repos: - repo: git:// sha: v1.2.3 hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace - id: end-of-file-fixer - id: mixed-line-ending - id: double-quote-string-fixer - id: fix-encoding-pragma - id: check-yaml - id: flake8 exclude: docs/ - repo: git:// sha: v2.1.1 hooks: - id: pydocstyle exclude: bidict/ - repo: git:// sha: v1.1.5 hooks: - id: forbid-crlf - id: remove-crlf - id: forbid-tabs - id: remove-tabs - id: insert-license files: \.py$ args: # Renamed LICENSE_HEADER -> .LICENSE_HEADER to avoid confusing licensee # ( - what GitHub uses to detect license) - --license-filepath=.LICENSE_HEADER - repo: git:// sha: v1.8.4 hooks: - id: pylint # Needed to avoid ImportErrors when linting tests: additional_dependencies: [hypothesis,pytest] args: # # > If the provided number is 0, then the total number of CPUs will be used. - --jobs=0