From 0f1b2f05048299f7c833faaa3cd7ff849d8f7189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Janus B. Kristensen"
+ This page helps you identify whether the BOINC Bittorrent system has succesfully been installed
+ on the server. If all of the bellow checks are green and all of the settings seem to match your
+ setup then everything should be perfectly fine.
+ Files used in this distribution:
+ BOINC Bittorrent
+ If, for some reason, the entire page (including the text at the bottom, bellow the table of checks)
+ isn't displayed, you should have a look at the error-log for your server. Similarly, if one of the
+ checks fail you may find additional information on the page or in your server logs.
+Check Status
+ ".$check." ";
+ if ($status){
+ echo "OK";
+ } else {
+ echo "Hm...";
+ }
+ echo " ";
+ if (!$status) echo $comment;
+ echo " ";
+ showCheck("Linking to config.php", file_exists("./config.php"), "config.php is missing - did you remember to copy from the sample?");
+ require_once("./config.php");
+ showCheck("Linking to BOINC serverside framework", file_exists("../inc/"), "Cannot find the BOINC framework - did you install the BT system in the html/-directory of your BOINC installation?");
+ require_once("../inc/");
+ showCheck("Database link", (db_init()||true), "");
+ showCheck("bittorrent_files table", mysql_query("select * from bittorrent_files"), "Table inaccessible");
+ showCheck("bittorrent_ipbans table", mysql_query("select * from bittorrent_ipbans"), "Table inaccessible");
+ showCheck("bittorrent_peers table", mysql_query("select * from bittorrent_peers"), "Table inaccessible");
+ showCheck("bittorrent_statistics table", mysql_query("select * from bittorrent_statistics"), "Table inaccessible");
+ showCheck("Linking to download dir (".$fileDirectory.")", file_exists($fileDirectory), "Directory not accessible or present");
+ showCheck("Tracker present (".$trackerURL.")", fopen($trackerURL, "r"), "Either this webserver doesn't support URL-fopen-wrappers or the tracker is not available. In the first case you may safely ignore this warning.");
+ showCheck("Webseeds defined", (sizeof($webseeds)>0), "No webseeds defined");
+ foreach ($webseeds as $webseed){
+ showCheck("Seed present (".$webseed.")", fopen($webseed, "r"), "Either this webserver doesn't support URL-fopen-wrappers or the webseed is not present. If the first is the case this warning may safely be ignored.");
+ }
+ showCheck("Linking to logfile (".TRACKER_LOGFILE.")", file_exists(TRACKER_LOGFILE), "The logfile doesn't exist - this may be because the system hasn't been run yet or because the file couldn't be created.");
+ ".$cvs_version_tracker[$i]."\n";
+ }
+ ?>
+ For more information check the documentation delivered within the bt directory. +
+ +