2018-07-09 10:43:34 +00:00
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
# This file is part of BOINC.
# http://boinc.berkeley.edu
2021-05-31 09:31:25 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2021 University of California
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
# BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with BOINC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Script to create a branded installer such as World Community Grid
## Note 1: This script currently does not have support for "BOINC+VirtualBox.mpkg"
## and "BOINC + VirtualBox.mpkg"
## Usage:
## First a brand description file must be created for the desired brand with the variable below defined
## SHORTBRANDNAME="wcgrid" ##Used to name the branded files and directories in the BOINC_Installer directory
## LONGBRANDNAME="World Community Grid" ##Used to name the installer package
## MANAGERAPPNAME="World Community Grid" ##The name of the branded manager, replaces BOINC Manager
## MANAGERICON="WCGridMgr" ##The icon for the branded manager, replaces BOINCMgr.icns
## SSAVERAPPNAME="World Community Grid" ##The branded screen saver name
## SSAVERPREVIEW="wcgrid.jpg" ##The image used as the preview for the screen saver in system preferences
## SSAVERTHUMBNAIL="wcgrid-thumbnail" ##The image used as the thumbnail for the screen saver in system preferences
## SSAVERLOGO="wcg_ss_logo.jpg" ##The image used in the generic screen saver
## SKINDIR="World Community Grid" ##The branded skin name to use
## UNINSTALLERAPPNAME="Uninstall World Community Grid" ##The name of the uninstaller app
## UNINSTALLERICON="WCGridUninstaller.icns" ##The icon for the branded uninstaller
## INSTALLERAPPNAME="World Community Grid Installer" ##The name of the installer app
## INSTALLERICON="WCGridInstaller.icns" ##The icon for the branded installer
## READMEFILE="WCGrid-ReadMe.rtf" ##The branded readme file
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
## BRANDING_INFO="BrandId=4" ##Info to write into the branding file
2018-07-15 09:20:50 +00:00
## NEWVERSIONCHECKDIR="WCG" ##Where to get nvc_config.xml, empty string if none
## This script expects the skin to be at "./clientgui/skins/${SKINDIR}"
## This script expects the nvc_config.xml file (if any) to be at
## "./win_build/installerv2/redist/${NEWVERSIONCHECKDIR}/nvc_config.xml"
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
## NOTE: This script requires Mac OS 10.6 or later, and uses XCode developer
## tools. So you must have installed XCode Developer Tools on the Mac
## before running this script.
2018-09-20 15:10:26 +00:00
## If you wish to code sign the client, manager, installer and uninstaller,
## create a file ~/BOINCCodeSignIdentities.txt whose first line is the
## application code signing identity and whose second line is the installer
## code signing identity.
## If you wish to also code sign the installer package, add a second line
## to ~/BOINCCodeSignIdentities.txt with the installer code signing identity.
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-07-09 10:43:34 +00:00
## cd to the root directory of the boinc tree, for example:
## cd <path>/boinc
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-07-09 10:43:34 +00:00
## Then invoke this script with the three parts of version number as arguments and the full path
## to the brand description file. For example, if the version is 3.2.1:
## source ./mac_installer/release_brand.sh 3 2 1 ./mac_installer/WCGridInstaller.environment
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
## This will create a directory "BOINC_Installer" in the parent directory of
## the current directory
2018-07-09 10:43:34 +00:00
## For testing only, you can use the development build by adding a fifth argument -dev
## For example, if the version is 3.2.1:
## source /mac_installer/release_brand.sh 3 2 1 ./mac_installer/WCGridInstaller.environment -dev
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-11-06 13:31:12 +00:00
## As of OS 10.14 Mojave, Apple has introduced a new level of security which
## Apple calls "notarization". Under OS 10.14, the only difference is that
## Gatekeeper adds the sentence "Apple checked it for malicious software and
## found none." However, Apple has warned: "In an upcoming release of macOS,
## Gatekeeper will require Developer ID– signed software to be notarized by
## Apple."
## To notarize the installer and uninstaller:
2019-11-08 11:40:22 +00:00
## NOTE: Do not use your normal Apple ID password. You must create an
## app-specific password at https://appleid.apple.com/account/manage.
2018-11-06 13:31:12 +00:00
## - Use the command line tools in Xcode 10 or later
## - Provide valid application & installer code signing identities as above
## - In Terminal":
## $ xcrun altool --notarize-app -t osx -f {path to ...macOSX_x86_64.zip} --primary-bundle-id edu.berkeley.boinc.Installer -u {userID} -p {password}
## - After a few minutes, check whether the notarize-app request succeeded:
## $ xcrun altool --notarization-info {UUID from last step} -u {userID} -p {password}
## - If the notarize-app request succeeded, attach tickets to top level applications:
## $ xcrun stapler staple {path to "...macOSX_x86_64/${INSTALLERAPPNAME}.app"}
## $ xcrun stapler staple {path to "...macOSX_x86_64/extras/${UNINSTALLERAPPNAME}.app"}
## - delete or rename the original ...macOSX_x86_64.zip}
## - Run this ditto command again to create a new ...macOSX_x86_64.zip containing
## the updated (notarized) ${INSTALLERAPPNAME}.app and ${UNINSTALLERAPPNAME}.app:
## $ ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${SHORTBRANDNAME}_$1.$2.$3_macOSX_$arch ${SHORTBRANDNAME}_$1.$2.$3_macOSX_$arch.zip
## - Note: if you are running stapler under OS 10.13 and get an error 68, the local CRL
## cache may have become corrupted. You can resolve this by either running stapler
## under MacOS 10.14 Mojave or by running this command under OS 10.13:
## $ sudo killall -9 trustd; sudo rm /Library/Keychains/crls/valid.sqlite3
## - for more information:
## $ xcrun altool --help
## $ man stapler
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
if [ $# -lt 4 ] ; then
echo "Usage:"
2018-07-09 10:43:34 +00:00
echo " cd <path>/boinc"
echo " source path_to_this_script major_version minor_version revision_number brand_description_file [-dev]"
echo "example:"
echo " source ./mac_installer/release_brand.sh 7 11 0 ./mac_installer/WCGridInstaller.environment"
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
return 1
#source brand description file
if [ ! -f ${ 4 } ] ; then
echo Brand description file ${ 4 } not found
return 1
. ${ 4 }
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
##DarwinVersion=`uname -r`;
##DarwinMajorVersion=`echo $DarwinVersion | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)[.].*/\1/' `;
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
# DarwinMinorVersion=`echo $version | sed 's/[0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' `;
# echo "major = $DarwinMajorVersion"
# echo "minor = $DarwinMinorVersion"
# Darwin version 11.x.y corresponds to OS 10.7.x
# Darwin version 10.x.y corresponds to OS 10.6.x
# Darwin version 8.x.y corresponds to OS 10.4.x
# Darwin version 7.x.y corresponds to OS 10.3.x
# Darwin version 6.x corresponds to OS 10.2.x
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
arch = "x86_64"
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
# XCode 3.x and 4.x use different paths for their build products.
# Our scripts in XCode's script build phase write those paths to
# files to help this release script find the build products.
if [ " $5 " = "-dev" ] ; then
exec 7<"mac_build/Build_Development_Dir"
read -u 7 BUILDPATH
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
exec 7<"mac_build/Build_Deployment_Dir"
read -u 7 BUILDPATH
arch = "x86_64"
Products_Have_x86_64 = "no"
Products_Have_arm64 = "no"
cd " ${ BUILDPATH } "
lipo "BOINCManager.app/Contents/MacOS/BOINCManager" -verify_arch x86_64
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then Products_Have_x86_64 = "yes" ; fi
lipo "BOINCManager.app/Contents/MacOS/BOINCManager" -verify_arch arm64
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then Products_Have_arm64 = "yes" ; fi
2021-05-26 15:51:46 +00:00
if [ $Products_Have_x86_64 = "no" ] && [ $Products_Have_arm64 = "no" ] ; then
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
echo "ERROR: could not determine architecture of BOINC Manager"
2021-05-26 15:51:46 +00:00
if [ $Products_Have_arm64 = "yes" ] ; then
if [ $Products_Have_x86_64 = "yes" ] ; then
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
arch = "universal"
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
arch = "arm64"
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2020-08-02 06:41:58 +00:00
for Executable in "boinc" "boinccmd" "switcher" "setprojectgrp" "boincscr" "BOINCSaver.saver/Contents/MacOS/BOINCSaver" "Uninstall BOINC.app/Contents/MacOS/Uninstall BOINC" "BOINC Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/BOINC Installer" "PostInstall.app/Contents/MacOS/PostInstall"
Have_x86_64 = "no"
Have_arm64 = "no"
lipo " ${ Executable } " -verify_arch x86_64
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then Have_x86_64 = "yes" ; fi
lipo " ${ Executable } " -verify_arch arm64
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then Have_arm64 = "yes" ; fi
if [ $Have_x86_64 != $Products_Have_x86_64 ] || [ $Have_arm64 != $Products_Have_arm64 ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Architecture mismatch: BOINC Manager and " " ${ Executable } "
return 1
cd " ${ BOINCPath } "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/locale
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/expandedVBox
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates
cp -fp mac_installer/License.rtf ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/
cp -fp mac_installer/${ READMEFILE } ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/ReadMe.rtf
2018-06-28 14:22:38 +00:00
cp -fp mac_installer/complist.plist ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/complist.plist
sed -i "" s/BOINCManager.app/" ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app " /g ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/complist.plist
sed -i "" s/BOINCSaver.saver/" ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver " /g ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/complist.plist
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-28 14:22:38 +00:00
cp -fp mac_installer/myDistribution ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/myDistribution
sed -i "" s/BOINCManager.app/" ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app " /g ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/myDistribution
sed -i "" s/BOINCSaver.saver/" ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver " /g ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/myDistribution
sed -i "" s/"BOINC Manager" /" ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } " /g ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/myDistribution
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
# Update version number
sed -i "" s/"<VER_NUM>" /" $1 . $2 . $3 " /g ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/ReadMe.rtf
sed -i "" s/"x.y.z" /" $1 . $2 . $3 " /g ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates/myDistribution
#### We don't customize BOINC Data directory name for branding
cp -fp mac_installer/preinstall ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/
cp -fp mac_installer/preinstall ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/preupgrade
cp -fp mac_installer/postinstall ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/
cp -fp mac_installer/postupgrade ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen\ Savers
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/locale
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/switcher
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/skins
# We must create virtualbox directory so installer will set up its
# ownership and permissions correctly, because vboxwrapper won't
# have permission to set owner to boinc_master.
#mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/projects/virtualbox
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /switcher " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/switcher/
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /setprojectgrp " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/switcher/
cd " ${ BOINCPath } /clientgui/skins "
cp -fpRL Default ../../../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/skins/
cp -fpRL " ${ SKINDIR } " ../../../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/skins/
cd " ${ BOINCPath } "
cp -fp curl/ca-bundle.crt ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/
cp -fp win_build/installerv2/redist/all_projects_list.xml ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/installer_projects_list.xml
2018-07-14 11:59:06 +00:00
if [ -n " ${ NEWVERSIONCHECKDIR } " ] ; then
2018-07-15 10:24:59 +00:00
cp -fp " win_build/installerv2/redist/ ${ NEWVERSIONCHECKDIR } /nvc_config.xml " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/nvc_config.xml
2018-07-14 11:59:06 +00:00
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
cp -fp clientscr/res/boinc_logo_black.jpg ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/
cp -fp api/ttf/liberation-fonts-ttf-2.00.0/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf
cp -fp clientscr/ss_config.xml ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /boincscr " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/
2021-05-31 09:31:25 +00:00
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /detect_rosetta_cpu " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /BOINCManager.app/. " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/ "
sed -i "" s/BOINCManager/" ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Info.plist "
sed -i "" s/BOINCMgr/" ${ MANAGERICON } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Info.plist "
mv " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/MacOS/BOINCManager " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/MacOS/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } "
cp -fpRL clientgui/res/${ MANAGERICON } .icns " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/ "
rm -rf " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/BOINCMgr.icns "
sed -i "" s/"BOINC Manager" /" ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings "
2018-06-28 14:22:38 +00:00
echo ${ BRANDING_INFO } > " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/Branding "
echo ${ BRANDING_INFO } > ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/Branding
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
## OS 10.6 and OS10.7 require screensavers built with Garbage Collection, but Xcode 5.0.2
## was the last version of Xcode which supported building with Garbage Collection, so we
## have saved the screensaver executable with GC as a binary. Add it to the screen saver
## passed to the BOINC installer. At install time, he BOINC installer will select the
2018-11-06 13:31:12 +00:00
## correct binary for the version of OS X and delete the other one. This script assumes
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
## that $BUILDPATH/BOINCSaver.saver was built to use Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
## and not built to use GC.
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /BOINCSaver.saver/. " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/ "
ditto -xk ./clientscr/BOINCSaver_MacOS10_6_7.zip " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/MacOS "
mv " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/MacOS/BOINCSaver " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/MacOS/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } "
sed -i "" s/BOINCSaver/" ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Info.plist "
cp -fpRL clientscr/res/${ SSAVERPREVIEW } " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Resources/boinc.jpg "
cp -fpRL clientscr/res/${ SSAVERTHUMBNAIL } .png " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Resources/thumbnail.png "
2018-06-28 14:22:38 +00:00
cp -fpRL clientscr/res/${ SSAVERTHUMBNAIL } \@ 2x.png " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Resources/thumbnail@2x.png "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
cp -fpRL clientscr/res/${ SSAVERLOGO } " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Resources/boinc_ss_logo.png "
cp -fpRL clientscr/res/${ SSAVERLOGO } ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/
sed -i "" s/BOINC/" ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings "
## Copy the localization files into the installer tree
## Old way copies CVS and *.po files which are not needed
## cp -fpRL locale/ ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/locale
## sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/BOINC\ Data/locale/CVS
## New way copies only *.mo files (adapted from boinc/sea/make-tar.sh)
find locale -name '*.mo' | cut -d '/' -f 2 | awk '{print "\"../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/locale/"$0"\""}' | xargs mkdir -p
find locale -name '*.mo' | cut -d '/' -f 2,3 | awk '{print "cp \"locale/"$0"\" \"../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/locale/"$0"\""}' | bash
## Fix up ownership and permissions
sudo chown -R root:admin ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/*
sudo chmod -R u+rw,g+rw,o+r-w ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/*
sudo chmod 1775 ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library
sudo chown -R 501:admin ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/*
sudo chmod -R u+rw,g+r-w,o+r-w ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application\ Support/*
sudo chown -R root:admin ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/*
sudo chown -R root:admin ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/*
sudo chmod -R u+rw,g+r-w,o+r-w ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/*
sudo chmod -R u+rw,g+r-w,o+r-w ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/*
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_SymbolTables
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fp ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/ReadMe.rtf ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch
sudo chown -R 501:admin ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /ReadMe.rtf
sudo chmod -R 644 ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /ReadMe.rtf
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fp COPYING ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYING.txt
sudo chown -R 501:admin ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYING.txt
sudo chmod -R 644 ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYING.txt
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fp COPYING.LESSER ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYING.LESSER.txt
sudo chown -R 501:admin ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYING.LESSER.txt
sudo chmod -R 644 ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYING.LESSER.txt
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fp COPYRIGHT ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYRIGHT.txt
sudo chown -R 501:admin ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYRIGHT.txt
sudo chmod -R 644 ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch /extras/COPYRIGHT.txt
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /Uninstall BOINC.app/. " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/ "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
# Copy the localization files for the uninstaller into its bundle
find locale -name 'BOINC-Setup.mo' | cut -d '/' -f 2 | awk '{print "\"../BOINC_Installer/locale/"$0"\""}' | xargs mkdir -p
find locale -name 'BOINC-Setup.mo' | cut -d '/' -f 2,3 | awk '{print "cp \"locale/"$0"\" \"../BOINC_Installer/locale/"$0"\""}' | bash
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
sudo cp -fpRL ../BOINC_Installer/locale " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources "
sed -i "" s/"Uninstall BOINC" /" ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Info.plist "
sed -i "" s/"MacUninstaller" /" ${ UNINSTALLERICON } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Info.plist "
mv " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/MacOS/Uninstall BOINC " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/MacOS/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } "
sed -i "" s/"Uninstall BOINC" /" ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings "
cp -fpRL ./clientgui/res/${ UNINSTALLERICON } .icns " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/ "
rm -rf " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/MacUninstaller.icns "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
sudo chown -R root:admin " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app "
sudo chmod -R u+r-w,g+r-w,o+r-w " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
# Copy the installer wrapper application "BOINC Installer.app"
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /BOINC Installer.app/. " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/ "
sed -i "" s/"BOINC Installer" /" ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Info.plist "
sed -i "" s/"MacInstaller" /" ${ INSTALLERICON } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Info.plist "
cp -fpRL ./clientgui/res/${ INSTALLERICON } .icns " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/ "
rm -rf " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/MacInstaller.icns "
mv " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/MacOS/BOINC Installer " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/MacOS/ ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } "
sed -i "" s/"BOINC Installer" /" ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } " /g " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fpR " ${ BUILDPATH } /PostInstall.app " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
echo ${ BRANDING_INFO } > " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/PostInstall.app/Contents/Resources/Branding "
cp -fpRL ./clientgui/res/${ INSTALLERICON } .icns " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/PostInstall.app/Contents/Resources/MacInstaller.icns "
2018-06-27 19:19:58 +00:00
2018-11-06 13:31:12 +00:00
## If you wish to code sign the client, manager, installer and uninstaller,
## create a file ~/BOINCCodeSignIdentities.txt whose first line is the
## application code signing identity and whose second line is the installer
## code signing identity.
## If you wish to also code sign the installer package, add a second line
## to ~/BOINCCodeSignIdentities.txt with the installer code signing identity.
## Code signing using a registered Apple Developer ID is necessary for GateKeeper
## with default settings to allow running downloaded applications under OS 10.8
## Although code signing the installer application is sufficient to satisfy
## GateKeeper, OS X's software firewall can interfere with RPCs between the
## client and manager. Signing them may make this less likely to be a problem.
if [ -e " ${ HOME } /BOINCCodeSignIdentities.txt " ] ; then
exec 8<" ${ HOME } /BOINCCodeSignIdentities.txt "
# Code Sign the switcher utility if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " "../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/switcher/switcher"
# Code Sign the setprojectgrp utility if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " "../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/switcher/setprojectgrp"
# Code Sign the boincscr graphics app if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " "../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/boincscr"
2021-05-31 09:31:25 +00:00
# Code Sign the detect_rosetta_cpu helper app if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " "../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/detect_rosetta_cpu"
2018-11-06 13:31:12 +00:00
# Code Sign the BOINC screensaver code for OS 10.6 and OS 10.7 if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/MacOS/BOINCSaver_MacOS10_6_7 "
# Code Sign the gfx_switcher utility embedded in BOINC screensaver if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Resources/gfx_switcher "
2019-11-08 11:40:22 +00:00
# Code Sign the gfx_cleanup utility embedded in BOINC screensaver if we have a signing identity
2019-12-20 12:01:30 +00:00
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/Contents/Resources/gfx_cleanup "
2019-11-08 11:40:22 +00:00
2018-11-06 13:31:12 +00:00
# Code Sign the BOINC screensaver code for OS 10.8 and later if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Library/Screen Savers/ ${ SSAVERAPPNAME } .saver/ "
# Code Sign the BOINC client embedded in the Manager if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/boinc "
# Code Sign the BOINC Manager if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root/Applications/ ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app "
# Code Sign boinc_finish_install app embedded in the PostInstall app if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/PostInstall.app/Contents/Resources/boinc_finish_install "
# Code Sign the PostInstall app embedded in the BOINC installer app if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/PostInstall.app "
# Code Sign boinc_finish_install app embedded in BOINC uninstaller app if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/boinc_finish_install "
# Code Sign the BOINC uninstaller app if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch /extras/ ${ UNINSTALLERAPPNAME } .app "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
# Build the installer package inside the wrapper application's bundle
cd "../BOINC_Installer/Installer templates"
pkgbuild --quiet --scripts "../Installer Scripts" --ownership recommended --identifier edu.berkeley.boinc --root "../Pkg_Root" --component-plist "./complist.plist" "./BOINC.pkg"
if [ -n " ${ INSTALLERSIGNINGIDENTITY } " ] ; then
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
productbuild --sign " ${ INSTALLERSIGNINGIDENTITY } " --quiet --resources "../Installer Resources/" --version " ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } $1 . $2 . $3 " --distribution "./myDistribution" " ../New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/ ${ LONGBRANDNAME } .pkg "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
productbuild --quiet --resources "../Installer Resources/" --version " ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } $1 . $2 . $3 " --distribution "./myDistribution" " ../New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app/Contents/Resources/ ${ LONGBRANDNAME } .pkg "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
cd " ${ BOINCPath } "
# Build the stand-alone client distribution
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fpRL mac_build/Mac_SA_Insecure.sh ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/
cp -fpRL mac_build/Mac_SA_Secure.sh ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/
cp -fpRL COPYING ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/COPYING.txt
cp -fpRL COPYING.LESSER ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/COPYING.LESSER.txt
cp -fpRL COPYRIGHT ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/COPYRIGHT.txt
cp -fp mac_installer/License.rtf ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/
sudo chown -R 501:admin ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/*
sudo chmod -R 644 ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/*
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /boinc " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /boinccmd " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/
2021-05-31 09:31:25 +00:00
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /detect_rosetta_cpu " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cp -fpRL curl/ca-bundle.crt ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
mkdir -p ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/switcher
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /switcher " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/switcher/
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /setprojectgrp " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/switcher/
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
sudo chown -R root:admin ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/*
sudo chmod -R u+rw-s,g+r-ws,o+r-w ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/*
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2020-03-04 11:00:44 +00:00
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /boinc.dSYM " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_SymbolTables/
cp -fpRL " ${ BUILDPATH } /BOINCManager.app.dSYM " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3 /${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_SymbolTables/" ${ MANAGERAPPNAME } .app.dSYM "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
## If you wish to code sign the installer and uninstaller, create a file
## ~/BOINCCodeSignIdentities.txt whose first line is the code signing identity
## Code signing using a registered Apple Developer ID is necessary for GateKeeper
## with default settings to allow running downloaded applications under OS 10.8
if [ -n " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " ] ; then
# Code Sign the BOINC installer application if we have a signing identity
2018-11-06 13:31:12 +00:00
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _macOSX_ $arch / ${ INSTALLERAPPNAME } .app "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2021-05-31 09:31:25 +00:00
# Code Sign the stand-alone bare core boinc client if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinc "
# Code Sign detect_rosetta_cpu for the stand-alone boinc client if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/detect_rosetta_cpu "
# Code Sign setprojectgrp for the stand-alone boinc client if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/switcher/setprojectgrp "
# Code Sign switcher for the stand-alone boinc client if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/switcher/switcher "
if [ $arch = "universal" ] ; then
# Workaround for code signing problem under Xcode 12.2:
# Code sign each architecture separately then combine into a uiversal binary
lipo " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd " -thin x86_64 -output " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-x86_64 "
lipo " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd " -thin arm64 -output " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-arm64 "
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-x86_64 "
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-arm64 "
rm -f " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd "
lipo " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-x86_64 " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-arm64 " -create -output " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd "
rm -f " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-x86_64 "
rm -f " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd-arm64 "
# Code Sign boinccmd for the stand-alone boinc client if we have a signing identity
sudo codesign -f -o runtime -s " ${ APPSIGNINGIDENTITY } " " ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_ ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 _ $2 _ $3 / ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _ $1 . $2 . $3 _ $arch -apple-darwin/move_to_boinc_dir/boinccmd "
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
2018-06-29 08:13:16 +00:00
cd ../BOINC_Installer/New_Release_${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 _$2 _$3
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
## Make everything in directory user-writable so project web code using auto-attach
## can delete it after inflating, modifying installer name and recompressing it.
sudo chmod -R u+w ./${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch
## Use ditto instead of zip utility to preserve resource forks and Finder attributes (custom icon, hide extension)
ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_$arch .zip
ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin.zip
ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_SymbolTables ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _macOSX_SymbolTables.zip
2021-05-31 09:31:25 +00:00
hdiutil create -srcfolder ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin -ov -format UDZO ${ SHORTBRANDNAME } _$1 .$2 .$3 _$arch -apple-darwin.dmg
2018-06-26 12:54:56 +00:00
cd " ${ BOINCPath } "
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Resources/
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ Scripts/
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Pkg_Root
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/locale
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/Installer\ templates
sudo rm -dfR ../BOINC_Installer/expandedVBox
return 0