2007-12-07 23:23:25 +00:00
function info_incomplete($user) {
if (!$user->bolt->birth_year) return true;
if (!$user->bolt->sex) return true;
return false;
function birth_year_select($user) {
$this_year = date("Y");
$x = "<select name=birth_year>\n";
for ($i=$this_year-100; $i<$this_year; $i++) {
$s = ($i == $user->bolt->birth_year)?"selected":"";
$x .= "<option value=$i $s>$i</option>\n";
$s = (!$user->bolt->birth_year)?"selected":"";
$x .= "<option value=$0 $s>Unspecified</option>\n";
$x .= "</select>\n";
return $x;
function sex_select($user) {
$x = "<select name=sex>\n";
$s = ($user->bolt->sex == 0)?"selected":"";
$x .= "<option value=0 $s>Unspecified</option>\n";
$s = ($user->bolt->sex == 1)?"selected":"";
$x .= "<option value=1 $s>Male</option>\n";
$s = ($user->bolt->sex == 2)?"selected":"";
$x .= "<option value=2 $s>Female</option>\n";
$x .= "</select>\n";
return $x;
function request_info($user, $course) {
2008-02-13 19:54:54 +00:00
page_head("About you");
echo "
You may optionally tell us some facts about yourself.
This information will help us improve this course,
and will be kept private.
<form action=bolt_sched.php>
2007-12-07 23:23:25 +00:00
<input type=hidden name=action value=update_info>
<input type=hidden name=course_id value=$course->id>
row2("Birth year", birth_year_select($user));
row2("Sex", sex_select($user));
row2("", "<input type=submit value=OK>");
echo "</form>\n";