# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Tests for `attr._funcs`. """ from collections import OrderedDict import pytest from hypothesis import assume, given from hypothesis import strategies as st import attr from attr import asdict, assoc, astuple, evolve, fields, has from attr._compat import Mapping, Sequence, ordered_dict from attr.exceptions import AttrsAttributeNotFoundError from attr.validators import instance_of from .strategies import nested_classes, simple_classes MAPPING_TYPES = (dict, OrderedDict) SEQUENCE_TYPES = (list, tuple) @pytest.fixture(scope="session", name="C") def _C(): """ Return a simple but fully featured attrs class with an x and a y attribute. """ import attr @attr.s class C: x = attr.ib() y = attr.ib() return C class TestAsDict: """ Tests for `asdict`. """ @given(st.sampled_from(MAPPING_TYPES)) def test_shallow(self, C, dict_factory): """ Shallow asdict returns correct dict. """ assert {"x": 1, "y": 2} == asdict( C(x=1, y=2), False, dict_factory=dict_factory ) @given(st.sampled_from(MAPPING_TYPES)) def test_recurse(self, C, dict_class): """ Deep asdict returns correct dict. """ assert {"x": {"x": 1, "y": 2}, "y": {"x": 3, "y": 4}} == asdict( C(C(1, 2), C(3, 4)), dict_factory=dict_class ) def test_nested_lists(self, C): """ Test unstructuring deeply nested lists. """ inner = C(1, 2) outer = C([[inner]], None) assert {"x": [[{"x": 1, "y": 2}]], "y": None} == asdict(outer) def test_nested_dicts(self, C): """ Test unstructuring deeply nested dictionaries. """ inner = C(1, 2) outer = C({1: {2: inner}}, None) assert {"x": {1: {2: {"x": 1, "y": 2}}}, "y": None} == asdict(outer) @given(nested_classes, st.sampled_from(MAPPING_TYPES)) def test_recurse_property(self, cls, dict_class): """ Property tests for recursive asdict. """ obj = cls() obj_dict = asdict(obj, dict_factory=dict_class) def assert_proper_dict_class(obj, obj_dict): assert isinstance(obj_dict, dict_class) for field in fields(obj.__class__): field_val = getattr(obj, field.name) if has(field_val.__class__): # This field holds a class, recurse the assertions. assert_proper_dict_class(field_val, obj_dict[field.name]) elif isinstance(field_val, Sequence): dict_val = obj_dict[field.name] for item, item_dict in zip(field_val, dict_val): if has(item.__class__): assert_proper_dict_class(item, item_dict) elif isinstance(field_val, Mapping): # This field holds a dictionary. assert isinstance(obj_dict[field.name], dict_class) for key, val in field_val.items(): if has(val.__class__): assert_proper_dict_class( val, obj_dict[field.name][key] ) assert_proper_dict_class(obj, obj_dict) @given(st.sampled_from(MAPPING_TYPES)) def test_filter(self, C, dict_factory): """ Attributes that are supposed to be skipped are skipped. """ assert {"x": {"x": 1}} == asdict( C(C(1, 2), C(3, 4)), filter=lambda a, v: a.name != "y", dict_factory=dict_factory, ) @given(container=st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_lists_tuples(self, container, C): """ If recurse is True, also recurse into lists. """ assert { "x": 1, "y": [{"x": 2, "y": 3}, {"x": 4, "y": 5}, "a"], } == asdict(C(1, container([C(2, 3), C(4, 5), "a"]))) @given(container=st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_lists_tuples_retain_type(self, container, C): """ If recurse and retain_collection_types are True, also recurse into lists and do not convert them into list. """ assert { "x": 1, "y": container([{"x": 2, "y": 3}, {"x": 4, "y": 5}, "a"]), } == asdict( C(1, container([C(2, 3), C(4, 5), "a"])), retain_collection_types=True, ) @given(set_type=st.sampled_from((set, frozenset))) def test_sets_no_retain(self, C, set_type): """ Set types are converted to lists if retain_collection_types=False. """ d = asdict( C(1, set_type((1, 2, 3))), retain_collection_types=False, recurse=True, ) assert {"x": 1, "y": [1, 2, 3]} == d @given(st.sampled_from(MAPPING_TYPES)) def test_dicts(self, C, dict_factory): """ If recurse is True, also recurse into dicts. """ res = asdict(C(1, {"a": C(4, 5)}), dict_factory=dict_factory) assert {"x": 1, "y": {"a": {"x": 4, "y": 5}}} == res assert isinstance(res, dict_factory) @given(simple_classes(private_attrs=False), st.sampled_from(MAPPING_TYPES)) def test_roundtrip(self, cls, dict_class): """ Test dumping to dicts and back for Hypothesis-generated classes. Private attributes don't round-trip (the attribute name is different than the initializer argument). """ instance = cls() dict_instance = asdict(instance, dict_factory=dict_class) assert isinstance(dict_instance, dict_class) roundtrip_instance = cls(**dict_instance) assert instance == roundtrip_instance @given(simple_classes()) def test_asdict_preserve_order(self, cls): """ Field order should be preserved when dumping to an ordered_dict. """ instance = cls() dict_instance = asdict(instance, dict_factory=ordered_dict) assert [a.name for a in fields(cls)] == list(dict_instance.keys()) def test_retain_keys_are_tuples(self): """ retain_collect_types also retains keys. """ @attr.s class A: a = attr.ib() instance = A({(1,): 1}) assert {"a": {(1,): 1}} == attr.asdict( instance, retain_collection_types=True ) def test_tuple_keys(self): """ If a key is collection type, retain_collection_types is False, the key is serialized as a tuple. See #646 """ @attr.s class A: a = attr.ib() instance = A({(1,): 1}) assert {"a": {(1,): 1}} == attr.asdict(instance) class TestAsTuple: """ Tests for `astuple`. """ @given(st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_shallow(self, C, tuple_factory): """ Shallow astuple returns correct dict. """ assert tuple_factory([1, 2]) == astuple( C(x=1, y=2), False, tuple_factory=tuple_factory ) @given(st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_recurse(self, C, tuple_factory): """ Deep astuple returns correct tuple. """ assert tuple_factory( [tuple_factory([1, 2]), tuple_factory([3, 4])] ) == astuple(C(C(1, 2), C(3, 4)), tuple_factory=tuple_factory) @given(nested_classes, st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_recurse_property(self, cls, tuple_class): """ Property tests for recursive astuple. """ obj = cls() obj_tuple = astuple(obj, tuple_factory=tuple_class) def assert_proper_tuple_class(obj, obj_tuple): assert isinstance(obj_tuple, tuple_class) for index, field in enumerate(fields(obj.__class__)): field_val = getattr(obj, field.name) if has(field_val.__class__): # This field holds a class, recurse the assertions. assert_proper_tuple_class(field_val, obj_tuple[index]) assert_proper_tuple_class(obj, obj_tuple) @given(nested_classes, st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_recurse_retain(self, cls, tuple_class): """ Property tests for asserting collection types are retained. """ obj = cls() obj_tuple = astuple( obj, tuple_factory=tuple_class, retain_collection_types=True ) def assert_proper_col_class(obj, obj_tuple): # Iterate over all attributes, and if they are lists or mappings # in the original, assert they are the same class in the dumped. for index, field in enumerate(fields(obj.__class__)): field_val = getattr(obj, field.name) if has(field_val.__class__): # This field holds a class, recurse the assertions. assert_proper_col_class(field_val, obj_tuple[index]) elif isinstance(field_val, (list, tuple)): # This field holds a sequence of something. expected_type = type(obj_tuple[index]) assert type(field_val) is expected_type for obj_e, obj_tuple_e in zip(field_val, obj_tuple[index]): if has(obj_e.__class__): assert_proper_col_class(obj_e, obj_tuple_e) elif isinstance(field_val, dict): orig = field_val tupled = obj_tuple[index] assert type(orig) is type(tupled) for obj_e, obj_tuple_e in zip( orig.items(), tupled.items() ): if has(obj_e[0].__class__): # Dict key assert_proper_col_class(obj_e[0], obj_tuple_e[0]) if has(obj_e[1].__class__): # Dict value assert_proper_col_class(obj_e[1], obj_tuple_e[1]) assert_proper_col_class(obj, obj_tuple) @given(st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_filter(self, C, tuple_factory): """ Attributes that are supposed to be skipped are skipped. """ assert tuple_factory([tuple_factory([1])]) == astuple( C(C(1, 2), C(3, 4)), filter=lambda a, v: a.name != "y", tuple_factory=tuple_factory, ) @given(container=st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_lists_tuples(self, container, C): """ If recurse is True, also recurse into lists. """ assert (1, [(2, 3), (4, 5), "a"]) == astuple( C(1, container([C(2, 3), C(4, 5), "a"])) ) @given(st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_dicts(self, C, tuple_factory): """ If recurse is True, also recurse into dicts. """ res = astuple(C(1, {"a": C(4, 5)}), tuple_factory=tuple_factory) assert tuple_factory([1, {"a": tuple_factory([4, 5])}]) == res assert isinstance(res, tuple_factory) @given(container=st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_lists_tuples_retain_type(self, container, C): """ If recurse and retain_collection_types are True, also recurse into lists and do not convert them into list. """ assert (1, container([(2, 3), (4, 5), "a"])) == astuple( C(1, container([C(2, 3), C(4, 5), "a"])), retain_collection_types=True, ) @given(container=st.sampled_from(MAPPING_TYPES)) def test_dicts_retain_type(self, container, C): """ If recurse and retain_collection_types are True, also recurse into lists and do not convert them into list. """ assert (1, container({"a": (4, 5)})) == astuple( C(1, container({"a": C(4, 5)})), retain_collection_types=True ) @given(simple_classes(), st.sampled_from(SEQUENCE_TYPES)) def test_roundtrip(self, cls, tuple_class): """ Test dumping to tuple and back for Hypothesis-generated classes. """ instance = cls() tuple_instance = astuple(instance, tuple_factory=tuple_class) assert isinstance(tuple_instance, tuple_class) roundtrip_instance = cls(*tuple_instance) assert instance == roundtrip_instance @given(set_type=st.sampled_from((set, frozenset))) def test_sets_no_retain(self, C, set_type): """ Set types are converted to lists if retain_collection_types=False. """ d = astuple( C(1, set_type((1, 2, 3))), retain_collection_types=False, recurse=True, ) assert (1, [1, 2, 3]) == d class TestHas: """ Tests for `has`. """ def test_positive(self, C): """ Returns `True` on decorated classes. """ assert has(C) def test_positive_empty(self): """ Returns `True` on decorated classes even if there are no attributes. """ @attr.s class D: pass assert has(D) def test_negative(self): """ Returns `False` on non-decorated classes. """ assert not has(object) class TestAssoc: """ Tests for `assoc`. """ @given(slots=st.booleans(), frozen=st.booleans()) def test_empty(self, slots, frozen): """ Empty classes without changes get copied. """ @attr.s(slots=slots, frozen=frozen) class C: pass i1 = C() with pytest.deprecated_call(): i2 = assoc(i1) assert i1 is not i2 assert i1 == i2 @given(simple_classes()) def test_no_changes(self, C): """ No changes means a verbatim copy. """ i1 = C() with pytest.deprecated_call(): i2 = assoc(i1) assert i1 is not i2 assert i1 == i2 @given(simple_classes(), st.data()) def test_change(self, C, data): """ Changes work. """ # Take the first attribute, and change it. assume(fields(C)) # Skip classes with no attributes. field_names = [a.name for a in fields(C)] original = C() chosen_names = data.draw(st.sets(st.sampled_from(field_names))) change_dict = {name: data.draw(st.integers()) for name in chosen_names} with pytest.deprecated_call(): changed = assoc(original, **change_dict) for k, v in change_dict.items(): assert getattr(changed, k) == v @given(simple_classes()) def test_unknown(self, C): """ Wanting to change an unknown attribute raises an AttrsAttributeNotFoundError. """ # No generated class will have a four letter attribute. with pytest.raises( AttrsAttributeNotFoundError ) as e, pytest.deprecated_call(): assoc(C(), aaaa=2) assert ( "aaaa is not an attrs attribute on {cls!r}.".format(cls=C), ) == e.value.args def test_frozen(self): """ Works on frozen classes. """ @attr.s(frozen=True) class C: x = attr.ib() y = attr.ib() with pytest.deprecated_call(): assert C(3, 2) == assoc(C(1, 2), x=3) def test_warning(self): """ DeprecationWarning points to the correct file. """ @attr.s class C: x = attr.ib() with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning) as wi: assert C(2) == assoc(C(1), x=2) assert __file__ == wi.list[0].filename class TestEvolve: """ Tests for `evolve`. """ @given(slots=st.booleans(), frozen=st.booleans()) def test_empty(self, slots, frozen): """ Empty classes without changes get copied. """ @attr.s(slots=slots, frozen=frozen) class C: pass i1 = C() i2 = evolve(i1) assert i1 is not i2 assert i1 == i2 @given(simple_classes()) def test_no_changes(self, C): """ No changes means a verbatim copy. """ i1 = C() i2 = evolve(i1) assert i1 is not i2 assert i1 == i2 @given(simple_classes(), st.data()) def test_change(self, C, data): """ Changes work. """ # Take the first attribute, and change it. assume(fields(C)) # Skip classes with no attributes. field_names = [a.name for a in fields(C)] original = C() chosen_names = data.draw(st.sets(st.sampled_from(field_names))) # We pay special attention to private attributes, they should behave # like in `__init__`. change_dict = { name.replace("_", ""): data.draw(st.integers()) for name in chosen_names } changed = evolve(original, **change_dict) for name in chosen_names: assert getattr(changed, name) == change_dict[name.replace("_", "")] @given(simple_classes()) def test_unknown(self, C): """ Wanting to change an unknown attribute raises an AttrsAttributeNotFoundError. """ # No generated class will have a four letter attribute. with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e: evolve(C(), aaaa=2) if hasattr(C, "__attrs_init__"): expected = ( "__attrs_init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'aaaa'" ) else: expected = "__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'aaaa'" assert e.value.args[0].endswith(expected) def test_validator_failure(self): """ TypeError isn't swallowed when validation fails within evolve. """ @attr.s class C: a = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(int)) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e: evolve(C(a=1), a="some string") m = e.value.args[0] assert m.startswith("'a' must be ") def test_private(self): """ evolve() acts as `__init__` with regards to private attributes. """ @attr.s class C: _a = attr.ib() assert evolve(C(1), a=2)._a == 2 with pytest.raises(TypeError): evolve(C(1), _a=2) with pytest.raises(TypeError): evolve(C(1), a=3, _a=2) def test_non_init_attrs(self): """ evolve() handles `init=False` attributes. """ @attr.s class C: a = attr.ib() b = attr.ib(init=False, default=0) assert evolve(C(1), a=2).a == 2 def test_regression_attrs_classes(self): """ evolve() can evolve fields that are instances of attrs classes. Regression test for #804 """ @attr.s class Cls1: param1 = attr.ib() @attr.s class Cls2: param2 = attr.ib() obj2a = Cls2(param2="a") obj2b = Cls2(param2="b") obj1a = Cls1(param1=obj2a) assert Cls1(param1=Cls2(param2="b")) == attr.evolve( obj1a, param1=obj2b ) def test_dicts(self): """ evolve() can replace an attrs class instance with a dict. See #806 """ @attr.s class Cls1: param1 = attr.ib() @attr.s class Cls2: param2 = attr.ib() obj2a = Cls2(param2="a") obj2b = {"foo": 42, "param2": 42} obj1a = Cls1(param1=obj2a) assert Cls1({"foo": 42, "param2": 42}) == attr.evolve( obj1a, param1=obj2b )