2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( " ../inc/bolt_db.inc " );
require_once ( " ../inc/util_ops.inc " );
function show_course ( $course ) {
echo " <tr>
< td > Name : $course -> name < br > Description : $course -> description < br > Created : " .date_str( $course->create_time ). " </ td >
< td > $course -> doc_file </ td >
< td >
" ;
if ( $course -> hidden ) {
2008-02-13 19:02:44 +00:00
show_button ( " bolt_admin.php?action=unhide&course_id= $course->id " , " Unhide " , " Unhide this course " );
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
} else {
2008-02-13 19:02:44 +00:00
show_button ( " bolt_admin.php?action=hide&course_id= $course->id " , " Hide " , " Hide this course " );
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
function show_courses () {
$courses = BoltCourse :: enum ();
start_table ();
row1 ( " Existing courses " , 3 );
table_header ( " Name/description " , " Course document " , " " );
foreach ( $courses as $course ) {
show_course ( $course );
end_table ();
function add_course_form () {
echo "
2008-02-13 19:02:44 +00:00
< form action = bolt_admin . php method = get >
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
" ;
start_table ();
row1 ( " Add course " );
row2 ( " Name<span class=note><br>Visible to users</span> " , " <input name=course_name> " );
row2 ( " Internal name<span class=note><br>Not visible to users; used as a directory name, so no spaces or special chars</span> " , " <input name=short_name> " );
row2 ( " Description<span class=note><br>Visible to users</span> " , " <textarea name=description cols=60></textarea> " );
row2 ( " Course document " , " <input name=doc_file> " );
row2 ( " " , " <input type=submit name=submit value= \" Create course \" > " );
end_table ();
echo " </form> " ;
function user_settings () {
global $user ;
$flags = $user -> bolt -> flags ;
2008-02-13 19:02:44 +00:00
echo " <form action=bolt_admin.php method=get> " ;
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
start_table ();
row1 ( " User settings " );
$x = ( $flags & BOLT_FLAGS_SHOW_ALL ) ? " checked " : " " ;
row2 ( " Show hidden courses? " , " <input type=checkbox name=show_all $x > " );
$x = ( $flags & BOLT_FLAGS_DEBUG ) ? " checked " : " " ;
row2 ( " Show debugging output? " , " <input type=checkbox name=debug $x > " );
row2 ( " " , " <input type=submit name=submit value= \" Update user \" > " );
end_table ();
echo " </form> " ;
function show_all () {
admin_page_head ( " Bolt course administration " );
show_courses ();
echo " <p> " ;
add_course_form ();
echo " <p> " ;
user_settings ();
admin_page_tail ();
$user = get_logged_in_user ();
BoltUser :: lookup ( $user );
$submit = get_str ( 'submit' , true );
if ( $submit == 'Create course' ) {
2008-02-05 21:26:43 +00:00
$short_name = BoltDb :: escape_string ( get_str ( 'short_name' ));
$name = BoltDb :: escape_string ( get_str ( 'course_name' ));
$description = BoltDb :: escape_string ( get_str ( 'description' ));
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
$doc_file = get_str ( 'doc_file' );
$now = time ();
BoltCourse :: insert ( " (create_time, short_name, name, description, doc_file) values ( $now , ' $short_name ', ' $name ', ' $description ', ' $doc_file ') " );
2008-02-13 19:02:44 +00:00
Header ( 'Location: bolt_admin.php' );
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
exit ();
} else if ( $submit == 'Update user' ) {
$flags = 0 ;
if ( get_str ( 'show_all' , true )) $flags |= BOLT_FLAGS_SHOW_ALL ;
if ( get_str ( 'debug' , true )) $flags |= BOLT_FLAGS_DEBUG ;
$user -> bolt -> update ( " flags= $flags " );
$user -> bolt -> flags = $flags ;
2008-02-13 19:02:44 +00:00
Header ( 'Location: bolt_admin.php' );
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
exit ();
} else {
$action = get_str ( 'action' , true );
if ( $action ) {
$course_id = get_int ( 'course_id' );
$course = BoltCourse :: lookup_id ( $course_id );
if ( ! $course ) error_page ( " no such course " );
switch ( $action ) {
case 'hide' :
$course -> update ( " hidden=1 " );
break ;
case 'unhide' :
$course -> update ( " hidden=0 " );
break ;
default :
error_page ( " unknown action $action " );
2008-02-13 19:02:44 +00:00
Header ( 'Location: bolt_admin.php' );
2008-02-01 23:11:09 +00:00
exit ();
show_all ();