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206 lines
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Efficient, Pythonic bidirectional map implementation and related functionality.
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- is in use by several teams at Google, Venmo, Bank of America Merrill Lynch,
Two Sigma, and many others,
- has carefully designed APIs for
safety, simplicity, flexibility, and ergonomics,
- is CPython-, PyPy-, Python 2-, and Python 3-compatible,
- has extensive `test coverage <https://codecov.io/gh/jab/bidict>`_,
including property-based tests and benchmarks,
which are run continuously on all supported Python versions and OSes,
- integrates with Python’s collections interfaces and abstract base classes,
- has mature, well-factored, well-documented code.
``pip install bidict``
Quick Start
>>> from bidict import bidict
>>> element_by_symbol = bidict({'H': 'hydrogen'})
>>> element_by_symbol['H']
>>> element_by_symbol.inv['hydrogen']
For more usage documentation,
head to the :doc:`intro` [#fn-intro]_
and proceed from there.
Community and Support
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:target: https://gitter.im/jab/bidict
:alt: Chat
If you are thinking of using bidict in your work,
or if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions,
I'd love to know about your use case
and provide as much support for it as possible.
Please feel free to leave a message in the
`chatroom <https://gitter.im/jab/bidict>`_
or to open a new issue on GitHub.
Don't forget to search through
`existing issues <https://github.com/jab/bidict/issues>`_
first and to review the :doc:`contributors-guide` [#fn-contributing]_.
Notice of Usage
If you are already using bidict, and especially if
you/your organization is a significant user,
please let me know you're using it!
You can
`email me <mailto:jab@math.brown.edu?subject=bidict&body=I%20am%20using%20bidict%20for...>`_,
`open an issue <https://github.com/jab/bidict/issues/new?title=Notice+of+Usage&body=I+am+using+bidict+for...>`_,
or leave a message in the `chat room <https://gitter.im/jab/bidict>`_.
See the :doc:`changelog` [#fn-changelog]_
for a history of notable changes to bidict.
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Release Notifications
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Tip: `Follow bidict on Sibbell <https://sibbell.com/github/jab/bidict/releases/>`_
to be notified when a new version of bidict is released.
Learning from bidict
One of the most rewarding things about working on bidict
– and also the most surprising,
especially in light of the small codebase (just ~600 sloc) –
is how much fun, advanced Python material
has turned up in the process.
Check out the :doc:`learning-from-bidict` [#fn-learning]_ docs
if you're interested in taking a tour.
Bidict is currently a one-person operation
maintained on a voluntary basis for the public good.
Your help would be most welcome.
If bidict has helped you accomplish your work,
especially work you've been paid for,
please consider supporting bidict's maintenance and development.
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:target: https://gumroad.com/l/bidict
:alt: Support bidict
For information about contributing to the code,
please see the :doc:`contributors-guide`. [#fn-contributing]_
Finding Documentation
If you're viewing this on `<https://bidict.readthedocs.io>`_,
note that multiple versions of the documentation are available,
and you can choose a different version using the popup menu at the bottom-right.
Please make sure you're viewing the version of the documentation
that corresponds to the version of bidict you'd like to use.
If you're viewing this on GitHub, PyPI, or some other place
that can't render and link this documentation properly
and are seeing broken links,
try these alternate links instead:
.. [#fn-intro] `<docs/intro.rst>`_ | `<https://bidict.readthedocs.io/intro.html>`_
.. [#fn-contributing] `<CONTRIBUTING.rst>`_ | `<https://bidict.readthedocs.io/contributors-guide.html>`_
.. [#fn-changelog] `<CHANGELOG.rst>`_ | `<https://bidict.readthedocs.io/changelog.html>`_
.. [#fn-learning] `<docs/learning-from-bidict.rst>`_ | `<https://bidict.readthedocs.io/learning-from-bidict.html>`_