2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
# This file is part of BOINC.
# https://boinc.berkeley.edu
# Copyright (C) 2024 University of California
# BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with BOINC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import testset
class IntegrationTests :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . result = True
self . result & = self . test_files_exist ( )
self . result & = self . test_version ( )
self . result & = self . test_user ( )
self . result & = self . test_selected_values_from_boinc_client_service_file ( )
self . result & = self . test_files_permissions ( )
def _get_test_executable_file_path ( self , filename ) :
path = os . popen ( " echo $PATH " ) . read ( ) . strip ( )
for p in path . split ( " : " ) :
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( p , filename ) ) :
return os . path . join ( p , filename )
return " "
def _get_current_version_number ( self ) :
with open ( " version.h " , " r " ) as f :
lines = f . readlines ( )
for line in lines :
res = re . search ( " #define BOINC_VERSION_STRING \" ([ \ d]+.[ \ d]+.[ \ d]+) \" " , line )
if res is not None :
return res [ 1 ]
return " "
def _get_version_from_string ( self , string ) :
res = re . search ( " ([ \ d]+.[ \ d]+.[ \ d]+) " , string )
if res is not None :
return res [ 1 ]
return " "
def _get_file_version ( self , filename ) :
return self . _get_version_from_string ( os . popen ( ( " {app} --version " ) . format ( app = self . _get_test_executable_file_path ( filename ) ) ) . read ( ) . strip ( ) )
def _get_user_exists ( self , username ) :
return os . popen ( " id -un {username} " . format ( username = username ) ) . read ( ) . strip ( ) == username
def _get_group_exists ( self , groupname ) :
return os . popen ( " getent group {groupname} " . format ( groupname = groupname ) ) . read ( ) . strip ( ) != " "
def _get_user_in_group ( self , username , groupname ) :
return os . popen ( " id -Gn {username} " . format ( username = username ) ) . read ( ) . strip ( ) . find ( groupname ) != - 1
def _get_key_value_pairs_from_file ( self , filename ) :
result = { }
with open ( filename , " r " ) as f :
lines = f . readlines ( )
for line in lines :
if ( line . find ( " = " ) != - 1 ) :
key , value = line . split ( " = " )
result [ key . strip ( ) ] = value . strip ( )
return result
def _get_file_owner ( self , filename ) :
if os . path . islink ( filename ) :
path = pathlib . Path ( os . readlink ( filename ) )
else :
path = pathlib . Path ( filename )
return " {owner} : {group} " . format ( owner = path . owner ( ) , group = path . group ( ) )
def _get_ca_certificates_file_path ( self ) :
if os . path . exists ( " /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt " ) :
return " /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt "
if os . path . exists ( " /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem " ) :
return " /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem "
return " "
def test_files_exist ( self ) :
ts = testset . TestSet ( " Test files exist " )
ts . expect_equal ( " /usr/local/bin/boinc " , self . _get_test_executable_file_path ( " boinc " ) , " Test ' boinc ' file location " )
ts . expect_equal ( " /usr/local/bin/boinccmd " , self . _get_test_executable_file_path ( " boinccmd " ) , " Test ' boinccmd ' file location " )
ts . expect_equal ( " /usr/local/bin/boincmgr " , self . _get_test_executable_file_path ( " boincmgr " ) , " Test ' boincmgr ' file location " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /usr/lib/systemd/system/boinc-client.service " ) , " Test ' boinc-client.service ' file exists in ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/default/boinc-client " ) , " Test ' boinc-client ' file exists in ' /etc/default/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/init.d/boinc-client " ) , " Test ' boinc-client ' file exists in ' /etc/init.d/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/bash_completion.d/boinc.bash " ) , " Test ' boinc.bash ' file exists in ' /etc/bash_completion.d/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/X11/Xsession.d/36x11-common_xhost-boinc " ) , " Test ' 36x11-common_xhost-boinc ' file exists in ' /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /usr/local/share/applications/boinc.desktop " ) , " Test ' boinc.desktop ' file exists in ' /usr/local/share/applications/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /usr/local/share/icons/boinc.png " ) , " Test ' boinc.png ' file exists in ' /usr/local/share/icons/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /usr/local/share/icons/boinc.svg " ) , " Test ' boinc.svg ' file exists in ' /usr/local/share/icons/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml " ) , " Test ' cc_config.xml ' file exists in ' /var/lib/boinc/ ' " )
2024-05-21 09:39:48 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml " ) , " Test ' cc_config.xml ' file exists in ' /etc/boinc-client/ ' " )
if ( os . path . islink ( " /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml " , os . readlink ( " /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml " ) , " Test ' /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml ' file is a symbolic link to ' /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml ' " )
elif ( os . path . islink ( " /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml " , os . readlink ( " /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml ' file is a symbolic link to ' /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml ' " )
else :
ts . expect_true ( False , " Test ' cc_config.xml ' file is a symbolic link " )
2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml " ) , " Test ' global_prefs_override.xml ' file exists in ' /var/lib/boinc/ ' " )
2024-05-21 09:39:48 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml " ) , " Test ' global_prefs_override.xml ' file exists in ' /etc/boinc-client/ ' " )
if ( os . path . islink ( " /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml " , os . readlink ( " /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml " ) , " Test ' /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml ' file is a symbolic link to ' /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml ' " )
elif ( os . path . islink ( " /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml " , os . readlink ( " /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml ' file is a symbolic link to ' /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml ' " )
else :
ts . expect_true ( False , " Test ' global_prefs_override.xml ' file is a symbolic link " )
2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg " ) , " Test ' remote_hosts.cfg ' file exists in ' /var/lib/boinc/ ' " )
2024-05-21 09:39:48 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg " ) , " Test ' remote_hosts.cfg ' file exists in ' /etc/boinc-client/ ' " )
if ( os . path . islink ( " /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg " , os . readlink ( " /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg " ) , " Test ' /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg ' file is a symbolic link to ' /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg ' " )
elif ( os . path . islink ( " /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg " , os . readlink ( " /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg ' file is a symbolic link to ' /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg ' " )
else :
ts . expect_true ( False , " Test ' remote_hosts.cfg ' file is a symbolic link " )
2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " ) , " Test ' gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' file exists in ' /var/lib/boinc/ ' " )
2024-05-21 09:39:48 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " ) , " Test ' gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' file exists in ' /etc/boinc-client/ ' " )
if ( os . path . islink ( " /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " , os . readlink ( " /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " ) , " Test ' /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' file is a symbolic link to ' /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' " )
elif ( os . path . islink ( " /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " ) ) :
ts . expect_equal ( " /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " , os . readlink ( " /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' file is a symbolic link to ' /etc/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' " )
else :
ts . expect_true ( False , " Test ' gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' file is a symbolic link " )
2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
ts . expect_not_equal ( " " , self . _get_ca_certificates_file_path ( ) , " Test system ' ca-certificates.crt ' file exists " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /var/lib/boinc/ca-bundle.crt " ) , " Test ' ca-bundle.crt ' file exists in ' /var/lib/boinc/ ' " )
ts . expect_true ( os . path . islink ( " /var/lib/boinc/ca-bundle.crt " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/ca-bundle.crt ' file is a symbolic link " )
ts . expect_equal ( self . _get_ca_certificates_file_path ( ) , os . readlink ( " /var/lib/boinc/ca-bundle.crt " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/ca-bundle.crt ' file is a symbolic link to the system ' ca-certificates.crt ' file " )
2024-05-24 10:40:03 +00:00
ts . expect_true ( os . path . exists ( " /var/lib/boinc/all_projects_list.xml " ) , " Test ' all_projects_list.xml ' file exists in ' /var/lib/boinc/ ' " )
2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
return ts . result ( )
def test_version ( self ) :
ts = testset . TestSet ( " Test version is correct " )
current_version = self . _get_current_version_number ( )
ts . expect_not_equal ( " " , current_version , " Test current version could be read from the ' version.h ' file " )
ts . expect_equal ( current_version , self . _get_file_version ( " boinc " ) , " Test ' boinc ' version is correctly set " )
ts . expect_equal ( current_version , self . _get_file_version ( " boinccmd " ) , " Test ' boinccmd ' version is correctly set " )
return ts . result ( )
def test_user ( self ) :
ts = testset . TestSet ( " Test ' boinc ' user and ' boinc ' group exist " )
ts . expect_true ( self . _get_user_exists ( " boinc " ) , " Test ' boinc ' user exists " )
ts . expect_true ( self . _get_group_exists ( " boinc " ) , " Test ' boinc ' group exists " )
ts . expect_true ( self . _get_user_in_group ( " boinc " , " boinc " ) , " Test ' boinc ' user is in ' boinc ' group " )
if ( self . _get_group_exists ( " video " ) ) :
ts . expect_true ( self . _get_user_in_group ( " boinc " , " video " ) , " Test ' boinc ' user is in ' video ' group " )
if ( self . _get_group_exists ( " render " ) ) :
ts . expect_true ( self . _get_user_in_group ( " boinc " , " render " ) , " Test ' boinc ' user is in ' render ' group " )
return ts . result ( )
def test_selected_values_from_boinc_client_service_file ( self ) :
ts = testset . TestSet ( " Test selected values from the ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/boinc-client.service ' file " )
data = self . _get_key_value_pairs_from_file ( " /usr/lib/systemd/system/boinc-client.service " )
ts . expect_equal ( data [ " ReadWritePaths " ] , " -/var/lib/boinc -/etc/boinc-client " , " Test ' ReadWritePaths ' is correctly set " )
ts . expect_equal ( data [ " User " ] , " boinc " , " Test ' User ' is correctly set " )
ts . expect_equal ( data [ " WorkingDirectory " ] , " /var/lib/boinc " , " Test ' WorkingDirectory ' is correctly set " )
ts . expect_equal ( data [ " ExecStart " ] , " /usr/local/bin/boinc " , " Test ' ExecStart ' is correctly set " )
ts . expect_equal ( data [ " ExecStop " ] , " /usr/local/bin/boinccmd --quit " , " Test ' ExecStop ' is correctly set " )
ts . expect_equal ( data [ " ExecReload " ] , " /usr/local/bin/boinccmd --read_cc_config " , " Test ' ExecReload ' is correctly set " )
ts . expect_equal ( data [ " ExecStopPost " ] , " /bin/rm -f lockfile " , " Test ' ExecStopPost ' is correctly set " )
return ts . result ( )
def test_files_permissions ( self ) :
ts = testset . TestSet ( " Test files permissions " )
2024-05-21 09:39:48 +00:00
ts . expect_equal ( " boinc:boinc " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml " ) , " Test ' /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " boinc:boinc " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml " ) , " Test ' /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " boinc:boinc " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg " ) , " Test ' /etc/boinc-client/remote_hosts.cfg ' file owner " )
2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
ts . expect_equal ( " boinc:boinc " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/cc_config.xml ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " boinc:boinc " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/global_prefs_override.xml ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " boinc:boinc " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/remote_hosts.cfg ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " boinc:boinc " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg " ) , " Test ' /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg ' file owner " )
2024-03-29 23:17:37 +00:00
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /usr/local/bin/boinc " ) , " Test ' /usr/local/bin/boinc ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /usr/local/bin/boinccmd " ) , " Test ' /usr/local/bin/boinccmd ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /usr/local/bin/boincmgr " ) , " Test ' /usr/local/bin/boincmgr ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /usr/lib/systemd/system/boinc-client.service " ) , " Test ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/boinc-client.service ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /etc/default/boinc-client " ) , " Test ' /etc/default/boinc-client ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /etc/init.d/boinc-client " ) , " Test ' /etc/init.d/boinc-client ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /etc/bash_completion.d/boinc.bash " ) , " Test ' /etc/bash_completion.d/boinc.bash ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /etc/X11/Xsession.d/36x11-common_xhost-boinc " ) , " Test ' /etc/X11/Xsession.d/36x11-common_xhost-boinc ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /usr/local/share/applications/boinc.desktop " ) , " Test ' /usr/local/share/applications/boinc.desktop ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /usr/local/share/icons/boinc.png " ) , " Test ' /usr/local/share/icons/boinc.png ' file owner " )
ts . expect_equal ( " root:root " , self . _get_file_owner ( " /usr/local/share/icons/boinc.svg " ) , " Test ' /usr/local/share/icons/boinc.svg ' file owner " )
2024-02-27 01:51:35 +00:00
return ts . result ( )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
if not IntegrationTests ( ) . result :
sys . exit ( 1 )
sys . exit ( 0 )