# Several volunteer computing projects, including Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, and SETI@home, use software called BOINC. If you participate in projects like this, we request that you answer the following questions. This will help BOINC-based projects increase participation and achieve greater scientific results. <p> Please answer as many questions as you want, then go to the bottom and click OK. If you previously completed the survey but your answers have changed, please complete it again - your new answers will replace the old ones. <p> The current results of the survey are <a href=poll_results.php>here</a>.
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_INTRO"
msgstr "Several volunteer computing projects, including Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, and SETI@home, use software called BOINC. If you participate in projects like this, we request that you answer the following questions. This will help BOINC-based projects increase participation and achieve greater scientific results. <p> Please answer as many questions as you want, then go to the bottom and click OK. If you previously completed the survey but your answers have changed, please complete it again - your new answers will replace the old ones. <p> The current results of the survey are <a href=poll_results.php>here</a>. "
# Do you run BOINC?
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_RUN"
msgstr "Do you run BOINC?"
# Your participation
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Your participation"
# Your computers
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Your computers"
# You
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_YOU"
msgstr "You"
# Nationality
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Nationality"
# Comments
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Comments"
# Please suggest ways that BOINC, and the projects that use it, could be improved:
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Please suggest ways that BOINC, and the projects that use it, could be improved:"
# Other:
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_OTHER"
msgstr "Other:"
# [check all that apply]
#, fuzzy
msgstr "[check all that apply]"
# When done click:
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_DONE"
msgstr "When done click:"
# Yes - I have been running BOINC on my computer for...
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Yes - I have been running BOINC on my computer for..."
# less than a week
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_TWEEK"
msgstr "less than a week"
# less than a month
#, fuzzy
msgstr "less than a month"
# less than a year
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_TYEAR"
msgstr "less than a year"
# more than a year
#, fuzzy
msgstr "more than a year"
# No - I was running BOINC, but stopped because...
#, fuzzy
msgstr "No - I was running BOINC, but stopped because..."
# I lost interest
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I lost interest"
# it was too complicated
#, fuzzy
msgstr "it was too complicated"
# I stopped it and forgot to start again
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I stopped it and forgot to start again"
# it caused problems on my computer
#, fuzzy
msgstr "it caused problems on my computer"
# it used too much electricity
#, fuzzy
msgstr "it used too much electricity"
# I switched to a non-BOINC computing project
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I switched to a non-BOINC computing project"
# No - I tried running BOINC, but...
#, fuzzy
msgstr "No - I tried running BOINC, but..."
# the software didn't install correctly
#, fuzzy
msgstr "the software didn't install correctly"
# I couldn't figure out how to use the software
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I couldn't figure out how to use the software"
# I had network communication problems
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I had network communication problems"
# I couldn't attach to a project
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I couldn't attach to a project"
# I attached to a project, but never got any work
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_FWORK"
msgstr "I attached to a project, but never got any work"
# No - I never tried running BOINC, because...
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_NEVER"
msgstr "No - I never tried running BOINC, because..."
# I was concerned about security
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I was concerned about security"
# I wasn't interested in any of the projects
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I wasn't interested in any of the projects"
# I don't have permission to run it on my computer
#, fuzzy
msgstr "I don't have permission to run it on my computer"
# No version was available for my computer
#, fuzzy
msgstr "No version was available for my computer"
# What kind of computers do you have running BOINC?
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_KIND"
msgstr "What kind of computers do you have running BOINC?"
# Where are they?
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_WHERE"
msgstr "Where are they?"
# Home
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_HOME"
msgstr "Home"
# Work
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_WORK"
msgstr "Work"
# School
#, fuzzy
msgstr "School"
# How many computers?
#, fuzzy
msgstr "How many computers?"
# On average, how many hours per day are they powered on?
#, fuzzy
msgstr "On average, how many hours per day are they powered on?"
# Age
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_AGE"
msgstr "Age"
# Sex
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_SEX"
msgstr "Sex"
# Male
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_MALE"
msgstr "Male"
# Female
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Female"
# Your level of computer expertise
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Your level of computer expertise"
# Beginner
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_LEVB"
msgstr "Beginner"
# Intermediate
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_LEVI"
msgstr "Intermediate"
# Advanced
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_LEVA"
msgstr "Advanced"
# Where did you learn about BOINC projects?
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Where did you learn about BOINC projects?"
# TV/radio/newspaper
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_WTV"
msgstr "TV/radio/newspaper"
# From friends, relatives, or coworkers
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_WPERS"
msgstr "From friends, relatives, or coworkers"
# Team message boards or web sites
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_WTEAM"
msgstr "Team message boards or web sites"
# The BOINC web site
#, fuzzy
msgstr "The BOINC web site"
# Other web sites
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_WWEB"
msgstr "Other web sites"
# Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?"
# Nice-looking screensaver graphics
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Nice-looking screensaver graphics"
# Fair and quick granting of credit for work done
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Fair and quick granting of credit for work done"
# Getting more credit from this project than from others
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Getting more credit from this project than from others"
# Helpful and friendly message boards
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Helpful and friendly message boards"
# Participation by project staff on the message boards
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Participation by project staff on the message boards"
# Informative project web site
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Informative project web site"
# The science is important and beneficial
#, fuzzy
msgstr "The science is important and beneficial"
# Non-profit, and results are public
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Non-profit, and results are public"
# Personal recognition if my computer finds something
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Personal recognition if my computer finds something"
# Publication by the project in scientific journals
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Publication by the project in scientific journals"
# Periodic email newsletters from the project
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_EMAIL"
msgstr "Periodic email newsletters from the project"
# How many BOINC projects do you participate in?
#, fuzzy
msgstr "How many BOINC projects do you participate in?"
# Do you run BOINC as a screensaver?
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Do you run BOINC as a screensaver?"
# Yes
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_YES"
msgstr "Yes"
# No
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_NO"
msgstr "No"
# Your usage of project messages boards:
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Your usage of project messages boards:"
# to read information
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_MBR"
msgstr "to read information"
# to read and post information
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_MBRW"
msgstr "to read and post information"
# None
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_NONE"
msgstr "None"
# Where do you get information to help resolve problems with BOINC and/or BOINC projects?
#, fuzzy
msgid "POLL_HELP"
msgstr "Where do you get information to help resolve problems with BOINC and/or BOINC projects?"
# The project message boards
#, fuzzy
msgstr "The project message boards"
# The BOINC message boards
#, fuzzy
msgstr "The BOINC message boards"
# The BOINC web site
#, fuzzy
msgstr "The BOINC web site"
# BOINC mailing lists
#, fuzzy
msgstr "BOINC mailing lists"
# The Unofficial BOINC Wiki
#, fuzzy
msgstr "The Unofficial BOINC Wiki"
# Team web sites
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Team web sites"
# Google or other search engines
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Google or other search engines"
# Error - results not recorded
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Error - results not recorded"
# An internal error has prevented us from recording your survey response. Please try again later.
#, fuzzy
msgstr "An internal error has prevented us from recording your survey response. Please try again later."
# Survey response recorded
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Survey response recorded"
# Thank you for completing the BOINC user survey.
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Thank you for completing the BOINC user survey."
# Survey results
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Survey results"
# These are the current results of the <a href=poll.php>BOINC user survey</a>. This page is updated every hour.
#, fuzzy
msgstr "These are the current results of the <a href=poll.php>BOINC user survey</a>. This page is updated every hour."
# download.php
msgid "Download BOINC"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s for %s (%s MB)"
msgstr ""
msgid "BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, and many others. <p> After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like."
msgstr ""
msgid "System requirements"
msgstr ""
msgid "Release notes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Other systems"
msgstr ""
msgid "All versions"
msgstr ""
msgid "If your computer is not of one of the above types, you can"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s make your own client software %s or"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s download executables from a third-party site %s (available for Solaris/Opteron, Linux/Opteron, Linux/PPC, HP-UX, and FreeBSD, and others)."
msgstr ""
msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
msgstr ""
# Note: files are downloaded from mirror servers at boinc.berkeley.edu, morel.mit.edu, einstein.aei.mpg.de, einstein.astro.gla.ac.uk, and einstein.aset.psu.edu (thanks to these institutions). The server is chosen randomly - if a download fails, reload this page and try again.
#, fuzzy
msgid "DL_MIRRORS"
msgstr "Note: files are downloaded from mirror servers at boinc.berkeley.edu, morel.mit.edu, einstein.aei.mpg.de, einstein.astro.gla.ac.uk, einstein.ligo.caltech.edu, and einstein.aset.psu.edu (thanks to these institutions). The server is chosen randomly - if a download fails, reload this page and try again. "
# help.php
# help.php
# Getting help with BOINC
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_TITLE"
msgstr "Getting help with BOINC"
# Online Help
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Online Help"
# BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one with experienced BOINC users, who can: %s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; %s walk you through the process of installing and using BOINC; %s troubleshoot any problems you might have.
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P1_1"
msgstr "BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one with experienced BOINC users, who can: %s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; %s walk you through the process of installing and using BOINC; %s troubleshoot any problems you might have. "
# BOINC Online Help is based on %sSkype%s, an Internet-based telephone system. Skype is free (both the software and the calls). If you don't already have Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s. When you're finished, return to this page.
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P1_2"
msgstr "BOINC Online Help is based on %sSkype%s, an Internet-based telephone system. Skype is free (both the software and the calls). If you don't already have Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s. When you're finished, return to this page. "
# The best way to get help is by voice, for which you need either built-in microphone and speakers or an external headset for your computer. Alternatively, you can use Skype's text-based chat system to communicate with Help Volunteers.
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P1_3"
msgstr "The best way to get help is by voice, for which you need either built-in microphone and speakers or an external headset for your computer. You can also use Skype's text-based chat system or regular email (if you don't have Skype) to communicate with Help Volunteers."
# Volunteers speaking several languages are available. Please select a language:
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P1_4"
msgstr "Volunteers speaking several languages are available. Please select a language: "
# Other sources of help
#, fuzzy
msgstr "BOINC help on the web"
# Running BOINC
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM1"
msgstr "BOINC user's manual"
# Troubleshooting BOINC
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM2"
msgstr "Troubleshooting BOINC "
# BOINC-related web sites
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM3"
msgstr "BOINC-related web sites "
# The BOINC message boards
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM4"
msgstr "The BOINC message boards "
# The message boards on any BOINC-based project
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P2_ITEM5"
msgstr "The message boards on any BOINC-based project "
# Be a Help Volunteer
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Be a Help Volunteer"
# If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to %sbecome a Help Volunteer%s. It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research and volunteer computing - and it's fun!
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P3_1"
msgstr "If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to %sbecome a Help Volunteer%s. It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research and volunteer computing - and it's fun! "
# If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s.
#, fuzzy
msgid "HELP_P3_2"
msgstr "If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s. "
# index.php
# index.php
# #############################################
# Volunteer
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Volunteer"
# Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy: %sChoose%s projects %sDownload%s and run BOINC software %sEnter%s the project URLs, your email address, and password.
#, fuzzy
msgid "HOME_P1"
msgstr " Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy: %sChoose%s projects %sDownload%s and run BOINC software %sEnter%s an email address and password. "
# Or, if you run several projects, try "
# "an %saccount manager%s such as %sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s.
#, fuzzy
msgid "HOME_P2"
msgstr "Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as %sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
# If you have any questions, or need help getting started, you can %stalk to a Volunteer Helper%s.
#, fuzzy
msgid "HOME_P3"
msgstr "If you have any questions, or need help getting started, you can %stalk to a Volunteer Helper%s. "
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
# Download
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Download"
# Web sites
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Web"
# Add-ons
#, fuzzy
msgid "HOME_ADD_ONS"
msgstr "Add-ons"
# Survey
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Survey"
msgid "HOME_BOINC"
msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
msgstr "Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s"
# BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid, and many others. <p> After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like. <p>
#~ msgstr "BOINC - гэта праграма, якая прадстаўляе нявыкарыстаны час вашага кампутара для навуковых праектаў, такіх як: SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home, World Community Grid і іншых. <p> Пасля ўсталёўкі BOINC на ваш кампутар, вы зможаце вылучыць і ўдзельнічаць адначасова ў некалькіх праектах, якіх - вырашайце самі. <p>"
#~ msgstr "%s загрузіць гатовыя ўсталявальныя файлы з неафіцыйных сайтаў %s (даступныя версіі для Solaris/Opteron, Linux/Opteron, Linux/PPC, HP-UX, FreeBSD, а таксама іншых платформаў)."
#~ msgstr "Для нармалёвае працы BOINC ваш кампутар павінен задавальняць выкладзеным ніжэй патрабаванням. Праекты выкарыстоўвалыя платформу BOINC могуць прад'яўляць свае дадатковыя патрабаванні да кампутара."
#~ msgstr "(Windows) BOINC можа не ўсталявацца, калі не выдаленая папярэдняя версія праграмы. У такім разе варта выканаць наступныя дзеянні: %s Завяршыць працу BOINC і выдаліць праз %s 'Пуск/Налада/Панэль кіравання/Усталёўка і выдаленне праграмаў' %s. Паспрабаваць усталяваць новую версію BOINC. %s У выпадку няўдачы, усталяваць папярэднюю версію BOINC (усе версіі BOINC можна знайсці %sздесь%s). Затым выдаліць яе і паспрабаваць усталяваць новую версію BOINC. %s Калі і гэта не дапаможа, то можна скарыстацца праграмаю %sWindows Install Clean Up%s. Старыя версіі BOINC адлюстроўваюцца ў ёй як 'BOINC.msi' або 'corrupt icon .msi'.Вылучыце дадзены пункт і націсніце 'Remove'. Перазагрузіце кампутар і паспрабуйце ўсталяваць новую версію BOINC.(УВАГА: пры выкарыстанні праграмы Windows Install Clean Up не спрабуйце выдаляць іншыя .msi файлы, гэта не дапаможа). %s"
# Support for 'Account managers' - web sites that let you browse BOINC projects, attach/detach, change resource share and settings, all with point-and-click simplicity. Account managers are also great if you have several computers - you just have to make changes once.
#~ msgstr "Дададзеная падтрымка 'Мэнэджэраў праектаў' - гэта сайты аб'яднаўчыя інфармацыю па праектах выкарыстоўвалым платформу BOINC, якія дазваляюць выбіраць праекты, падлучацца або адлучацца ад праектаў, змяняць агульныя налады адразу для ўсіх праектаў, і што маюць пры гэтым простай і зразумелы інтэрфейс. Дадзеныя сайты зручныя калі вы запукаете BOINC на некалькіх кампутарах, у гэтым выпадку вам будзе неабходна падлучацца толькі да 'Мэнэджэру праектаў', а не да ўсяго n-му колькасці праектаў у якіх вы захочаце ўдзельнічаць. "
# The BOINC Manager offers two different interfaces: 'Simple' (small, graphical, skinnable) and 'Advanced' (maximum information). The Simple GUI allows local editing of preferences. You can switch back and forth between Simple and Advanced.
#~ msgstr "У BOINC мэнэджэру з'явілася два варыянту знешняга выгляду - 'Скарочаны' (менш інфармацыі, прыгажэй, прасцей) і 'Поўны' (уся магчымая інфармацыя аб працы BOINC). У 'Скарочаным' выглядзе даступна рэдагаванне 'персанальных' (лакальных) наладаў BOINC кліента. У любы момант можна змяніць знешні выгляд праграмы з 'Скарочанага' на 'Поўны' і наадварот."
#~ msgstr "Дададзена абмежаванне на занятую прыкладаннямі BOINC памяць пры апрацоўцы; гэта павінна дапамагчы пазбегнуць падзенні прадукцыйнасці кампутара (для простых карыстачоў) падчас апрацоўкі заданняў."
# This is the recommended mode. BOINC will run while you (the installing user) are logged in. BOINC is listed in the Start menu of you,but not other users. The 'Show graphics' command in the BOINC managerworks only for you. The BOINC screensaver shows applicationgraphics only for you (other users can run the screensaver but will see textual information only).
#~ msgstr "Рэкамендуемы варыянт усталёўкі. BOINC кліент будзе працаваць толькі калі вы (карыстач, які ўсталёўвае BOINC) зайдзеце на ваш кампутар. BOINC будзе паказвацца толькі ў вашым меню праграмаў 'Пуск'. Кнопка 'Паказаць графіку' у BOINC мэнэджэру будзе працаваць толькі ў вас. Экранная застаўка BOINC будзе паказваць графіку прыкладанняў толькі ў вас (іншыя карыстачы кампутара таксама змогуць вылучыць экранную застаўку BOINC, але яны будуць бачыць толькі тэкст)."
# BOINC runs whenever any user is logged in. BOINC is listed in the Start menu of all users. While BOINC is running, it runs as a particular user (either the first user to log in, or the first to run BOINC). The 'Show graphics' command in the BOINC manager works only for this user. The BOINC screensaver shows application graphics only for this user (other users can run the screensaver but will see textual information only).
#~ msgstr "BOINC кліент будзе запускацца пры ўваходзе любога карыстача кампутара. BOINC будзе паказвацца ў меню праграмаў 'Пуск' у ўсіх карыстачоў кампутара. BOINC будзе запускацца ад імя першага які ўвайшоў на кампутар карыстача (пасля выхаду дадзенага карыстача адлік першага карыстача пачынаецца зноўку). Кнопка 'Паказаць графіку' у BOINC мэнэджэру будзе працаваць толькі ў дадзенага першага карыстача. Экранная застаўка BOINC будзе паказваць графіку прыкладанняў толькі ў дадзенага першага карыстача (іншыя карыстачы кампутара таксама змогуць вылучыць экранную застаўку BOINC, але яны будуць бачыць толькі тэкст)."
# BOINC runs all the time (even when no one is logged in). BOINC is listed in the Start menu of the installing user, but not other users. The 'Show graphics' command in the BOINC manager will not work for any user. The BOINC screensaver will only show textual information.
#~ msgstr "BOINC кліент працуе заўсёды (нават калі на кампутары не ўвайшоў ні адзін з карыстачоў). BOINC будзе паказвацца толькі ў меню праграмаў 'Пуск' карыстача, які ўсталяваў BOINC. Кнопка 'Паказаць графіку' у BOINC мэнэджэру не будзе працаваць ні ў каго. Экранная застаўка BOINC будзе паказваць толькі тэкст)."
# BOINC for Linux is distributed as a self-extracting archive. This type of installation requires that you be familiar with the UNIX command-line interface.
#~ msgstr "Усталявальны файл BOINC для Linux уяўляе з сябе самоизвлекающийся архіў. Працэс усталёўкі разлічаны на тое, што вы знаёмыя з інтэрфейсам радка UNIX."
#~ msgstr "У меню 'Пуск / Налада / Панэль кіравання / Усталёўка і выдаленне праграмаў' вылучыць 'BOINC' і націснуць 'Выдаліць'. Будуць выдаленыя толькі асноўныя файлы BOINC. Для поўнага выдалення неабходна пасля гэтага выдаліць пакінутую тэчку BOINC (звычайна гэта C:/Program Files/BOINC)."
#~ msgstr "Калі вы выкарыстаеце проксі сервер, абновіце BOINC да апошняй версіі. Нядаўна былі ўхіленыя памылкі пры працы з проксі выкарыстоўвалымі NTLM аўтарызацыю."
#~ msgstr "(Windows) Калі BOINC запушчаны як экранная застаўка Windows XP 3-D, рэакцыя аперацыйнае сістэмы на дзеянні карыстача моцна запавольваецца (сістэма завісае)."
# (Windows) Applications that were built before October 2004 do not display screensaver graphics with the Service or Shared install type, or the Single-user install type with the password protect screensaver option on NT based machines.
#~ msgstr "(Windows) Прыкладанні, створаныя да кастрычніка 2004 года не паказваюць графіку ў рэжыме экраннае застаўкі BOINC ні пры 'усталёўцы BOINC у якасці службы', ні пры ўсталёўцы для ўсіх карыстачоў', таксама не адлюстроўваецца графіка пры 'індывідуальнай усталёўцы' і выкарыстанні абароны паролем выхаду з экраннае застаўкі на аперацыйных сістэмах пабудаваных на базе NT."
#~ msgstr "Калі праблемы звязаныя з пэўным праектам, зайдзіце на старонку 'Пытанні і адказы' (Questions and Answers) на сайце праекту і пашукайце адказ на ваша пытанне, або задайце пытанне самі. Калі не атрымоўваецца вырашыць праблемы звязаныя з пэўным праектам, выкарыстайце кнопку 'Перазапусціць праект' у BOINC мэнэджэру для перазапуску праекту на вашым кампутары. Усе файлы і налады звязаныя з дадзеным праектам будуць знішчаныя і загружаныя зноўку."