2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
msgid ""
msgstr ""
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc@ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-05 13:41 PDT\n"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-17 00:48+0900\n"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
"Last-Translator: je2bwm <je2bwm@jarl.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <nobody@example.com>\n"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.2.1\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: English\n"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: D:\\_Trans\\BTS\\20090509\n"
"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 日本語\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: JAPAN\n"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: tra\n"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: doc\n"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgid "[check all that apply]"
msgstr "[該当するものすべてにチェックを入れてください]"
msgid "Other:"
msgstr "その他:"
msgid "Yes - I have been running BOINC on my computer for..."
msgstr "はい。 今まで BOINC を自分のコンピュータで動かしていた期間は、 "
msgid "less than a week"
msgstr "1週間未満"
msgid "less than a month"
msgstr "1ヶ月未満"
msgid "less than a year"
msgstr "1年未満"
msgid "more than a year"
msgstr "1年以上"
msgid "No - I used to run BOINC, but..."
msgstr "いいえ。 BOINC を動かしていたことがありましたが、停めました。 その理由は、"
msgid "I lost interest"
msgstr "興味をなくしたので"
msgid "it was too complicated"
msgstr "複雑過ぎるため"
msgid "I stopped it and forgot to start again"
msgstr "一度停めたあと、再開するのを忘れていた"
msgid "it caused problems on my computer"
msgstr "BOINC は私のコンピュータでは問題を起こしたから"
msgid "it used too much electricity"
msgstr "電気を使いすぎるので"
msgid "I switched to a non-BOINC computing project"
msgstr "BOINC 以外のコンピューティング・プロジェクトに切り替えたので"
msgid "No - I tried running BOINC, but..."
msgstr "いいえ。 BOINC を使おうと試したのですが、"
msgid "the software didn't install correctly"
msgstr "BOINC ソフトウェアが正しくインストールされませんでした"
msgid "I couldn't figure out how to use the software"
msgstr "この BOINC ソフトウェアをどう使うかわかりませんでした"
msgid "I had network communication problems"
msgstr "ネットワーク通信に問題があってうまくいきませんでした"
msgid "I couldn't attach to a project"
msgstr "プロジェクトに参加できませんでした"
msgid "I attached to a project, but never got any work"
msgstr "あるプロジェクトに参加しましたが、仕事をまったく取り出せません"
msgid "No - I never tried running BOINC, because..."
msgstr "いいえ。 BOINC を試そうとしたことはありません。 というのも、"
msgid "I was concerned about security"
msgstr "セキュリティに心配があったからです"
msgid "I wasn't interested in any of the projects"
msgstr "どのプロジェクトについても興味がわかなかったからです"
msgid "I don't have permission to run it on my computer"
msgstr "使っているコンピュータでは、私は BOINC を動作させる権限を持っていないので"
msgid "No version was available for my computer"
msgstr "私のコンピュータで使える BOINC の版がなかったからです"
msgid "What kind of computers do you have running BOINC?"
msgstr "どのような種類のコンピュータで BOINC を走らせていますか。"
msgid "Where are they?"
msgstr "あなたのコンピュータはどこにありますか。"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "自宅(Home)"
msgid "Work"
msgstr "仕事場(Work)"
msgid "School"
msgstr "学校(School)"
msgid "How many computers?"
msgstr "コンピュータは何台ですか。"
msgid "On average, how many hours per day are they powered on?"
msgstr "平均して、あなたのコンピュータは1日に何時間電源が入っていますか。"
msgid "Age"
msgstr "あなたの年齢"
msgid "Sex"
msgstr "性別"
msgid "Male"
msgstr "男性"
msgid "Female"
msgstr "女性"
msgid "Your level of computer expertise"
msgstr "コンピュータに関する専門知識レベル"
msgid "Beginner"
msgstr "初心者"
msgid "Intermediate"
msgstr "中くらい"
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "高度"
msgid "Where did you learn about BOINC projects?"
msgstr "BOINC のプロジェクトを、どこで知りましたか。"
msgid "TV/radio/newspaper"
msgstr "テレビ/ラジオ/新聞"
msgid "From friends, relatives, or coworkers"
msgstr "友人、親戚、あるいは同僚から"
msgid "Team message boards or web sites"
msgstr "チームの掲示板・ウェブサイトで"
msgid "The BOINC web site"
msgstr "BOINC のウェブサイトで"
msgid "Other web sites"
msgstr "その他のウェブサイトで"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "BOINC のプロジェクトに参加するかどうか判断するときに、以下のどの要因が一番重要ですか。"
msgid "Nice-looking screensaver graphics"
msgstr "見栄えのするスクリーンセイバーのグラフィクス"
msgid "Fair and quick granting of credit for work done"
msgstr "やりおえた仕事に対して、公正にかつ迅速に功績(credit)が付与されること"
msgid "Getting more credit from this project than from others"
msgstr "他のプロジェクトよりもこのプロジェクトの方がより多く功績(credit)が得られること"
msgid "Helpful and friendly message boards"
msgstr "役に立ち、かつ、親しみやすい掲示板があること"
msgid "Participation by project staff on the message boards"
msgstr "掲示板にそのプロジェクトのスタッフが参加してくれること"
msgid "Informative project web site"
msgstr "プロジェクトのウェブサイトに参考になる情報が多く載っていること"
msgid "The science is important and beneficial"
msgstr "対象としている科学の内容が重要でかつ有益であること"
msgid "Non-profit, and results are public"
msgstr "非営利のプロジェクトであって、得られた科学的成果が公開されていること"
msgid "Personal recognition if my computer finds something"
msgstr "自分のコンピュータが何か発見したら、個人として認めてもらえること"
msgid "Publication by the project in scientific journals"
msgstr "定期的な科学刊行物でこのプロジェクトによる公表がなされること"
msgid "Periodic email newsletters from the project"
msgstr "プロジェクトから、E-メイルによる定期的なニュースレターが送られてくること"
msgid "How many BOINC projects do you participate in?"
msgstr "BOINC プロジェクトには、いくつ参加していますか。"
msgid "Do you run BOINC as a screensaver?"
msgstr "BOINC をスクリーンセイバーとして走らせていますか。"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "はい"
msgid "No"
msgstr "いいえ"
msgid "Your usage of project messages boards:"
msgstr "掲示板をどのように使っていますか:"
msgid "to read information"
msgstr "読んでいるだけです"
msgid "to read and post information"
msgstr "読むだけでなく書き込みもします"
msgid "None"
msgstr "使っていません"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Where do you get information to help resolve problems with BOINC and/or BOINC projects?"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "BOINC あるいは BOINC プロジェクトで問題が生じたときにどこで解決のための情報を得ますか"
msgid "The project message boards"
msgstr "そのプロジェクトの掲示板"
msgid "The BOINC message boards"
msgstr "BOINC の掲示板"
msgid "BOINC mailing lists"
msgstr "BOINC のメイリング・リスト"
msgid "The Unofficial BOINC Wiki"
msgstr "非公式の BOINC Wiki"
msgid "Team web sites"
msgstr "チームのウェブサイト"
msgid "Google or other search engines"
msgstr "Google などの検索エンジン"
msgid "Download BOINC"
msgstr "BOINC をダウンロードする"
#, php-format
msgid "%s for %s (%s MB)"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgstr "%s 版 %s 用 (%s MB)"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, and many others. <p> After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like."
msgstr " BOINC はあなたのコンピュータの空き時間を、色々な科学プロジェクトに寄付するために使えるプログラムです。 <br>それらの科学プロジェクトとしては、SETI@home、Climateprediction.net、Rosetta@home、World Community Grid など、すでにたくさんのものがあります。 <p>あなたのコンピュータに BOINC のインストールが済めば、上記のプロジェクトのいくつにでも好きなだけつなげることができます。 "
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Note: if your computer is equipped with an NVIDIA Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), you may be able to %suse it to compute faster%s"
msgstr "注: あなたのコンピュータに NVIDIA 社の GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) がついているなら、%sそれを使ってより速く計算する%s ことができるかもしれません。"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgid "System requirements"
msgstr "コンピュータの条件"
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr "公開時の注意書き"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "ヘルプ"
msgid "All versions"
msgstr "ダウンロード一覧"
msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
msgstr "科学のための計算をしよう"
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one with experienced BOINC users, who can: %s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; %s walk you through the process of installing and using BOINC; %s troubleshoot any problems you might have."
msgstr "BOINC のオンライン・ヘルプでは、経験ある BOINC 参加者と1対1で話ができます。話の相手となってくれる方は、%s BOINC とボランティア・コンピューティングについて質問に答えることができますし、%s BOINC をインストールして使うところまで、あなたをガイドできます。さらに%s あなたが遭遇するかもしれない問題も解決できるでしょう。"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "BOINC Online Help is based on %sSkype%s, an Internet-based telephone system. Skype is free (both the software and the calls). If you don't already have Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s. When you're finished, return to this page."
msgstr "BOINC オンライン・ヘルプは インターネット・ベースの電話システムの1つである %sSkype%s を使います。Skype は無料 (ソフトウェアも通話料も)です。まだ Skype をもっていなければ、どうぞ %s 今すぐダウンロードしてインストールして下さい%s。それが済んだら、このページに戻って下さい。"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "The best way to get help is by voice, for which you need either built-in microphone and speakers or an external headset for your computer. You can also use Skype's text-based chat system or regular email (if you don't have Skype) to communicate with Help Volunteers."
msgstr "助けを得る一番良いやり方は、口頭で相談することです。そのためには、あなたのコンピュータに組み込まれたマイクとスピーカ、あるいは、外部接続のヘッドセットが要ります。別の方法としては、Skype のテキストベースのチャットシステムを使って、ヘルプを担当してくれるボランティアとやりとりをすることもできます。 "
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Volunteers speaking several languages are available. Please select a language:"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "数ヶ国語についてボランティアはヘルプを提供できます。使いたい言語を以下から選択してください:"
msgid "Be a Help Volunteer"
msgstr "ヘルプ担当のボランティアになるには"
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to %sbecome a Help Volunteer%s. It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research and volunteer computing - and it's fun!"
msgstr "あなたが BOINC 参加者として経験がおありなら、是非、%s ヘルプ担当のボランティアをやって%s いただけませんか。科学研究とボランティア・コンピューティングの主旨を支援する、重要な活動の1つです。さらに、楽しい活動でもあります! "
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s."
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "既にヘルプ担当のボランティアをされている方へ:あなたの%s 設定を編集する%s には左のリンクをクリックして下さい。"
msgid "Volunteer"
msgstr "ボランティアとして参加してくださる方へ"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "ダウンロード"
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "説明資料"
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid " Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy: %sChoose%s projects %sDownload%s and run BOINC software %sEnter%s an email address and password. "
msgstr "あなたのコンピュータの空き時間を、病気を治すためや、地球温暖化を研究するため、 パルサーを発見するため、そしてその他たくさんの種類の科学研究のために使って下さい。 (コンピュータは、Windows、Mac、Linux のどれでも大丈夫です)。 やり方は以下のように簡単で、安全かつ安心です。 %s プロジェクトを選択し%s、 %s BOINC ソフトウェアを ダウンロード%s して走らせます。 %s その後、入力 %s する必要があるのは、あなたのメイルアドレスとパスワードです。"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as %sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
msgstr "あるいは、もし複数のプロジェクトに参加したいなら、%3$s GridRepublic %4$s や %5$s BAM! %6$s のような %1$s アカウント・マネージャ%2$s を試して下さい。"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#"%s アカウント・マネージャ%s (たとえば、%s GridRepublic %s や %s BAM! %s ) を試して下さい。"
#, php-format
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "BOINC は %sボランティア・コンピューティング%s と %sグリッド・コンピューティング%sのためのオープンソース・ソフトウェアです。"
msgid "BOINC user survey"
msgstr "BOINC 参加者サーベイ"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Several volunteer computing projects, including Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, and SETI@home, use software called BOINC. If you participate in projects like this, we request that you answer the following questions. This will help BOINC-based projects increase participation and achieve greater scientific results. <p> Please answer as many questions as you want, then go to the bottom and click OK. If you previously completed the survey but your answers have changed, please complete it again - your new answers will replace the old ones. <p> The current results of the survey are <a href=poll_results.php>here</a>. "
msgstr "BOINC ソフトウェアは、いくつものボランティア・コンピューティング・プロジェクトで使われています。 たとえば、Climateprediction.net、 Einstein@home、そして SETI@home といったプロジェクトです。 もしこれらのプロジェクトとのどれかに参加しているなら、以下の質問に答えていただけませんか。 答えることによって、あなたは BOINC を使ったプロジェクトの参加者を増やすことを助け、プロジェクトの科学成果をより大きなものにするでしょう。 <p> 答えたいところだけ記入していただければ結構です。 入力し終わったら、ページ末尾のOK ボタンを押して下さい。 一旦、サーベイに協力した後で、答えた内容を変更したいときには、お手数ですがもう一度入力し直してください。 そうすれば、古い答えは上書きされます。 <p> <a href='poll_results.php'>現在時点のサーベイの結果</a> はここにあります。 "
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgid "Do you run BOINC?"
msgstr "BOINC を走らせていますか?"
msgid "Your participation"
msgstr "あなたの参加について"
msgid "Your computers"
msgstr "あなたのコンピュータについて"
msgid "You"
msgstr "あなた自身について"
msgid "Nationality"
msgstr "国籍"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "コメント"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "Please suggest ways that BOINC, and the projects that use it, could be improved:"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "BOINC とそれを使うプロジェクト群がより良くなる方法について示唆を書いていただきたい:"
msgid "When done click:"
msgstr "記入が終わりましたら、右のOKボタンをクリックしてください:"
msgid "Error - results not recorded"
msgstr "異常発生 - 結果は記録されていません"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "An internal error has prevented us from recording your survey response. Please try again later."
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "内部異常が発生しました。あなたがサーベイに記入してくれた内容を記録できませんでした。申し訳ありませんが、のちほどまた試してみてください。"
msgid "Survey response recorded"
msgstr "サーベイに記入してくれた内容を記録しました"
msgid "Thank you for completing the BOINC user survey."
msgstr "BOINC 参加者サーベイに記入していただき、ありがとうございました。"
msgid "Survey results"
msgstr "サーベイの結果"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00
msgid "These are the current results of the <a href=poll.php>BOINC user survey</a>. This page is updated every hour."
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
msgstr "以下は <a href=poll.php>BOINC 参加者サーベイ</a> の現時点での結果です。 このページは1時間ごとに更新されます。 "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
# The charset used for the text in this file (please try to use UTF-8 if possible)
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# The charset used for the text in this file (please try to use UTF-8 if possible)
# msgid "CHARSET"
# msgstr "UTF-8"
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "CHARSET"
#~ msgstr "UTF-8"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# The name of this language in this language
# msgstr "English"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "English"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# The name of this language in an international language (English)
# msgstr "English"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "English"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
# poll-related stuff
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# poll-related stuff
# msgid "POLL_TITLE"
# msgstr "BOINC user survey"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_TITLE"
#~ msgstr "BOINC user survey"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# poll.php
# msgid "POLL_INTRO"
# msgstr "Several volunteer computing projects, "
# "including Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, "
# "and SETI@home, use software called BOINC. "
# "If you participate in projects like this, "
# "we request that you answer the following questions. "
# "This will help BOINC-based projects increase "
# "participation and achieve greater scientific results. "
# "<p> "
# "Please answer as many questions as you want, "
# "then go to the bottom and click OK. "
# "If you previously completed the survey but your answers have changed, "
# "please complete it again - "
# "your new answers will replace the old ones. "
# "The current results of the survey are "
# "<a href=poll_results.php>here</a>. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_INTRO"
#~ msgstr "Several volunteer computing projects, including Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, and SETI@home, use software called BOINC. If you participate in projects like this, we request that you answer the following questions. This will help BOINC-based projects increase participation and achieve greater scientific results. <p> Please answer as many questions as you want, then go to the bottom and click OK. If you previously completed the survey but your answers have changed, please complete it again - your new answers will replace the old ones. <p> The current results of the survey are <a href=poll_results.php>here</a>. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Do you run BOINC?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_RUN"
#~ msgstr "Do you run BOINC?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Your participation"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Your participation"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Your computers"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Your computers"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "You"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_YOU"
#~ msgstr "You"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Nationality"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Nationality"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Comments"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_COMMENTS"
#~ msgstr "Comments"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Please suggest ways that BOINC, and the projects that use it, could be improved:"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Please suggest ways that BOINC, and the projects that use it, could be improved:"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Other:"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_OTHER"
#~ msgstr "Other:"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "[check all that apply]"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_CHECK_ALL"
#~ msgstr "[check all that apply]"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "When done click:"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_DONE"
#~ msgstr "When done click:"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# poll_data.inc
# msgid "POLL_CURRENT"
# msgstr "Yes - I have been running BOINC on my computer for..."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_CURRENT"
#~ msgstr "Yes - I have been running BOINC on my computer for..."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "less than a week"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_TWEEK"
#~ msgstr "less than a week"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "less than a month"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_TMONTH"
#~ msgstr "less than a month"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "less than a year"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_TYEAR"
#~ msgstr "less than a year"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "more than a year"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "more than a year"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "No - I was running BOINC, but stopped because..."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_LAPSED"
#~ msgstr "No - I was running BOINC, but stopped because..."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I lost interest"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "I lost interest"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "it was too complicated"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "it was too complicated"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I stopped it and forgot to start again"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_LSTOPPED"
#~ msgstr "I stopped it and forgot to start again"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "it caused problems on my computer"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "it caused problems on my computer"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "it used too much electricity"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_LPOWER"
#~ msgstr "it used too much electricity"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I switched to a non-BOINC computing project"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "I switched to a non-BOINC computing project"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "No - I tried running BOINC, but..."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FAILED"
#~ msgstr "No - I tried running BOINC, but..."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "the software didn't install correctly"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FINSTALL"
#~ msgstr "the software didn't install correctly"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I couldn't figure out how to use the software"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FFIGURE"
#~ msgstr "I couldn't figure out how to use the software"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I had network communication problems"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FNETWORK"
#~ msgstr "I had network communication problems"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I couldn't attach to a project"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FATTACH"
#~ msgstr "I couldn't attach to a project"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I attached to a project, but never got any work"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FWORK"
#~ msgstr "I attached to a project, but never got any work"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "No - I never tried running BOINC, because..."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_NEVER"
#~ msgstr "No - I never tried running BOINC, because..."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I was concerned about security"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "I was concerned about security"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I wasn't interested in any of the projects"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_NPROJECT"
#~ msgstr "I wasn't interested in any of the projects"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "I don't have permission to run it on my computer"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "I don't have permission to run it on my computer"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "No version was available for my computer"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_NVERSION"
#~ msgstr "No version was available for my computer"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "What kind of computers do you have running BOINC?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_KIND"
#~ msgstr "What kind of computers do you have running BOINC?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Where are they?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WHERE"
#~ msgstr "Where are they?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Home"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HOME"
#~ msgstr "Home"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Work"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WORK"
#~ msgstr "Work"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "School"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_SCHOOL"
#~ msgstr "School"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "How many computers?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HOW_MANY"
#~ msgstr "How many computers?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "On average, how many hours per day are they powered on?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_TURNED_ON"
#~ msgstr "On average, how many hours per day are they powered on?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Age"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_AGE"
#~ msgstr "Age"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Sex"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_SEX"
#~ msgstr "Sex"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Male"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_MALE"
#~ msgstr "Male"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Female"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FEMALE"
#~ msgstr "Female"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Your level of computer expertise"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Your level of computer expertise"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Beginner"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_LEVB"
#~ msgstr "Beginner"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Intermediate"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_LEVI"
#~ msgstr "Intermediate"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Advanced"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_LEVA"
#~ msgstr "Advanced"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Where did you learn about BOINC projects?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Where did you learn about BOINC projects?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "TV/radio/newspaper"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WTV"
#~ msgstr "TV/radio/newspaper"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "From friends, relatives, or coworkers"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WPERS"
#~ msgstr "From friends, relatives, or coworkers"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Team message boards or web sites"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WTEAM"
#~ msgstr "Team message boards or web sites"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The BOINC web site"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WBOINC"
#~ msgstr "The BOINC web site"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Other web sites"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WWEB"
#~ msgstr "Other web sites"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_FACTOR"
#~ msgstr "Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Nice-looking screensaver graphics"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_GRAPHICS"
#~ msgstr "Nice-looking screensaver graphics"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Fair and quick granting of credit for work done"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Fair and quick granting of credit for work done"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Getting more credit from this project than from others"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Getting more credit from this project than from others"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Helpful and friendly message boards"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Helpful and friendly message boards"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Participation by project staff on the message boards"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_MB_STAFF"
#~ msgstr "Participation by project staff on the message boards"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Informative project web site"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_WEB_SITE"
#~ msgstr "Informative project web site"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The science is important and beneficial"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "The science is important and beneficial"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Non-profit, and results are public"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Non-profit, and results are public"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Personal recognition if my computer finds something"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Personal recognition if my computer finds something"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Publication by the project in scientific journals"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_PUBLISH"
#~ msgstr "Publication by the project in scientific journals"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Periodic email newsletters from the project"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_EMAIL"
#~ msgstr "Periodic email newsletters from the project"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "How many BOINC projects do you participate in?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "How many BOINC projects do you participate in?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Do you run BOINC as a screensaver?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_SSAVER"
#~ msgstr "Do you run BOINC as a screensaver?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Yes"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_YES"
#~ msgstr "Yes"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "No"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_NO"
#~ msgstr "No"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Your usage of project messages boards:"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_MBOARDS"
#~ msgstr "Your usage of project messages boards:"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "to read information"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_MBR"
#~ msgstr "to read information"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "to read and post information"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_MBRW"
#~ msgstr "to read and post information"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "None"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_NONE"
#~ msgstr "None"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Where do you get information to help resolve problems with BOINC and/or BOINC projects?"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HELP"
#~ msgstr "Where do you get information to help resolve problems with BOINC and/or BOINC projects?"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The project message boards"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HELP_PMB"
#~ msgstr "The project message boards"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The BOINC message boards"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HELP_BMB"
#~ msgstr "The BOINC message boards"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The BOINC web site"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HELP_BDOC"
#~ msgstr "The BOINC web site"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "BOINC mailing lists"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "BOINC mailing lists"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The Unofficial BOINC Wiki"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HELP_WIKI"
#~ msgstr "The Unofficial BOINC Wiki"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Team web sites"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_HELP_TEAM"
#~ msgstr "Team web sites"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Google or other search engines"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Google or other search engines"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# poll_action.php
# msgstr "Error - results not recorded"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Error - results not recorded"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "An internal error has prevented us from recording your survey response. Please try again later."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_ERROR_TEXT"
#~ msgstr "An internal error has prevented us from recording your survey response. Please try again later."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Survey response recorded"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_RECORDED"
#~ msgstr "Survey response recorded"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Thank you for completing the BOINC user survey."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "POLL_THANKS"
#~ msgstr "Thank you for completing the BOINC user survey."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Survey results"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "Survey results"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "These are the current results of the <a href=poll.php>BOINC user survey</a>. This page is updated every hour."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgstr "These are the current results of the <a href=poll.php>BOINC user survey</a>. This page is updated every hour."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Note: files are downloaded from mirror servers "
# "at boinc.berkeley.edu, morel.mit.edu, einstein.aei.mpg.de, "
# "einstein.astro.gla.ac.uk, einstein.ligo.caltech.edu, and einstein.aset.psu.edu "
# "(thanks to these institutions). "
# "The server is chosen randomly - "
# "if a download fails, reload this page and try again. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "DL_MIRRORS"
#~ msgstr "Note: files are downloaded from mirror servers at boinc.berkeley.edu, morel.mit.edu, einstein.aei.mpg.de, einstein.astro.gla.ac.uk, einstein.ligo.caltech.edu, and einstein.aset.psu.edu (thanks to these institutions). The server is chosen randomly - if a download fails, reload this page and try again. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
# help.php
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# help.php
# msgid "HELP_TITLE"
# msgstr "Getting help with BOINC"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_TITLE"
#~ msgstr "Getting help with BOINC"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Online Help"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_HEADING1"
#~ msgstr "Online Help"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one "
# "with experienced BOINC users, who can: "
# "%s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; "
# "%s walk you through the process of installing and using BOINC; "
# "%s troubleshoot any problems you might have. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P1_1"
#~ msgstr "BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one with experienced BOINC users, who can: %s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; %s walk you through the process of installing and using BOINC; %s troubleshoot any problems you might have. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "BOINC Online Help is based on "
# "%sSkype%s, "
# "an Internet-based telephone system. "
# "Skype is free (both the software and the calls). "
# "If you don't already have Skype, please "
# "%sdownload and install it now%s. "
# "When you're finished, return to this page. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P1_2"
#~ msgstr "BOINC Online Help is based on %sSkype%s, an Internet-based telephone system. Skype is free (both the software and the calls). If you don't already have Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s. When you're finished, return to this page. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The best way to get help is by voice, "
# "for which you need either built-in microphone and speakers "
# "or an external headset for your computer. "
# "Alternatively, you can use Skype's text-based chat system "
# "to communicate with Help Volunteers."
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P1_3"
#~ msgstr "The best way to get help is by voice, for which you need either built-in microphone and speakers or an external headset for your computer. You can also use Skype's text-based chat system or regular email (if you don't have Skype) to communicate with Help Volunteers."
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Volunteers speaking several languages are available. "
# "Please select a language: "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P1_4"
#~ msgstr "Volunteers speaking several languages are available. Please select a language: "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Other sources of help"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_HEADING2"
#~ msgstr "BOINC help on the web"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Running BOINC "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM1"
#~ msgstr "BOINC user's manual"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Troubleshooting BOINC "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM2"
#~ msgstr "Troubleshooting BOINC "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "BOINC-related web sites "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM3"
#~ msgstr "BOINC-related web sites "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The BOINC message boards "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM4"
#~ msgstr "The BOINC message boards "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "The message boards on any BOINC-based project "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM5"
#~ msgstr "The message boards on any BOINC-based project "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Be a Help Volunteer"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_HEADING3"
#~ msgstr "Be a Help Volunteer"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to "
# "%sbecome a Help Volunteer%s. "
# "It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research "
# "and volunteer computing - "
# "and it's fun! "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P3_1"
#~ msgstr "If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to %sbecome a Help Volunteer%s. It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research and volunteer computing - and it's fun! "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, "
# "%sclick here%s. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HELP_P3_2"
#~ msgstr "If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
# index.php
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# index.php
# msgid "HOME_HEADING1"
# msgstr "Volunteer"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_HEADING1"
#~ msgstr "Volunteer"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr " Use the idle time on your computer "
# " (Windows, Mac, or Linux) "
# " to cure diseases, study global warming, "
# " discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. "
# " It's safe, secure, and easy: "
# " %sChoose%s projects "
# " %sDownload%s and run BOINC software "
# " %sEnter%s the project URLs, your email address, and password. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_P1"
#~ msgstr " Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy: %sChoose%s projects %sDownload%s and run BOINC software %sEnter%s an email address and password. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Or, if you run several projects, try "
# "an %saccount manager%s such as %sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_P2"
#~ msgstr "Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as %sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "If you have any questions, or need help getting started, you can "
# "%stalk to a Volunteer Helper%s. "
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_P3"
#~ msgstr "If you have any questions, or need help getting started, you can %stalk to a Volunteer Helper%s. "
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Download"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_DOWNLOAD"
#~ msgstr "Download"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Web sites"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_WEB_SITES"
#~ msgstr "Web"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Add-ons"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_ADD_ONS"
#~ msgstr "Add-ons"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Survey"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_SURVEY"
#~ msgstr "Survey"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_BOINC"
#~ msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
2009-01-06 22:44:59 +00:00
# msgstr "Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sdesktop grid computing%s.
#, fuzzy
2009-05-11 04:18:46 +00:00
#~ msgid "HOME_BOINC_DESC"
#~ msgstr "Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s"
2009-05-16 18:01:26 +00:00