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548 lines
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This file is part of RemoteBOINC.
Copyright (C) 2010 Toni Giorgino, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
RemoteBOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RemoteBOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with BOINC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# $Id: boinc_retrieve.pl 356 2010-03-02 15:00:31Z toni $
use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin); # where was script installed?
use lib $FindBin::Bin; # use that dir for libs, too
use lib "$Bin/lib/$]";
use Getopt::Long qw(:config ignore_case auto_help);
use XML::Simple;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use HTTP::DAV;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use File::Basename;
use Pod::Usage;
use Error qw(:try);
use constant XMLROOT => "BoincRemote";
require qw(boinc_lib.pl);
# Constant, relative to url
my $cgi_retrieve="boinc_retrieve_server.pl";
# ----------------
# Parsing command line
my $group='';
my $name='';
my $into='',
our $verbose='';
my $quiet='';
my $keep='';
my $purge='';
my $stop='';
my $status='';
my $gridstatus='';
my $help='';
my $url=$ENV{RBOINC_URL};
my $user=$ENV{USER};
my $email='';
my $authenticator='';
'group=s' => \$group,
'name=s' => \$name,
'into=s' => \$into,
'verbose' => \$verbose,
'quiet' => \$quiet,
'keep' => \$keep,
'purge' => \$purge,
'stop' => \$stop,
'status' => \$status,
'gridstatus' => \$gridstatus,
'help' => \$help,
'url=s' => \$url,
'user=s' => \$user,
'email=s' => \$email,
'authenticator=s' => \$authenticator,
) or die "Error parsing command line";
pod2usage(1) if $help;
# ----------------
# Check arguments
checkMandatoryArguments(["group","url"]) or exit 1;
my $cgi_url = "$url/$cgi_retrieve";
# ----------------
# Authentication TODO
# ----------------
# Remote action invocation
if($purge) {
} elsif($stop) {
} elsif($status) {
} elsif($gridstatus) {
} else {
# Handle purge action
sub handlePurge {
if($into) {
print STDERR "Action --purge deletes only. It makes no sense in combination with --into.\n";
exit 1;
confirmOrDie("The operation will IRREVERSIBLY delete results from the server.\n".
"Note: You won't be able to submit new WUs with equal names until old ones\nwill be pending in the server (check with -gridstatus).\nConfirm? ");
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'purge',group=>$group,name=>$name});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
# Handle stop action
sub handleStop {
if($into || $name) {
print STDERR "Action --stop makes no sense in combination with --into or --name.\n";
confirmOrDie("The operation will IRREVERSIBLY stop the WU. Results can still be retrieved. Confirm? ");
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'stop',group=>$group});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
# Handle status action
sub handleStatus {
if($into || $name) {
print STDERR "Action --status makes no sense in combination with --into or --name.\n";
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'status',group=>$group});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
my $steps=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{StepList};
my %st=%$steps;
foreach my $n (keys %st) {
my $nn=$n; # strip "bin_"
print "$nn\t".$st{$n}."\n";
# Handle status action
sub handleGridStatus {
if($into || $name) {
print STDERR "Action --gridstatus makes no sense in combination with --into or --name.\n";
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'gridstatus'});
my $message=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Message};
print "Success. Message from server: $message\n";
my $list=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{content};
print "$list\n";
# Handle retrieve action
sub handleRetrieve {
# ----------------
# Change dir and fail early
if($into) {
chdir $into or do {
print STDERR "Cannot chdir to -into directory `$into': $!\n";
exit 1;
# ----------------
# Invoke RMI
my $xmlcontent=invokeRMI({action=>'retrieve',group=>$group,name=>$name});
# ----------------
# Check outcome
my $rfilelist=$xmlcontent->{FileList}->{File};
if(!$rfilelist) {
die "No files ready for retrieval.\n";
my $dav_dir=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{Directory};
if(!$dav_dir) {
die "Error requesting download location";
my $aliasTable=$xmlcontent->{AliasTable};
my $finalOutputs=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{FinalOutputs};
my $nMeta=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{MetadataFileCount};
# ----------------
# Download
logInfo("Requesting the DAV address");
my $dav_url=getDavUrl($cgi_url);
logInfo("Connecting to DAV server");
my $dav = new HTTP::DAV;
$dav->open( -url=> $dav_url )
or die("Couldn’t open $dav_url: " .$dav->message . "\n");
or die("Couldn’t set remote directory $dav_dir: " .$dav->message . "\n");
my $ndone=0;
my $nskip=0;
my @skiplist=();
my $nexpected=scalar @$rfilelist;
foreach my $fn (@$rfilelist) {
if( fileOrAliasExists($fn,$aliasTable) ) {
if(!$quiet && $nskip==0) {
print "Warning: some files are present locally and will not be overwritten.\n";
push @skiplist,$fn;
} else {
$dav->get(-url => $fn,
-to => ".") and
if(!$quiet) {
local $|=1;
print sprintf("Retrieved $ndone, already present $nskip, out of $nexpected (% 3d%%)\r",100.*($ndone+$nskip)/$nexpected);
if($verbose) {
print "The following files were not overwritten: @skiplist\n";
print "Successfully retrieved $ndone, already present $nskip, out of $nexpected ($nMeta metadata).\n";
# ----------------
# Request deletion of remote files
if(! $keep) {
logInfo("Going to remove retrieved files");
try {
my $nremoved=$xmlcontent->{Success}->{NumberRemoved};
my $nkept= $xmlcontent->{Success}->{NumberKept} ;
if(!$quiet) {
print "Removed $nremoved server files, $nkept were too recent to remove.\n";
} catch Error with {
my $ex=shift;
my $mess=$ex->text();
print STDERR "Error requesting removal of remote files: $mess; continuing.\n";
# ----------------
# Finalize
logInfo("Removing retrieval directory");
foreach my $fn (@$rfilelist) {
$dav->delete(-url => $fn);
# Check if file exists in current directory (1st arg), checking both
# the literal file name and its aliases, appending extensions
# described in the alias list (2nd arg)
sub fileOrAliasExists {
my $fn=shift;
my $at=shift;
logInfo("Testing existence of $fn...");
if(-e $fn) {
logInfo("...is there");
return 1;
# Extract trailing number
my $fileExt=$1;
# iterate over the alias list
my $rAliasList=$at->{File};
foreach my $curAlias ( @$rAliasList ) {
if($curAlias->{Extension} eq "_$fileExt") {
# if alias for current extension, check appending all extensions
my $rExtList=$curAlias->{Alias};
foreach my $extToTest (@$rExtList) {
logInfo("Testing existence of $fn + $extToTest...");
if(-e $fn.$extToTest) {
logInfo("...is there");
return 1;
return 0;
# ########################################
# Misc. utility functions, shared by all handlers
# ----------------
# Ask for positive confirmation, or throw exception.
sub confirmOrDie {
my $answer=promptUser(shift,"N");
die "Operation aborted." if($answer !~ /^[yY]/ );
# ----------------
# Performs the remote method invokation, die-ing on failure
# Returns a parsed XML structure or throws an exception.
# Will use the $user global variable
sub invokeRMI {
my $params=shift;
logInfo("Invoking CGI");
my $xmlcontent;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $response = $ua->post( $cgi_url,
$params );
if($response->is_success) {
my $content = $response->content;
if($verbose) {
print "Response received:\n";
print $content;
} else {
my $reason=$response->status_line;
die "Error in POST from remote: $reason. Server may be down.\n";
if($xmlcontent->{Failure}) {
die "Server error message: $xmlcontent->{Failure}->{Reason}";
} elsif(!$xmlcontent->{Success}) {
die "Undefined state returned. This is a bug.";
# Check if the calling environment has all the given variables
# defined. If not, print one of them. Else, return false. These are
# passed as string in order to be able to be able to print their name.
# Sadly, must be duplicated because otherwise does not have access to
# scope.
sub checkMandatoryArguments {
my $l=shift;
foreach my $f (@$l) {
if(! eval('$'."$f")) {
print STDERR "Missing mandatory argument: $f. See -help.\n";
return 0;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
boinc_retrieve - Retrieving and administering remote boinc jobs
boinc_retrieve [options]
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 Mandatory parameters
=begin text
-group GROUP The simulation group to be retrieved
=end text
=head2 Modifiers
=begin text
-name NAME Retrieve only a specific job and its metadata
-into DIR Put files into specified directory (default ".")
-verbose Be verbose
-quiet Hide download progress indicator
-keep Do not remove retrieved files from server
-purge Completely remove GROUP from server (if finished)
-stop Prevent more work to be spawned for a given group
-status Show step numbers for given group
-gridstatus Show resources consumed and statuses for all groups
-help This message
=end text
=head2 Authentication
=begin text
-url URL RBoinc URL contact point (*)
-user NAME Override username [$user]
-email ADDRESS (Not implemented)
-authenticator ID (Not implemented)
(*) You can also use the RBOINC_URL environment variable
For example: http://www.ps3grid.net:8383/rboinc_cgi
=end text
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Toni Giorgino