option explicit ' ShadowFox updater for Windows ' author: @CarlColijn ' version: 1.0 ' the download urls of the files const chromeFileURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/overdodactyl/ShadowFox/master/userChrome.css" const contentFileURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/overdodactyl/ShadowFox/master/userContent.css" ' set up the common worker objects and flags dim vbSection: vbSection = vbNewLine & vbNewLine const readMode = 1 const binaryMode = 1 const overwriteMode = 2 dim fso: set fso = createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dim regEx: set regEx = createObject("VBScript.RegExp") regEx.global = true regEx.ignoreCase = true ' vb's IIf replacement function iif(condition, trueValue, falseValue) if condition then iif = trueValue else iif = falseValue end if end function ' does a regex newline-agnostic replacement on the given text function regExNLReplace(text, pattern, replaceText) ' ensure newlines are absent, since VBScript regex can't match 'em dim encodedText: encodedText = replace(replace(text, vbCr, chr(1)), vbLf, chr(2)) ' do the regex replace regEx.pattern = pattern dim replacedText: replacedText = regEx.replace(encodedText, replaceText) ' and decode the newlines again regExNLReplace = replace(replace(replacedText, chr(1), vbCr), chr(2), vbLf) end function ' left-pads the given text to the given length with the given character ' the text is not truncated if longer than the given length function leftPad(text, length, padChar) if len(text) >= length then leftPad = text else leftPad = string(length - len(text), padChar) & text end if end function ' gets a yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm timestamp function dateTimeStamp() dim present: present = now dateTimeStamp = year(present) & "-" & leftPad(month(present), 2, "0") & "-" & leftPad(day(present), 2, "0") & "_" & leftPad(hour(present), 2, "0") & "-" & leftPad(minute(present), 2, "0") & "-" & leftPad(second(present), 2, "0") end function ' backs up the given file ' returns the used backup file name function backupFile(chromeFolderPath, filePath, fileBaseName) ' backup the file dim backupFileName: backupFileName = fileBaseName & ".backup." & dateTimeStamp() & ".css" dim backupFilePath: backupFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, backupFileName) call fso.moveFile(filePath, backupFilePath) ' and tell where the backup ended up backupFile = backupFileName end function ' downloads the given file to the given location ' returns if the download succeeded function downloadFile(url, filePath) on error resume next ' download the file content dim xmlHttp: set xmlHttp = createObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") call xmlHttp.Open("GET", url, false) call xmlHttp.Send() if err.number = 0 then ' done -> save it dim stream: set stream = createobject("ADODB.Stream") with stream .type = binaryMode call .open call .write(xmlHttp.responseBody) call .saveToFile(filePath, overwriteMode) end with end if ' and tell if all is OK downloadFile = err.number = 0 on error goto 0 end function ' reads the given file's content function readFileContent(filePath) if fso.getFile(filePath).size = 0 then readFileContent = "" else readFileContent = fso.openTextFile(filePath, readMode).readAll() end if end function ' ensures consistent line endings in the given text (to just crLf) function normalizeLineEndings(text) normalizeLineEndings = replace(replace(text, vbCrLf, vbLf), vbCr, vbLf) end function ' ensures the given file is present ' returns the file's content, or "" if not present function processCustomizationFile(filePath) if fso.fileExists(filePath) then processCustomizationFile = readFileContent(filePath) else processCustomizationFile = "" call fso.createTextFile(filePath, true) end if end function ' determine where the files need to go dim chromeFolderPath: chromeFolderPath = fso.buildPath(fso.getParentFolderName(wscript.scriptFullName), "chrome") dim chromeFilePath: chromeFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userChrome.css") dim contentFilePath: contentFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userContent.css") dim customizationsFolderPath: customizationsFolderPath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "ShadowFox_customization") dim colorOverridesFilePath: colorOverridesFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "colorOverrides.css") dim internalUUIDsFilePath: internalUUIDsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "internal_UUIDs.txt") dim chromeCustomizationsFilePath: chromeCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userChrome_customization.css") dim contentCustomizationsFilePath: contentCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userContent_customization.css") ' ensure the files & folders are present, creating empty files as placeholders for users to customize if not fso.folderExists(chromeFolderPath) then call fso.createFolder(chromeFolderPath) end if if not fso.folderExists(customizationsFolderPath) then call fso.createFolder(customizationsFolderPath) end if dim colorOverrides: colorOverrides = processCustomizationFile(colorOverridesFilePath) dim internalUUIDs: internalUUIDs = processCustomizationFile(internalUUIDsFilePath) dim chromeCustomizations: chromeCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(chromeCustomizationsFilePath) dim contentCustomizations: contentCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(contentCustomizationsFilePath) ' ask if we may continue dim prompt: prompt = "Updating userContent.css and userChrome.css for Firefox profile:" & vbNewLine & chromeFolderPath & vbNewLine if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _ "Your current userContent.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place." else prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _ "A userContent.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded." end if if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _ "Your current userChrome.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place." else prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _ "A userChrome.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded." end if if vbNo = msgBox(prompt & vbSection & "Continue?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "ShadowFox updater") then ' no -> tell call msgBox("Process aborted.", vbOKOnly, "ShadowFox updater") else ' yes -> backup any existing files prompt = "Installing new ShadowFox files." if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _ "Your previous userContent.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(chromeFolderPath, contentFilePath, "userContent") end if if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _ "Your previous userChrome.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(chromeFolderPath, chromeFilePath, "userChrome") end if ' download the latest versions dim allOK allOK = true if _ not downloadFile(chromeFileURL, chromeFilePath) or _ not downloadFile(contentFileURL, contentFilePath) _ then ' error downloading -> tell prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "There was an error downloading the latest ShadowFox userContent.css and/or userChrome.css files." allOK = false else ' done -> tell prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "ShadowFox userContent.css and userChrome.css have been downloaded." ' read their content to manipulate it dim chromeFileContent: chromeFileContent = readFileContent(chromeFilePath) dim contentFileContent: contentFileContent = readFileContent(contentFilePath) ' do any extension UUID replacements if len(internalUUIDs) = 0 then prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "You have not defined any internal UUIDs for webextensions." & vbNewLine & _ "If you choose not to do so, webextensions will not be styled with a dark theme and may have compatibility issues in about:addons." & vbNewLine & _ "For more information, see here:" & vbNewLine & _ "https://github.com/overdodactyl/ShadowFox/wiki/Altering-webextensions" else dim internalUUID for each internalUUID in split(normalizeLineEndings(internalUUIDs), vbLf) if instr(internalUUID, "=") > 0 then dim replacementParts: replacementParts = split(internalUUID, "=") regEx.pattern = replacementParts(0) contentFileContent = regEx.replace(contentFileContent, replacementParts(1)) end if next prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "Your internal UUIDs have been inserted." end if ' process any color overrides if len(colorOverrides) = 0 then prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "You are using the default colors set by ShadowFox." & vbNewLine & _ "You can customize the colors used by editing colorOverrides.css." else const replacePattern = "(--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)(.*)(--end-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)" dim replaceWith: replaceWith = "$1" & vbNewLine & colorOverrides & vbNewLine & "$3" chromeFileContent = regExNLReplace(chromeFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith) contentFileContent = regExNLReplace(contentFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith) prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "Your custom colors have been set." end if ' add on any overrides if len(contentCustomizations) = 0 then prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "You do not have any custom userContent.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _ "You can customize userContent.css using userContent_customization.css." else contentFileContent = contentFileContent & vbSection & contentCustomizations prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "Your custom userContent.css tweaks have been applied." end if if len(chromeCustomizations) = 0 then prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "You do not have any custom userChrome.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _ "You can customize userChrome.css using userChrome_customization.css." else chromeFileContent = chromeFileContent & vbSection & chromeCustomizations prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "Your custom userChrome.css tweaks have been applied." end if ' write them out again on error resume next call fso.createTextFile(chromeFilePath, true).write(chromeFileContent) call fso.createTextFile(contentFilePath, true).write(contentFileContent) if err.number <> 0 then allOK = false prompt = prompt & vbSection & _ "There was an error saving the customized versions of the userChrome.css and/or userContent.css files." end if on error goto 0 end if ' and tell we're done call msgBox(prompt, iif(allOK, vbInformation, vbExclamation), "ShadowFox updater") end if