language: 'python' # Version used for jobs that don't override it (e.g. the one-off jobs): python: '3.7' # Xenial is required for Python 3.7 and 3.8-dev. Just use it for all jobs. # Update to 18.04 when is fixed. dist: 'xenial' env: global: - 'VENV_ROOT="$HOME/venv"' - 'LINT_SRC="$(ls bidict/*.py tests/*.py tests/*/*.py"' - 'HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE="$([[ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" == "cron" ]] && echo "MORE_EXAMPLES")"' before_install: - 'echo "TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA: $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA"' - 'echo "TRAVIS_COMMIT: $TRAVIS_COMMIT"' - 'git --no-pager log -n2' # Travis does a shallow (--depth=50) clone by default. # Clone the full history as requested by setuptools_scm. - 'travis_retry git fetch --unshallow' # Install Python on macOS since is WONTFIXed. - | if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then env | sort echo echo "TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" if ! type -P "python$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION"; then export HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew tap minrk/homebrew-python-frameworks brew cask install "python-framework-${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION/./}" fi declare -r python="$(type -P "python$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION")" echo python is "$python" travis_retry curl | python python -m pip install virtualenv python -m virtualenv -p "$python" ~/travis-env source ~/travis-env/bin/activate type python fi - 'python --version' # - 'echo "Installing latest pip..."' - 'travis_retry curl | python' - 'pip --version' install: # Install our test dependencies. - 'travis_retry pip install .[test"$([[ "$COVERAGE" ]] && echo ",coverage")"]' - 'pip list' script: # Run our test suite. - 'export PYTEST_ADDOPTS="$([[ "$COVERAGE" ]] && echo "--cov=bidict --cov-config=.coveragerc")"' - './' after_script: - | if [[ "$COVERAGE" ]]; then echo "Installing codecov..." travis_retry pip install codecov || exit 1 echo echo "Uploading coverage report to codecov..." travis_retry codecov fi matrix: allow_failures: - env: 'TASK=docs-linkcheck' include: # Each job below performs a single task. Setting a per-job "TASK" env var # causes Travis to clearly show each job's task in the web UI, # and also enables the clear TASK-based allow_failures spelling above. ## "TEST" tasks: Run the test suite with various Python versions. ### Enable coverage for the most recent {CPython, PyPy} x {2, 3} releases. - python: '3.7' env: 'TASK=test COVERAGE=1' - python: '2.7' env: 'TASK=test COVERAGE=1' - python: 'pypy3' env: 'TASK=test COVERAGE=1' # pypy3 not currently available on xenial dist: 'trusty' - python: 'pypy' env: 'TASK=test COVERAGE=1' # pypy not currently available on xenial dist: 'trusty' - python: '3.8-dev' env: 'TASK=test' - python: '3.6' env: 'TASK=test' - python: '3.5' env: 'TASK=test' - python: '3.4' env: 'TASK=test' ## macOS - python: '2.7' env: 'TASK=test TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION=2.7' os: 'osx' language: 'generic' - python: '3.7' env: 'TASK=test TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION=3.7' os: 'osx' language: 'generic' ## Other checks. Override "install", "before_install", and "script" to do each of these instead. - env: 'TASK=pydocstyle' before_install: 'skip' install: 'travis_retry pip install "pydocstyle<2.2"' # keep in sync with the version in script: 'pydocstyle $LINT_SRC' - env: 'TASK=docs-build' before_install: 'skip' install: 'travis_retry pip install "Sphinx<2"' # keep in sync with the version in script: './' - env: 'TASK=docs-linkcheck' before_install: 'skip' install: 'travis_retry pip install "Sphinx<2"' # keep in sync with the version in script: '(cd docs && travis_retry make linkcheck)' - env: 'TASK=flake8' before_install: 'skip' install: 'travis_retry pip install "flake8<3.7"' # keep in sync with the version in script: 'flake8 $LINT_SRC' - env: 'TASK=pylint' before_install: 'skip' install: 'travis_retry pip install "pylint<2.3" "hypothesis<4" "pytest<5"' # keep in sync with the versions in script: 'pylint --jobs=0 $LINT_SRC' - env: 'TASK=test-with-optimization-flag' # make sure there are no relied-on side effects in assert statements before_install: 'skip' install: 'skip' script: 'python -O -m doctest -o IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL -o ELLIPSIS tests/*.txt' - stage: 'deploy-if-tag' env: 'TASK=deploy-if-tag' before_install: 'skip' install: 'skip' script: 'skip' deploy: - provider: 'pypi' user: 'jab' password: secure: 'B9LLgXkTbtjeC/IbH4wh9PEBzvKEAuYo3EBNW5f1xuLqVqtsysIyxJa5ar/FQ4qwUCBwZPFAXFurN3lLzRhb2Tc04YQ0GYVv6f8lkzwrjoWau4iB9Qt/nnvdRa7KryEJvtenHCAnwoEUaADCjkZjwo6fIA0hEOLB6/AYfhfgXYA=' on: tags: true # Does this deploy all tags to PyPI, not just release tags? # doesn't say. distributions: 'sdist bdist_wheel' before_cache: - 'rm -rf "$HOME"/.cache/pip/log' cache: directories: - '"$HOME"/.cache/pip' - '"$HOME"/.hypothesis' notifications: webhooks: urls: - '' email: recipients: ''