2007-04-17 02:27:09 +00:00
// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2005 University of California
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
2007-10-09 11:35:47 +00:00
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
2007-04-17 02:27:09 +00:00
* QMachOImage . c
/* This is part of a backtrace generator for boinc project applications.
* Adapted from Apple Developer Technical Support Sample Code QCrashReport
* This code handles Mac OS X 10.3 . x through 10.4 .9 . It may require some
* adjustment for future OS versions ; see the discussion of _sigtramp and
* PowerPC Signal Stack Frames in file QBacktrace . c .
* For useful tips on using backtrace information , see Apple Tech Note 2123 :
* http : //developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2004/tn2123.html#SECNOSYMBOLS
* To convert addresses to correct symbols , use the atos command - line tool :
* atos - o path / to / executable / with / symbols address
* Note : if address 1 a23 is hex , use 0x1a23 .
* To demangle mangled C + + symbols , use the c + + filt command - line tool .
* You may need to prefix C + + symbols with an additonal underscore before
* passing them to c + + filt ( so they begin with two underscore characters ) .
* A very useful shell script to add symbols to a crash dump can be found at :
* http : //developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/symbolizingcrashdumps.html
* Pipe the output of the shell script through c + + filt to demangle C + + symbols .
File : QMachOImage . c
Contains : Mach - O image access .
Written by : DTS
Copyright : Copyright ( c ) 2007 Apple Inc . All Rights Reserved .
Disclaimer : IMPORTANT : This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc .
( " Apple " ) in consideration of your agreement to the following
terms , and your use , installation , modification or
redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of
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not use , install , modify or redistribute this Apple software .
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following
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non - exclusive license , under Apple ' s copyrights in this
original Apple software ( the " Apple Software " ) , to use ,
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without modifications , in source and / or binary forms ; provided
that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
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written permission from Apple . Except as expressly stated in
this notice , no other rights or licenses , express or implied ,
are granted by Apple herein , including but not limited to any
patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or
by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated .
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an " AS IS " basis .
Change History ( most recent first ) :
$ Log : QMachOImage . c , v $
Revision 1.1 2007 / 03 / 02 12 : 20 : 14
First checked in .
// Our prototypes
2007-10-03 21:31:20 +00:00
# include "config.h"
2007-04-17 02:27:09 +00:00
# include "QMachOImage.h"
// Basic system interfaces
# include <TargetConditionals.h>
# include <assert.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stddef.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/mman.h>
# include <unistd.h>
// Mach-O interfaces
# include <mach-o/arch.h>
# include <mach-o/dyld.h>
# include <mach-o/fat.h>
# include <mach-o/loader.h>
# include <mach-o/nlist.h>
# include <mach-o/stab.h>
# if TARGET_CPU_X86 || TARGET_CPU_X86_64
# include <mach/mach_vm.h>
# endif
# pragma mark ***** Compile-Time Assert Information
// At various places this code makes assumptions about the layout of various
// structures. Where I noticed these assumptions, I've used a compile-time
// assert to check them. Don't ask me how this works or I'll start to whimper.
# define compile_time_assert__(name, line) name ## line
# define compile_time_assert_(mustBeTrue, name, line) \
struct compile_time_assert__ ( name , line ) { unsigned int msg : ( mustBeTrue ) ; }
# define compile_time_assert(mustBeTrue) \
compile_time_assert_ ( mustBeTrue , CompileTimeAssert , __LINE__ )
# pragma mark ***** Core Code
// QMOSegment records information about a segment within an image. This is helpful for
// a bunch of reasons.
// o We store an array of these structures, which makes it easy to access the segments
// by simple array indexing.
// o The structure always store information about the segment as 64-bits, which means
// that, as we access the information, we don't need to worry whether it's 32- or 64-bit.
// o The structure always store information about the segment in native byte endian format.
// o It records whether we have the segment mapped, and the information required to
// unmap it
struct QMOSegment {
const struct load_command * cmd ; // pointer to original load command
struct segment_command_64 seg ; // copy of segment information, promoted to 64-bits if necessary
const char * segBase ; // base address of mapped segment (or NULL if not mapped)
void * segMapRefCon ; // place for image type to store information about the mapping
} ;
typedef struct QMOSegment QMOSegment ;
// Likewise, we keep an array of information about all the sections in the image.
// This is primarily to support the various section access APIs.
struct QMOSection {
const QMOSegment * seg ; // parent segment
struct section_64 sect ; // copy of section information, promoted to 64-bits if necessary
} ;
typedef struct QMOSection QMOSection ;
typedef struct QMOImage QMOImage ;
// forward declaration
// Image Type Callbacks
// --------------------
// There are various types of QMOImage (local, from a remote task, from disk) that have
// lots in common. However, in some cases it's necessary to do things diffently for each
// type of image to do different things. In that case, the common code calls the image
// type specific code to do the work.
typedef int ( * QMOMapRangeProc ) (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * * basePtr ,
void * * mapRefConPtr
) ;
// Map a chunk of an image into the local address space. qmoImage is a reference
// to the image itself. offset and length define the chunk of the image. The
// callback can store a value in *mapRefConPtr to assist in its QMOUnmapRangeProc
// implementation.
// On entry, qmoImage must not be NULL
// On entry, offset is the offset, in bytes, of the chunk to map, relative to the
// machHeaderOffset supplied when the image was created
// On entry, length is the number of bytes to map; must be greater than 0
// On entry, basePtr must not be NULL
// On entry, *basePtr must be NULL
// On entry, mapRefConPtr must not be NULL
// Returns an errno-style error code
// On success, *basePtr must be the (non-NULL) address of the mapped chunk
typedef void ( * QMOUnmapRangeProc ) (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * base ,
void * mapRefCon
) ;
// Unmap a chunk of an image from the local address space. qmoImage is a reference
// to the image itself. offset and length define the chunk of the image; these
// will be exactly equal to one of the chunks previously mapped (that is, we
// won't map [100..200) and then unmap [100..150)). base is the address of the
// mapping, as returned by a previous QMOMapRangeProc call. mapRefCon is the
// per-mapping data, as returned by a previous QMOMapRangeProc call.
// On entry, qmoImage must not be NULL
// On entry, offset is the offset, in bytes, of the chunk to unmap, relative to the
// machHeaderOffset supplied when the image was created
// On entry, length is the number of bytes to unmap; must be greater than 0
// On entry, base must not be NULL
typedef int ( * QMOCreateProc ) ( QMOImage * qmoImage , void * refCon ) ;
// Called to tell the image type specific code to initialise itself.
// The purpose of this callback is to commit the refCon to the
// image. Regardless of whether this routine succeeds or not, it
// must leave the refCon in a state that can be correctly handled
// by the destroy callback (if any).
// This callback is optional. If it's not present, the core code
// commits the refCon by simple assignment.
// On entry, qmoImage must not be NULL
typedef void ( * QMODestroyProc ) ( QMOImage * qmoImage ) ;
// Destroy the type-specific data associated with the image. If you have
// a create callback, you are guaranteed that it will be called before
// this callback (although it might have failed).
// This callback is optional. If it's not present, the core code does
// nothing to destroy the refCon.
// On entry, qmoImage must not be NULL
// QMOImage represents a Mach-O image. It's the backing for the exported QMOImageRef
// type.
struct QMOImage {
const char * filePath ; // can be NULL
// Mach-O header information
QTMAddr machHeaderOffset ; // offset within 'container'
const struct mach_header * machHeader ; // address of Mach-O header mapped into local process; includes all load commands
void * machHeaderRefCon ; // refCon for unmapping
size_t machHeaderSize ; // size of Mach-O header, including load commands
// Cached information
bool imageIDCached ; // true iff imageID is valid
const char * imageID ; // NULL is a valid value
// General information
QTMAddr slide ; // amount to add to segment vmaddr to get actual addr in memory
bool prepared ; // false if coming from file, true if coming from memory
bool is64Bit ; // true if 64-bit Mach-O
bool byteSwapped ; // true if byte swapped relative to current process
uint32_t segCount ; // number of segments
QMOSegment * segments ; // per-segment information
uint32_t sectCount ; // number of sections
QMOSection * sections ; // per-section information
QMOMapRangeProc mapRange ; // type-specific mapping routine
QMOUnmapRangeProc unmapRange ; // type-specific unmapping routine
QMODestroyProc destroy ; // type-specific destroy routine (optional)
void * refCon ; // storage for type-specific information
} ;
# if ! defined(NDEBUG)
static bool QMOImageIsValidLimited ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// A limited form of QMOImageIsValid that's callback while qmoImage is still
// being constructed.
return ( qmoImage ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > mapRange ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > unmapRange ! = NULL ) ;
static bool QMOImageIsValid ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// Returns true if qmoImage is valid.
return ( qmoImage ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > machHeader ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > machHeaderSize > = sizeof ( struct mach_header ) )
& & ( qmoImage - > segCount > 0 )
& & ( qmoImage - > segments ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > segments [ 0 ] . cmd ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > sectCount > 0 )
& & ( qmoImage - > sections ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > sections [ 0 ] . seg ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > mapRange ! = NULL )
& & ( qmoImage - > unmapRange ! = NULL ) ;
# endif
typedef bool ( * LoadCommandCompareProc ) ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , const struct load_command * cmd , void * compareRefCon ) ;
// Callback for FindLoadCommand.
// The contents of the load command pointed to be cmd may be byte swapped.
// On entry, qmoImage will not be NULL
// On entry, cmd will not be NULL
// Return true if this load command is the one you're looking for
static const struct load_command * FindLoadCommand (
QMOImageRef qmoImage ,
LoadCommandCompareProc compareProc ,
void * compareRefCon
// Finds a load command within a Mach-O image. Iterates through the load commands,
// from first to last, calling compareProc on each one. If compareProc returns
// true, that load command becomes the function result. If compareProc never returns
// true, the function result is NULL.
uint32_t cmdIndex ;
uint32_t cmdCount ;
const struct load_command * firstCommand ;
const struct load_command * thisCommand ;
const char * commandLimit ;
const struct load_command * result ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( qmoImage - > machHeader ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( compareProc ! = NULL ) ;
// Get the command count.
cmdCount = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , qmoImage - > machHeader - > ncmds ) ;
// Get the start of the first command.
if ( qmoImage - > is64Bit ) {
firstCommand = ( const struct load_command * ) ( ( ( const char * ) qmoImage - > machHeader ) + sizeof ( struct mach_header_64 ) ) ;
} else {
firstCommand = ( const struct load_command * ) ( ( ( const char * ) qmoImage - > machHeader ) + sizeof ( struct mach_header ) ) ;
// Iterate through the commands until compareProc returns true.
result = NULL ;
cmdIndex = 0 ;
commandLimit = ( ( const char * ) qmoImage - > machHeader ) + qmoImage - > machHeaderSize ;
thisCommand = firstCommand ;
while ( ( result = = NULL ) & & ( cmdIndex < cmdCount ) ) {
uint32_t thisCommandSize ;
thisCommandSize = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , thisCommand - > cmdsize ) ;
assert ( ( ( const char * ) thisCommand ) > = ( ( const char * ) firstCommand ) ) ;
assert ( ( ( const char * ) thisCommand ) < commandLimit ) ;
assert ( ( ( ( const char * ) thisCommand ) + thisCommandSize ) < = commandLimit ) ;
if ( compareProc ( qmoImage , thisCommand , compareRefCon ) ) {
result = thisCommand ;
} else {
thisCommand = ( const struct load_command * ) ( ( ( const char * ) thisCommand ) + QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , thisCommand - > cmdsize ) ) ;
cmdIndex + = 1 ;
return result ;
static int MapMachHeader ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// Map an image's Mach-O header (including its load commands) into memory,
// recording that mapping in the fields in qmoImage.
int err ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( qmoImage - > machHeader = = NULL ) ; // that is, we haven't already mapped it
compile_time_assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header , magic ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , magic ) ) ;
compile_time_assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header , sizeofcmds ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , sizeofcmds ) ) ;
// Temporarily map the mach_header itself, so we can figure out what sort of
// header we're dealing with and get the size of the load commands.
size_t headerSize ;
const struct mach_header * headerPtr ;
void * headerRefCon ;
headerPtr = NULL ;
err = qmoImage - > mapRange (
qmoImage ,
qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset ,
sizeof ( struct mach_header ) ,
( const void * * ) & headerPtr ,
& headerRefCon
) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
// Test the magic to check for Mach-O validity, size and byte order.
switch ( headerPtr - > magic ) {
case MH_MAGIC_64 :
case MH_CIGAM_64 :
case MH_MAGIC :
case MH_CIGAM :
qmoImage - > is64Bit = ( ( headerPtr - > magic = = MH_MAGIC_64 ) | | ( headerPtr - > magic = = MH_CIGAM_64 ) ) ;
qmoImage - > byteSwapped = ( ( headerPtr - > magic = = MH_CIGAM ) | | ( headerPtr - > magic = = MH_CIGAM_64 ) ) ;
if ( qmoImage - > is64Bit ) {
headerSize = sizeof ( struct mach_header_64 ) ;
} else {
headerSize = sizeof ( struct mach_header ) ;
// Now that we have set up qmoImage->byteSwapped, we can call QMOImageToLocalUInt32.
qmoImage - > machHeaderSize = headerSize + QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , headerPtr - > sizeofcmds ) ;
break ;
default :
err = EINVAL ;
break ;
// Undo our temporary mapping.
qmoImage - > unmapRange ( qmoImage , qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset , sizeof ( struct mach_header ) , headerPtr , headerRefCon ) ;
// Map the entire header permanently.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = qmoImage - > mapRange (
qmoImage ,
qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset ,
qmoImage - > machHeaderSize ,
( const void * * ) & qmoImage - > machHeader ,
& qmoImage - > machHeaderRefCon
) ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = ( qmoImage - > machHeader ! = NULL ) ) ;
return err ;
static bool CountSegmentsAndSections ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , const struct load_command * cmd , void * compareRefCon )
// A LoadCommandCompareProc callback used to count the number of segments
// and sections in the image. For each segment load command, increment the
// image's segment count by one and then extract the nsect field of the segment
// and increment the image's section count by that. Always return false so
// we iterate all load commands.
// See LoadCommandCompareProc for a description of the other parameters.
uint32_t cmdID ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( cmd ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( compareRefCon = = NULL ) ;
cmdID = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , cmd - > cmd ) ;
if ( ( cmdID = = LC_SEGMENT ) | | ( cmdID = = LC_SEGMENT_64 ) ) {
qmoImage - > segCount + = 1 ;
if ( cmdID = = LC_SEGMENT_64 ) {
qmoImage - > sectCount + = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , ( ( const struct segment_command_64 * ) cmd ) - > nsects ) ;
} else {
qmoImage - > sectCount + = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , ( ( const struct segment_command * ) cmd ) - > nsects ) ;
return false ;
static bool InitSegment ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , const struct load_command * cmd , void * compareRefCon )
// A LoadCommandCompareProc callback used to initialise the segments array.
// For each segment load command, set up the corresponding element of
// qmoImage->segments and increment the counter pointed to be compareRefCon.
// Always return false so we iterate all load commands.
// See LoadCommandCompareProc for a description of the other parameters.
uint32_t * segIndexPtr ;
uint32_t cmdID ;
struct segment_command_64 * outputSegCmd ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( cmd ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( compareRefCon ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( qmoImage - > segments ! = NULL ) ; // that is, we've already allocated the segment array
cmdID = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , cmd - > cmd ) ;
if ( ( cmdID = = LC_SEGMENT ) | | ( cmdID = = LC_SEGMENT_64 ) ) {
segIndexPtr = ( uint32_t * ) compareRefCon ;
// Allocate a segment array element.
assert ( * segIndexPtr < qmoImage - > segCount ) ; // segCount was set up by CountSegmentsAndSections, so we should never run out of elements
qmoImage - > segments [ * segIndexPtr ] . cmd = cmd ;
outputSegCmd = & qmoImage - > segments [ * segIndexPtr ] . seg ;
* segIndexPtr + = 1 ;
// Convert the incoming segment command into the canonical
// segment_command_64 that we use internally. For all segments, this
// involves possible byte swapping. For 32-bit segments, we also have
// to promote 32-bit values to 64 bits.
if ( cmdID = = LC_SEGMENT_64 ) {
const struct segment_command_64 * segCmd64 ;
segCmd64 = ( const struct segment_command_64 * ) cmd ;
outputSegCmd - > cmd = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > cmd ) ;
outputSegCmd - > cmdsize = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > cmdsize ) ;
memcpy ( outputSegCmd - > segname , segCmd64 - > segname , sizeof ( outputSegCmd - > segname ) ) ;
outputSegCmd - > vmaddr = QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > vmaddr ) ;
outputSegCmd - > vmsize = QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > vmsize ) ;
outputSegCmd - > fileoff = QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > fileoff ) ;
outputSegCmd - > filesize = QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > filesize ) ;
outputSegCmd - > maxprot = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > maxprot ) ;
outputSegCmd - > initprot = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > initprot ) ;
outputSegCmd - > nsects = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > nsects ) ;
outputSegCmd - > flags = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd64 - > flags ) ;
} else {
const struct segment_command * segCmd ;
segCmd = ( const struct segment_command * ) cmd ;
outputSegCmd - > cmd = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > cmd ) ;
outputSegCmd - > cmdsize = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > cmdsize ) ;
memcpy ( outputSegCmd - > segname , segCmd - > segname , sizeof ( outputSegCmd - > segname ) ) ;
outputSegCmd - > vmaddr = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > vmaddr ) ;
outputSegCmd - > vmsize = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > vmsize ) ;
outputSegCmd - > fileoff = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > fileoff ) ;
outputSegCmd - > filesize = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > filesize ) ;
outputSegCmd - > maxprot = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > maxprot ) ;
outputSegCmd - > initprot = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > initprot ) ;
outputSegCmd - > nsects = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > nsects ) ;
outputSegCmd - > flags = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , segCmd - > flags ) ;
return false ;
static void InitSegmentSections ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint32_t segIndex , uint32_t * sectIndexPtr )
// Called to initialise the sections array. segIndex indicates that segment
// whose sections we should parse. On entry, *sectIndexPtr is an index
// into the sections array of the place where we should start placing
// section information. On return, we've update *sectIndexPtr for every
// section that we filled in.
uint32_t sectCount ;
uint32_t sectIndex ;
const struct section_64 * sectArray64 ;
const struct section * sectArray ;
bool is64 ;
// The section information is stored in an array with fixed size elements.
// However, both the base of the array and size of the elements varies for
// 32- and 64-bit segments.
is64 = ( qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . cmd = = LC_SEGMENT_64 ) ;
if ( is64 ) {
sectArray64 = ( const struct section_64 * ) ( ( ( const char * ) qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . cmd ) + sizeof ( struct segment_command_64 ) ) ;
sectArray = NULL ;
} else {
sectArray64 = NULL ;
sectArray = ( const struct section * ) ( ( ( const char * ) qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . cmd ) + sizeof ( struct segment_command ) ) ;
// Iterate the sections in the segment.
sectCount = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . nsects ;
for ( sectIndex = 0 ; sectIndex < sectCount ; sectIndex + + ) {
struct section_64 * outputSect ;
// Set up the segment pointer for this section.
qmoImage - > sections [ * sectIndexPtr + sectIndex ] . seg = & qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] ;
// Convert the incoming section structure into the canonical
// section_64 structure that we use internally. For all sections, this
// involves possible byte swapping. For sections in 32-bit segments, we
// also have to promote 32-bit values to 64 bits.
assert ( ( * sectIndexPtr + sectIndex ) < qmoImage - > sectCount ) ;
outputSect = & qmoImage - > sections [ * sectIndexPtr + sectIndex ] . sect ;
if ( is64 ) {
const struct section_64 * sect64 ;
sect64 = & sectArray64 [ sectIndex ] ;
memcpy ( outputSect - > sectname , sect64 - > sectname , sizeof ( outputSect - > sectname ) ) ;
memcpy ( outputSect - > segname , sect64 - > segname , sizeof ( outputSect - > segname ) ) ;
outputSect - > addr = QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > addr ) ;
outputSect - > size = QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > size ) ;
outputSect - > offset = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > offset ) ;
outputSect - > align = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > align ) ;
outputSect - > reloff = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > reloff ) ;
outputSect - > nreloc = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > nreloc ) ;
outputSect - > flags = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > flags ) ;
outputSect - > reserved1 = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > reserved1 ) ;
outputSect - > reserved2 = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > reserved2 ) ;
outputSect - > reserved3 = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect64 - > reserved3 ) ;
} else {
const struct section * sect ;
sect = & sectArray [ sectIndex ] ;
memcpy ( outputSect - > sectname , sect - > sectname , sizeof ( outputSect - > sectname ) ) ;
memcpy ( outputSect - > segname , sect - > segname , sizeof ( outputSect - > segname ) ) ;
outputSect - > addr = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > addr ) ;
outputSect - > size = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > size ) ;
outputSect - > offset = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > offset ) ;
outputSect - > align = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > align ) ;
outputSect - > reloff = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > reloff ) ;
outputSect - > nreloc = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > nreloc ) ;
outputSect - > flags = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > flags ) ;
outputSect - > reserved1 = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > reserved1 ) ;
outputSect - > reserved2 = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , sect - > reserved2 ) ;
outputSect - > reserved3 = 0 ;
// Increment *sectIndexPtr for the number of sections that we added.
* sectIndexPtr + = sectCount ;
static int GetSegmentIndexByName ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , const char * segName , uint32_t * segIndexPtr )
// Search the segments array for the first segment with the specified
// name. This is the guts of QMOImageGetSegmentByName.
// *** Should merge this into QMOImageGetSegmentByName.
int err ;
bool found ;
uint32_t segIndex ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( segName ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( segIndexPtr ! = NULL ) ;
found = false ;
segIndex = 0 ;
while ( ! found & & segIndex < qmoImage - > segCount ) {
found = ( strcmp ( qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . segname , segName ) = = 0 ) ;
if ( ! found ) {
segIndex + = 1 ;
if ( found ) {
* segIndexPtr = segIndex ;
err = 0 ;
} else {
err = ESRCH ;
return err ;
static int CalculateSlide ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// Calculate the slide associated with an image. In some cases, we can get
// the slide (for example, for a local image, you can get the slide using
// _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide), but in other cases you always have to
// calculate it (for example, when using new-style remote image access).
// So, rather than messing around with conditional code, I always just
// calculate it myself.
int err ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
if ( ! qmoImage - > prepared ) {
// For file-based images, we assume a slide of 0.
assert ( qmoImage - > slide = = 0 ) ;
err = 0 ;
} else {
uint32_t textSegIndex ;
struct segment_command_64 textSeg ;
// For in-memory images, we have to do the maths. We find the __TEXT
// segment, find its virtual address (the address it wanted to load),
// and subtract that away from the start of the image (the address
// that the __TEXT segment ended up loading). This is slightly bogus
// because it's possible to construct a Mach-O image where the
// header isn't embedded in the __TEXT segment. But, in reality, this
// doesn't happen (and, if it did, other tools, like vmutils) would also
// fail).
err = GetSegmentIndexByName ( qmoImage , " __TEXT " , & textSegIndex ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = QMOImageGetSegmentByIndex ( qmoImage , textSegIndex , & textSeg ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
qmoImage - > slide = qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset - textSeg . vmaddr ;
return err ;
static int QMOImageCreate (
QTMAddr machHeaderOffset ,
const char * filePath ,
bool prepared ,
QMOMapRangeProc mapRange ,
QMOUnmapRangeProc unmapRange ,
QMOCreateProc create ,
QMODestroyProc destroy ,
void * refCon ,
QMOImageRef * qmoImagePtr
// Common code use by all types of images to create an image object.
// mapRange, unmapRange, create and destroy are callbacks used to implement
// type-specific behaviour. See the description of their corresponding
// function pointer definition for details.
// refCon is data storage for the type-specific code. For example, for
// a file-based image, it is used to hold the file descriptor of the mapped
// file.
// filePath is the Mach-O backing store file for the image. It may be NULL.
// prepared indicates whether the image is in memory, having been prepared
// by dyld, or is coming from a Mach-O file. In the first case, the image
// operates using virtual addresses. In the second case, the image operates
// using file offsets.
// machHeaderOffset is the offset, within the container defined by the
// type-specific code, of the Mach-O header. Specifically:
// o for a file-based image (unprepared), this is the offset within the file
// o for a memory-based image (prepared), this is the virtual address of the
// mach_header
// When calling the mapRange and unmapRange callbacks, the core code assumes that:
// o the Mach-O header is available at machHeaderOffset
// o for an unprepared image, it adds machHeaderOffset to file-relative values to
// get the actual file offset of a segment
// o for prepared images, it ignores machHeaderOffset and accesses the segment
// via its virtual address
int err ;
QMOImageRef qmoImage ;
uint32_t segIndex ;
uint32_t sectIndex ;
// machHeaderOffset could be zero
// filePath may be NULL
assert ( mapRange ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( unmapRange ! = NULL ) ;
// create may be NULL
// destroy may be NULL
assert ( qmoImagePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * qmoImagePtr = = NULL ) ;
// Allocate the memory for the image object, and fill out out the basic fields.
// This involves mapping in the Mach-O header to figure out the width (32- or
// 64-bit) and byte order of the image.
err = 0 ;
qmoImage = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * qmoImage ) ) ;
if ( qmoImage = = NULL ) {
err = ENOMEM ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset = machHeaderOffset ;
qmoImage - > prepared = prepared ;
qmoImage - > mapRange = mapRange ;
qmoImage - > unmapRange = unmapRange ;
qmoImage - > destroy = destroy ;
// It is vital that we call the create callback (if any) before any
// other failure (other than the calloc). If there was a failure
// point before this, we could end up calling the destroy callback
// before calling the create callback. Thatd woul be bad for image
// types where a NULL refcon isn't appropriate as a nil value.
// An example of this is the file image type. The in this case, the
// nil value for the refcon is -1. The create callback is expected
// to set up the refCon correctly; if it fails, it must set it to
// an appropriate nil value.
if ( create = = NULL ) {
qmoImage - > refCon = refCon ;
} else {
err = create ( qmoImage , refCon ) ;
if ( ( err = = 0 ) & & ( filePath ! = NULL ) ) {
qmoImage - > filePath = strdup ( filePath ) ;
if ( qmoImage - > filePath = = NULL ) {
err = ENOMEM ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = MapMachHeader ( qmoImage ) ;
// Count the segments, allocate the array used to hold information about them,
// and then fill in that array. In the process, also fill out the sections
// array.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
( void ) FindLoadCommand ( qmoImage , CountSegmentsAndSections , NULL ) ;
qmoImage - > segments = calloc ( qmoImage - > segCount , sizeof ( * qmoImage - > segments ) ) ;
qmoImage - > sections = calloc ( qmoImage - > sectCount , sizeof ( * qmoImage - > sections ) ) ;
if ( ( qmoImage - > segments = = NULL ) & & ( qmoImage - > sections = = NULL ) ) {
err = ENOMEM ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
segIndex = 0 ;
( void ) FindLoadCommand ( qmoImage , InitSegment , & segIndex ) ;
assert ( segIndex = = qmoImage - > segCount ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
sectIndex = 0 ;
for ( segIndex = 0 ; segIndex < qmoImage - > segCount ; segIndex + + ) {
InitSegmentSections ( qmoImage , segIndex , & sectIndex ) ;
assert ( sectIndex = = qmoImage - > sectCount ) ;
// Once we have the segment information, we can calculate the slide.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = CalculateSlide ( qmoImage ) ;
// Clean up on error.
if ( err ! = 0 ) {
QMOImageDestroy ( qmoImage ) ;
qmoImage = NULL ;
* qmoImagePtr = qmoImage ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = QMOImageIsValid ( * qmoImagePtr ) ) ;
return err ;
extern void QMOImageDestroy ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
uint32_t segIndex ;
if ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) {
// Destroy the segments array.
if ( qmoImage - > segments ! = NULL ) {
// Unmap any mapped segments.
for ( segIndex = 0 ; segIndex < qmoImage - > segCount ; segIndex + + ) {
if ( qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segBase ! = NULL ) {
QTMAddr offset ;
QTMAddr size ;
if ( qmoImage - > prepared ) {
offset = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . vmaddr + qmoImage - > slide ;
size = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . vmsize ;
} else {
offset = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . fileoff + qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset ;
size = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . filesize ;
qmoImage - > unmapRange ( qmoImage , offset , size , qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segBase , qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segMapRefCon ) ;
qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segBase = 0 ;
qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segMapRefCon = NULL ;
free ( qmoImage - > segments ) ;
// Unmap the Mach-O header.
if ( qmoImage - > machHeader ! = NULL ) {
qmoImage - > unmapRange ( qmoImage , qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset , qmoImage - > machHeaderSize , qmoImage - > machHeader , qmoImage - > machHeaderRefCon ) ;
// Now that we're done unmapping, call the type-specific destroy callback
// so that it can clean up any information that it needed to have
// (typically this is hung off the refCon).
if ( qmoImage - > destroy ! = NULL ) {
qmoImage - > destroy ( qmoImage ) ;
// Free the memory for the object itself.
free ( ( void * ) qmoImage - > filePath ) ;
free ( qmoImage ) ;
static int QMOImageMapSegmentByIndex ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint32_t segIndex , const char * * segBasePtr )
// Map a segment from a Mach-O image into the local process, returning the address
// of the mapped data.
int err ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( segIndex < qmoImage - > segCount ) ;
assert ( segBasePtr ! = NULL ) ;
// Have we mapped it yet? If not, we have to do some heavy lifting.
err = 0 ;
if ( qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segBase = = NULL ) {
QTMAddr offset ;
QTMAddr size ;
// No, we need to map it now.
// Work out what to map. If the image has been prepared (that is,
// we're dealing with an image that's been mapped into memory
// by dyld), we operate on virtual addresses. OTOH, if the image
// is coming from a file, we operate in file-relative addresses.
if ( qmoImage - > prepared ) {
offset = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . vmaddr + qmoImage - > slide ;
size = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . vmsize ;
} else {
offset = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . fileoff + qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset ;
size = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg . filesize ;
err = qmoImage - > mapRange (
qmoImage ,
offset ,
size ,
( const void * * ) & qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segBase ,
& qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segMapRefCon
) ;
// If all went well, return the address to the caller.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
* segBasePtr = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . segBase ;
return err ;
# pragma mark ***** Accessors
extern QTMAddr QMOImageGetSlide ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > slide ;
extern bool QMOImageIs64Bit ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > is64Bit ;
extern bool QMOImageIsByteSwapped ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > byteSwapped ;
extern QTMAddr QMOImageGetMachHeaderOffset ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > machHeaderOffset ;
extern const struct mach_header * QMOImageGetMachHeader ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > machHeader ;
extern const char * QMOImageGetFilePath ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > filePath ;
extern uint32_t QMOImageGetFileType ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
compile_time_assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header , filetype ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , filetype ) ) ;
return QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , qmoImage - > machHeader - > filetype ) ;
extern uint32_t QMOImageGetCPUType ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
compile_time_assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header , cputype ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , cputype ) ) ;
return QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , qmoImage - > machHeader - > cputype ) ;
extern uint32_t QMOImageGetCPUSubType ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header , cpusubtype ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , cpusubtype ) ) ;
assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header , cpusubtype ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , cpusubtype ) ) ;
return QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , qmoImage - > machHeader - > cpusubtype ) ;
static bool CommandIDCompareProc ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , const struct load_command * cmd , void * compareRefCon )
// A LoadCommandCompareProc callback used to implement FindLoadCommandByID.
// compareRefCon is a pointer to the Mach-O command ID that we're looking for.
// See LoadCommandCompareProc for a description of the other parameters.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( cmd ! = NULL ) ;
return ( QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , cmd - > cmd ) = = * ( uint32_t * ) compareRefCon ) ;
extern const struct load_command * QMOImageFindLoadCommandByID ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint32_t cmdID )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return FindLoadCommand ( qmoImage , CommandIDCompareProc , ( void * ) & cmdID ) ;
extern uint32_t QMOImageGetSegmentCount ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > segCount ;
extern int QMOImageGetSegmentByName (
QMOImageRef qmoImage ,
const char * segName ,
uint32_t * segIndexPtr ,
struct segment_command_64 * segPtr
// See comment in header.
int err ;
uint32_t segIndex ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( segName ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( ( segIndexPtr ! = NULL ) | | ( segPtr ! = NULL ) ) ;
err = GetSegmentIndexByName ( qmoImage , segName , & segIndex ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
if ( segIndexPtr ! = NULL ) {
* segIndexPtr = segIndex ;
if ( segPtr ! = NULL ) {
* segPtr = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg ;
return err ;
extern int QMOImageGetSegmentByIndex ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint32_t segIndex , struct segment_command_64 * segPtr )
// See comment in header.
int err ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( segPtr ! = NULL ) ;
if ( segIndex < qmoImage - > segCount ) {
* segPtr = qmoImage - > segments [ segIndex ] . seg ;
err = 0 ;
} else {
err = EINVAL ;
return err ;
extern uint32_t QMOImageGetSectionCount ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return qmoImage - > sectCount ;
extern int QMOImageGetSectionByName (
QMOImageRef qmoImage ,
const char * segName ,
const char * sectName ,
uint32_t * sectIndexPtr ,
struct section_64 * sectPtr
// See comment in header.
int err ;
bool found ;
uint32_t sectIndex ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( ( segName ! = NULL ) | | ( sectName ! = NULL ) ) ;
assert ( ( sectIndexPtr ! = NULL ) | | ( sectPtr ! = NULL ) ) ;
// Start by looking for the section.
sectIndex = 0 ;
found = false ;
while ( ! found & & ( sectIndex < qmoImage - > sectCount ) ) {
found = ( ( segName = = NULL ) | | ( strcmp ( segName , qmoImage - > sections [ sectIndex ] . sect . segname ) = = 0 ) )
& & ( ( sectName = = NULL ) | | ( strcmp ( sectName , qmoImage - > sections [ sectIndex ] . sect . sectname ) = = 0 ) ) ;
if ( ! found ) {
sectIndex + = 1 ;
// If we find it, copy out the details to our client.
if ( found ) {
if ( sectIndexPtr ! = NULL ) {
* sectIndexPtr = sectIndex ;
if ( sectPtr ! = NULL ) {
* sectPtr = qmoImage - > sections [ sectIndex ] . sect ;
err = 0 ;
} else {
err = ESRCH ;
return err ;
extern int QMOImageGetSectionByIndex (
QMOImageRef qmoImage ,
uint32_t sectIndex ,
struct section_64 * sectPtr
// See comment in header.
int err ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
if ( sectIndex < qmoImage - > sectCount ) {
* sectPtr = qmoImage - > sections [ sectIndex ] . sect ;
err = 0 ;
} else {
err = EINVAL ;
return err ;
# pragma mark ***** Utilities
extern uint8_t QMOImageToLocalUInt8 ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint8_t value )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValidLimited ( qmoImage ) ) ;
return value ;
extern uint16_t QMOImageToLocalUInt16 ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint16_t value )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValidLimited ( qmoImage ) ) ;
if ( qmoImage - > byteSwapped ) {
value = OSSwapInt16 ( value ) ;
return value ;
extern uint32_t QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint32_t value )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValidLimited ( qmoImage ) ) ;
if ( qmoImage - > byteSwapped ) {
value = OSSwapInt32 ( value ) ;
return value ;
extern uint64_t QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , uint64_t value )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValidLimited ( qmoImage ) ) ;
if ( qmoImage - > byteSwapped ) {
value = OSSwapInt64 ( value ) ;
return value ;
# pragma mark ***** QMOFileImage
static int QMOFileImageMapRange (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * * basePtr ,
void * * mapRefConPtr
// The map range callback for file-based images. This does its magic
// via mmap.
// See the comments for QMOMapRangeProc for a discussion of the parameters.
int err ;
int fd ;
void * base ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( length > 0 ) ;
assert ( basePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * basePtr = = NULL ) ;
assert ( mapRefConPtr ! = NULL ) ;
fd = ( int ) ( intptr_t ) qmoImage - > refCon ;
err = 0 ;
base = mmap ( NULL , length , PROT_READ , MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE , fd , offset ) ;
if ( base = = MAP_FAILED ) {
base = NULL ;
err = errno ;
* basePtr = base ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = ( * basePtr ! = NULL ) ) ;
return err ;
static void QMOFileImageUnmapRange (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * base ,
void * mapRefCon
// The unmap range callback for file-based images.
// See the comments for QMOUnmapRangeProc for a discussion of the parameters.
# pragma unused(offset, mapRefCon)
int junk ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( length > 0 ) ;
assert ( base ! = NULL ) ;
junk = munmap ( ( void * ) base , length ) ;
assert ( junk = = 0 ) ;
static int QMOFileImageCreate ( QMOImage * qmoImage , void * refCon )
// The create callback for file-based images. A file descriptor
// of the file to work on is in refCon. We dup this into the refCon
// so that, when the destroy callback is called, it can close safely
// close the file in the refCon.
// See the comments for QMOCreateProc for a discussion of the parameters.
int err ;
int fd ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
fd = ( int ) ( intptr_t ) refCon ;
fd = dup ( fd ) ;
if ( fd < 0 ) {
err = errno ;
} else {
err = 0 ;
qmoImage - > refCon = ( void * ) ( intptr_t ) fd ;
return err ;
static void QMOFileImageDestroy ( QMOImage * qmoImage )
// The destroy callback for file-based images.
// See the comments for QMODestroyProc for a discussion of the parameters.
int fd ;
int junk ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
fd = ( int ) ( intptr_t ) qmoImage - > refCon ;
if ( fd ! = - 1 ) {
junk = close ( fd ) ;
assert ( junk = = 0 ) ;
static const NXArchInfo * NXGetLocalArchInfoFixed ( void )
// A version of NXGetLocalArchInfo that works around the gotchas described
// below.
static const NXArchInfo * sCachedArch = NULL ;
// NXGetLocalArchInfo (and related routines like NXGetArchInfoFromCpuType) may
// or may not return a pointer that you have to free <rdar://problem/5000965>.
// To limit the potential for leaks, I only ever call through to the underlying
// routine once. [This can still leak (if two threads initialise it at the
// same time, or if we need to apply the x86-64 workaround), but the leak
// is bounded.]
if ( sCachedArch = = NULL ) {
sCachedArch = NXGetLocalArchInfo ( ) ;
// For some reason, when running 64-bit on 64-bit architectures,
// NXGetLocalArchInfo returns the 32-bit architecture <rdar://problem/4996965>.
// If that happens, we change it to what we expect.
if ( sCachedArch ! = NULL ) {
# if TARGET_CPU_X86_64
if ( sCachedArch - > cputype = = CPU_TYPE_X86 ) {
sCachedArch = NXGetArchInfoFromCpuType ( CPU_TYPE_X86_64 , CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL ) ;
if ( sCachedArch - > cputype = = CPU_TYPE_POWERPC ) {
sCachedArch = NXGetArchInfoFromCpuType ( CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64 , CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL ) ;
# endif
return sCachedArch ;
extern cpu_type_t QMOGetLocalCPUType ( void )
// See comment in header.
return NXGetLocalArchInfoFixed ( ) - > cputype ;
static int FindBestFatArchitecture (
int fd ,
const struct fat_header * fatHeader ,
cpu_type_t cputype ,
cpu_subtype_t cpusubtype ,
off_t * machHeaderOffsetPtr
// For fat Mach-O file that starts with fatHeader, looking for the
// architecture that best matches cputype and cpusubtype. Return
// the file offset of that image in *machHeaderOffsetPtr.
// Keep in mind that a fat header is always big endian.
int err ;
uint32_t archCount ;
struct fat_arch * arches ;
2007-04-17 09:11:31 +00:00
const struct fat_arch * bestArch = NULL ;
2007-04-17 02:27:09 +00:00
assert ( ( cputype ! = CPU_TYPE_ANY ) | | ( cpusubtype = = 0 ) ) ;
archCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt32 ( fatHeader - > nfat_arch ) ;
// Allocate a fat_arch array and fill it in by reading the file.
err = 0 ;
arches = malloc ( archCount * sizeof ( * arches ) ) ;
if ( arches = = NULL ) {
err = ENOMEM ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
ssize_t bytesRead ;
bytesRead = read ( fd , arches , archCount * sizeof ( * arches ) ) ;
if ( bytesRead < 0 ) {
err = errno ;
} else if ( bytesRead ! = ( archCount * sizeof ( * arches ) ) ) {
err = EPIPE ;
// Find the fat_arch that best matches the user's requirements.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
// This would do nothing on a big endian system, but it probably would take a
// whole bunch of code to do nothing. So we conditionalise it away.
uint32_t archIndex ;
for ( archIndex = 0 ; archIndex < archCount ; archIndex + + ) {
arches [ archIndex ] . cputype = OSSwapBigToHostInt32 ( arches [ archIndex ] . cputype ) ;
arches [ archIndex ] . cpusubtype = OSSwapBigToHostInt32 ( arches [ archIndex ] . cpusubtype ) ;
arches [ archIndex ] . offset = OSSwapBigToHostInt32 ( arches [ archIndex ] . offset ) ;
arches [ archIndex ] . size = OSSwapBigToHostInt32 ( arches [ archIndex ] . size ) ;
arches [ archIndex ] . align = OSSwapBigToHostInt32 ( arches [ archIndex ] . align ) ;
# endif
// If the user requested any CPU type, first try to give them the current
// architecture, and if that fails just give them the first.
if ( cputype = = CPU_TYPE_ANY ) {
const NXArchInfo * localArch ;
assert ( cpusubtype = = 0 ) ;
localArch = NXGetLocalArchInfoFixed ( ) ;
bestArch = NULL ;
if ( localArch ! = NULL ) {
bestArch = NXFindBestFatArch ( localArch - > cputype , localArch - > cpusubtype , arches , archCount ) ;
if ( bestArch = = NULL ) {
bestArch = NXFindBestFatArch ( localArch - > cputype , 0 , arches , archCount ) ;
if ( bestArch = = NULL ) {
bestArch = NXFindBestFatArch ( arches [ 0 ] . cputype , cpusubtype , arches , archCount ) ;
} else {
bestArch = NXFindBestFatArch ( cputype , cpusubtype , arches , archCount ) ;
if ( bestArch = = NULL ) {
err = ESRCH ;
// Return that architecture's offset.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
* machHeaderOffsetPtr = bestArch - > offset ;
free ( arches ) ;
return err ;
extern int QMOImageCreateFromFile ( const char * filePath , cpu_type_t cputype , cpu_subtype_t cpusubtype , QMOImageRef * qmoImagePtr )
// See comment in header.
int err ;
int junk ;
int fd ;
ssize_t bytesRead ;
struct fat_header fatHeader ;
off_t machHeaderOffset ;
struct mach_header machHeader ;
struct fat_arch arch ;
const struct fat_arch * bestArch ;
assert ( filePath ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( ( cputype ! = CPU_TYPE_ANY ) | | ( cpusubtype = = 0 ) ) ;
assert ( qmoImagePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * qmoImagePtr = = NULL ) ;
machHeaderOffset = 0 ; // quieten a warning
// Open the file.
err = 0 ;
fd = open ( filePath , O_RDONLY ) ;
if ( fd < 0 ) {
err = errno ;
// Read a potential fat header. Keep in mind that this is always big endian.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
bytesRead = read ( fd , & fatHeader , sizeof ( fatHeader ) ) ;
if ( bytesRead < 0 ) {
err = errno ;
} else if ( bytesRead ! = sizeof ( fatHeader ) ) {
err = EPIPE ;
// If it's there, deal with it. If not, we treat this as a thin file, that
// is, the Mach-O image starts at the front of the file.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
if ( OSSwapBigToHostInt32 ( fatHeader . magic ) = = FAT_MAGIC ) {
err = FindBestFatArchitecture ( fd , & fatHeader , cputype , cpusubtype , & machHeaderOffset ) ;
} else {
machHeaderOffset = 0 ;
// Read the Mach-O header from the requested offset, and do a quick check to make sure
// that its magic is correct and that the architecture is compatible with the one the
// user requested. We do this by constructing a dummy fat_arch and passing it as
// a single element array to NXFindBestFatArch. If NXFindBestFatArch returns NULL,
// this single architecture isn't compatible with the architecture that the user
// requested.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
bytesRead = pread ( fd , & machHeader , sizeof ( machHeader ) , machHeaderOffset ) ;
if ( bytesRead < 0 ) {
err = errno ;
} else if ( bytesRead ! = sizeof ( machHeader ) ) {
err = EPIPE ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
arch . cputype = machHeader . cputype ;
arch . cpusubtype = machHeader . cpusubtype ;
arch . offset = 0 ; // NXFindBestFatArch ignores these fields
arch . size = 0 ;
arch . align = 0 ;
if ( ( machHeader . magic = = MH_MAGIC ) | | ( machHeader . magic = = MH_MAGIC_64 ) ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( ( machHeader . magic = = MH_CIGAM ) | | ( machHeader . magic = = MH_CIGAM_64 ) ) {
arch . cputype = OSSwapInt32 ( arch . cputype ) ;
arch . cpusubtype = OSSwapInt32 ( arch . cpusubtype ) ;
} else {
err = EINVAL ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
if ( cputype = = CPU_TYPE_ANY ) {
cputype = arch . cputype ;
bestArch = NXFindBestFatArch ( cputype , cpusubtype , & arch , 1 ) ;
if ( bestArch = = NULL ) {
err = ESRCH ;
// Create an QMOImage for this file.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = QMOImageCreate ( machHeaderOffset , filePath , false , QMOFileImageMapRange , QMOFileImageUnmapRange , QMOFileImageCreate , QMOFileImageDestroy , ( void * ) ( intptr_t ) fd , qmoImagePtr ) ;
// Clean up. We can safe close fd because QMOFileImageCreate has dup'd it.
if ( ( err ! = 0 ) & & ( fd ! = - 1 ) ) {
junk = close ( fd ) ;
assert ( junk = = 0 ) ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = QMOImageIsValid ( * qmoImagePtr ) ) ;
return err ;
# pragma mark ***** QMOTaskImage
static int QMOTaskImageMapRange (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * * basePtr ,
void * * mapRefConPtr
// The map range callback for remote images. This is much easier now that
// the QTaskMemory takes care of all the Mach rubbish.
// See the comments for QMOMapRangeProc for a discussion of the parameters.
int err ;
task_t task ;
const void * base ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( length > 0 ) ;
assert ( basePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * basePtr = = NULL ) ;
assert ( mapRefConPtr ! = NULL ) ;
task = ( task_t ) ( uintptr_t ) qmoImage - > refCon ;
base = NULL ;
// First try to remap the memory into our address space.
err = QTMRemap ( task , offset , length , & base ) ;
if ( err = = EFAULT ) {
// If the mapping fails, just read the memory. This happens if the address
// is within the system shared region.
assert ( base = = NULL ) ;
err = QTMReadAllocated ( task , offset , length , & base ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
* basePtr = base ;
* mapRefConPtr = NULL ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = ( * basePtr ! = NULL ) ) ;
return err ;
static void QMOTaskImageUnmapRange (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * base ,
void * mapRefCon
// The unmap range callback for remote images.
// See the comments for QMOUnmapRangeProc for a discussion of the parameters.
# pragma unused(offset, mapRefCon)
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( length > 0 ) ;
assert ( base ! = NULL ) ;
QTMFree ( base , length ) ;
bool kQMachOImageTestSelfShortCircuit = true ;
// By changing this variable to false you can disable the short circuit that
// we apply when targetting the local task.
// This is exported for the benefit of the unit test.
extern int QMOImageCreateFromTask (
task_t task ,
QTMAddr machHeader ,
const char * filePath ,
QMOImageRef * qmoImagePtr
// See comment in header.
int err ;
assert ( task ! = MACH_PORT_NULL ) ;
// machHeader could potentially be at zero
// filePath may be NULL
assert ( qmoImagePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * qmoImagePtr = = NULL ) ;
if ( ( task = = mach_task_self ( ) ) & & kQMachOImageTestSelfShortCircuit ) {
err = QMOImageCreateFromLocalImage ( ( const struct mach_header * ) ( uintptr_t ) machHeader , filePath , qmoImagePtr ) ;
} else {
err = QMOImageCreate ( machHeader , filePath , true , QMOTaskImageMapRange , QMOTaskImageUnmapRange , NULL , NULL , ( void * ) ( uintptr_t ) task , qmoImagePtr ) ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = QMOImageIsValid ( * qmoImagePtr ) ) ;
return err ;
static int FindTaskDyldWithNonNativeRetry ( task_t task , cpu_type_t cputype , QTMAddr * dyldAddrPtr ) ;
// forward declaration
extern int QMOImageCreateFromTaskDyld (
task_t task ,
cpu_type_t cputype ,
QMOImageRef * qmoImagePtr
// See comment in header.
int err ;
QMOImageRef qmoImage ;
QTMAddr dyldAddr ;
assert ( task ! = MACH_PORT_NULL ) ;
assert ( qmoImagePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * qmoImagePtr = = NULL ) ;
qmoImage = NULL ;
// Find dyld within the task and then create a remote image based on that.
// Seems easy huh? No way.
err = FindTaskDyldWithNonNativeRetry ( task , cputype , & dyldAddr ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = QMOImageCreateFromTask ( task , dyldAddr , NULL , & qmoImage ) ;
// In the case of dyld, we assume that the dynamic linker ID is the file path.
// It's hard to get the dynamic linker ID before we create the image, so we create
// the image with a NULL filePath and then fill it in afterwards. If this
// fails, I leave the file path set to NULL; I don't consider this failure
// bad enough to warrant failing the entire routine.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
const struct dylinker_command * dyldCommand ;
const char * filePath ;
assert ( qmoImage - > filePath = = NULL ) ;
filePath = NULL ;
dyldCommand = ( const struct dylinker_command * ) QMOImageFindLoadCommandByID (
qmoImage ,
) ;
if ( dyldCommand ! = NULL ) {
filePath = ( ( const char * ) dyldCommand ) + QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , dyldCommand - > name . offset ) ;
if ( filePath ! = NULL ) {
qmoImage - > filePath = strdup ( filePath ) ;
assert ( qmoImage - > filePath ! = NULL ) ;
// Copy result out to client.
* qmoImagePtr = qmoImage ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = QMOImageIsValid ( * qmoImagePtr ) ) ;
return err ;
# pragma mark ***** QMOLocalImage
static int QMOLocalImageMapRange (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * * basePtr ,
void * * mapRefConPtr
// The map range callback for local images. This one is easy (-:
// See the comments for QMOMapRangeProc for a discussion of the parameters.
int err ;
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( length > 0 ) ;
assert ( basePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * basePtr = = NULL ) ;
assert ( mapRefConPtr ! = NULL ) ;
* basePtr = ( const void * ) ( uintptr_t ) offset ;
* mapRefConPtr = NULL ;
err = 0 ;
assert ( ( err = = 0 ) = = ( * basePtr ! = NULL ) ) ;
return err ;
static void QMOLocalImageUnmapRange (
QMOImage * qmoImage ,
QTMAddr offset ,
QTMAddr length ,
const void * base ,
void * mapRefCon
// The unmap range callback for local images.
// See the comments for QMOUnmapRangeProc for a discussion of the parameters.
# pragma unused(offset, mapRefCon)
assert ( qmoImage ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( length > 0 ) ;
assert ( base ! = NULL ) ;
// do nothing
extern int QMOImageCreateFromLocalImage (
const struct mach_header * machHeader ,
const char * filePath ,
QMOImageRef * qmoImagePtr
// See comment in header.
// machHeader could potentially be at zero
// filePath may be NULL
assert ( qmoImagePtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * qmoImagePtr = = NULL ) ;
return QMOImageCreate ( ( QTMAddr ) ( uintptr_t ) machHeader , filePath , true , QMOLocalImageMapRange , QMOLocalImageUnmapRange , NULL , NULL , NULL , qmoImagePtr ) ;
# pragma mark ***** Finding dyld
// This stuff is fairly well commented in the routines comments. Start with
// the comments for FindTaskDyldWithNonNativeRetry.
// In the debug version, we support an environment variable that logs progress
// for our dyld search. This is nice because is can be hard to debug otherwise
// (for example, when you're running PowerPC program using Rosetta).
# if defined(NDEBUG)
static inline bool LogDyldSearch ( void )
return false ;
# else
static bool LogDyldSearch ( void )
static bool sInited = false ;
static bool sLogDyldSearch = false ;
if ( ! sInited ) {
sLogDyldSearch = ( getenv ( " QMACHOIMAGE_LOG_DYLD_SEARCH " ) ! = NULL ) ;
sInited = true ;
return sLogDyldSearch ;
# endif
static const char * GetLocalDyldPath ( void )
// Get the path for the dyld associated with the current task.
// We do this by iterating through the list of images in the
// current task looking for the main executable's image (whose
// file type is MH_EXECUTE). In that we look for the
// LC_LOAD_DYLINKER load command, which contains the path to the
// dynamic linker requested by this image.
int err ;
uint32_t imageCount ;
uint32_t imageIndex ;
const struct mach_header * thisImage ;
static const char * sCachedResult = NULL ;
if ( sCachedResult = = NULL ) {
// Iterate the images in the current process looking for the main
// executable image (MH_EXECUTE).
imageCount = _dyld_image_count ( ) ;
for ( imageIndex = 0 ; imageIndex < imageCount ; imageIndex + + ) {
compile_time_assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , filetype ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header , filetype ) ) ;
thisImage = _dyld_get_image_header ( imageIndex ) ;
if ( thisImage - > filetype = = MH_EXECUTE ) { // no need to byte swap because this is local only
QMOImageRef qmoImage ;
const struct dylinker_command * loadDyldCmd ;
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " GetLocalDyldPath: Found executable at %p. \n " , thisImage ) ;
// Within the main executable image, look for the LC_LOAD_DYLINKER
// load command. Extract the dyld's path from that.
qmoImage = NULL ;
err = QMOImageCreateFromLocalImage (
thisImage ,
& qmoImage
) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
loadDyldCmd = ( const struct dylinker_command * ) QMOImageFindLoadCommandByID (
qmoImage ,
) ;
if ( loadDyldCmd ! = NULL ) {
sCachedResult = ( ( ( const char * ) loadDyldCmd ) + loadDyldCmd - > name . offset ) ; // no need to byte swap because this is local only
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " GetLocalDyldPath: Local dyld is '%s'. \n " , sCachedResult ) ;
QMOImageDestroy ( qmoImage ) ;
break ;
return sCachedResult ;
static QTMAddr GetLocalDyldAddr ( void )
// Get the address that the current task /intended/ to load
// dyld. That is, get the default load address of the dyld
// requested by the current task. So, if the dyld was slid,
// this returns that address that it wanted to load at.
// If anything goes wrong, return 0. The caller can either
// ignore the error, or specifically check for 0, which is a
// very improbable load address for dyld.
int err ;
const char * dyldPath ;
QMOImageRef qmoImage ;
struct segment_command_64 textSeg ;
static QTMAddr sCachedResult = 0 ;
if ( sCachedResult = = 0 ) {
qmoImage = NULL ;
// Get the path to the current task's dyld, using a hard-wired
// default if any goes wrong.
dyldPath = GetLocalDyldPath ( ) ;
if ( dyldPath = = NULL ) {
dyldPath = " /usr/lib/dyld " ;
// Create a file-based QMOImage from that, and then look up the __TEXT
// segment's vmaddr. Note that, if dyld is fat, QMOImageCreateFromFile
// will use the architecture that matches the local architecture (if
// possible).
err = QMOImageCreateFromFile ( dyldPath , CPU_TYPE_ANY , 0 , & qmoImage ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = QMOImageGetSegmentByName ( qmoImage , " __TEXT " , NULL , & textSeg ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
sCachedResult = textSeg . vmaddr ;
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " GetLocalDyldAddr: Local dyld is at %p; based on fat file member with CPU type/subtype of %#x/%#x. \n " , ( void * ) ( uintptr_t ) sCachedResult , ( int ) QMOImageGetCPUType ( qmoImage ) , ( int ) QMOImageGetCPUSubType ( qmoImage ) ) ;
// Clean up.
QMOImageDestroy ( qmoImage ) ;
return sCachedResult ;
static bool IsDyldAtAddress ( task_t task , cpu_type_t cputype , QTMAddr addr , vm_prot_t prot )
// Returns true if the address within the specified task looks
// like it points to dyld. We first check that prot is what we'd
// expect for dydl. Then we read a mach_header from the
// address and check its magic, filetype, and cputype fields.
int err ;
bool result ;
struct mach_header machHeader ;
assert ( task ! = MACH_PORT_NULL ) ;
result = false ;
compile_time_assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , magic ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header , magic ) ) ;
compile_time_assert ( offsetof ( struct mach_header_64 , filetype ) = = offsetof ( struct mach_header , filetype ) ) ;
if ( ( prot & ( VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE ) ) = = ( VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE ) ) {
err = QTMRead ( task , addr , sizeof ( machHeader ) , & machHeader ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
if ( ( machHeader . magic = = MH_MAGIC ) | | ( machHeader . magic = = MH_MAGIC_64 ) ) {
result = true ;
} else if ( ( machHeader . magic = = MH_CIGAM ) | | ( machHeader . magic = = MH_CIGAM_64 ) ) {
machHeader . filetype = OSSwapInt32 ( machHeader . filetype ) ;
machHeader . cputype = OSSwapInt32 ( machHeader . cputype ) ;
result = true ;
if ( result ) {
result = ( machHeader . filetype = = MH_DYLINKER ) ;
if ( result ) {
result = ( ( cputype = = CPU_TYPE_ANY ) | | ( cputype = = machHeader . cputype ) ) ;
if ( result ) {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " IsDyldAtAddress: Found dyld at %#llx; CPU type is %#x. \n " , addr , ( int ) machHeader . cputype ) ;
} else {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " IsDyldAtAddress: Mach header at %#llx is dyld but wrong CPU type (wanted %#x, got %#x). \n " , addr , ( int ) cputype , ( int ) machHeader . cputype ) ;
} else {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " IsDyldAtAddress: Mach header at %#llx but not dyld. \n " , addr ) ;
} else {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " IsDyldAtAddress: No Mach header at %#llx. \n " , addr ) ;
} else {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " IsDyldAtAddress: Error %#x reading Mach header at %#llx. \n " , err , addr ) ;
} else {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " IsDyldAtAddress: Skipped region at %#llx because of protection (%d). \n " , addr , ( int ) prot ) ;
return result ;
static int FindTaskDyld ( task_t task , cpu_type_t cputype , QTMAddr * dyldAddrPtr )
// Finds the address of dyld within a given task. Unfortunately, there is
// just no good way to do this because a) the task might have a different
// architecture, which might load dyld at a different address, and
// b) dyld can slide. So, we go hunting for dyld the hard way. We start
// by assuming that dyld loaded in the same place as it loaded in our
// task, which is a very strong heuristic (assuming that the target is the
// same architecture as us, which is also quite likely). If that doesn't pan
// out, we iterate through every memory region in the task look for one that
// starts with something that looks like dyld.
// Yetch!
// This is pretty much the same thing that's done by GDB and vmutils.
int err ;
kern_return_t kr ;
QTMAddr localDyldAddr ;
# if TARGET_CPU_X86 || TARGET_CPU_X86_64
mach_vm_address_t thisRegion ;
# else
vm_address_t thisRegion ;
# endif
assert ( task ! = MACH_PORT_NULL ) ;
assert ( dyldAddrPtr ! = NULL ) ;
// Find our dyld's address and see if the task has dyld at the same address.
localDyldAddr = GetLocalDyldAddr ( ) ;
if ( IsDyldAtAddress ( task , cputype , localDyldAddr , VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE ) ) {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " FindTaskDyld: Got dyld at local address (%#llx). \n " , localDyldAddr ) ;
* dyldAddrPtr = localDyldAddr ;
err = 0 ;
} else {
bool found ;
mach_port_t junkObjName ;
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " FindTaskDyld: Searching for dyld the hard way. \n " ) ;
// Well, that didn't work. Let's look the hard way.
found = false ;
thisRegion = 0 ;
do {
// Because we don't actually look at the pointer size fields of the
// resulting structure, we should just be able to use VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO.
// However, it seems that VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO is not compatible with
// the 64-bit call variant (that is, mach_vm_region as opposed to
// vm_region). I really haven't investigated this properly because the
// workaround is pretty easy: use VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_64 for
// everything. There may be compatibility consequences for this
// (for example, I suspect that VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_COUNT_64 is not
// supported on 10.3). I'll deal with these when I come to them.
// For BOINC changes, See Mach Compatibility comments in QTaskMemory.c
mach_msg_type_number_t infoCount ;
# if TARGET_CPU_X86 || TARGET_CPU_X86_64
mach_vm_size_t thisRegionSize ;
vm_region_basic_info_data_64_t info ;
kr = mach_vm_region (
task ,
& thisRegion ,
& thisRegionSize ,
( vm_region_info_t ) & info ,
& infoCount ,
& junkObjName
) ;
# else
vm_size_t thisRegionSize ;
vm_region_basic_info_data_t info ;
kr = vm_region (
task ,
& thisRegion ,
& thisRegionSize ,
( vm_region_info_t ) & info ,
& infoCount ,
& junkObjName
) ;
# endif
err = QTMErrnoFromMachError ( kr ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
assert ( infoCount = = infoCount ) ;
// We've found dyld if the memory region is read/no-write/execute
// and it starts with a mach_header that looks like dyld.
found = IsDyldAtAddress ( task , cputype , thisRegion , info . protection ) ;
if ( found ) {
* dyldAddrPtr = thisRegion ;
} else {
thisRegion + = thisRegionSize ;
} while ( ( err = = 0 ) & & ! found ) ;
return err ;
static int FindTaskDyldWithNonNativeRetry ( task_t task , cpu_type_t cputype , QTMAddr * dyldAddrPtr )
// A wrapper around FindTaskDyld that handles a nasty edge case. Namely,
// if the client asks for any dyld and the target task is being run using
// Rosetta, try to find the PowerPC dyld first and then, if that fails,
// look for any dyld. This gives an explicit priority to the PowerPC dyld
// for non-native tasks. Without this, you run into problems where a client
// doesn't know the CPU type of the target task (because they haven't connected
// to it yet), tries to connect up, connects up the wrong dyld, and it all
// goes south.
int err ;
assert ( task ! = MACH_PORT_NULL ) ;
assert ( dyldAddrPtr ! = NULL ) ;
if ( ( cputype = = CPU_TYPE_ANY ) & & ! QTMTaskIsNative ( task ) ) {
err = FindTaskDyld ( task , CPU_TYPE_POWERPC , dyldAddrPtr ) ;
if ( err ! = 0 ) {
if ( LogDyldSearch ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " FindTaskDyldWithNonNativeRetry: Failed to find PowerPC dyld; retrying for any dyld. \n " ) ;
err = FindTaskDyld ( task , cputype , dyldAddrPtr ) ;
} else {
err = FindTaskDyld ( task , cputype , dyldAddrPtr ) ;
return err ;
# pragma mark ***** High-Level APIs
extern const char * QMOImageGetLibraryID ( QMOImageRef qmoImage )
// See comment in header.
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
if ( ! qmoImage - > imageIDCached ) {
const struct dylib_command * imageIDCommand ;
imageIDCommand = ( const struct dylib_command * ) QMOImageFindLoadCommandByID (
qmoImage ,
) ;
if ( imageIDCommand ! = NULL ) {
qmoImage - > imageID = ( ( const char * ) imageIDCommand ) + QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , imageIDCommand - > dylib . name . offset ) ;
qmoImage - > imageIDCached = true ;
return qmoImage - > imageID ;
extern int QMOImageIterateSymbols ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , QMOSymbolIteratorProc callback , void * iteratorRefCon )
// See comment in header.
int err ;
const struct symtab_command * symTabCmd ;
uint32_t linkEditSegIndex ;
const char * linkEditSeg ;
uint32_t symCount ;
uint32_t symIndex ;
QTMAddr linkEditFileOffset ;
const char * stringBase ;
const struct nlist * symBase ;
const struct nlist_64 * symBase64 ;
uint32_t nameStringOffset ;
const char * name ;
bool stop ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( callback ! = NULL ) ;
// Do some preparation. Get the LC_SYMTAB command and map the __LINKEDIT segment.
err = 0 ;
symTabCmd = ( const struct symtab_command * ) QMOImageFindLoadCommandByID ( qmoImage , LC_SYMTAB ) ;
if ( symTabCmd = = NULL ) {
err = EINVAL ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = GetSegmentIndexByName ( qmoImage , " __LINKEDIT " , & linkEditSegIndex ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
err = QMOImageMapSegmentByIndex ( qmoImage , linkEditSegIndex , & linkEditSeg ) ;
// Rummage through the these two things to find the symbol list.
if ( err = = 0 ) {
symCount = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , symTabCmd - > nsyms ) ;
// The seg fields of the segments array have already been swapped, so we
// don't need to swap them here.
linkEditFileOffset = qmoImage - > segments [ linkEditSegIndex ] . seg . fileoff ;
stringBase = linkEditSeg + QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , symTabCmd - > stroff ) - linkEditFileOffset ;
symBase = ( const struct nlist * ) ( linkEditSeg + QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , symTabCmd - > symoff ) - linkEditFileOffset ) ;
stop = false ;
if ( qmoImage - > is64Bit ) {
symBase64 = ( const struct nlist_64 * ) symBase ;
for ( symIndex = 0 ; symIndex < symCount ; symIndex + + ) {
nameStringOffset = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , symBase64 [ symIndex ] . n_un . n_strx ) ;
if ( nameStringOffset = = 0 ) {
name = " " ;
} else {
name = stringBase + nameStringOffset ;
err = callback (
qmoImage ,
name ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt8 ( qmoImage , symBase64 [ symIndex ] . n_type ) ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt8 ( qmoImage , symBase64 [ symIndex ] . n_sect ) ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt16 ( qmoImage , symBase64 [ symIndex ] . n_desc ) ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt64 ( qmoImage , symBase64 [ symIndex ] . n_value ) ,
iteratorRefCon ,
& stop
) ;
if ( ( err ! = 0 ) | | stop ) {
break ;
} else {
for ( symIndex = 0 ; symIndex < symCount ; symIndex + + ) {
nameStringOffset = QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , symBase [ symIndex ] . n_un . n_strx ) ;
if ( nameStringOffset = = 0 ) {
name = " " ;
} else {
name = stringBase + nameStringOffset ;
err = callback (
qmoImage ,
name ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt8 ( qmoImage , symBase [ symIndex ] . n_type ) ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt8 ( qmoImage , symBase [ symIndex ] . n_sect ) ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt16 ( qmoImage , symBase [ symIndex ] . n_desc ) ,
QMOImageToLocalUInt32 ( qmoImage , symBase [ symIndex ] . n_value ) ,
iteratorRefCon ,
& stop
) ;
if ( ( err ! = 0 ) | | stop ) {
break ;
return err ;
// SymbolByNameIteratorContext is pointed to be the iteratorRefCon in SymbolByNameIterator.
struct SymbolByNameIteratorContext {
const char * symName ;
QTMAddr symValue ;
bool found ;
} ;
typedef struct SymbolByNameIteratorContext SymbolByNameIteratorContext ;
static int SymbolByNameIterator (
QMOImageRef qmoImage ,
const char * name ,
uint8_t type ,
uint8_t sect ,
uint16_t desc ,
QTMAddr value ,
void * iteratorRefCon ,
bool * stopPtr
// The QMOImageIterateSymbols callback for QMOImageLookupSymbol.
# pragma unused(sect, desc)
int err ;
SymbolByNameIteratorContext * context ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( name ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( stopPtr ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( * stopPtr = = false ) ;
err = 0 ;
// Check it's not a debugging symbol.
if ( ! ( type & N_STAB ) ) {
context = ( SymbolByNameIteratorContext * ) iteratorRefCon ;
// See if the name matches.
if ( strcmp ( name , context - > symName ) = = 0 ) {
// Handle the symbol differently depending on its type.
switch ( type & N_TYPE ) {
case N_ABS :
context - > symValue = value ;
context - > found = true ;
* stopPtr = true ;
break ;
case N_SECT :
context - > symValue = value + qmoImage - > slide ;
context - > found = true ;
* stopPtr = true ;
break ;
case N_INDR :
// *** should handle this, but it's hard
break ;
return err ;
extern int QMOImageLookupSymbol ( QMOImageRef qmoImage , const char * symName , QTMAddr * valuePtr )
// See comment in header.
int err ;
SymbolByNameIteratorContext context ;
assert ( QMOImageIsValid ( qmoImage ) ) ;
assert ( symName ! = NULL ) ;
assert ( valuePtr ! = NULL ) ;
context . symName = symName ;
context . symValue = 0 ;
context . found = false ;
err = QMOImageIterateSymbols ( qmoImage , SymbolByNameIterator , & context ) ;
if ( err = = 0 ) {
if ( context . found ) {
* valuePtr = context . symValue ;
} else {
err = ESRCH ;
return err ;