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// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
// Copyright (C) 2005 University of California
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "boinc_win.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "config.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "md5_file.h"
#include "error_numbers.h"
#include "crypt.h"
#ifdef _USING_FCGI_
#include "fcgi_stdio.h"
// NOTE: the fast CGI I/O library doesn't have fscanf(),
// so some of the following have been modified to use
// fgets() and sscanf() instead
// write some data in hex notation.
// NOTE: since length may not be known to the reader,
// we follow the data with a non-hex character '.'
int print_hex_data(FILE* f, DATA_BLOCK& x) {
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<x.len; i++) {
fprintf(f, "%02x",[i]);
if (i%32==31) fprintf(f, "\n");
if (x.len%32 != 0) fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, ".\n");
return 0;
// same, but write to buffer
int sprint_hex_data(char* p, DATA_BLOCK& x) {
unsigned int i;
char buf[16];
strcpy(p, "");
for (i=0; i<x.len; i++) {
sprintf(buf, "%02x",[i]);
strcat(p, buf);
if (i%32==31) strcat(p, "\n");
if (x.len%32 != 0) strcat(p, "\n");
strcat(p, ".\n");
return 0;
// scan data in hex notation.
// stop when you reach a non-parsed character.
// NOTE: buffer must be big enough; no checking is done.
int scan_hex_data(FILE* f, DATA_BLOCK& x) {
int n;
x.len = 0;
char *p, buf[256];
int i, j;
while (1) {
p = fgets(buf, 256, f);
if (!p) return ERR_GETS;
n = strlen(p)/2;
if (n == 0) break;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
sscanf(buf+i*2, "%2x", &j);[x.len] = j;
while (1) {
int j;
n = fscanf(f, "%2x", &j);
if (n <= 0) break;[x.len] = j;
return 0;
// same, but read from buffer
static int sscan_hex_data(const char* p, DATA_BLOCK& x) {
int m, n, nleft=x.len;
x.len = 0;
while (1) {
if (isspace(*p)) {
n = sscanf(p, "%2x", &m);
if (n <= 0) break;[x.len++] = m;
if (nleft<0) {
fprintf(stderr, "sscan_hex_data: buffer overflow\n");
p += 2;
return 0;
// print a key in ASCII form
int print_key_hex(FILE* f, KEY* key, int size) {
int len;
fprintf(f, "%d\n", key->bits);
len = size - sizeof(key->bits); = key->data;
x.len = len;
return print_hex_data(f, x);
int scan_key_hex(FILE* f, KEY* key, int size) {
int len, i, n;
int num_bits;
#if 0
char *p, buf[256];
int j = 0, b;
fgets(buf, 256, f);
sscanf(buf, "%d", &num_bits);
key->bits = num_bits;
len = size - sizeof(key->bits);
while (1) {
p = fgets(buf, 256, f);
if (!p) return ERR_GETS;
n = strlen(p)/2;
if (n == 0) break;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
sscanf(buf+i*2, "%2x", &b);
if (j >= len) return ERR_SCANF;
key->data[j++] = b;
fgets(buf, size, f);
sscanf(buf, ".");
fscanf(f, "%d", &num_bits);
key->bits = num_bits;
len = size - sizeof(key->bits);
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
fscanf(f, "%2x", &n);
key->data[i] = n;
fscanf(f, ".");
return 0;
// parse a text-encoded key from a memory buffer
int sscan_key_hex(const char* buf, KEY* key, int size) {
int n, retval,num_bits;
//fprintf(stderr, "buf = %s\n", buf);
n = sscanf(buf, "%d", &num_bits);
key->bits = num_bits; //key->bits is a short
//fprintf(stderr, "key->bits = %d\n", key->bits);
if (n != 1) return ERR_XML_PARSE;
buf = strchr(buf, '\n');
if (!buf) return ERR_XML_PARSE;
buf += 1; = key->data;
db.len = size - sizeof(key->bits); //huh???
retval = sscan_hex_data(buf, db);
return retval;
// encrypt some data.
// The amount encrypted may be less than what's supplied.
// The output buffer must be at least MIN_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE.
// The output block must be decrypted in its entirety.
int encrypt_private(R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key, DATA_BLOCK& in, DATA_BLOCK& out) {
int n, modulus_len;
modulus_len = (key.bits+7)/8;
n = in.len;
if (n >= modulus_len-11) {
n = modulus_len-11;
RSA* rp = RSA_new();
private_to_openssl(key, rp);
RSA_private_encrypt(n,,, rp, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
out.len = RSA_size(rp);
return 0;
int decrypt_public(R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY& key, DATA_BLOCK& in, DATA_BLOCK& out) {
RSA* rp = RSA_new();
public_to_openssl(key, rp);
RSA_public_decrypt(in.len,,, rp, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
out.len = RSA_size(rp);
return 0;
int sign_file(const char* path, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key, DATA_BLOCK& signature) {
char md5_buf[MD5_LEN];
double file_length;
DATA_BLOCK in_block;
int retval;
retval = md5_file(path, md5_buf, file_length);
if (retval) return retval; = (unsigned char*)md5_buf;
in_block.len = (unsigned int)strlen(md5_buf);
retval = encrypt_private(key, in_block, signature);
if (retval) return retval;
return 0;
int sign_block(DATA_BLOCK& data_block, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key, DATA_BLOCK& signature) {
char md5_buf[MD5_LEN];
int retval;
DATA_BLOCK in_block;
md5_block(, data_block.len, md5_buf); = (unsigned char*)md5_buf;
in_block.len = (unsigned int)strlen(md5_buf);
retval = encrypt_private(key, in_block, signature);
if (retval) {
printf("sign_block: encrypt_private returned %d\n", retval);
return retval;
return 0;
// compute an XML signature element for some text
int generate_signature(
char* text_to_sign, char* signature_hex, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key
) {
DATA_BLOCK block, signature_data;
unsigned char signature_buf[SIGNATURE_SIZE_BINARY];
int retval; = (unsigned char*)text_to_sign;
block.len = strlen(text_to_sign); = signature_buf;
signature_data.len = SIGNATURE_SIZE_BINARY;
retval = sign_block(block, key, signature_data);
if (retval) return retval;
sprint_hex_data(signature_hex, signature_data);
return 0;
int verify_file(
const char* path, R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY& key, DATA_BLOCK& signature, bool& answer
) {
char md5_buf[MD5_LEN], clear_buf[MD5_LEN];
double file_length;
int n, retval;
DATA_BLOCK clear_signature;
retval = md5_file(path, md5_buf, file_length);
if (retval) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: verify_file: md5_file error %d\n", retval);
return retval;
n = (int)strlen(md5_buf); = (unsigned char*)clear_buf;
clear_signature.len = MD5_LEN;
retval = decrypt_public(key, signature, clear_signature);
if (retval) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: verify_file: decrypt_public error %d\n", retval);
return retval;
answer = !strncmp(md5_buf, clear_buf, n);
return 0;
int verify_file2(
const char* path, const char* signature_text, const char* key_text, bool& answer
) {
unsigned char signature_buf[SIGNATURE_SIZE_BINARY];
int retval;
DATA_BLOCK signature;
retval = sscan_key_hex(key_text, (KEY*)&key, sizeof(key));
if (retval) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: verify_file2: sscan_key_hex did not work\n");
return retval;
} = signature_buf;
signature.len = sizeof(signature_buf);
retval = sscan_hex_data(signature_text, signature);
if (retval) return retval;
return verify_file(path, key, signature, answer);
// verify, where both text and signature are char strings
int verify_string(
const char* text, const char* signature_text, R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY& key, bool& answer
) {
char md5_buf[MD5_LEN];
unsigned char signature_buf[SIGNATURE_SIZE_BINARY];
char clear_buf[MD5_LEN];
int retval, n;
DATA_BLOCK signature, clear_signature;
retval = md5_block((const unsigned char*)text, (int)strlen(text), md5_buf);
if (retval) return retval;
n = (int)strlen(md5_buf); = signature_buf;
signature.len = sizeof(signature_buf);
retval = sscan_hex_data(signature_text, signature);
if (retval) return retval; = (unsigned char*)clear_buf;
clear_signature.len = 256;
retval = decrypt_public(key, signature, clear_signature);
if (retval) return retval;
answer = !strncmp(md5_buf, clear_buf, n);
return 0;
// Same, where public key is also encoded as text
int verify_string2(
const char* text, const char* signature_text, const char* key_text, bool& answer
) {
int retval;
retval = sscan_key_hex(key_text, (KEY*)&key, sizeof(key));
if (retval) return retval;
return verify_string(text, signature_text, key, answer);
int read_key_file(const char* keyfile, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key) {
int retval;
FILE* fkey = fopen(keyfile, "r");
if (!fkey) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open key file (%s)\n", keyfile);
return ERR_FOPEN;
retval = scan_key_hex(fkey, (KEY*)&key, sizeof(key));
if (retval) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't parse key\n");
return retval;
return 0;
static void bn_to_bin(BIGNUM* bn, unsigned char* bin, int n) {
memset(bin, 0, n);
int m = BN_num_bytes(bn);
BN_bn2bin(bn, bin+n-m);
void openssl_to_keys(
RSA* rp, int nbits, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& priv, R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY& pub
) {
pub.bits = nbits;
bn_to_bin(rp->n, pub.modulus, sizeof(pub.modulus));
bn_to_bin(rp->e, pub.exponent, sizeof(pub.exponent));
memset(&priv, 0, sizeof(priv));
priv.bits = nbits;
bn_to_bin(rp->n, priv.modulus, sizeof(priv.modulus));
bn_to_bin(rp->e, priv.publicExponent, sizeof(priv.publicExponent));
bn_to_bin(rp->d, priv.exponent, sizeof(priv.exponent));
bn_to_bin(rp->p,[0], sizeof([0]));
bn_to_bin(rp->q,[1], sizeof([1]));
bn_to_bin(rp->dmp1, priv.primeExponent[0], sizeof(priv.primeExponent[0]));
bn_to_bin(rp->dmq1, priv.primeExponent[1], sizeof(priv.primeExponent[1]));
bn_to_bin(rp->iqmp, priv.coefficient, sizeof(priv.coefficient));
void private_to_openssl(R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& priv, RSA* rp) {
rp->n = BN_bin2bn(priv.modulus, sizeof(priv.modulus), 0);
rp->e = BN_bin2bn(priv.publicExponent, sizeof(priv.publicExponent), 0);
rp->d = BN_bin2bn(priv.exponent, sizeof(priv.exponent), 0);
rp->p = BN_bin2bn([0], sizeof([0]), 0);
rp->q = BN_bin2bn([1], sizeof([1]), 0);
rp->dmp1 = BN_bin2bn(priv.primeExponent[0], sizeof(priv.primeExponent[0]), 0);
rp->dmq1 = BN_bin2bn(priv.primeExponent[1], sizeof(priv.primeExponent[1]), 0);
rp->iqmp = BN_bin2bn(priv.coefficient, sizeof(priv.coefficient), 0);
void public_to_openssl(R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY& pub, RSA* rp) {
rp->n = BN_bin2bn(pub.modulus, sizeof(pub.modulus), 0);
rp->e = BN_bin2bn(pub.exponent, sizeof(pub.exponent), 0);
const char *BOINC_RCSID_4f0c2e42ea = "$Id$";