# https://www.gitpod.io/docs/prebuilds github: prebuilds: # enable for the master/default branch (defaults to true) master: true # enable for all branches in this repo (defaults to false) branches: true # enable for pull requests coming from this repo (defaults to true) pullRequests: true # enable for pull requests coming from forks (defaults to false) pullRequestsFromForks: true # add a "Review in Gitpod" button as a comment to pull requests (defaults to true) addComment: true # add a "Review in Gitpod" badge to pull requests (defaults to false) addBadge: false # add a label once the prebuild is ready to pull requests (defaults to false) addLabel: prebuilt-in-gitpod # https://www.gitpod.io/docs/languages/python tasks: - init: | echo 'eval "$(pyenv init --path)"' >> ~/.bashrc.d/60-python eval "$(pyenv init --path)" # https://github.com/gitpod-io/workspace-images/issues/664 pyenv install 3.10.2 pyenv global 3.10.2 pip install -U pip pip install -r requirements/dev.txt pre-commit install --install-hooks vscode: extensions: - ms-python.python - EditorConfig.EditorConfig - lextudio.restructuredtext - trond-snekvik.simple-rst