Script can now be ran from anywhere; it'll determine where the FireFox profiles are located, and if there's more than one, asks the user to specify which one to update

This commit is contained in:
CarlColijn 2018-04-11 13:49:03 +02:00
parent c26ddb9c8d
commit faa966c712
1 changed files with 235 additions and 131 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ dim fso: set fso = createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim regEx: set regEx = createObject("VBScript.RegExp") = true
regEx.ignoreCase = true
dim shell: set shell = createObject("WScript.Shell")
' vb's IIf replacement
function iif(condition, trueValue, falseValue)
@ -125,148 +126,251 @@ function processCustomizationFile(filePath)
end if
end function
' reads in the given ini file
' returns a dict of dicts, where the outer dict keys on the sections and the inner dicts on the keys
function readIni(iniFilePath)
' get the ini's content
dim iniLines: iniLines = split(normalizeLineEndings(readFileContent(iniFilePath)), vbLf)
' and parse it
set readIni = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dim currentSection: set currentSection = Nothing
dim nextLine
for each nextLine in iniLines
' get the next line
nextLine = trim(nextLine)
if len(nextLine) > 0 then
' done -> look what we have
if left(nextLine, 1) = "[" then
' a section -> switch to it
dim nextSectionName: nextSectionName = mid(nextLine, 2, len(nextLine) - 2)
if readIni.exists(nextSectionName) then
set currentSection = readIni.item(nextSectionName)
set currentSection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set readIni.item(nextSectionName) = currentSection
end if
' a key -> add it
dim endKeyPos: endKeyPos = inStr(nextLine, "=")
if endKeyPos >= 1 and not currentSection is nothing then
dim nextKey: nextKey = trim(left(nextLine, endKeyPos - 1))
dim nextValue: nextValue = mid(nextLine, endKeyPos + 1)
currentSection.item(nextKey) = nextValue
end if
end if
end if
end function
' determine where the files need to go
dim chromeFolderPath: chromeFolderPath = fso.buildPath(fso.getParentFolderName(wscript.scriptFullName), "chrome")
dim backupFolderPath: backupFolderPath = fso.buildPath(fso.getParentFolderName(wscript.scriptFullName), "chrome_backups")
dim chromeFilePath: chromeFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userChrome.css")
dim contentFilePath: contentFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userContent.css")
dim customizationsFolderPath: customizationsFolderPath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "ShadowFox_customization")
dim colorOverridesFilePath: colorOverridesFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "colorOverrides.css")
dim internalUUIDsFilePath: internalUUIDsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "internal_UUIDs.txt")
dim chromeCustomizationsFilePath: chromeCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userChrome_customization.css")
dim contentCustomizationsFilePath: contentCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userContent_customization.css")
' gets the path to the profile folder to update
' returns "" if more than one profile exists but the user cancels
function getProfileFolderPath()
' determine where the FireFox files are located
dim userDataFolder: userDataFolder = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%\Mozilla\FireFox")
dim profileIniFilePath: profileIniFilePath = fso.buildPath(userDataFolder, "profiles.ini")
' ask if we may continue
dim prompt: prompt = "Updating userContent.css and userChrome.css for Firefox profile:" & vbNewLine & chromeFolderPath & vbNewLine
if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your current userContent.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userContent.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your current userChrome.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userChrome.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if vbNo = msgBox(prompt & vbSection & "Continue?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "ShadowFox updater") then
' no -> tell
call msgBox("Process aborted.", vbOKOnly, "ShadowFox updater")
' yes -> ensure the folders are present
if not fso.folderExists(chromeFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(chromeFolderPath)
end if
if not fso.folderExists(customizationsFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(customizationsFolderPath)
' get the profiles configuration
dim iniContent: set iniContent = readIni(profileIniFilePath)
' extract the names & paths of the profiles found
dim profilePaths: set profilePaths = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
profilePaths.compareMode = VBTextCompare
dim sectionName
dim defaultProfileName: defaultProfileName = ""
for each sectionName in iniContent.keys()
if lcase(left(sectionName, 7)) = "profile" then
dim section: set section = iniContent.item(sectionName)
dim name: name = section.item("Name")
dim path
if section.item("IsRelative") = "0" then
path = section.item("Path")
path = fso.buildPath(userDataFolder, section.item("Path"))
end if
if section.exists("Default") then
defaultProfileName = name
end if
profilePaths.item(name) = path
end if
' look how many profile were found
if profilePaths.count = 1 then
' just one -> use it
getProfileFolderPath = profilePaths.items()(0)
' more than one -> ask which one to use
dim prompt: prompt = "Which profile would you like to update ShadowFox in?"
dim profileName
dim profileChosen: profileChosen = true
for each profileName in profilePaths.keys()
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & profileName & ": """ & profilePaths.item(profileName) & """"
dim chosenProfile: chosenProfile = trim(inputBox(prompt, "ShadowFox updater", defaultProfileName))
if len(chosenProfile) = 0 then
getProfileFolderPath = ""
if profilePaths.exists(chosenProfile) then
getProfileFolderPath = profilePaths.item(chosenProfile)
' illegal one -> tell
call msgbox("The profile """ & chosenProfile & """ doesn't exist; please select one from the list.", vbOKOnly & vbExclamation, "ShadowFox updater")
profileChosen = false
end if
end if
loop while not profileChosen
end if
end function
' backup any existing files
prompt = "Installing new ShadowFox files."
' look which profile folder to update
dim profileFolderPath: profileFolderPath = getProfileFolderPath()
if len(profileFolderPath) > 0 then
' done -> determine where the files need to go
dim chromeFolderPath: chromeFolderPath = fso.buildPath(profileFolderPath, "chrome")
dim backupFolderPath: backupFolderPath = fso.buildPath(profileFolderPath, "chrome_backups")
dim chromeFilePath: chromeFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userChrome.css")
dim contentFilePath: contentFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userContent.css")
dim customizationsFolderPath: customizationsFolderPath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "ShadowFox_customization")
dim colorOverridesFilePath: colorOverridesFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "colorOverrides.css")
dim internalUUIDsFilePath: internalUUIDsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "internal_UUIDs.txt")
dim chromeCustomizationsFilePath: chromeCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userChrome_customization.css")
dim contentCustomizationsFilePath: contentCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userContent_customization.css")
' and ask if we may continue
dim prompt: prompt = "Updating userContent.css and userChrome.css for Firefox profile:" & vbNewLine & chromeFolderPath & vbNewLine
if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userContent.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(contentFilePath, backupFolderPath)
"Your current userContent.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userContent.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userChrome.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(chromeFilePath, backupFolderPath)
end if
' download the latest versions
dim allOK
allOK = true
if _
not downloadFile(chromeFileURL, chromeFilePath) or _
not downloadFile(contentFileURL, contentFilePath) _
' error downloading -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error downloading the latest ShadowFox userContent.css and/or userChrome.css files."
allOK = false
"Your current userChrome.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
' done -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"ShadowFox userContent.css and userChrome.css have been downloaded."
' read their content to manipulate it
dim chromeFileContent: chromeFileContent = readFileContent(chromeFilePath)
dim contentFileContent: contentFileContent = readFileContent(contentFilePath)
' do any extension UUID replacements
dim internalUUIDs: internalUUIDs = processCustomizationFile(internalUUIDsFilePath)
if len(internalUUIDs) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You have not defined any internal UUIDs for webextensions." & vbNewLine & _
"If you choose not to do so, webextensions will not be styled with a dark theme and may have compatibility issues in about:addons." & vbNewLine & _
"For more information, see here:" & vbNewLine & _
dim internalUUID
for each internalUUID in split(normalizeLineEndings(internalUUIDs), vbLf)
if instr(internalUUID, "=") > 0 then
dim replacementParts: replacementParts = split(internalUUID, "=")
regEx.pattern = replacementParts(0)
contentFileContent = regEx.replace(contentFileContent, replacementParts(1))
end if
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your internal UUIDs have been inserted."
end if
' process any color overrides
dim colorOverrides: colorOverrides = processCustomizationFile(colorOverridesFilePath)
if len(colorOverrides) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You are using the default colors set by ShadowFox." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize the colors used by editing colorOverrides.css."
const replacePattern = "(--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)(.*)(--end-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)"
dim replaceWith: replaceWith = "$1" & vbNewLine & colorOverrides & vbNewLine & "$3"
chromeFileContent = regExNLReplace(chromeFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
contentFileContent = regExNLReplace(contentFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom colors have been set."
end if
' add on any overrides
dim contentCustomizations: contentCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(contentCustomizationsFilePath)
if len(contentCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userContent.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userContent.css using userContent_customization.css."
contentFileContent = contentFileContent & vbSection & contentCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userContent.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
dim chromeCustomizations: chromeCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(chromeCustomizationsFilePath)
if len(chromeCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userChrome.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userChrome.css using userChrome_customization.css."
chromeFileContent = chromeFileContent & vbSection & chromeCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userChrome.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
' write them out again
on error resume next
call fso.createTextFile(chromeFilePath, true).write(chromeFileContent)
call fso.createTextFile(contentFilePath, true).write(contentFileContent)
if err.number <> 0 then
allOK = false
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error saving the customized versions of the userChrome.css and/or userContent.css files."
end if
on error goto 0
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userChrome.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if vbNo = msgBox(prompt & vbSection & "Continue?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "ShadowFox updater") then
' no -> tell
call msgBox("Process aborted.", vbOKOnly, "ShadowFox updater")
' yes -> ensure the folders are present
if not fso.folderExists(chromeFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(chromeFolderPath)
end if
if not fso.folderExists(customizationsFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(customizationsFolderPath)
end if
' and tell we're done
call msgBox(prompt, iif(allOK, vbInformation, vbExclamation), "ShadowFox updater")
' backup any existing files
prompt = "Installing new ShadowFox files."
if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userContent.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(contentFilePath, backupFolderPath)
end if
if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userChrome.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(chromeFilePath, backupFolderPath)
end if
' download the latest versions
dim allOK
allOK = true
if _
not downloadFile(chromeFileURL, chromeFilePath) or _
not downloadFile(contentFileURL, contentFilePath) _
' error downloading -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error downloading the latest ShadowFox userContent.css and/or userChrome.css files."
allOK = false
' done -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"ShadowFox userContent.css and userChrome.css have been downloaded."
' read their content to manipulate it
dim chromeFileContent: chromeFileContent = readFileContent(chromeFilePath)
dim contentFileContent: contentFileContent = readFileContent(contentFilePath)
' do any extension UUID replacements
dim internalUUIDs: internalUUIDs = processCustomizationFile(internalUUIDsFilePath)
if len(internalUUIDs) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You have not defined any internal UUIDs for webextensions." & vbNewLine & _
"If you choose not to do so, webextensions will not be styled with a dark theme and may have compatibility issues in about:addons." & vbNewLine & _
"For more information, see here:" & vbNewLine & _
dim internalUUID
for each internalUUID in split(normalizeLineEndings(internalUUIDs), vbLf)
if instr(internalUUID, "=") > 0 then
dim replacementParts: replacementParts = split(internalUUID, "=")
regEx.pattern = replacementParts(0)
contentFileContent = regEx.replace(contentFileContent, replacementParts(1))
end if
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your internal UUIDs have been inserted."
end if
' process any color overrides
dim colorOverrides: colorOverrides = processCustomizationFile(colorOverridesFilePath)
if len(colorOverrides) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You are using the default colors set by ShadowFox." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize the colors used by editing colorOverrides.css."
const replacePattern = "(--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)(.*)(--end-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)"
dim replaceWith: replaceWith = "$1" & vbNewLine & colorOverrides & vbNewLine & "$3"
chromeFileContent = regExNLReplace(chromeFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
contentFileContent = regExNLReplace(contentFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom colors have been set."
end if
' add on any overrides
dim contentCustomizations: contentCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(contentCustomizationsFilePath)
if len(contentCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userContent.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userContent.css using userContent_customization.css."
contentFileContent = contentFileContent & vbSection & contentCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userContent.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
dim chromeCustomizations: chromeCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(chromeCustomizationsFilePath)
if len(chromeCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userChrome.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userChrome.css using userChrome_customization.css."
chromeFileContent = chromeFileContent & vbSection & chromeCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userChrome.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
' write them out again
on error resume next
call fso.createTextFile(chromeFilePath, true).write(chromeFileContent)
call fso.createTextFile(contentFilePath, true).write(contentFileContent)
if err.number <> 0 then
allOK = false
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error saving the customized versions of the userChrome.css and/or userContent.css files."
end if
on error goto 0
end if
' and tell we're done
call msgBox(prompt, iif(allOK, vbInformation, vbExclamation), "ShadowFox updater")
end if
end if