2003-08-19 06:44:58 +00:00
page_head("Back end programs");
echo "
2003-01-23 08:07:48 +00:00
A project back end is implemented as a set of programs.
Some parts of these programs are supplied by BOINC;
other parts are project- or application-specific:
<img vspace=10 src=backend.png>
<table border=1 cellpadding=8>
<th>BOINC-supplied part</th>
<th>project-supplied part</th>
<td valign=top>
<b>Work generator</b>: generates work units, results,
and the corresponding input files.
<td valign=top>
Functions and programs that handle the details of
creating workunit and result database records.
<td valign=top>
Programs or scripts that generate input files,
install them on data servers, and call the BOINC functions.
<td valign=top><b>Timeout check</b>:
Checks for various timeout conditions,
such as result timeout.
Reissues results for workunits as needed.
<td valign=top>A program <b>timeout_check</b>.</td>
<td valign=top>Some parameters used by timeout_check.</td>
<td valign=top><b>Result validation and accounting</b>:
compare redundant results; select a <b>canonical result</b>
representing the correct output,
and a <b>canonical credit</b> granted to users and hosts
that return the correct output.</td>
<td valign=top>A program, <b>validate</b>, that contains the
basic logic for validation.</td>
<td valign=top>An application-specific function, linked with <b>validate</b>,
that compares sets of redundant results.</td>
<td valign=top><b>Assimilator</b>:
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handles workunits that are 'completed':
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that is, which have a canonical result or for which
an error condition has occurred.
Handling a successfully completed result might involve
record results in a database and perhaps generating more work.</td>
<td valign=top>
A main program that enumerates unassimilated workunits,
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calls a project-supplied 'handler' function,
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and updates the database.
<td valign=top>
A handler function that assimilates a workunit,
either by processing its canonical result
or handling an error return.
<td valign=top><b>File deleter</b>: delete input and output files
when they are no longer needed.</td>
<td valign=top>A program <b>file_deleter</b>.</td>
<td valign=top>None.</td>
<h3>Timeout checker</h3>
The timeout checker is passed the following parameters:
give up on a workunit if it gets this many error results(i.e., there must be a bug in the application).
give up on a workunit if it gets this many
non-error results without finding a canonical result
try to get at least this many non-error results.
which application to handle
use crontab to run timeout_checker continuously.
for each WU with timeout_check_time < now
for each result of WU
if result.server_state=IN_PROGRESS and now > result.report_deadline
result.server_state = OVER
result.outcome = NO_REPLY
if any result has outcome COULDNT_SEND
wu.error_mask |= COULDNT_SEND
got_error = true
if too many error results
wu.error_mask |= TOO_MANY_ERROR_RESULTS
got_error = true
if too many results
wu.error mask |= TOO_MANY_RESULTS
got_error = true
generate new results as needed
if got_error
for all results server_state UNSENT
result.server_state = OVER
result.outcome = DIDNT_NEED
if wu.assimilate_state == INIT
wu.assimilate_state = READY
if all results are OVER and wu.assimilate_state = DONE
wu.file_delete_state = READY
wu.timeout_check_time = 0
wu.timeout_check_time = now + delay_bound
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2003-01-23 08:07:48 +00:00
BOINC supplies a utility program <b>validate</b>
to perform validation and credit-granting.
This program must be linked with two project-specific functions:
int check_set(vector<RESULT> results, int& canonicalid, double& credit);
int check_pair(RESULT& r1, RESULT& r2, bool& match);
<b>check_set()</b> takes a set of results.
If there is sufficient agreement,
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it selects one of them as the canonical result
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(returning its ID) and also decides what credit should
be granted for correct results for this workunit.
<b>check_pair()</b> compares two results and returns match=true
if they agree.
The file <b>validate_test.C</b> contains an example
implementation of check_set() and check_pair().
for each WU with need_validate = true
if already have canonical result
for each result with validate_state = INIT and outcome = SUCCESS
if matches canonical, grant credit
set result.validate_state to VALID or INVALID
build set of results with outcome = SUCCESS
if find canonical result
wu.assimilate_state = READY
for all results server_state = UNSENT
result.server_state = OVER
result.outcome = DIDNT_NEED
- when send a result
result.server_state = IN_PROGRESS
result.report_deadline = now + wu.delay_bound
??? should do lookup before updating? shmem may be stale
doesn't matter; can't be stale
- when receive a result
switch result.server_state
client_state = (from reply msg)
result.server_state = OVER
case OVER:
result.file_delete_state = READY;
if client_state is DONE
result.outcome = SUCCESS
wu.need_validate = true
result.outcome = CLIENT_ERROR
result.validate_state = INVALID
for each WU with assimilate_state = READY
call project-specific handler function
NOTE: canonical_resultid and error_mask are not mutually exclusive
if all results are OVER with outcomes SUCCESS or CLIENT_ERROR
set result.file_delete = READY for all results
for each non-canonical result
if state is OVER and outcome is SUCCESS or CLIENT_ERROR
set result.file_delete = READY
wu.assimilate_state = DONE
if all results are OVER
wu.file_delete_state = READY
2003-08-19 06:44:58 +00:00