Destroyed Unmapped keybindings: using a keycode (markdown)

Christian Duerr 2019-03-07 21:02:54 +00:00
parent 4cb261a7fb
commit 53b006dd41
1 changed files with 0 additions and 14 deletions

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
While trying to bind some specific keys in `alacritty`, you might realize that some keys are not defined in the [source code]( This is an issue from the dependency [winit](
However, you can still remap them using their keycode. Find your keycode with `showkey --scancodes` or `alacritty --print-events` and add it to your config file.
For example, `Ctrl` + `>` (`>` being accessed as `Shift`+`.`) will be shown as `0x34` by `showkey -scancodes` and `alacritty --print-events` will print:
input: KeyboardInput { scancode: 52, state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: None, modifiers: ModifiersState { shift: true, ctrl: true, alt: false, logo: false } } } }
You can then bind `Ctrl` + `>` as
- { key: 52, mods: Shift|Control, chars: "action" }