/******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT AUTHORS, 2014 - 2017 * * TITLE: METHODS.H * * VERSION: 2.70 * * DATE: 25 Mar 2017 * * Prototypes and definitions for UAC bypass methods table. * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF * ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED * TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * *******************************************************************************/ #pragma once #define UCM_DISPATCH_ENTRY_MAX 32 typedef enum _UCM_METHOD { UacMethodTest = 0, //+ UacMethodSysprep1 = 1, //+ UacMethodSysprep2, //+ UacMethodOobe, //+ UacMethodRedirectExe, //+ UacMethodSimda, //+ UacMethodCarberp1, //+ UacMethodCarberp2, //+ UacMethodTilon, //+ UacMethodAVrf, //+ UacMethodWinsat, //+ UacMethodShimPatch, //+ UacMethodSysprep3, //+ UacMethodMMC1, //+ UacMethodSirefef, //+ UacMethodGeneric, //+ UacMethodGWX, //+ UacMethodSysprep4, //+ UacMethodManifest, //+ UacMethodInetMgr, //+ UacMethodMMC2, //+ UacMethodSXS, //+ UacMethodSXSConsent, //+ UacMethodDISM, //+ UacMethodComet, //+ UacMethodEnigma0x3, //+ UacMethodEnigma0x3_2, //+ UacMethodExpLife, //+ UacMethodSandworm, //+ UacMethodEnigma0x3_3, //+ UacMethodWow64Logger, //+ UacMethodEnigma0x3_4, //+ UacMethodMax } UCM_METHOD; typedef struct _UCM_METHOD_AVAILABILITY { ULONG MinumumWindowsBuildRequired; //if the current build less this value this method is not working here ULONG MinimumExpectedFixedWindowsBuild; //if the current build equal or greater this value this method is not working here or fixed } UCM_METHOD_AVAILABILITY; typedef BOOL(CALLBACK *PUCM_API_ROUTINE)( UCM_METHOD Method, _Inout_opt_ PVOID ExtraContext, _In_opt_ PVOID PayloadCode, _In_opt_ ULONG PayloadSize ); #define UCM_API(n) BOOL CALLBACK n( \ _In_ UCM_METHOD Method, \ _Inout_opt_ PVOID ExtraContext, \ _In_opt_ PVOID PayloadCode, \ _In_opt_ ULONG PayloadSize) typedef struct _UCM_API_DISPATCH_ENTRY { PUCM_API_ROUTINE Routine; PVOID ExtraContext; UCM_METHOD_AVAILABILITY Availablity; ULONG PayloadResourceId; BOOL Win32OrWow64Required; BOOL DisallowWow64; BOOL SetParameterInRegistry; } UCM_API_DISPATCH_ENTRY, *PUCM_API_DISPATCH_ENTRY; #include "pitou.h" #include "simda.h" #include "explife.h" #include "carberp.h" #include "hybrids.h" #include "comet.h" #include "enigma0x3.h" #include "sandworm.h" #include "sirefef.h" #include "tests\test.h" #include "apphelp.h" #include "gootkit.h" BOOL MethodsManagerCall( _In_ UCM_METHOD Method);