choosing 'OK' will cause the select new computer dialog to appear \n" "so you can attach to a different core client." msgstr "" -"%s 将要关闭它当前所连接到的核心客户端。\n" -"注意:点击“确定”后将会显示选择计算机的对话框,以便您可以连接到其它的核心客户端。" +"%s 将要关闭它当前所连接到的客户端的核心服务程序(boinc.exe)。\n" +"\n" +"注意:点击“确定”后将会显示选择计算机的对话框,以便您可以连接到其它的客户端核心服务程序。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1421 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1441 #, c-format msgid "%s - Detach from %s" msgstr "%s - 退出 %s" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1426 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1446 #, c-format msgid "" "If you stop using %s,\n" @@ -495,47 +501,47 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "您确定要停止使用 %s 吗?" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1476 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1496 msgid "Attaching to project..." msgstr "正在加入项目..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1514 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1534 msgid "Retrying communications for project(s)..." msgstr "正在重试项目的网络通讯..." -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1604 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1624 #, c-format msgid "%s - Language Selection" msgstr "%s - 语言选择" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1611 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1631 #, c-format msgid "The %s's default language has been changed, in order for this change to take affect you must restart the %s." msgstr "%s 的缺省语言已被修改,且必须重启 %s 才能生效。" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1827 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1847 #: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:105 #, c-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1836 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1856 #, c-format msgid "%s has successfully attached to %s" msgstr "%s 已经成功地加入了 %s" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1974 -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1977 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1994 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1997 #, c-format msgid "%s - (%s)" msgstr "%s - (%s)" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1975 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1995 #, c-format msgid "Connecting to %s" msgstr "正在连接至 %s" -#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1979 +#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1999 #, c-format msgid "Connected to %s (%s)" msgstr "已连接至 %s (%s)" @@ -559,7 +565,7 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there." msgstr "" -"已有一个帐号使用了该用户名并且其密码与您输入的不同。\n" +"已有一个帐户使用了该用户名并且其密码与您输入的不同。\n" "\n" "请访问项目网站并按照上面的说明进行操作。" @@ -574,15 +580,23 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there." msgstr "" -"已有一个帐号使用了该电子邮件地址并且其密码与您输入的不同。\n" +"已有一个帐户使用了该电子邮件地址并且其密码与您输入的不同。\n" "\n" "请访问项目网站并按照上面的说明进行操作。" -#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:361 +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:349 #, c-format msgid "%s - Connection Error" msgstr "%s - 连接错误" +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:358 +msgid "" +"You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n" +"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group." +msgstr "" +"您当前未被授权管理本客户端。\n" +"请联系系统管理员将您添加到名称为 boinc_users 的本地用户组。" + #: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:368 msgid "" "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n" @@ -591,16 +605,20 @@ msgstr "" "连接运行中的客户端时发生验证错误。\n" "请务必在该客户端所在的文件目录中运行本程序。" -#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:375 +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:372 +msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client." +msgstr "连接至已运行的客户端时发生验证错误。" + +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:380 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again." msgstr "您提供的密码不正确,请重试。" -#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:404 +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:419 #, c-format msgid "%s - Connection Failed" msgstr "%s - 连接失败" -#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:413 +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:428 #, c-format msgid "" "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n" @@ -609,12 +627,35 @@ msgstr "" "%s 无法连接至 %s 客户端。\n" "您想再连接一次吗?" -#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:451 +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:462 +#, c-format +msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed" +msgstr "%s - 客户端服务程序启动失败" + +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:472 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s is not able to start a %s client.\n" +"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service." +msgstr "" +"%s 无法启动 %s 客户端的服务程序。\n" +"请依次运行 控制面板->管理工具->服务,并从中启动 BOINC 服务。" + +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:480 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s is not able to start a %s client.\n" +"Please start the daemon and try again." +msgstr "" +"%s 无法启动 %s 客户端的服务程序。\n" +"请手工启动服务程序后再重试。" + +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:527 #, c-format msgid "%s - Connection Status" msgstr "%s - 连接状态" -#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:462 +#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:538 #, c-format msgid "" "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n" @@ -625,12 +666,6 @@ msgstr "" "请使用菜单中的'高级\\选择计算机...'以连接至一个 %s 客户端。\n" "如果要连接至您的本地计算机,请在主机名称中填入'localhost'。" -#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:495 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:550 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:469 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "网站" - #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:63 #, c-format msgid "%s - Network Status" @@ -645,10 +680,10 @@ msgstr "%s 需要连接至互联网。请点击打开 %s。" #, c-format msgid "" "%s is unable to communicate with a project and needs an Internet connection.\n" -"Please connect to the Internet, then select the 'retry communications' item off the advanced menu." +"Please connect to the Internet, then select the 'Do network communications' item from the Advanced menu." msgstr "" -"%s 无法和项目进行通讯,需要连接到互联网。\n" -"请连接至互联网并从菜单中选择'高级->重试所有连接'。" +"%s 无法与项目进行通讯,请求接入互联网。\n" +"请接入互联网并在菜单中依次选择“高级->进行网络通讯”。" #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:320 #, c-format @@ -703,7 +738,7 @@ msgstr "%s 已经成功地断开至互联网的连接。" msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet." msgstr "%s 断开至互联网的连接失败。" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:205 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:251 #, c-format msgid "" "BOINC ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall BOINC.\n" @@ -712,62 +747,67 @@ msgstr "" "BOINC 的所有者或权限设置错误,请重新安装 BOINC。\n" "(错误代码 %d)" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:416 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:456 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible" msgstr "启动 BOINC 时仅显示在系统托盘区" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:417 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:457 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments" msgstr "使用可选参数来启动 BOINC" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:418 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:458 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions" msgstr "禁用 BOINC 中用户和权限相关的安全选项" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:482 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:522 msgid "(Automatic Detection)" msgstr "(自动检测)" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:483 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:523 msgid "(Unknown)" msgstr "(未知)" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:484 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:524 msgid "(User Defined)" msgstr "(用户自定义)" -#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1070 +#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:723 #, c-format msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation" msgstr "%s - 退出确认" -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:346 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:322 msgid "Computation is suspended.\n" -msgstr "计算已被暂停。\n" +msgstr "计算被暂停。\n" -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:350 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:329 msgid "Network activity is suspended.\n" -msgstr "网络已被暂停。\n" +msgstr "网络被暂停。\n" -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:381 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:358 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %.2f%% completed\n" +msgstr "%s: 已完成 %.2f%%\n" + +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:363 msgid "Reconnecting to client.\n" -msgstr "正在连接客户端。\n" +msgstr "正在重新连接至客户端。\n" -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:384 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:368 msgid "Not connected to a client.\n" msgstr "当前没有连接到任何客户端。\n" -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:572 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:553 #, c-format msgid "Open %s Web..." msgstr "打开 %s 的网站..." -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:579 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:560 #, c-format msgid "Open %s..." msgstr "打开 %s..." -#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:586 +#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:567 msgid "Snooze" msgstr "休息一下" @@ -777,15 +817,15 @@ msgstr "加入项目失败" #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:207 msgid "Failed to update account manager" -msgstr "更新帐号管理器失败" +msgstr "更新帐户管理器失败" #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:211 msgid "Failed to remove account manager" -msgstr "退出帐号管理器失败" +msgstr "退出帐户管理器失败" #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:215 msgid "Failed to attach to account manager" -msgstr "加入帐号管理器失败" +msgstr "加入帐户管理器失败" #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:224 msgid "" @@ -823,7 +863,7 @@ msgstr "您已经成功加入到这个项目。" msgid "" "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n" "you can set your account name and preferences." -msgstr "点击完成,您的浏览器将打开一个网页,您可在网页上设置您的帐号用户名及项目参数。" +msgstr "点击完成,您的浏览器将打开一个网页,您可在网页上设置您的帐户用户名及项目参数。" #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236 #, c-format @@ -850,7 +890,7 @@ msgstr "已经加入了 %s" #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:282 msgid "Attached to account manager" -msgstr "已经加入到帐号管理器" +msgstr "已经加入到帐户管理器" #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:292 #, c-format @@ -864,7 +904,7 @@ msgstr "您已经成功地加入了 %s 系统。" #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:310 msgid "You are now successfully attached to this account manager." -msgstr "您已经成功地加入了当前帐号管理器。" +msgstr "您已经成功地加入了当前帐户管理器。" #: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:99 #, c-format @@ -905,39 +945,39 @@ msgstr "伯克利开放式网络计算平台 (BOINC)" msgid "&OK" msgstr "确定(&O)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:463 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:464 msgid "invalid float" msgstr "非法的浮点数" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:464 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:465 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM" msgstr "错误的时间,正确格式应该是 HH:MM" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:465 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:466 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM" msgstr "错误的时间间隔,正确格式应该是 HH:MM-HH:MM" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:574 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:575 msgid "invalid input value detected" msgstr "检测到错误的输入值" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:576 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:577 msgid "Validation Error" msgstr "验证错误" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:710 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:711 msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences ?" msgstr "您确定要清除所有的本地参数设置吗?" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:711 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:712 msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "确认" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:31 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1032 #, c-format msgid "%s - Preferences" -msgstr "%s - 参数设置" +msgstr "%s - 本地参数设置" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49 msgid "" @@ -987,12 +1027,12 @@ msgstr "仅在您不使用计算机后指定的时间才进行计算" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103 #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:223 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:452 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:454 msgid "minutes" msgstr "分钟" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:337 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:338 msgid "Every day between hours of" msgstr "每日时间段 从" @@ -1001,9 +1041,9 @@ msgid "start work at this time" msgstr "开始计算的时间" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:122 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:361 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:383 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:363 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:385 msgid "and" msgstr "到" @@ -1012,52 +1052,52 @@ msgid "stop work at this time" msgstr "停止计算的时间" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:130 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:353 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:354 msgid "(no restriction if equal)" msgstr "(如果相同即表示不进行限制)" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:358 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:359 msgid "Day-of-week override:" msgstr "定制每周内各天的可用时间段:" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:140 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:363 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:364 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week" msgstr "选取以指定每周内的某天以进行可用时间设定" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:150 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:373 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:374 msgid "Monday" msgstr "周一" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:380 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:381 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "周二" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:387 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:388 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "周三" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:171 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:394 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "周四" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:178 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:402 msgid "Friday" msgstr "周五" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:185 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:408 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:409 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "周六" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:192 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:416 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "周日" @@ -1074,204 +1114,207 @@ msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most" msgstr "在多处理器系统上,最多使用" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:232 -msgid "processors" -msgstr "处理器" +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "% of the processors" +msgstr "% 处理器" #: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:472 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:523 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:451 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:473 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:494 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:526 msgid "Use at most" msgstr "最多使用" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:241 -#, c-format +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:242 +#, no-c-format msgid "% CPU time" msgstr "% CPU时间" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252 msgid "processor usage" -msgstr "处理器资源" +msgstr "处理器使用" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:259 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:260 msgid "General options" msgstr "综合选项" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 msgid "Maximum download rate" msgstr "最大下载速率" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272 -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:273 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:282 msgid "KBytes/sec." msgstr "千字节/秒。" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:275 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:276 msgid "Maximum upload rate" msgstr "最大上传速率" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:284 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:285 msgid "Connect about every" msgstr "连接网络的间隔" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:289 msgid "" "this computer is connected to the Internet about every X days\n" "(0 if it's always connected)" msgstr "本台计算机连接互联网的间隔天数(0 表示一直连接)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:292 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293 msgid "days" msgstr "天" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:296 msgid "Additional work buffer" msgstr "额外的任务缓存" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:301 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 msgid "days (max. 10)" msgstr "天 (最多十天)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:304 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:305 msgid " Skip image file verification" msgstr "不对映像文件进行校验" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:306 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files" msgstr "如果您的互联网接入服务端修改了镜像文件请选择上" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:315 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:316 msgid "Connect options" msgstr "网络选项" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:317 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:318 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet" msgstr "接入互联网前先确认" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:319 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:320 msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet" msgstr "如果选中,在需要连接至互联网时会先显示一个确认对话框" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:324 msgid "Disconnect when done" msgstr "传输完成后断开连接" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:325 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:326 msgid "" "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n" "(only relevant for dialup-connection)" msgstr "如果选上,BOINC 将在使用完网络后断开连接(仅适用于拨号连接)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:332 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:333 msgid "Network usage allowed" msgstr "允许使用网络的情况" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:341 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342 msgid "network usage start hour" msgstr "开始使用网络的时间" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:350 msgid "network usage stop hour" msgstr "停止使用网络的时间" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:434 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:435 msgid "network usage" msgstr "网络使用" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:442 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:443 msgid "Disk usage" msgstr "磁盘使用" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:455 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)" msgstr "BOINC 最多可使用的磁盘空间 (GB)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:458 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459 msgid "Gigabytes disk space" -msgstr "磁盘空间(GB)" +msgstr "磁盘空间 (GB)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:461 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462 msgid "Leave at least" msgstr "至少保留" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:465 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigagytes)" msgstr "BOINC 至少需保留的磁盘空余 (GB)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:469 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:470 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free" -msgstr "剩余磁盘空间(GB)" +msgstr "剩余磁盘空间 (GB)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space" msgstr "BOINC 最多可使用的磁盘空间比例" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:482 +#, no-c-format msgid "% of total disk space" msgstr "% 总磁盘空间" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:485 msgid "Write to disk at most every" msgstr "写磁盘的最小时间间隔" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491 msgid "seconds" msgstr "秒" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:498 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501 +#, no-c-format msgid "% of page file (swap space)" msgstr "% 页面文件 (交换空间)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:509 msgid "Memory usage" msgstr "内存使用" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:520 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:523 msgid "% when computer is in use" msgstr "% (使用计算机时)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:529 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532 msgid "% when computer is idle" msgstr "% (计算机闲置时)" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:534 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:537 msgid " Leave applications in memory while suspended" msgstr "计算程序暂停时驻留在内存" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:536 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:539 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory" msgstr "如果选中,暂停的计算任务将保留在内存中" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:548 msgid "disk and memory usage" msgstr "磁盘和内存使用" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:558 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:561 msgid "OK" msgstr "确定" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:562 msgid "save all values and close the dialog" msgstr "保存所有参数值并关闭对话框" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:564 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:567 msgid "close the dialog without saving" msgstr "关闭对话框且不进行任何保存" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:568 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:571 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141 msgid "Help" msgstr "帮助" -#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:569 +#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:572 msgid "shows the preferences web page" msgstr "显示参数设置网页" @@ -1434,13 +1477,13 @@ msgstr "提问及报告错误" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131 msgid "Your account" -msgstr "您的帐号" +msgstr "您的帐户" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115 msgid "View your account information and credit totals" -msgstr "查看您的帐号及积分信息" +msgstr "查看您的帐户及积分信息" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45 msgid "Your preferences" @@ -1448,7 +1491,7 @@ msgstr "您的参数设置" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47 msgid "View and modify your SETI@home account profile and preferences" -msgstr "查看和修改您的 SETI@home 帐号及参数设置" +msgstr "查看和修改您的 SETI@home 帐户及参数设置" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91 @@ -1517,11 +1560,11 @@ msgstr "链接到 Einstein@Home 留言板的提问及报错版面" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85 msgid "View and modify your Einstein@Home account profile and preferences" -msgstr "查看和修改您的 Einstein@Home 帐号及参数设置" +msgstr "查看和修改您的 Einstein@Home 帐户及参数设置" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87 msgid "Account summary" -msgstr "帐号概要" +msgstr "帐户概要" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein@Home" @@ -1547,7 +1590,7 @@ msgstr "GEO-600 项目的主页" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135 #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:155 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:155 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:171 #: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:413 msgid "Team" msgstr "团队" @@ -1570,7 +1613,7 @@ msgstr "CPDN 的项目新闻" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles" -msgstr "查看您的帐号信息、积分及已上传的任务。" +msgstr "查看您的帐户信息、积分及已上传的任务。" #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:137 msgid "Info about your team" @@ -1612,11 +1655,15 @@ msgstr "研究" msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid" msgstr "了解WCG平台上的项目" -#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:350 +#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:416 +msgid "Starting client services; please wait..." +msgstr "正在启动客户端的服务程序,请稍候..." + +#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:461 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..." msgstr "正在读取系统状态,请稍候..." -#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:358 +#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:469 msgid "Retrieving host information; please wait..." msgstr "正在读取主机信息,请稍候..." @@ -1644,7 +1691,7 @@ msgstr "" #: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:193 msgid "Account manager not found" -msgstr "查找帐号管理器失败" +msgstr "查找帐户管理器失败" #: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:196 msgid "" @@ -1653,7 +1700,7 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Please check the URL and try again." msgstr "" -"您提供的网址并不属于任何一个基于 BOINC 的帐号管理器。\n" +"您提供的网址并不属于任何一个基于 BOINC 的帐户管理器。\n" "\n" "请检查该网址并重试。" @@ -1667,33 +1714,24 @@ msgstr "请检查用户名及密码,然后重试。" #: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:192 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again." -msgstr "请检查电子邮箱地址及密码,然后重试。" +msgstr "请检查电子邮件地址及密码,然后重试。" #: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:242 msgid "Choose a project" msgstr "选择一个项目" #: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:245 -msgid "" -"To choose a project, click its name\n" -"or type its URL below.\n" -"Click 'www' to visit a project's web site." -msgstr "" -"要选择一个项目,点击它的项目名称\n" -"或者在下方的编辑框中输入它的项目网址。\n" -"点击“网站”可以访问指定项目的项目网站。" +msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below." +msgstr "要选择一个项目,请点击它的项目名称或在下方输入它的项目网址。" -#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:251 +#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:248 msgid "Project &URL:" msgstr "项目网址(&U):" -#: clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:294 -msgid " " -msgstr " " - -#: clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:302 -msgid "www" -msgstr "网站" +#: clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:335 +#, c-format +msgid "Click here to go to %s's website." +msgstr "点击可访问 %s 的项目网站。" #: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:326 #: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:327 @@ -1761,7 +1799,7 @@ msgstr "自动检测" msgid "SOCKS proxy" msgstr "SOCKS代理" -#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:112 +#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:113 #, c-format msgid "&%s" msgstr "&%s" @@ -1817,266 +1855,304 @@ msgstr "无任务可供处理" #: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:323 msgid "Unable to connect to the core client" -msgstr "无法连接至核心客户端" +msgstr "无法连接至客户端的核心服务程序" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:112 -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:117 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:143 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:109 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:110 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:134 #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:153 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:153 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:171 #: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:383 #: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1774 #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:117 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:130 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:131 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:132 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:133 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:149 msgid "Project" msgstr "项目" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:113 -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:118 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:143 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:110 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:111 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:134 msgid "Time" msgstr "时间" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:114 -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:119 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:143 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:111 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:112 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:134 msgid "Message" msgstr "消息" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:191 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:195 -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:92 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:113 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:188 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:192 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:85 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:104 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard." msgstr "复制所有消息至剪贴板。" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:216 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:228 -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:100 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:121 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:213 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:225 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:93 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:112 msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages." msgstr "复制选中的消息至剪贴板。您可以在选择的时候通过按住Shift键或Commandl键来选取多条消息。" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:220 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:232 -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:104 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:125 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:217 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:229 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:97 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:116 msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages." msgstr "复制选中的消息至剪贴板。您可以在选择的时候通过按住Shift键或Ctrl键来选取多条消息。" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:274 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:508 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:271 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:510 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:141 msgid "Get help with BOINC" msgstr "从 BOINC 得到帮助" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:769 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:772 #, c-format msgid "%s - Messages" msgstr "%s - 消息" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:94 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96 msgid "100 MB" msgstr "100 MB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:95 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97 msgid "200 MB" msgstr "200 MB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98 msgid "500 MB" msgstr "500 MB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99 msgid "1 GB" msgstr "1 GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100 msgid "2 GB" msgstr "2 GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:101 msgid "5 GB" msgstr "5 GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:102 msgid "10 GB" msgstr "10 GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:101 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:103 msgid "20 GB" msgstr "20 GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:102 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:104 msgid "50 GB" msgstr "50 GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:103 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:105 msgid "100 GB" msgstr "100 GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:134 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136 msgid "10%" msgstr "10%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:135 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137 msgid "20%" msgstr "20%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138 msgid "30%" msgstr "30%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139 msgid "40%" msgstr "40%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140 msgid "50%" msgstr "50%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:141 msgid "60%" msgstr "60%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:142 msgid "70%" msgstr "70%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:141 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:143 msgid "80%" msgstr "80%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:142 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:144 msgid "90%" msgstr "90%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:143 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:145 msgid "100%" msgstr "100%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:168 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170 msgid "1" msgstr "1" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:169 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:171 msgid "3" msgstr "3" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:172 msgid "5" msgstr "5" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:171 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:173 msgid "10" msgstr "10" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:172 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:174 msgid "15" msgstr "15" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:173 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:175 msgid "30" msgstr "30" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:174 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:176 msgid "60" msgstr "60" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:283 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285 msgid "Skin" msgstr "皮肤" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:290 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:292 msgid "Skin:" msgstr "皮肤:" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:306 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:308 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "参数设置" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:323 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:325 msgid "I want to customize my preferences for this computer only." msgstr "我想定制本台计算机的参数。" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:334 msgid "Customized Preferences" msgstr "定制的参数设置" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:350 msgid "Do work only between:" msgstr "计算时间段:" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372 msgid "Connect to internet only between:" msgstr "连接互联网的时间段:" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:392 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:409 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:394 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:411 msgid "Use no more than:" msgstr "最多使用:" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:405 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:407 msgid "of disk space" msgstr "磁盘空间" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:422 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424 msgid "of the processor" msgstr "处理器" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:426 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428 msgid "Do work while on battery?" msgstr "电池供电时仍然计算?" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:441 msgid "Do work after idle for:" msgstr "闲置一定时间后开始计算:" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:672 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:675 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:743 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:747 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:759 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:763 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:921 -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:932 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:674 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:677 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:745 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:749 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:761 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:765 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:923 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:934 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "任何时候" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:779 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:781 #, c-format msgid "%d MB" msgstr "%d MB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:781 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:783 #, c-format msgid "%4.2f GB" msgstr "%4.2f GB" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:822 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:824 #, c-format msgid "%d%%" msgstr "%d%%" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:858 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:860 msgid "0 (Run Always)" msgstr "0 (一直运行)" -#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:861 +#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:863 #, c-format msgid "%d" msgstr "%d" +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:90 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:795 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:812 +msgid "Running" +msgstr "运行中" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:92 +msgid "Paused: Other work running" +msgstr "暂停:其它任务在运行" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:94 +msgid "Paused: User initiatied. Click 'Resume' to continue" +msgstr "暂停:用户发起,点击“继续”即可继续" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:96 +msgid "Paused: User active" +msgstr "暂停:用户活跃" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:98 +msgid "Paused: Computer on battery" +msgstr "暂停:电池供电" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:100 +msgid "Paused: Time of Day" +msgstr "暂停:非计算时段" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:102 +msgid "Paused: Benchmarks running" +msgstr "暂停:正在进行基准测试" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:104 +msgid "Paused" +msgstr "暂停" + +#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:132 +msgid "Click to show project graphics" +msgstr "点击即可显示项目图形" + #: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:106 msgid "Attach to an additional project" msgstr "加入其它项目" #: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:123 msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system" -msgstr "从帐号管理系统同步项目" +msgstr "从帐户管理系统同步项目" #: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:194 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:205 @@ -2093,7 +2169,7 @@ msgstr "继续所有活动" #: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:252 msgid "Open a window to set your preferences" -msgstr "打开一个窗口进行参数设置" +msgstr "打开一个窗口进行本地参数设置" #: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:269 msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view" @@ -2115,7 +2191,7 @@ msgstr "移除项目" #: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:218 #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:345 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:345 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:388 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:426 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to detach from project '%s'?" msgstr "您确定要退出'%s'项目吗?" @@ -2123,7 +2199,7 @@ msgstr "您确定要退出'%s'项目吗?" #: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:224 #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:351 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:351 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:394 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:432 msgid "Detach from Project" msgstr "退出项目" @@ -2139,28 +2215,33 @@ msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec" msgstr "%d时%d分%d秒" #: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:419 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:219 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:247 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:261 msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?" msgstr "您确定要在远程计算机上显示图形吗?" #: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:420 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:106 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:220 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:111 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:248 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:108 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:222 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:116 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:262 msgid "Show graphics" msgstr "显示图形" -#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:452 +#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:442 msgid "Application: " msgstr "计算程序:" -#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:455 +#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:445 +#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:449 msgid "Time Remaining: " msgstr "剩余时间:" -#: clientgui/SkinManager.cpp:1019 +#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:448 +msgid "Elapsed Time: " +msgstr "已用时间:" + +#: clientgui/SkinManager.cpp:1035 #, c-format msgid "" "This will shut down %s and its tasks entirely until either the\n" @@ -2190,7 +2271,7 @@ msgstr "" #: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193 msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable" -msgstr "帐号管理器已暂停服务" +msgstr "帐户管理器已暂停服务" #: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:196 msgid "" @@ -2198,17 +2279,17 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Please try again later." msgstr "" -"帐号管理器已暂停服务。\n" +"帐户管理器已暂停服务。\n" "\n" "请稍后重试。" #: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:69 msgid "Please specify an account key to continue." -msgstr "请输入帐号密钥以继续。" +msgstr "请输入帐户密钥以继续。" #: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:72 msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key" -msgstr "此帐号密钥错误;请输入一个正确的帐号密钥" +msgstr "此帐户密钥错误;请输入一个正确的帐户密钥" #: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:83 #: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:87 @@ -2217,7 +2298,7 @@ msgstr "验证冲突" #: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:73 msgid "Please specify an email address" -msgstr "请指定一个电子邮箱地址" +msgstr "请指定一个电子邮件地址" #: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:76 msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address" @@ -2269,82 +2350,82 @@ msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的主机名称。" msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path." msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的路径。" -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:87 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:108 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:80 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:99 #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:105 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:105 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:113 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:118 #: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1743 #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:94 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:102 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:102 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:107 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:104 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:104 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:112 msgid "Commands" msgstr "命令" -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:91 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:112 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:103 msgid "Copy all messages" msgstr "复制所有消息" -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:98 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:119 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:91 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:110 msgid "Copy selected messages" msgstr "复制选中的消息" -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:143 -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:149 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:172 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:136 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:142 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:163 msgid "Messages" msgstr "消息" -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:171 -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:194 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:185 msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..." msgstr "复制所有消息至剪贴板..." -#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:203 +#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:196 #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192 msgid "Aborting transfer..." msgstr "中断传输..." -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:143 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:134 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:143 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:134 msgid "Priority" msgstr "优先级" -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:157 msgid "MessagesGrid" msgstr "消息网格" -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:224 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:215 msgid "Copying selected messages to Clipboard..." msgstr "复制选中的消息到剪贴板..." -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:403 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:402 msgid "Info" msgstr "信息" -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:406 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:405 msgid "Warning" msgstr "警告" -#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:410 +#: clientgui/ViewMessagesGrid.cpp:409 msgid "Error" msgstr "错误" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:109 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:109 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:117 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:122 msgid "Update" msgstr "更新" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:110 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:110 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:118 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:123 msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks." msgstr "上报所有完成的任务,获取最新的积分及参数设置,可能下载更多的新任务。" @@ -2352,12 +2433,12 @@ msgstr "上报所有完成的任务,获取最新的积分及参数设置,可 #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:562 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:117 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:562 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:125 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:482 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:113 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:516 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:118 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:398 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:130 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:555 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:115 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:509 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:123 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:454 msgid "Suspend" msgstr "暂停" @@ -2365,8 +2446,8 @@ msgstr "暂停" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:562 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:118 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:562 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:126 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:482 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:131 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:555 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project." msgstr "暂停当前项目的所有任务。" @@ -2374,73 +2455,73 @@ msgstr "暂停当前项目的所有任务。" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:574 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:124 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:574 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:132 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:494 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:137 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:574 msgid "No new tasks" msgstr "禁止下载新任务" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:125 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:125 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:133 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:138 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project." msgstr "该项目不再下载任何新任务。" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:131 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:131 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:139 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:144 msgid "Reset project" msgstr "重置项目" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:132 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:132 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:140 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:145 msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks. You can update the project first to report any completed tasks." msgstr "删除并重新下载当前项目所有相关文件。您可以先更新当前项目以上传所有已经完成的任务。" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:141 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:141 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:149 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:154 msgid "Detach" msgstr "退出" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:142 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:142 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:150 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:155 msgid "Detach computer from this project. Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)." msgstr "在本计算机上退出当前项目。该项目所有正在计算的任务将丢失,您可以先点击“更新”按钮以上报所有已经完成的任务。" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:154 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:154 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:171 #: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:398 msgid "Account" -msgstr "帐号" +msgstr "帐户" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:156 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:156 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:171 msgid "Work done" msgstr "总积分" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:157 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:157 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:172 msgid "Avg. work done" msgstr "近期平均积分" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:158 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:158 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:172 msgid "Resource share" msgstr "资源分享" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:159 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:159 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:166 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:172 #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:123 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:130 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:138 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:133 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:140 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:151 msgid "Status" msgstr "状态" @@ -2448,177 +2529,182 @@ msgstr "状态" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:178 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:172 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:178 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:195 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:207 msgid "Projects" msgstr "项目" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:199 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:199 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:218 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:231 msgid "Updating project..." msgstr "正在更新项目..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:226 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:226 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:258 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:279 msgid "Resuming project..." msgstr "正在继续项目..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:230 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:262 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:282 msgid "Suspending project..." msgstr "正在暂停项目..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:257 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:257 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:298 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:323 msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..." msgstr "允许项目下载更多的任务..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:261 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:261 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:302 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:326 msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..." msgstr "禁止项目下载更多的任务..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:293 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:293 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:335 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:362 msgid "Resetting project..." msgstr "正在重置项目..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:298 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:298 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:340 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:371 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?" msgstr "您确定要重置'%s'项目吗?" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:304 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:304 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:346 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:377 msgid "Reset Project" msgstr "重置项目" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:340 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:340 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:383 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:417 msgid "Detaching from project..." msgstr "正在退出项目..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:378 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:378 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:422 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:323 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:355 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:461 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:315 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:371 msgid "Launching browser..." msgstr "正在启动浏览器..." #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:558 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:558 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:478 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:510 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:392 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:551 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:503 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:448 msgid "Resume" msgstr "继续" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:558 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:558 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:478 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:551 msgid "Resume tasks for this project." msgstr "继续当前任务的计算。" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:570 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:570 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:490 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:570 msgid "Allow new tasks" msgstr "允许下载新任务" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:570 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:570 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:490 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:570 msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project." msgstr "允许当前项目下载新任务。" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:574 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:574 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:494 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:574 msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project." msgstr "禁止当前项目下载新任务。" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:683 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:676 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:631 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:723 msgid "Suspended by user" msgstr "已被用户暂停" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:686 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:679 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:634 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:726 msgid "Won't get new tasks" msgstr "禁止下载新任务" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:689 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:682 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:637 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:729 msgid "Project ended - OK to detach" msgstr "项目已结束 - 点击确定可退出项目" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:692 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:685 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:640 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:732 msgid "Will detach when tasks done" msgstr "将在任务完成后退出" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:695 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:688 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:643 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:735 msgid "Scheduler request pending" msgstr "等待调度请求" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:699 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:692 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:647 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:739 msgid "Scheduler request in progress" msgstr "正在进行调度请求" #: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:705 #: clientgui/ViewProjectsBase.cpp:698 -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:653 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:745 msgid "Communication deferred " msgstr "通讯被延迟 " -#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:189 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:201 msgid "ProjectsGrid" msgstr "项目网格" -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:84 +#: clientgui/ViewProjectsGrid.cpp:639 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:546 +msgid "Web sites" +msgstr "网站" + +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:63 msgid "total disk usage" msgstr "总磁盘占用" -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:94 +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:73 msgid "disk usage by BOINC projects" msgstr "BOINC 项目的磁盘占用" -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:113 -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:119 +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:92 +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:98 msgid "Disk" msgstr "磁盘" -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:240 +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:222 msgid "not attached to any BOINC project - 0 bytes" msgstr "未加入到任何 BOINC 项目 - 0字节" -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:274 +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:256 msgid "free disk space - " msgstr "剩余磁盘空间 - " -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:281 +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:263 msgid "used by BOINC - " msgstr "BOINC使用 - " -#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:287 +#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:269 msgid "used by other programs - " msgstr "其它程序使用 - " @@ -2737,60 +2823,60 @@ msgid "Updating charts..." msgstr "正在更新图表..." #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:98 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:106 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:108 msgid "Retry Now" msgstr "立即重试" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:99 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:107 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:109 msgid "Click 'Retry now' to transfer the file now" msgstr "点击“立即重试”,则现在就传输该文件" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:105 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:113 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:115 msgid "Abort Transfer" msgstr "中断传输" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:106 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:114 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:116 msgid "Click 'Abort transfer' to delete the file from the transfer queue. This will prevent you from being granted credit for this result." msgstr "点击“中断传输”以从传输队列中删除该文件,这将导致您无法从该结果获得积分。" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:118 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:130 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:132 msgid "File" msgstr "文件" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:119 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:130 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:135 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:132 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:137 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:150 msgid "Progress" msgstr "进度" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:120 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:130 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:132 msgid "Size" msgstr "大小" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:121 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:130 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:133 msgid "Elapsed Time" msgstr "已用时间" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:122 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:130 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:133 msgid "Speed" msgstr "速度" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:136 #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:142 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:160 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:170 msgid "Transfers" msgstr "网络传输" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:163 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:183 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:193 msgid "Retrying transfer now..." msgstr "正在重试传输..." @@ -2809,64 +2895,64 @@ msgid "Abort File Transfer" msgstr "中断文件传输" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:526 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:412 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:424 msgid "Retry in " msgstr "稍后重试 " #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:528 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:414 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:747 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:691 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:426 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:756 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:773 msgid "Download failed" msgstr "下载失败" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:530 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:416 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:808 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:752 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:428 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:817 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:834 msgid "Upload failed" msgstr "上传失败" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:533 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:419 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:758 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:702 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:431 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:767 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:784 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "已被暂停" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:536 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:422 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:810 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:754 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:434 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:819 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:836 msgid "Uploading" msgstr "正在上传" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:536 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:422 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:749 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:693 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:434 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:758 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:775 msgid "Downloading" msgstr "正在下载" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:538 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:424 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:436 msgid "Upload pending" msgstr "等待上传" #: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:538 -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:424 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:436 msgid "Download pending" msgstr "等待下载" -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:154 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:164 msgid "TransfersGrid" msgstr "传输网格" -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:220 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:231 msgid "Aborting transfer(s)..." msgstr "中断传输..." -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:222 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:233 msgid "" "Are you sure you want to abort this file(s) transfer ?\n" "NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n" @@ -2875,82 +2961,82 @@ msgstr "" "您确信要中断文件'%s'的传输吗?\n" "注意:中断传输将标识该任务为无效,您将不能从该任务得到积分。" -#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:225 +#: clientgui/ViewTransfersGrid.cpp:236 msgid "Abort File Transfer(s)" msgstr "中断文件传输" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:107 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:112 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:109 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:117 msgid "Show application graphics in a window." msgstr "在新窗口中显示项目图形。" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:114 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:119 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:116 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:124 msgid "Suspend work for this result." msgstr "暂停当前任务。" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:120 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:125 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:122 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:130 msgid "Abort" msgstr "中止" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:121 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:126 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:123 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:131 msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it." msgstr "中止该任务,您将不能得到它的积分。" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:132 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:134 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:149 msgid "Application" msgstr "计算程序" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:133 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:135 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:149 msgid "Name" msgstr "任务名称" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:134 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:136 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:149 msgid "CPU time" msgstr "已用 CPU 时间" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:136 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:138 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:150 msgid "To completion" msgstr "剩余时间" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:137 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:144 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:139 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:150 msgid "Report deadline" msgstr "上报期限" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:151 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:157 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:184 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:153 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:159 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:193 msgid "Tasks" msgstr "任务" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:182 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:210 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:184 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:223 msgid "Resuming task..." msgstr "正在继续该任务..." -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:186 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:214 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:188 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:226 msgid "Suspending task..." msgstr "正在暂停该任务..." -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:212 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:240 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:254 msgid "Showing graphics for task..." msgstr "正在显示该任务的图形..." -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:277 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:306 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:316 msgid "Aborting result..." msgstr "正在中止任务..." -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:285 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:277 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n" @@ -2959,144 +3045,139 @@ msgstr "" "您确定要中止当前任务'%s'吗?\n" "(进度:%s,状态:%s)" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:294 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:326 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:286 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:339 msgid "Abort task" msgstr "中止任务" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:511 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:393 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:449 msgid "Resume work for this task." msgstr "继续计算当前任务。" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:517 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:399 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:510 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:455 msgid "Suspend work for this task." msgstr "暂停计算当前任务。" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:743 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:687 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:752 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:769 msgid "New" msgstr "新任务" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:754 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:698 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:763 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:780 msgid "Project suspended by user" msgstr "项目已被用户暂停" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:756 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:700 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:765 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:782 msgid "Task suspended by user" msgstr "任务已被用户暂停" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:760 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:704 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:769 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:786 msgid " - on batteries" msgstr " - 电池供电" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:763 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:707 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:772 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:789 msgid " - user active" msgstr " - 用户活跃" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:766 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:710 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:775 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:792 msgid " - computation suspended" msgstr " - 计算被暂停" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:769 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:713 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:778 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:795 msgid " - time of day" msgstr " - 休息时间段" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:772 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:716 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:781 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:798 msgid " - CPU benchmarks" msgstr " - CPU基准测试" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:775 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:719 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:784 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:801 msgid " - need disk space" msgstr " - 磁盘空间不足" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:779 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:723 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:788 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:805 msgid "Waiting for memory" msgstr "等待足够的内存" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:781 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:725 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:790 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:807 msgid "Waiting for shared memory" msgstr "等待足够的共享内存" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:784 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:728 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:793 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:810 msgid "Running, high priority" msgstr "运行中,高优先级" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:786 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:730 -msgid "Running" -msgstr "运行中" - -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:791 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:735 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:800 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:817 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)" msgstr "(非 CPU 密集)" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:795 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:739 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:804 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:821 msgid "Waiting to run" msgstr "等待运行" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:797 -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:800 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:741 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:744 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:806 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:809 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:823 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:826 msgid "Ready to start" msgstr "准备运行" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:804 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:748 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:813 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:830 msgid "Computation error" msgstr "计算错误" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:816 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:760 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:825 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:842 msgid "Aborted by user" msgstr "已被用户终止" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:819 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:763 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:828 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:845 msgid "Aborted by project" msgstr "已被项目中止" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:822 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:766 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:831 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:848 msgid "Aborted" msgstr "已中止" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:827 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:771 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:836 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:853 msgid "Acknowledged" msgstr "已被确认" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:829 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:773 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:838 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:855 msgid "Ready to report" msgstr "等待上报" -#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:831 -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:775 +#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:840 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:857 #, c-format msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'" msgstr "错误:非法状态 '%d'" -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:178 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:187 msgid "TasksGrid" msgstr "任务网格" -#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:317 +#: clientgui/ViewWorkGrid.cpp:330 #, c-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n" @@ -3105,10 +3186,6 @@ msgstr "" "您确定要中止当前任务'%s'吗?\n" "(进度:%s %%,状态:%s)" -#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325 -msgid "Attach to project (local override)" -msgstr "加入项目 (本地操作,不通过帐号管理器)" - #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:329 #, c-format msgid "" @@ -3118,9 +3195,9 @@ msgid "" "Projects added via this wizard will not be\n" "listed on or managed via %s." msgstr "" -"可以的话,您应该通过 %s 网站来添加项目。\n" +"如果可能的话,请在 %s 网站添加项目。\n" "\n" -"通过本向导增加的项目将不能在 %s 中显示及进行管理。" +"通过向导增加的项目将不能在 %s 中显示及进行管理。" #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:346 msgid "" @@ -3144,7 +3221,7 @@ msgstr "" #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:373 msgid "Account manager" -msgstr "帐号管理器" +msgstr "帐户管理器" #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:376 msgid "" @@ -3154,7 +3231,7 @@ msgid "" "If you want to attach to a single project, click Cancel,\n" "then select the 'Attach to project' menu item instead." msgstr "" -"我们将引导您完成加入一个帐号管理器的过程。\n" +"我们将引导您完成加入一个帐户管理器的过程。\n" "\n" "如果您只想要加入一个项目,请点击取消,\n" "然后选择菜单中的'加入项目'。" @@ -3177,15 +3254,15 @@ msgstr "项目网址错误" #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:400 msgid "Account Creation Disabled" -msgstr "帐号创建已被停用" +msgstr "帐户创建已被停用" #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:403 msgid "Client Account Creation Disabled" -msgstr "客户端的帐号创建已被停用" +msgstr "客户端的帐户创建已被停用" #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:406 msgid "Account Already Exists" -msgstr "帐号已存在" +msgstr "帐户已存在" #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:409 msgid "Project Already Attached"