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// This is a sample project file.
// Modify it to suit your project.
// Put your version in html/project/
$master_url = parse_config(get_config(), "<master_url>");
define("URL_BASE", $master_url);
define("IMAGE_PATH", "../user_profile/images/");
define("IMAGE_URL", "user_profile/images/");
define("PROFILE_PATH", "../user_profile/");
define("PROFILE_URL", "user_profile/");
define("LANGUAGE_FILE", "languages.txt");
define("STYLESHEET", "white.css");
define("SYS_ADMIN_EMAIL", "admin@$master_url");
define("UOTD_ADMIN_EMAIL", "admin@$master_url");
// who gets user of the day pool running low e-mails?
// Email addresses separated by pipe ( | ) that will receive user reported
// offensive forum posts.
define("POST_REPORT_EMAILS", "moderator1@$master_url|moderator2@$master_url");
// set the following var if your project is behind a proxy.
// This is used on ops/index.php to get the current SVN rev from BOINC
//$project_http_proxy = "tcp://proxyname:port"
function project_banner($title, $prefix) {
// Put your project title and logo here
// If you include any links, prepend URL with $prefix
echo "
<span class=\"page_title\">$title</span>
function project_footer($show_return, $show_date, $prefix) {
// If you include any links, prepend URL with $prefix
echo "<br><hr noshade size=1><center>";
if ($show_return) {
echo "<a href=".$prefix."index.php>Home</a> | <a href=".$prefix."home.php>My Account</a> | <a href=".$prefix."forum_index.php>Message Boards</a><br>\n";
echo "<br><br>Copyright &copy; ".date("Y ").COPYRIGHT_HOLDER."</center>\n";
if ($show_date) {
$t = time_str(time());
echo "<span class=\"note\">Generated $t</span>\n";
function show_profile_heading1() {
return "Your personal background.";
function show_profile_question1() {
return "
Tell us about yourself.
You could tell us where you're from, your age, occupation, hobbies,
or anything else about yourself.
function show_profile_heading2() {
return "Your opinions about " . PROJECT;
function show_profile_question2() {
return "
Tell us your thoughts about " . PROJECT . "<ol>
<li>Why do you run " . PROJECT . "?
<li>What are your views about the project?
<li>Any suggestions?
function project_workunit($wu){
// shown in the workunit page
function project_user_summary($user){
// shown in the user summary page
function project_user_page_private($user){
// shown in the private account page
function project_user_credit($user){
// shown in the the private account page, credit area
function project_forum_post_rules() {
// additional forum post rules
return "";