mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
*** empty log message ***
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=4800
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ graphics_api_files = \
graphics_api.C \
reduce.C \
gutil.C \
bmplib.C \
tgalib.C \
graphics_data.h \
reduce.h \
x_opengl.h \
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "boinc_win.h"
#include "bmplib.h"
// Returns true for success -- false otherwise
bool DIB_BITMAP::set_size(int width, int height, int channels)
// If DIB_BITMAP has already been set -- clear it out first
// Create a temporary compatible device context
HDC temp_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
// Error Check
return false;
bmp_width = width; // Set the width
bmp_height = height; // Set the height
bmp_channels = channels; // Set the channels (3 == 24-bit, 4 == 32-bit)
// Set stride -- The stride is the TRUE number of bytes in a line of pixels
// Windows makes all the .bmps DWORD aligned (divisible evenly by 4)
// So if you bitmap say was 103x103 pixels, Windows would add 1 "padding byte" to it
// so in memory it would be 104x103 pixels. The "padding bytes" do not get blit (drawn)
// to the screen, they're just there so again everything is DWORD aligned which makes
// blitting (drawing to the screen) easier for the OS
bmp_stride = bmp_width * bmp_channels;
while((bmp_stride % 4) != 0) // Ensure bmp_stride is DWORD aligned
BITMAPINFO bmp_info = {0};
// Initialize the parameters that we care about
bmp_info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmp_info.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
bmp_info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; // Always equal 1
bmp_info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = channels * 8;
bmp_info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; // No compression
bmp_info.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; // Always equals 0 with a 24 or 32-bit .bmp
// Create a DIBSection -- This returns us two things, an HBITMAP handle and
// a memory pointer (pointer to the pixels) in surface_bits
hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(temp_hdc, &bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
(void**)&surface_bits, 0, 0);
// Release our temporary HDC
// Error Check -- Make sure the call to CreateDIBSection() DID NOT fail
return false;
return true; // We're sized :)
} // end of set_size(int width, int height, int channels)
bool DIB_BITMAP::loadBMP(const char *file_name)
// If DIB_BITMAP has already been set -- clear it out first
// Error Check -- Make sure they passed in a valid file name
return false;
FILE *bmp_file = fopen(file_name, "rb");
// Error Check -- Make sure the file could be opened
return false;
BITMAPFILEHEADER bmp_fileheader;
if(!fread(&bmp_fileheader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, bmp_file))
return false;
// Check the type field to make sure we have a .bmp file
if(memcmp(&bmp_fileheader.bfType, "BM", 2))
return false;
BITMAPINFOHEADER bmp_infoheader;
if(!fread(&bmp_infoheader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, bmp_file))
return false;
// We only support 24-bit and 32-bit .bmps so make sure that's what we have
if((bmp_infoheader.biBitCount != 24) && (bmp_infoheader.biBitCount != 32))
return false;
// Set the size of our DIB_BITMAP, once we do this we're ready to store the pixel
// data in it
if(set_size(bmp_infoheader.biWidth,bmp_infoheader.biHeight,bmp_infoheader.biBitCount / 8) == false)
return false;
// Jump to the location where the pixel data is stored
if(fseek(bmp_file, bmp_fileheader.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET))
return false;
unsigned int bytesPerLine = bmp_width * bmp_channels; // Bytes per line (number of bytes
// in a scan line)
// Calculate how many "padding" bytes there are -- WE DO NOT want to read in the
// padding bytes (we will just skip over those)
// **Remember** Windows adds padding bytes to ensure ALL .bmps are DWORD aligned
// (divisible evenly by 4)
unsigned int padding = bmp_stride - bytesPerLine;
// Loop over all the scan lines (all the rows of pixels in the image)
for(int y = bmp_height-1; y >= 0; y--)
// Get the "current" line pointer
uchar *LinePtr = getLinePtr(y);
// Read the precise number of bytes that the scan line requires into the bitmap
if(!fread(LinePtr, bytesPerLine, 1, bmp_file))
return false;
// Skip over any padding bytes.
if(fseek(bmp_file, padding, SEEK_CUR))
return false;
} // end of for (int y = 0; y < bmp_infoheader.biHeight; y++)
return true; // If we get here .bmp was read in successfully
} // end of loadBMP(char *file_name, HDC hdc)
// Returns the address in memory of the specified line. This gives you a pointer to at least
// width * channels bytes. Lines are numbered such that when the bitmap
// is displayed line zero is at the top.
uchar* DIB_BITMAP::getLinePtr(int which_line)
return (surface_bits + bmp_stride * which_line);
// Release the memory
// If we created an HBITMAP, delete it
// Zero out all data associated with DIB_BITMAP
hbitmap = NULL;
surface_bits = NULL;
bmp_width = bmp_height = bmp_channels = bmp_stride = 0;
// Deconstructor
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
typedef unsigned char uchar; // We're lazy so typedef "unsigned char" as "uchar"
// We will use this class to load 24 and 32-bit .bmp for us
// Constructor() -- Zero's out DIB_BITMAP
bmp_channels(0),bmp_stride(0) { GdiFlush(); /* Guarantee that writing to
DIB_BITMAP is okay */ }
// Data Access Functions ************
inline int get_width() const { return bmp_width; }
inline int get_height() const { return bmp_height; }
inline int get_channels() const { return bmp_channels; }
inline int get_stride() const { return bmp_stride; }
// ****** End of Data Access Functions
// Creates a "empty" DIB_BITMAP with the "traits" of the parameters passed in
// Returns true for success -- false otherwise
// If set_size is called on a DIB_BITMAP that already has memory associated with it
// that memory is freed and the new size is implemented
bool set_size(int width, int height, int channels);
// Loads a bmp with specified file_name -- Returns true on success, false otherwise
// If loadBMP() is called on a DIB_BITMAP that already has memory associated with
// it, that memory is freed and the .bmp is loaded
bool loadBMP(const char *file_name);
uchar* getLinePtr(int which_line); // returns a pointer to the line passed in
// Deconstructor();
int bmp_width; // The width of the bitmap
int bmp_height; // The height of the bitmap
int bmp_channels; // How many channels is the bitmap (3 == 24-bit, 4 == 32-bit)
int bmp_stride; // The TRUE number of bytes in a scan line (in a line of pixels
// in memory)
HBITMAP hbitmap; // This will be the handle to our bitmap
uchar *surface_bits; // This is a pointer to the actual pixels of the bitmap
void FreeDIB_BMP(); // Frees all memory associated with DIB_BITMAP
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
#include "tgalib.h"
tImageTGA *LoadTGA(const char *filename)
tImageTGA *pImageData = NULL; // This stores our important image data
WORD width = 0, height = 0; // The dimensions of the image
byte length = 0; // The length in bytes to the pixels
byte imageType = 0; // The image type (RLE, RGB, Alpha...)
byte bits = 0; // The bits per pixel for the image (16, 24, 32)
FILE *pFile = NULL; // The file pointer
int channels = 0; // The channels of the image (3 = RGA : 4 = RGBA)
int stride = 0; // The stride (channels * width)
int i = 0; // A counter
// This function loads in a TARGA (.TGA) file and returns its data to be
// used as a texture or what have you. This currently loads in a 16, 24
// and 32-bit targa file, along with RLE compressed files. Eventually you
// will want to do more error checking to make it more robust. This is
// also a perfect start to go into a modular class for an engine.
// Basically, how it works is, you read in the header information, then
// move your file pointer to the pixel data. Before reading in the pixel
// data, we check to see the if it's an RLE compressed image. This is because
// we will handle it different. If it isn't compressed, then we need another
// check to see if we need to convert it from 16-bit to 24 bit. 24-bit and
// 32-bit textures are very similar, so there's no need to do anything special.
// We do, however, read in an extra bit for each color.
// Open a file pointer to the targa file and check if it was found and opened
if((pFile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)
return NULL;
// Allocate the structure that will hold our eventual image data (must free it!)
pImageData = (tImageTGA*)malloc(sizeof(tImageTGA));
// Read in the length in bytes from the header to the pixel data
fread(&length, sizeof(byte), 1, pFile);
// Jump over one byte
// Read in the imageType (RLE, RGB, etc...)
fread(&imageType, sizeof(byte), 1, pFile);
// Skip past general information we don't care about
fseek(pFile, 9, SEEK_CUR);
// Read the width, height and bits per pixel (16, 24 or 32)
fread(&width, sizeof(WORD), 1, pFile);
fread(&height, sizeof(WORD), 1, pFile);
fread(&bits, sizeof(byte), 1, pFile);
// Now we move the file pointer to the pixel data
fseek(pFile, length + 1, SEEK_CUR);
// Check if the image is RLE compressed or not
if(imageType != TGA_RLE)
// Check if the image is a 24 or 32-bit image
if(bits == 24 || bits == 32)
// Calculate the channels (3 or 4) - (use bits >> 3 for more speed).
// Next, we calculate the stride and allocate enough memory for the pixels.
channels = bits / 8;
stride = channels * width;
pImageData->data = new unsigned char[stride * height];
// Load in all the pixel data line by line
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)
// Store a pointer to the current line of pixels
unsigned char *pLine = &(pImageData->data[stride * y]);
// Read in the current line of pixels
fread(pLine, stride, 1, pFile);
// Go through all of the pixels and swap the B and R values since TGA
// files are stored as BGR instead of RGB (or use GL_BGR_EXT verses GL_RGB)
for(i = 0; i < stride; i += channels)
int temp = pLine[i];
pLine[i] = pLine[i + 2];
pLine[i + 2] = temp;
// Check if the image is a 16 bit image (RGB stored in 1 unsigned short)
else if(bits == 16)
unsigned short pixels = 0;
int r=0, g=0, b=0;
// Since we convert 16-bit images to 24 bit, we hardcode the channels to 3.
// We then calculate the stride and allocate memory for the pixels.
channels = 3;
stride = channels * width;
pImageData->data = new unsigned char[stride * height];
// Load in all the pixel data pixel by pixel
for(int i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
// Read in the current pixel
fread(&pixels, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, pFile);
// To convert a 16-bit pixel into an R, G, B, we need to
// do some masking and such to isolate each color value.
// 0x1f = 11111 in binary, so since 5 bits are reserved in
// each unsigned short for the R, G and B, we bit shift and mask
// to find each value. We then bit shift up by 3 to get the full color.
b = (pixels & 0x1f) << 3;
g = ((pixels >> 5) & 0x1f) << 3;
r = ((pixels >> 10) & 0x1f) << 3;
// This essentially assigns the color to our array and swaps the
// B and R values at the same time.
pImageData->data[i * 3 + 0] = r;
pImageData->data[i * 3 + 1] = g;
pImageData->data[i * 3 + 2] = b;
// Else return a NULL for a bad or unsupported pixel format
return NULL;
// Else, it must be Run-Length Encoded (RLE)
// First, let me explain real quickly what RLE is.
// For further information, check out Paul Bourke's intro article at:
// http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/rle/
// Anyway, we know that RLE is a basic type compression. It takes
// colors that are next to each other and then shrinks that info down
// into the color and a integer that tells how much of that color is used.
// For instance:
// aaaaabbcccccccc would turn into a5b2c8
// Well, that's fine and dandy and all, but how is it down with RGB colors?
// Simple, you read in an color count (rleID), and if that number is less than 128,
// it does NOT have any optimization for those colors, so we just read the next
// pixels normally. Say, the color count was 28, we read in 28 colors like normal.
// If the color count is over 128, that means that the next color is optimized and
// we want to read in the same pixel color for a count of (colorCount - 127).
// It's 127 because we add 1 to the color count, as you'll notice in the code.
// Create some variables to hold the rleID, current colors read, channels, & stride.
byte rleID = 0;
int colorsRead = 0;
channels = bits / 8;
stride = channels * width;
// Next we want to allocate the memory for the pixels and create an array,
// depending on the channel count, to read in for each pixel.
pImageData->data = new unsigned char[stride * height];
byte *pColors = new byte [channels];
// Load in all the pixel data
while(i < width*height)
// Read in the current color count + 1
fread(&rleID, sizeof(byte), 1, pFile);
// Check if we don't have an encoded string of colors
if(rleID < 128)
// Increase the count by 1
// Go through and read all the unique colors found
// Read in the current color
fread(pColors, sizeof(byte) * channels, 1, pFile);
// Store the current pixel in our image array
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 0] = pColors[2];
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 1] = pColors[1];
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 2] = pColors[0];
// If we have a 4 channel 32-bit image, assign one more for the alpha
if(bits == 32)
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 3] = pColors[3];
// Increase the current pixels read, decrease the amount
// of pixels left, and increase the starting index for the next pixel.
colorsRead += channels;
// Else, let's read in a string of the same character
// Minus the 128 ID + 1 (127) to get the color count that needs to be read
rleID -= 127;
// Read in the current color, which is the same for a while
fread(pColors, sizeof(byte) * channels, 1, pFile);
// Go and read as many pixels as are the same
// Assign the current pixel to the current index in our pixel array
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 0] = pColors[2];
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 1] = pColors[1];
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 2] = pColors[0];
// If we have a 4 channel 32-bit image, assign one more for the alpha
if(bits == 32)
pImageData->data[colorsRead + 3] = pColors[3];
// Increase the current pixels read, decrease the amount
// of pixels left, and increase the starting index for the next pixel.
colorsRead += channels;
// Free up pColors
delete[] pColors;
// Close the file pointer that opened the file
// Fill in our tImageTGA structure to pass back
pImageData->channels = channels;
pImageData->sizeX = width;
pImageData->sizeY = height;
// Return the TGA data (remember, you must free this data after you are done)
return pImageData;
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef TGALIB_H
#define TGALIB_H
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TGA_RGB 2 // This tells us it's a normal RGB (really BGR) file
#define TGA_A 3 // This tells us it's a ALPHA file
#define TGA_RLE 10 // This tells us that the targa is Run-Length Encoded (RLE)
struct tImageTGA
int channels; // The channels in the image (3 = RGB : 4 = RGBA)
int sizeX; // The width of the image in pixels
int sizeY; // The height of the image in pixels
unsigned char *data; // The image pixel data
tImageTGA *LoadTGA(const char *filename);
@ -20926,3 +20926,11 @@ Rom 8 Dec 2004
David 8 Dec 2004
- moved bmplib and tgalib from seti_boinc to boinc/api
bmplib.C,h (new)
tgalib.C,h (new)
@ -51,15 +51,10 @@ before getting into the source code.
<li> <a href=client_app_graphic.php>Core client/application interaction (graphics)</a>
<li> <a href=disk_management.php>Disk space management</a>
<h2>Scheduling server</h2>
<h2>Server programs</h2>
<li> <a href=database.php>The BOINC database</a>
<li> <a href=sched_policy.php>Policy</a>
<li> <a href=sched_impl.php>Implementation</a>
<li> <a href=sched_debug.php>Debugging</a>
<h2>Back end</h2>
<li> <a href=sched_policy.php>Work distribution policy</a>
<li> <a href=backend_state.php>Backend state transitions</a>
<li> <a href=backend_logic.php>The logic of backend programs</a>
<li> <a href=server_debug.php>Debugging server components</a>
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ show_name("Gilson Laurent");
show_name("Bernd Machenschalk");
show_name("Sebastian Masch");
show_name("Kenichi Miyoshi");
show_name("Kjell Nedrelid");
show_name("J.R. Oldroyd");
show_name("Jakob Pedersen");
show_name("Stephen Pellicer");
@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ show_link(
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
page_head("Scheduling server: debugging");
echo "
Here's a useful technique for troubleshooting scheduler problems:
1) Copy the \"scheduler_request_X.xml\" file from a client to the
machine running the scheduler. (X = your project URL)
2) Run the scheduler under the debugger, giving it this file as stdin,
gdb cgi
(set a breakpoint)
r < scheduler_request_X.xml
3) You may have to doctor the database as follows:
update host set rpc_seqno=0, rpc_time=0 where hostid=N
to keep the scheduler from rejecting the request.
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
page_head("Scheduling server: implementation");
echo "
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
page_head("Scheduling server: policy");
page_head("Work distribution policy");
echo "
The scheduling server will attempt to send enough work to exceed a
@ -27,12 +27,28 @@ database-level problems.
<h2>Scheduler single-stepping</h2>
The scheduler is a CGI program.
It reads from stdin and writes to stdout,
so you can also run it with a command-line debugger like gdb.
Direct a scheduler request file
(which you can copy from a client;
they're saved in files called sched_request_PROJECT.xml)
to stdin, set breakpoints, and start stepping through the code.
so you can also run it with a command-line debugger like gdb:
Copy the \"scheduler_request_X.xml\" file from a client to the
machine running the scheduler. (X = your project URL)
Run the scheduler under the debugger, giving it this file as stdin,
gdb cgi
(set a breakpoint)
r < scheduler_request_X.xml
You may have to doctor the database as follows:
update host set rpc_seqno=0, rpc_time=0 where hostid=N
to keep the scheduler from rejecting the request.
This is useful for figuring out why your project is generating
'no work available' messages.
@ -5,16 +5,17 @@ echo "
The <code>update_versions</code> script
releases new application versions.
It makes the needed database entries and copies files
to the download directory.
It creates database entries and copies files to the download directory.
To use:
<li> Create an 'apps directory' under the project directory.
Add an ", htmlspecialchars("<app_dir>"),
If it doesn't already exit,
create an directory 'apps' under the project directory,
and add an ", htmlspecialchars("<app_dir>"),
" element to config.xml giving the path of the apps directory.
<li> Create a subdirectory for each application,
with the same name as the application.
with the short name of the application.
Put new application versions here.
scans these directories for new application versions.
@ -27,13 +28,14 @@ File names must be of the form <code>NAME_VERSION_PLATFORM[.ext]</code>, e.g.:
The prefix name and extensions .gz, .exe, .sig are ignored.
Important notes:
<li> <b>Platform strings must match the names of platforms in the database.</b>
If needed, <a href=tool_xadd.php>add the platform to the DB</a>.
<li> <b>Your application must have the same major version number
<b>Platform strings must match the names of platforms in the database.</b>
If needed, <a href=tool_xadd.php>add the platform to the DB</a>.
<b>Applications must have the same major version number
as your BOINC server software</b>.
@ -48,6 +50,14 @@ Recommended code-signing practices are described
<a href=code_signing.php>here</a>.
If a file of the form
is found, its contents will be added to the <file_info>
element describing the file
(you can use this for attributes like <copy_file>).
<h3>Min/max core version</h3>
Application versions have fields <code>min_core_version</code>
and <code>max_core_version</code> which, if nonzero,
@ -55,7 +65,7 @@ indicates the range of core client version numbers
to which the application version should be sent.
Update_versions, by default, sets this to the largest
core client version number in the database.
To change this, you can manually edit the app_version record.
To change this, you can manually update the app_version record.
<h3>Multiple-file application versions</h3>
Reference in New Issue