187 lines
7.9 KiB
187 lines
7.9 KiB
### ShadowFox updater for Linux
## author: @overdodactyl
## version: 1.3
script_filename="$(basename $0)"
## get the full path of this script (readlink for Linux, greadlink for Mac with coreutils installed)
sfp=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null || greadlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null)
## fallback for Macs without coreutils - may cause problems if symbolic links are encountered
if [ -z "$sfp" ]; then sfp=${BASH_SOURCE[0]}; fi
## change directory to the Firefox profile directory
cd "$(dirname "${sfp}")"
## Check if there's a newwer version of the updater script available
online_version="$(curl -s ${updater} | sed -n '5p')"
current_version="$(sed '5q;d' ${script_filename})"
## Remove prefix
prefix='## version: '
if (( $(echo "$online_version > $current_version" | bc -l) )); then
echo -e "There is a new updater script available online. It will replace this one and be executed.\n"
mv ${script_filename} old_updater.sh
curl -O ${updater} && echo -e "\nThe latest updater script has been downloaded\n"
# make new file executable
chmod +x ${script_filename}
# execute new updater script
# exit script
exit 1
echo -e "This script should be run from inside your Firefox profile."
echo -e "Updating userContent.css and userChrome.css for Firefox profile:\n$(pwd)"
if [ -e chrome/userContent.css ]; then
echo -e "Your current userContent.css file for this profile will be backed up\nand the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
echo -e "A userContent.css file does not exist in this profile.\nIf you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
if [ -e chrome/userChrome.css ]; then
echo -e "Your current userChrome.css file for this profile will be backed up\nand the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
echo -e "A userChrome.css file does not exist in this profile.\nIf you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
read -p "Continue Y/N? " -n 1 -r
echo -e "\n\n"
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
## Make chrome directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p chrome;
## Move to chrome directory
cd chrome;
## Make ShadowFox_customization directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p ShadowFox_customization;
## Create all customization files if they don't exist
touch ./ShadowFox_customization/colorOverrides.css
touch ./ShadowFox_customization/internal_UUIDs.txt
touch ./ShadowFox_customization/userContent_customization.css
touch ./ShadowFox_customization/userChrome_customization.css
if [ -e userChrome.css ] || [ -e userContent.css ] ; then
## Make chrome backups folder if it doesn't extern
mkdir -p chrome_backups
if [ -e userChrome.css ]; then
# backup current userChrome.css file
bakfile="userChrome.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")"
mv userChrome.css "chrome_backups/${bakfile}" && echo "Your previous userChrome.css file was backed up: ${bakfile}"
if [ -e userContent.css ]; then
# backup current userChrome.css file
bakfile="userContent.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")"
mv userContent.css "chrome_backups/${bakfile}" && echo "Your previous userContent.css file was backed up: ${bakfile}"
# download latest ShadowFox userChrome.css
echo -e "Downloading latest ShadowFox userChrome.css file..."
curl -O ${userChrome} && echo "ShadowFox userChrome.css has been downloaded."
# download latest ShadowFox userContent.css
echo -e "Downloading latest ShadowFox userContent.css file..."
curl -O ${userContent} && echo "ShadowFox userContent.css has been downloaded."
echo -e "Would you like to auto-generate an internal_UUIDs.txt file based on your downloaded extensions?"
echo -e "If you do so, your current file will be backed up."
echo -e "WARNING: this step requires bash 4 to be installed.\n"
read -p "Y/N? " -n 1 -r
echo -e "\n\n"
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
# backup current internal_UUIDs.txt file
if [ -s ./ShadowFox_customization/internal_UUIDs.txt ]; then
bakfile="internal_UUIDs.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")"
mv ./ShadowFox_customization/internal_UUIDs.txt "chrome_backups/${bakfile}" && echo "Your previous internal_UUIDs.txt file was backed up: ${bakfile}"
# download latest version of internal_UUID_finder.sh
echo "Downloading latest internal_UUID_finder.sh file..."
curl -o ./ShadowFox_customization/internal_UUID_finder.sh ${uuid_finder} && echo -e "\ninternal_UUID_finder.sh has been downloaded"
# make internal_UUID_finder executable
chmod +x ShadowFox_customization/internal_UUID_finder.sh
# execute file
echo "internal_UUIDs.txt has been generated based on your downloaded extensions."
if [ -s ./ShadowFox_customization/internal_UUIDs.txt ]; then
## Insert any UUIDs defined in internal_UUIDs.txt into userContent.css
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
IFS='=' read -r -a array <<< "$line"
sed -i "s/${array[0]}/${array[1]}/" "userContent.css"
done < "./ShadowFox_customization/internal_UUIDs.txt"
echo -e "Your internal UUIDs have been inserted."
echo -e "You have not defined any internal UUIDs for webextensions."
echo -e "If you choose not to do so, webextensions will not be styled with a dark theme and may have compatibility issues in about:addons."
echo -e "For more information, see here:"
echo -e "https://github.com/overdodactyl/ShadowFox/wiki/Altering-webextensions"
if [ -s ./ShadowFox_customization/colorOverrides.css ]; then
## Delete everything inbetween override markers
sed -i '/--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;/,/--end-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;/{//!d;}' userContent.css
sed -i '/--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;/,/--end-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;/{//!d;}' userChrome.css
## Insert everything from colorOverrides.css
sed -i '/--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;/ r ./ShadowFox_customization/colorOverrides.css' userContent.css
sed -i '/--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;/ r ./ShadowFox_customization/colorOverrides.css' userChrome.css
echo -e "Your custom colors have been set."
echo -e "You are using the default colors set by ShadowFox."
echo -e "You can customize the colors used by editing colorOverrides.css."
if [ -s ./ShadowFox_customization/userContent_customization.css ]; then
## Append tweaks to the end of userContent.css
cat ./ShadowFox_customization/userContent_customization.css >> userContent.css
echo -e "Your custom userContent.css tweaks have been applied."
echo -e "You do not have any custom userContent.css tweaks."
echo -e "You can customize userContent.css using userContent_customization.css."
if [ -s ./ShadowFox_customization/userChrome_customization.css ]; then
## Append tweaks to the end of userContent.css
cat ./ShadowFox_customization/userChrome_customization.css >> userChrome.css
echo -e "Your custom userChrome.css tweaks have been applied."
echo -e "You do not have any custom userChrome.css tweaks."
echo -e "You can customize userChrome.css using userChrome_customization.css."
echo -e "Process aborted"
## Delete old updater script
[ -e ./../old_updater.sh ] && rm ./../old_updater.sh
## change directory back to the original working directory
cd "${currdir}"