From 250e90be287011bfad270fa2f97ed0bb1743afcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Barry Luong
- Edit your Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) to set the
-"boinc/sched" directory as CGI, and to allow uploads to to the upload
+When installed there will be two directories created in your current directory,
+"boinc_cvs/" and "boinc_server/".
+"boinc_cvs/" will contain all the source
+code in a directory called "boinc/".
+"boinc_server/" will contain four directories, "upload/", "download/", "cgi/", and "keys/".
+"upload/" and "cgi/"must be set as CGI in the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) and uploads must be allowed to the "upload/" directory.
+Make sure to include something like:
alias /barry/ "/disks/philmor/a/users/barry/"
+or whichever directory contains "boinc_cvs/" and "boinc_server/". + Edit your Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) +to allow uploads to to the upload directory.
Add the following (with appropriate changes) to your .tcshrc
+setenv BOINC_DOWNLOAD_DIR ~boinc_server/download +setenv BOINC_UPLOAD_DIR ~boinc_server/upload +setenv BOINC_PLATFORM sparc-sun-solaris2.7 +setenv BOINC_EMAIL +setenv BOINC_URL_BASE +setenv BOINC_DB_NAME boinc_barry +setenv BOINC_UPLOAD_URL +setenv BOINC_DOWNLOAD_URL +setenv BOINC_KEY 0xdabacafe +setenv BOINC_USER barry +setenv BOINC_KEY_DIR ~/boinc_server/keys +setenv BOINC_MASTER_URL http:\\\/\\\/localhost\\\/ ++ setenv BOINC_DOWNLOAD_DIR /usr/local/boinc/download This directory should be set to be web accessible via Apache. If you plan on using a different directory, be sure to set the