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// This file is part of BOINC.
// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC. If not, see <>.
// This provides the form from which the user can edit his or her
// forum preferences. It relies upon edit_forum_preferences_action.php
// to do anything.
$user = get_logged_in_user();
page_head("Community preferences");
// output a script for counting chars left in text field
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
if (field.value.length > maxlimit) {
field.value =field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);
} else {
countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"edit_forum_preferences_action.php\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
// ------------ Notification -----------
$ch0 = $user->prefs->pm_notification==0?"checked":"";
$ch1 = $user->prefs->pm_notification==1?"checked":"";
$ch2 = $user->prefs->pm_notification==2?"checked":"";
"How should we notify you of new private messages, friend requests, posts in subscribed threads, and other events?",
"<input type=radio name=pm_notification value=0 $ch0> On my Account page (no email)
<br><input type=radio name=pm_notification value=1 $ch1> Immediately, by email
<br><input type=radio name=pm_notification value=2 $ch2> In a single daily email
// ------------ Forum identity -----------
$select_0 = $select_1 = $select_2 = "";
if (strlen($user->prefs->avatar)){
if (substr($user->prefs->avatar, 0, 4) == 'http') { // Gravatar
$select_1 = "checked=\"true\"";
} else {
$select_2 = "checked=\"true\"";
} else {
$select_0 = "checked=\"true\"";
row1("Message-board identity");
<br><span class=\"note\">An image representing you on the message boards.
<br>Format: JPG or PNG. Size: at most 4 KB, 100x100 pixels</span>",
"<input type=\"radio\" id=\"avatar_select_0\" name=\"avatar_select\" value=\"0\" ".$select_0.">
<label for=\"avatar_select_0\">Don't use an avatar</label><br>
<input type=\"radio\" id=\"avatar_select_1\" name=\"avatar_select\" value=\"1\" ".$select_1.">
<label for=\"avatar_select_1\">Use a Globally Recognized Avatar provided by <a href=\"\"></a></label><br>
<input type=\"radio\" id=\"avatar_select_2\" name=\"avatar_select\" value=\"2\" ".$select_2.">
<label for=\"avatar_select_2\">Use this uploaded avatar:</label> <input type=\"file\" name=\"picture\">"
if (strlen($user->prefs->avatar)){
row2("Avatar preview<br><span class=\"note\">This is how your avatar will look</span>",
"<img src=\"".$user->prefs->avatar."\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\">");
if (!$user->prefs->no_signature_by_default){
} else {
"Signature for message board posts"
."<br><br>Check out <a href=>various free services</a>
<br> providing dynamic 'signature images'
<br> showing your latest credit info, project news, etc.",
"<textarea name=\"signature\" rows=4 cols=50 id=\"signature\" onkeydown=\"textCounter(this.form.signature, this.form.remLen,$maxlen);\"
onkeyup=\"textCounter(this.form.signature, this.form.remLen,250);\">".$signature."</textarea>
<br><input name=\"remLen\" type=\"text\" id=\"remLen\" value=\"".($maxlen-strlen($signature))."\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"3\" readonly> chars remaining
<br><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"signature_by_default\" ".$signature_by_default."> Attach signature by default "
if ($user->prefs->signature!=""){
row2("Signature preview".
"<br><span class=note>This is how your signature will look in the forums</span>",
// ------------ Message display -----------
if ($user->prefs->hide_avatars){
$forum_hide_avatars = "checked=\"checked\"";
} else {
$forum_hide_avatars = "";
if ($user->prefs->hide_signatures){
$forum_hide_signatures = "checked=\"checked\"";
} else {
$forum_hide_signatures = "";
if ($user->prefs->link_popup){
} else {
if ($user->prefs->images_as_links){
} else {
if ($user->prefs->jump_to_unread){
} else {
if ($user->prefs->ignore_sticky_posts){
} else {
if ($user->prefs->highlight_special){
} else {
$forum_minimum_wrap_postcount = intval($user->prefs->minimum_wrap_postcount);
$forum_display_wrap_postcount = intval($user->prefs->display_wrap_postcount);
row1("Message display");
"What to display",
"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_hide_avatars\" ".$forum_hide_avatars."> Hide avatar images<br>
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_hide_signatures\" ".$forum_hide_signatures."> Hide signatures<br>
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_images_as_links\" ".$forum_image_as_link."> Show images as links<br>
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_link_popup\" ".$forum_link_popup."> Open links in new window/tab<br>
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_highlight_special\" ".$forum_highlight_special."> Highlight special users<br>
row2("How to sort",
"Threads: ".select_from_array("forum_sort", $forum_sort_styles, $user->prefs->forum_sorting)."<br>Posts: ".select_from_array("thread_sort", $thread_sort_styles, $user->prefs->thread_sorting)."<br>
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_jump_to_unread\" ".$forum_jump_to_unread."> Jump to first new post in thread automatically<br>
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_ignore_sticky_posts\" ".$forum_ignore_sticky_posts.">Do not reorder sticky posts<br>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"forum_minimum_wrap_postcount\" size=3 value=\"".$forum_minimum_wrap_postcount."\"> If a thread contains more than this number of posts<br />
<input type=\"text\" name=\"forum_display_wrap_postcount\" size=3 value=\"".$forum_display_wrap_postcount."\"> only display the first one and this many of the last ones<br />
// ------------ Message filtering -----------
row1("Message filtering");
$filtered_userlist = get_ignored_list($user);
$forum_filtered_userlist = "";
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($filtered_userlist); $i++){
$id = (int)$filtered_userlist[$i];
if ($id) {
$filtered_user = BoincUser::lookup_id($id);
if (!$filtered_user) {
echo "Missing user $id";
$forum_filtered_userlist .= "<input type =\"submit\" name=\"remove".$filtered_user->id."\" value=\"Remove\"> ".$filtered_user->id." - ".user_links($filtered_user)."<br>";
row2("Filtered users".
"<br><span class=note>Ignore message board posts and private messages from these users.</span>",
<input type=\"text\" name=\"forum_filter_user\" size=12> User ID (For instance: 123456789)
<br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"add_user_to_filter\" value=\"Add user to filter\">
row2("Click here to update preferences", "<input type=submit value=\"Update\">");
echo "</form>\n";
row2("Or click here to reset preferences to the defaults",
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"edit_forum_preferences_action.php\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Reset\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"reset_confirm\"></form>"
$cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit