mirror of https://github.com/BOINC/boinc.git
- enhancemenets to dbinfo.php, from Tolu
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=16309
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,28 @@
class DB_REC {
var $name;
var $data_size;
var $index_size;
var $total_size;
var $rows;
var $size_per_row;
function __construct($n, $d, $i, $t, $r, $s) {
$this->name = $n;
$this->data_size = $d;
$this->index_size = $i;
$this->total_size = $t;
$this->rows = $r;
$this->size_per_row = $s;
function __destruct() {
$db_name = parse_config($config, "<db_name>");
@ -10,94 +32,203 @@ db_init();
admin_page_head("BOINC Database Info");
// if you have other db's just add more get_db_info lines
$db_rec = get_db_info($db_name);
// show_db_info($db_name, $db_rec);
sort_db_info($db_name, $db_rec);
function get_db_info($mydb)
// returns formatted data size
function size_format($size){
$retval = 0;
$KB = 1024;
$MB = 1024*1024;
$GB = 1024*1024*1024;
$TB = 1024*1024*1024*1024;
if ($size < $KB) {
$retval = $size;
} elseif (($size > $KB) && ($size < $MB)) {
$retval = sprintf("%.0fK", ($size / $KB));
} elseif ( ($size >= $MB) && ($size < $GB)) {
$retval = sprintf("%.2fMB", ($size / $MB));
} elseif ( ($size >= $GB) && ($size < $TB)) {
$retval = sprintf("%.2fGB", ($size / $GB));
} elseif ( $size >= $TB ) {
$retval = sprintf("%.2fTB", ($size / $TB));
return $retval;
// returns the DB data structure as DB_REC
function get_db_info($db_name)
// Carl grabbed this from the mysql.com boards http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/show-table-status.html
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $db_name");
$MB = 1048576;
$KB = 1024;
echo "<table cols=2><th>Database</th><th>$mydb</td></table>";
echo "<table cols=6><th>Table</th><th>Data Size</th><th>Index Size</th><th>Total size</th><th>Total Rows</th><th>Avg. Size per Row</th>";
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $mydb");
/* SQL output
mysql> show table status from qcnalpha;
| Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time | Check_time | Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment |
// SQL output
// mysql> show table status from [table_name];
// | Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows
// | Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length
// | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time
// | Update_time | Check_time | Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment |
$gdata = 0;
$gindex = 0;
$gtotal = 0;
$grows = 0;
$i = 0;
$db_rec = array();
while($myarr = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$total = $myarr["Data_length"]+$myarr["Index_length"];
// sum grand totals
$gdata += $myarr["Data_length"];
$total = $myarr["Data_length"] + $myarr["Index_length"];
$gindex += $myarr["Index_length"];
$gtotal += $total;
$gdata += $myarr["Data_length"];
$grows += $myarr["Rows"];
$gtotal += $total;
echo "<tr><td align=\"center\">";
echo $myarr["Name"] . "<br/></td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">";
if ( $myarr["Data_length"] < $KB) {
echo " " . $myarr["Data_length"];
} elseif ( ($myarr["Data_length"] > $KB) && ($myarr["Data_length"] < $MB) ) {
printf("%.0fK",($myarr["Data_length"] / $KB) );
} elseif ( $myarr["Data_length"] >= $MB) {
printf("%.2fMB",($myarr["Data_length"] / $MB) );
echo "</td><td align=\"center\">";
if ( $myarr["Index_length"] < $KB) {
echo " ".$myarr["Index_length"];
} elseif ( ($myarr["Index_length"] > $KB) && ($myarr["Index_length"] < $MB) ) {
printf("%.0fK",($myarr["Index_length"] / $KB) );
} elseif ( $myarr["Index_length"] >= $MB) {
printf("%.2fMB",($myarr["Index_length"] / $MB) );
echo "<br/></td><td align=\"center\">";
if ( $total < $KB) {
echo " ".$total;
} elseif ( ($total > $KB) && ($total < $MB) ) {
printf("%.0fK",($total / $KB) );
} elseif ( $total >= $MB) {
printf("%.2fMB",($total / $MB) );
echo "<br/></td><td align=\"center\">";
echo "
" . $myarr["Rows"]."</td><td align=\"center\">
$db_rec[$i] = new DB_REC ($myarr["Name"], $myarr["Data_length"], $myarr["Index_length"], $total, $myarr["Rows"], $myarr["Avg_row_length"] );
$gdata /= $MB;
$gindex /= $MB;
$gtotal /= $MB;
$db_rec[$i] = new DB_REC ("Total", $gdata, $gindex, $gtotal, $grows, "" );
echo "<tr><td align=\"center\"><B>Totals:</B></td><td><B>";
printf("%.2fMB", $gdata);
echo "</B></td><td align=\"center\"><B>";
printf("%.2fMB", $gindex);
echo "</B></td><td align=\"center\"><B>";
printf("%.2fMB", $gtotal);
echo "</B></td><td align=\"center\"><B>
" . $grows . "</B></td><td></td></tr></table><BR><BR>";
return $db_rec;
// shows the plain db structure
function show_db_info($db_name, $db_rec)
echo "<table cols=6>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class=heading colspan=6> Database $db_name </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class=heading>Table</td>";
echo "<td class=heading>Data Size</td>";
echo "<td class=heading>Index Size</td>";
echo "<td class=heading>Total Size</td>";
echo "<td class=heading>Total Rows</td>";
echo "<td class=heading>Avg. Size per Row</td>";
echo "</tr>";
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($db_rec)-1; $i++){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . $db_rec[$i]->name . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->data_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->index_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->total_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . number_format($db_rec[$i]->rows) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->size_per_row) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
// Last record is just a summary
$i = sizeof($db_rec)-1;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . $db_rec[$i]->name . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->data_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->index_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->total_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . number_format($db_rec[$i]->rows) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
// NB: same as show_db_info but with sortable cloumns
function sort_db_info($db_name, $db_rec)
// sort
$file_list = array();
$file_sort = array();
$sort = get_str("sort", true);
$r = get_str("r", true);
// check if its empty
if(empty($sort)) $sort = "name";
// check for allowed keys
if ((strcmp($sort, "name")!=0) &&
(strcmp($sort, "data_size")!=0) &&
(strcmp($sort, "index_size")!=0) &&
(strcmp($sort, "total_size")!=0) &&
(strcmp($sort, "rows")!=0) &&
(strcmp($sort, "size_per_row")!=0))
$sort = "name";
if(empty($r)) $r=0;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($db_rec)-1; $i++){
$file_details["name"] = $db_rec[$i]->name;
$file_details["data_size"] = $db_rec[$i]->data_size;
$file_details["index_size"] = $db_rec[$i]->index_size;
$file_details["total_size"] = $db_rec[$i]->total_size;
$file_details["rows"] = $db_rec[$i]->rows;
$file_details["size_per_row"] = $db_rec[$i]->size_per_row;
$file_list[$i] = $file_details;
$key = strtolower($file_details[$sort]);
$file_sort[$i] = $key;
else asort($file_sort);
// -- end sort
echo "<table cols=6>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class=heading colspan=6> Database $db_name </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class=heading><a href='$self?sort=name&r=" . (!$r) . "'>Table </a></td>";
echo "<td class=heading><a href='$self?sort=data_size&r=" . (!$r) . "'>Data Size</a></td>";
echo "<td class=heading><a href='$self?sort=index_size&r=" . (!$r) . "'>Index Size</a></td>";
echo "<td class=heading><a href='$self?sort=total_size&r=" . (!$r) . "'>Total Size</a></td>";
echo "<td class=heading><a href='$self?sort=rows&r=" . (!$r) . "'>Total Rows</a></td>";
echo "<td class=heading><a href='$self?sort=size_per_row&r=" . (!$r) . "'>Avg. Size per Row</a></td>";
echo "</tr>";
$i = 0;
while ( list($key, $value) = each($file_sort) ) {
$value = $file_list[$key];
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . $value["name"] . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($value["data_size"]) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($value["index_size"]) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($value["total_size"]) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . number_format($value["rows"]) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left valign=top class=fieldname>" . size_format($value["size_per_row"]) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
// Last record is just a summary
$i = sizeof($db_rec)-1;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . $db_rec[$i]->name . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->data_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->index_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . size_format($db_rec[$i]->total_size) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading>" . number_format($db_rec[$i]->rows) . "</td>";
echo "<td align=left class=heading></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
Reference in New Issue