2007-05-07 19:34:45 +00:00
< ? php
2007-05-09 19:30:46 +00:00
$cvs_version_tracker [] = " \$ Id $ " ;
2007-05-07 19:34:45 +00:00
require_once ( " ../inc/forum.inc " );
require_once ( " ../inc/forum_std.inc " );
require_once ( " ../inc/email.inc " );
require_once ( " ../inc/akismet.inc " );
db_init ();
$action = get_str ( " action " , true );
if ( $action == null ) { $action = post_str ( " action " , true ); }
if ( $action == null ) { $action = " inbox " ; }
$logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user ();
if ( $action == " inbox " ) {
page_head ( " Private messages : Inbox " );
pm_header ();
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM private_messages WHERE userid= " . $logged_in_user -> id . " ORDER BY date DESC " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) == 0 ) {
echo " You have no private messages. " ;
} else {
start_table ();
print " <tr><th>Subject</th><th>Sender</th><th>Date</th></tr> \n " ;
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_object ( $query )) {
print " <tr> \n " ;
$subject = " <a href= \" forum_pm.php?action=read&id= " . $row -> id . " \" > " . $row -> subject . " </a> " ;
if ( $row -> opened ) {
print " <td> " . $subject . " </td> \n " ;
} else {
print " <td><strong> " . $subject . " </strong></td> \n " ;
print " <td> " . user_links ( get_user_from_id ( $row -> senderid )) . " </td> \n " ;
print " <td> " . time_str ( $row -> date ) . " </td> \n " ;
print " </tr> \n " ;
end_table ();
} elseif ( $action == " read " ) {
$id = get_int ( " id " );
$message = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM private_messages WHERE id= " . $id . " AND userid= " . $logged_in_user -> id );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $message ) == 0 ) {
error_page ( " No such message. " );
} else {
$message = mysql_fetch_object ( $message );
page_head ( " Private messages : " . $message -> subject );
pm_header ();
$options = new output_options ;
start_table ();
echo " <tr><th>Subject</th><td> " . $message -> subject . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><th>Sender</th><td> " . user_links ( get_user_from_id ( $message -> senderid )) . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><th>Date</th><td> " . time_str ( $message -> date ) . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><th>Message</th><td> " . output_transform ( $message -> content , $options ) . " </td></tr> " ;
echo " <tr><td class= \" pm_footer \" ></td><td> \n " ;
echo " <a href= \" forum_pm.php?action=delete&id= $id\ " > Delete </ a > \n " ;
echo " | <a href= \" forum_pm.php?action=new&replyto= $id\ " > Reply </ a > \n " ;
echo " | <a href= \" forum_pm.php?action=inbox \" >Inbox</a> \n " ;
end_table ();
if ( $message -> opened == 0 ) {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE private_messages SET opened=1 WHERE id= $id " );
} elseif ( $action == " new " ) {
pm_create_new ();
} elseif ( $action == " delete " ) {
$id = get_int ( " id " , true );
if ( $id == null ) { $id = post_int ( " id " ); }
if ( post_int ( " confirm " , true ) == 1 ) {
check_tokens ( $logged_in_user -> authenticator );
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM private_messages WHERE userid= " . $logged_in_user -> id . " AND id= $id " );
header ( " Location: forum_pm.php " );
} else {
$message = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM private_messages WHERE userid= " . $logged_in_user -> id . " AND id= $id " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $message ) == 1 ) {
$message = mysql_fetch_object ( $message );
$sender = lookup_user_id ( $message -> senderid );
page_head ( " Private messages : Really delete? " );
pm_header ();
echo " <div>Are you sure you want to delete the message with subject \" " . $message -> subject . " \" (sent by " . $sender -> name . " on " . time_str ( $message -> date ) . " )?</div> \n " ;
echo " <form action= \" forum_pm.php \" method= \" post \" > \n " ;
echo form_tokens ( $logged_in_user -> authenticator );
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" action \" value= \" delete \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" confirm \" value= \" 1 \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" id \" value= \" $id\ " > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" value= \" Yes, delete \" > \n " ;
echo " </form> \n " ;
echo " <form action= \" forum_pm.php \" method= \" post \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" action \" value= \" inbox \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" value= \" No, cancel \" > \n " ;
echo " </form> \n " ;
} else {
error_page ( " No such message. " );
} elseif ( $action == " send " ) {
check_tokens ( $logged_in_user -> authenticator );
$to = stripslashes ( post_str ( " to " , true ));
$subject = stripslashes ( post_str ( " subject " , true ));
$content = stripslashes ( post_str ( " content " , true ));
if (( $to == null ) || ( $subject == null ) || ( $content == null )) {
pm_create_new ( " You need to fill all fields to send a private message " );
} else {
akismet_check ( new User ( $logged_in_user -> id ), $content );
$to = str_replace ( " , " , " , " , $to ); // Filter out spaces after separator
$users = explode ( " , " , $to );
$userlist = array ();
$userids = array (); // To prevent from spamming a single user by adding it multiple times
foreach ( $users as $username ) {
$user = explode ( " " , $username );
if ( is_numeric ( $user [ 0 ])) { // user ID is gived
$userid = $user [ 0 ];
$user = lookup_user_id ( $userid );
if ( $user == null ) {
pm_create_new ( " Could not find user with id $userid " );
} else {
$user = lookup_user_name ( $username );
if ( $user == null ) {
pm_create_new ( " Could not find user $username " );
$ignorelist = mysql_query ( " SELECT ignorelist FROM forum_preferences WHERE userid= " . $user -> id );
$ignorelist = mysql_fetch_object ( $ignorelist );
$ignorelist = $ignorelist -> ignorelist ;
$ignorelist = explode ( " | " , $ignorelist );
if ( in_array ( $logged_in_user -> id , $ignorelist )) {
pm_create_new ( " User " . $user -> name . " (ID: " . $user -> id . " ) is not accepting private messages from you. " );
if ( $userids [ $user -> id ] == null ) {
$userlist [] = $user ;
$userids [ $user -> id ] = true ;
foreach ( $userlist as $user ) {
pm_send ( $user , $subject , $content );
Header ( " Location: forum_pm.php?action=inbox&sent=1 " );
page_tail ();
function pm_header () {
echo " <div> \n " ;
echo " <a href= \" forum_pm.php?action=inbox \" >Inbox</a> \n " ;
echo " | <a href= \" forum_pm.php?action=new \" >Write</a> \n " ;
echo " </div> \n " ;
function pm_create_new ( $error = null ) {
page_head ( " Private messages : Create new " );
pm_header ();
global $logged_in_user ;
$replyto = get_int ( " replyto " , true );
$userid = get_int ( " userid " , true );
if ( $replyto ) {
$message = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM private_messages WHERE userid= " . $logged_in_user -> id . " AND id= $replyto " );
if ( $message ) {
$message = mysql_fetch_object ( $message );
$content = " [quote] " . $message -> content . " [/quote] \n " ;
$userid = $message -> senderid ;
$user = get_user_from_id ( $userid );
if ( $user != null ) {
$writeto = $userid . " ( " . $user -> name . " ) " ;
$subject = $message -> subject ;
if ( substr ( $subject , 0 , 3 ) != " re: " ) {
$subject = " re: " . $subject ;
} elseif ( $userid ) {
$user = get_user_from_id ( $userid );
if ( $user != null ) {
$writeto = $userid . " ( " . $user -> name . " ) " ;
} else {
$writeto = post_str ( " to " , true );
$subject = post_str ( " subject " , true );
$content = post_str ( " content " , true );
$subject = htmlspecialchars ( $subject );
if ( $error != null ) {
echo " <div class= \" error \" > $error </div> \n " ;
echo " <form action= \" forum_pm.php \" method= \" post \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" action \" value= \" send \" > \n " ;
echo form_tokens ( $logged_in_user -> authenticator );
start_table ();
echo " <tr><th>To<br /><span class= \" smalltext \" >User IDs or unique usernames, separated with commas</span></th> \n " ;
echo " <td><input type= \" text \" name= \" to \" value= \" $writeto\ " size = \ " 60 \" ></td></tr> \n " ;
echo " <tr><th>Subject</th><td><input type= \" text \" name= \" subject \" value= \" $subject\ " size = \ " 60 \" ></td></tr> \n " ;
echo " <tr><th>Message<br /><span class= \" smalltext \" > " . html_info () . " </span></th> \n " ;
echo " <td><textarea name= \" content \" rows= \" 18 \" cols= \" 80 \" > $content </textarea></td></tr> \n " ;
echo " <tr><td></td><td><input type= \" submit \" value= \" Send message \" ></td></tr> \n " ;
end_table ();
page_tail ();
exit ();
function pm_send ( $to , $subject , $content ) {
global $logged_in_user ;
$userid = $to -> id ;
$senderid = $logged_in_user -> id ;
$sql_subject = mysql_real_escape_string ( $subject );
$sql_content = mysql_real_escape_string ( $content );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO private_messages (userid, senderid, date, subject, content) VALUES ( $userid , $senderid , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ' $sql_subject ', ' $sql_content ') " );
if ( $to -> send_email == 1 ) { // Send email notification
$message = " Dear " . $to -> name . " , \n \n " ;
$message .= " You have received a new private message at " . PROJECT . " from " . $logged_in_user -> name . " , entitled \" " . $subject . " \" . \n \n " ;
$message .= " To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here: \n " ;
$message .= URL_BASE . " forum_pm.php \n \n " ;
$message .= " Do not reply to this message. To disable email notification, go to \n " ;
$message .= URL_BASE . " prefs.php?subset=project \n " ;
$message .= " and change email notification settings. \n " ;
send_email ( $to , " [ " . PROJECT . " ] Private message notification " , $message );