# https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html [flake8] # B = bugbear # E = pycodestyle errors # F = flake8 pyflakes # W = pycodestyle warnings # B9 = bugbear opinions extend-ignore = # line too long E501 # block comment should start with '# ' E265, # too many leading '#' for block comment E266, per-file-ignores = # __init__.py collects functionality implemented in the rest of the package # for the sole purpose of exporting it under the `bidict` module namespace, # and does not understand mypy-style "import foo as foo" explicit re-exports, # so ignore F401 in this file ("imported but unused"). bidict/__init__.py:F401 # import not at top of file setup.py:E402 docs/conf.py:E402