drop Py3.4 from Travis, update to latest flake8 + pydocstyle, improve lint_src spelling

This commit is contained in:
jab 2019-01-31 04:53:48 +00:00
parent 638babdde5
commit 5f9cab9acf
7 changed files with 40 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# https://docs.pylint.org/en/latest/technical_reference/features.html
# repeated-keyword check is buggy:
# https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/1843#issuecomment-419746286
disable = useless-object-inheritance,repeated-keyword
disable =
# Must inherit from object for Python 2 compatibility.
# repeated-keyword check is buggy:
# https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/1843#issuecomment-419746286
# bidict/_version.py is generated by setuptools_scm
ignore = _version.py

View File

@ -8,11 +8,6 @@ python: '3.7'
dist: 'xenial'
- 'LINT_SRC="$(ls bidict/*.py tests/*.py tests/*/*.py setup.py)"'
before_install: # Ensure we have the required versions of Python and Pip.
@ -22,7 +17,7 @@ before_install: # Ensure we have the required versions of Python and Pip.
- 'travis_retry git fetch --unshallow'
# Install Python on macOS since https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/2312 is WONTFIXed.
- |
if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == osx ]]; then
if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
declare -r pyver="${TASK##*-}" # strip all chars up to and including the last -
declare -r python="python$pyver"
echo "TASK=$TASK -> pyver=$pyver python=$python"
@ -48,20 +43,29 @@ before_install: # Ensure we have the required versions of Python and Pip.
install: # Install our test dependencies.
- 'travis_retry pip install -U --upgrade-strategy=eager .[test$([[ $COVERAGE ]] && echo ",coverage")]'
- 'travis_retry pip install -U --upgrade-strategy=eager .[test$([[ "$COVERAGE" ]] && echo ",coverage")]'
- 'pip list'
- |
if [[ "$TASK" == lint-* ]]; then
shopt -s globstar
export LINT_SRC=**/*.py
script: # Run the test suite.
# See tests/hypothesis/_setup_hypothesis.py
- 'export HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE=$([[ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE == cron ]] && echo more-examples)'
- 'export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=$([[ $COVERAGE ]] && echo "--cov=bidict --cov-config=.coveragerc")'
- 'export HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE=$([[ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" == cron ]] && echo more-examples)'
- 'export PYTEST_ADDOPTS=$([[ "$COVERAGE" ]] && echo "--cov=bidict --cov-config=.coveragerc")'
- './run_tests.py'
- |
if [[ $COVERAGE ]]; then
if [[ "$COVERAGE" ]]; then
echo "Installing codecov..."
travis_retry pip install codecov || exit 1
@ -107,19 +111,19 @@ matrix:
language: 'generic'
## Linting, static analysis, code style.
- env: 'TASK=flake8'
- env: 'TASK=lint-flake8'
before_install: 'skip'
install: 'travis_retry pip install "flake8<3.7"' # keep in sync with the version in setup.py
install: 'travis_retry pip install "flake8<3.8"' # keep in sync with the version in setup.py
script: 'flake8 $LINT_SRC'
- env: 'TASK=pylint'
- env: 'TASK=lint-pylint'
before_install: 'skip'
install: 'travis_retry pip install "pylint<2.3" "hypothesis<4" "pytest<5"' # keep in sync with the versions in setup.py
install: 'travis_retry pip install "pylint<2.3" "hypothesis<4" "pytest<5" "Sphinx<2"' # keep in sync with the versions in setup.py
script: 'pylint --jobs=0 $LINT_SRC'
- env: 'TASK=pydocstyle'
- env: 'TASK=lint-pydocstyle'
before_install: 'skip'
install: 'travis_retry pip install "pydocstyle<2.2"' # keep in sync with the version in setup.py
install: 'travis_retry pip install "pydocstyle<3.1"' # keep in sync with the version in setup.py
script: 'pydocstyle $LINT_SRC'
## Misc.
@ -140,9 +144,6 @@ matrix:
- python: '3.5'
env: 'TASK=test-linux-cpython-3.5'
- python: '3.4'
env: 'TASK=test-linux-cpython-3.4'
## Misc.
- env: 'TASK=docs-linkcheck ALLOW_FAIL=1'
before_install: 'skip'

View File

@ -25,9 +25,16 @@ on libraries.io to be notified when new versions of bidict are released.
0.17.6 (not yet released)
- Stop testing Python 3.4 on CI,
and warn when Python 3 < 3.5 is detected
rather than Python 3 < 3.3.
According to `PyPI Stats <https://pypistats.org/packages/bidict>`__,
Python 3.4 represents only about 3% of bidict downloads as of January 2019.
The latest release of Pip has also deprecated support for Python 3.4.
- Add Python 2/3-compatible :attr:`bidict.compat.collections_abc` alias.
- Warn on Python 3 < 3.4 rather than on Python 3 < 3.3.
0.17.5 (2018-11-19)

View File

@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ if PY2:
# Assume Python 3 when not PY2, but explicitly check before showing this warning.
if PYMAJOR == 3 and PYMINOR < 4: # pragma: no cover
warn('Python3 < 3.4 is not officially supported.')
if PYMAJOR == 3 and PYMINOR < 5: # pragma: no cover
warn('Python3 < 3.5 is not officially supported.')
import collections.abc as collections_abc # noqa: F401 (imported but unused)
from collections.abc import ( # noqa: F401 (imported but unused)

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import os
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
import bidict # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import bidict # noqa: E402; pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ universal = 1
# http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html
ignore = E126,E128,E265,E731,W504
ignore = E126,E128,E266,E265,E731,W504
max-line-length = 100

View File

# The following dependencies have a higher chance of suddenly causing CI to fail after updating
# even between minor versions so pin to currently-working minor versions. Upgrade to newer
# minor versions manually to have a chance to fix any resulting breakage before it hits CI.
'flake8 < 3.7',
'pydocstyle < 2.2',
'flake8 < 3.8',
'pydocstyle < 3.1',
'pylint < 2.3',
@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ setup(
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',