
129 lines
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* This page commits the chanegs made in edit_forum_preferences_form.php to
* the database.
require_once("../inc/"); // Avatar scaling
$user = re_get_logged_in_user();
// If the user has requested a total reset of preferences:
$dbhandler = $mainFactory->getDatabaseHandler();
if (post_str("action", true)=="reset"){
$post_count = $user->getPostcount();
$special_user = $user->getSpecialUser();
$user->setPostcount($post_count); // Recreate postcount
$user->setSpecialUser($special_user); // And recreate special user bitfield
Header("Location: edit_forum_preferences_form.php");
$avatar_type = post_int("avatar_select");
// Update the user avatar
if ($avatar_type<0 or $avatar_type>3) $avatar_type=0;
if ($avatar_type==0){
if (file_exists($newfile)){
unlink($newfile); //Delete the file on the server if the user
//decides not to use an avatar
// - or should it be kept?
} elseif ($avatar_type==2){
if ($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']!=""){
$size = getImageSize($file);
if ($size[2]!=2 and $size[2]!=3){
//Not the right kind of file
error_page("Error: Not the right kind of file, only PNG and JPEG are supported.");
$width = $size[0];
$height = $size[1];
$image2 = intelligently_scale_image($file, 100, 100);
ImageJPEG($image2, $newfile);
if (file_exists($newfile)){
$avatar_url=IMAGE_URL.$user->getID()."_avatar.jpg"; //$newfile;
} else {
//User didn't upload a compatible file or it went lost on the server
// Update some simple prefs that are either on or off
$images_as_links = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["forum_images_as_links"]!="");
$link_externally = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["forum_link_externally"]!="");
$hide_avatars = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["forum_hide_avatars"]!="");
$hide_signatures = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["forum_hide_signatures"]!="");
$jump_to_unread = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["forum_jump_to_unread"]!="");
$ignore_sticky_posts = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["forum_ignore_sticky_posts"]!="");
$signature_by_default = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["signature_enable"]!="");
// Update the rating thresholds for display of posts
$low_rating_threshold = post_int("forum_low_rating_threshold");
$high_rating_threshold = post_int("forum_high_rating_threshold");
// Update the signature for this user
$signature = sanitize_html(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS["signature"]));
if (strlen($signature)>250) {
error_page("Your signature was too long, please keep it less than 250 chars");
// Sorting styles for different forum areas
$forum_sort = post_int("forum_sort");
$thread_sort = post_int("thread_sort");
// Add users to the ignore list if any users are defined
$add_user_to_filter = ($HTTP_POST_VARS["add_user_to_filter"]!="");
if ($add_user_to_filter){
$user_to_add = trim($HTTP_POST_VARS["forum_filter_user"]);
if ($user_to_add!="" and $user_to_add==strval(intval($user_to_add))){
// Or remove some from the ignore list
$ignored_users = $user->getIgnorelist();
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($ignored_users);$i++){
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["remove".trim($ignored_users[$i])]!=""){
//this user will be removed and no longer ignored
// Update preferences for the "Display only the Y last posts if there are more than X posts in the thread" feature
$minimum_wrap_postcount = post_int("forum_minimum_wrap_postcount");
$display_wrap_postcount = post_int("forum_display_wrap_postcount");
if ($minimum_wrap_postcount<0) $minimum_wrap_postcount=0;
if ($display_wrap_postcount>$minimum_wrap_postcount) $display_wrap_postcount=round($minimum_wrap_postcount/2);
if ($display_wrap_postcount<5) $display_wrap_postcount=5;
// If we get down here everything went ok so let's redirect the user to the setup page again
// so that they can view their new preferences in action in the previews.
Header("Location: edit_forum_preferences_form.php");