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// If we can't see request headers, don't do caching
$no_cache = false;
if (!function_exists("apache_request_headers")) {
$no_cache = true;
// mechanism for caching commonly-accessed pages
function make_cache_dirs() {
if (!@filemtime("../cache")) {
mkdir("../cache", 0770);
chmod("../cache", 0770);
for ($i=0;$i<256;$i++) {
if (!@filemtime("../cache/$j")) {
mkdir("../cache/$j", 0770);
chmod("../cache/$j", 0770);
function get_path($params) {
if (!@filemtime("../cache/00")) make_cache_dirs();
$y = pathinfo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
$z = $y["basename"];
// add a layer of subdirectories for reducing file lookup time
$sz = substr(md5($z."_".urlencode($params)),1,2);
$path = "../cache/".$sz."/".$z;
if ($params) {
$path = $path."_".urlencode($params);
return $path;
function disk_usage($dir) {
if ($handle=@opendir($dir)) {
while ($file=readdir($handle)) {
if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) {
if (@is_dir($dir."/".$file)) {
} else {
return $usage;
function clean_cache($max_age, $dir) {
$start_dir = getcwd();
if (!chdir($dir)) {
if ($handle=@opendir(".")) {
while ($file=readdir($handle)) {
if ($file == ".") continue;
if ($file == "..") continue;
// don't let hackers trick us into deleting other files!
if (strstr($file, "..")) {
if (@is_dir($file)) {
clean_cache($max_age, $file);
} else {
if ((time()-@filemtime($file))>$max_age) {
//echo "unlinking ".getcwd()."/$file\n";
// check free disk space every once in a while
function cache_check_diskspace(){
if (!(rand() % CACHE_SIZE_CHECK_FREQ)) {
set_time_limit(0); // this may take a while
$max_age = 86400;
while ((disk_free_space("../cache") < MIN_FREE_SPACE) ||
(disk_usage("../cache") > MAX_CACHE_USAGE)
) {
clean_cache($max_age, "../cache");
function cache_need_to_regenerate($path, $max_age){
$regenerate = false;
$request = apache_request_headers();
$lastmodified = @filemtime($path);
if ($lastmodified) {
// Check to see if this is a conditional fetch.
$if_modified_since = isset($request['If-Modified-Since']) ?
(explode(';',$request['If-Modified-Since'])) : false;
if ($if_modified_since) {
if ($if_modified_since && ($if_modified_since == $lastmodified)) {
Header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$lastmodified) . " GMT");
Header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified');
// See if cached copy is too old.
// If so regenerate,
// and touch the cached copy so other processes
// don't regenerate at the same time
if ($lastmodified<time()-$max_age) {
$regenerate = true;
} else {
$regenerate = true;
return $regenerate;
// Returns cached data or false if nothing was found
function get_cached_data($max_age, $params=""){
$path = get_path($params);
if ($max_age) {
$regenerate=cache_need_to_regenerate($path, $max_age);
if (!$regenerate) {
return file_get_contents($path);
return false; //No data was cached, just return
function start_cache($max_age, $params=""){
global $no_cache, $caching;
if ($no_cache) return;
$caching = true;
$path = get_path($params);
$lastmodified = @filemtime($path);
cache_check_diskspace(); //Check free disk space once in a while
if ($max_age) {
//Is the stored version too old, do we need to regenerate it?
$regenerate = cache_need_to_regenerate($path, $max_age);
if ($regenerate){
// If cached version is too old (or non-existent)
// generate the page and write to cache
Header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
Header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",time()+$max_age) . " GMT");
Header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=" . $max_age);
// allow the calling page to see cache period
global $cached_max_age;
$cached_max_age = $max_age;
} else {
// Otherwise serve the cached version and exit
if (strstr($params, "format=xml")) {
header('Content-type: text/xml');
Header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$lastmodified) . " GMT");
Header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$lastmodified+$max_age) . " GMT");
Header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=" . $max_age );
if (!@readfile($path)) {
//echo "can't read $path; lastmod $lastmodified\n";
//Proceed to regenerate content
} else {
// write output buffer both to client and to cache
function end_cache($max_age,$params=""){
global $no_cache;
if ($no_cache) return;
// for the benefit of hackers
if (strstr($params, "..")) {
if ($max_age) {
$path = get_path($params);
$fhandle=fopen($path, "w");
fwrite($fhandle, $page);
function set_cache_data($data,$params=""){
// for the benefit of hackers
if (strstr($params, "..")) {
$path = get_path($params);
//echo $path;
$fhandle=fopen($path, "w");
fwrite($fhandle, $data);