[tox] envlist = py3{10,9,8,7} pypy3{7,8} lint docs skip_missing_interpreters = true [base] # Benchmarking is enabled by default. Disable it in CI. Instead run # benchmarks outside CI, via e.g. pytest --benchmark-only --benchmark-json=... PYTEST_ADDOPTS = --benchmark-disable # Coverage is disabled by default. Save the options here for enabling it selectively below. COVERAGE_ENABLE = --cov=bidict --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov-report=xml [testenv] deps = -r requirements/tests.txt commands = ./run_tests.py setenv = PYTEST_ADDOPTS = {[base]PYTEST_ADDOPTS} # Only enable coverage for py37 and py310 by default [testenv:py37] setenv = PYTEST_ADDOPTS = {[base]PYTEST_ADDOPTS} {[base]COVERAGE_ENABLE} # Only enable coverage for py37 and py310 by default [testenv:py310] setenv = PYTEST_ADDOPTS = {[base]PYTEST_ADDOPTS} {[base]COVERAGE_ENABLE} [testenv:lint] deps = -r requirements/lint.txt skip_install = true commands = pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure [testenv:docs] deps = -r requirements/docs.txt commands = sphinx-build -W --keep-going -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs {envtmpdir}/html