[tox] min_version = 4 env_list = pre-commit, py3{7,8,9,10,11,12}, pypy3, mypy, pyright, docs, changelog, coverage-report [testenv:.pkg] pass_env = SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION [testenv] package = wheel wheel_build_env = .pkg extras = tests commands = pytest {posargs:-n auto} pass_env = FORCE_COLOR NO_COLOR [testenv:py3{7,10,11}] extras = cov # Python 3.6+ has a number of compile-time warnings on invalid string escapes. # PYTHONWARNINGS=d and --no-compile below make them visible during the tox run. install_command = python -Im pip install --no-compile {opts} {packages} set_env = COVERAGE_PROCESS_START={toxinidir}/pyproject.toml PYTHONWARNINGS=d commands_pre = python -c 'import pathlib; pathlib.Path("{env_site_packages_dir}/cov.pth").write_text("import coverage; coverage.process_startup()")' commands = coverage run -m pytest {posargs:-n auto} [testenv:coverage-report] # Keep base_python in-sync with .python-version-default base_python = python3.11 depends = py3{7,10,11} skip_install = true deps = coverage[toml]>=5.3 commands = coverage combine coverage report [testenv:docs] # Keep base_python in-sync with ci.yml/docs and .readthedocs.yaml. base_python = python3.11 extras = docs commands = sphinx-build -n -T -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html sphinx-build -n -T -W -b doctest -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html [testenv:pre-commit] skip_install = true deps = pre-commit commands = pre-commit run --all-files [testenv:changelog] deps = towncrier skip_install = true commands = towncrier build --version main --draft [testenv:mypy] deps = mypy>=0.991 commands = mypy src/attrs/__init__.pyi src/attr/__init__.pyi src/attr/_typing_compat.pyi src/attr/_version_info.pyi src/attr/converters.pyi src/attr/exceptions.pyi src/attr/filters.pyi src/attr/setters.pyi src/attr/validators.pyi mypy tests/typing_example.py [testenv:pyright] # Install and configure node and pyright # This *could* be folded into a custom install_command # Use nodeenv to configure node in the running tox virtual environment # Seeing errors using "nodeenv -p" # Use npm install -g to install "globally" into the virtual environment deps = nodeenv commands = nodeenv --prebuilt --node=lts --force {envdir} npm install -g --no-package-lock --no-save pyright pyright --version pytest tests/test_pyright.py -vv [testenv:docset] deps = doc2dash extras = docs allowlist_externals = rm cp tar commands = rm -rf attrs.docset attrs.tgz docs/_build sphinx-build -n -T -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/_build/html doc2dash --index-page index.html --icon docs/_static/docset-icon.png --online-redirect-url https://www.attrs.org/en/latest/ docs/_build/html cp docs/_static/docset-icon@2x.png attrs.docset/icon@2x.png tar --exclude='.DS_Store' -cvzf attrs.tgz attrs.docset