Merge pull request #121 from CarlColijn/master

Various improvements to Windows installer script
This commit is contained in:
overdodactyl 2018-04-12 14:56:19 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 4d105ecbc5
1 changed files with 348 additions and 159 deletions

View File

@ -2,21 +2,25 @@ option explicit
' ShadowFox updater for Windows
' author: @CarlColijn
' version: 1.0
' version: 1.1
' ^^^ ensure the version number is a numeric float value!
' the download urls of the files
const chromeFileURL = ""
const contentFileURL = ""
const updaterFileURL = ""
' set up the common worker objects and flags
dim vbSection: vbSection = vbNewLine & vbNewLine
const readMode = 1
const binaryMode = 1
const overwriteMode = 2
const forReading = 1
const adTypeBinary = 1
const adTypeText = 2
const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
dim fso: set fso = createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim regEx: set regEx = createObject("VBScript.RegExp") = true
regEx.ignoreCase = true
dim shell: set shell = createObject("WScript.Shell")
' vb's IIf replacement
function iif(condition, trueValue, falseValue)
@ -57,33 +61,58 @@ function dateTimeStamp()
end function
' backs up the given file
' creates the backup folder if it doesn't exist yet
' returns the used backup file name
function backupFile(chromeFolderPath, filePath, fileBaseName)
function backupFile(sourceFilePath, backupFolderPath)
' determine the backup filename
dim backupFileName: backupFileName = fso.getBaseName(sourceFilePath) & ".backup." & dateTimeStamp() & "." & fso.getExtensionName(sourceFilePath)
dim backupFilePath: backupFilePath = fso.buildPath(backupFolderPath, backupFileName)
' ensure the backup folder is there
if not fso.folderExists(backupFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(backupFolderPath)
end if
' backup the file
dim backupFileName: backupFileName = fileBaseName & ".backup." & dateTimeStamp() & ".css"
dim backupFilePath: backupFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, backupFileName)
call fso.moveFile(filePath, backupFilePath)
call fso.moveFile(sourceFilePath, backupFilePath)
' and tell where the backup ended up
backupFile = backupFileName
end function
' downloads the given file to the given location
' returns if the download succeeded
function downloadFile(url, filePath)
' reads the given file's content
function readFileContent(filePath)
if fso.getFile(filePath).size = 0 then
readFileContent = ""
readFileContent = fso.openTextFile(filePath, forReading).readAll()
end if
end function
' writes the given file's content
function writeFileContent(filePath, content)
call fso.createTextFile(filePath, true).write(content)
end function
' downloads the given file
' returns the content and if the download succeeded
function downloadFile(url, content)
on error resume next
' download the file content
dim xmlHttp: set xmlHttp = createObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
call xmlHttp.Open("GET", url, false)
call xmlHttp.Send()
if err.number = 0 then
' done -> save it
' done -> convert it
dim stream: set stream = createobject("ADODB.Stream")
with stream
.type = binaryMode
.type = adTypeBinary
call .open
call .write(xmlHttp.responseBody)
call .saveToFile(filePath, overwriteMode)
.position = 0
.type = adTypeText
.charSet = "us-ascii"
content = .readText()
end with
end if
@ -92,12 +121,15 @@ function downloadFile(url, filePath)
on error goto 0
end function
' reads the given file's content
function readFileContent(filePath)
if fso.getFile(filePath).size = 0 then
readFileContent = ""
readFileContent = fso.openTextFile(filePath, readMode).readAll()
' downloads and saves the given file to the given location
' returns if the download succeeded
function downloadAndSaveFile(url, filePath)
' download the file's content
dim content
downloadAndSaveFile = downloadFile(url, content)
if downloadAndSaveFile then
' done -> save it's content
call writeFileContent(filePath, content)
end if
end function
@ -117,147 +149,304 @@ function processCustomizationFile(filePath)
end if
end function
' reads in the given ini file
' returns a dict of dicts, where the outer dict keys on the sections and the inner dicts on the keys
function readIni(iniFilePath)
' get the ini's content
dim iniLines: iniLines = split(normalizeLineEndings(readFileContent(iniFilePath)), vbLf)
' determine where the files need to go
dim chromeFolderPath: chromeFolderPath = fso.buildPath(fso.getParentFolderName(wscript.scriptFullName), "chrome")
dim chromeFilePath: chromeFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userChrome.css")
dim contentFilePath: contentFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userContent.css")
dim customizationsFolderPath: customizationsFolderPath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "ShadowFox_customization")
dim colorOverridesFilePath: colorOverridesFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "colorOverrides.css")
dim internalUUIDsFilePath: internalUUIDsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "internal_UUIDs.txt")
dim chromeCustomizationsFilePath: chromeCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userChrome_customization.css")
dim contentCustomizationsFilePath: contentCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userContent_customization.css")
' ensure the files & folders are present, creating empty files as placeholders for users to customize
if not fso.folderExists(chromeFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(chromeFolderPath)
end if
if not fso.folderExists(customizationsFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(customizationsFolderPath)
end if
dim colorOverrides: colorOverrides = processCustomizationFile(colorOverridesFilePath)
dim internalUUIDs: internalUUIDs = processCustomizationFile(internalUUIDsFilePath)
dim chromeCustomizations: chromeCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(chromeCustomizationsFilePath)
dim contentCustomizations: contentCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(contentCustomizationsFilePath)
' ask if we may continue
dim prompt: prompt = "Updating userContent.css and userChrome.css for Firefox profile:" & vbNewLine & chromeFolderPath & vbNewLine
if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your current userContent.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userContent.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your current userChrome.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userChrome.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if vbNo = msgBox(prompt & vbSection & "Continue?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "ShadowFox updater") then
' no -> tell
call msgBox("Process aborted.", vbOKOnly, "ShadowFox updater")
' yes -> backup any existing files
prompt = "Installing new ShadowFox files."
if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userContent.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(chromeFolderPath, contentFilePath, "userContent")
end if
if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userChrome.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(chromeFolderPath, chromeFilePath, "userChrome")
end if
' download the latest versions
dim allOK
allOK = true
if _
not downloadFile(chromeFileURL, chromeFilePath) or _
not downloadFile(contentFileURL, contentFilePath) _
' error downloading -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error downloading the latest ShadowFox userContent.css and/or userChrome.css files."
allOK = false
' done -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"ShadowFox userContent.css and userChrome.css have been downloaded."
' read their content to manipulate it
dim chromeFileContent: chromeFileContent = readFileContent(chromeFilePath)
dim contentFileContent: contentFileContent = readFileContent(contentFilePath)
' do any extension UUID replacements
if len(internalUUIDs) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You have not defined any internal UUIDs for webextensions." & vbNewLine & _
"If you choose not to do so, webextensions will not be styled with a dark theme and may have compatibility issues in about:addons." & vbNewLine & _
"For more information, see here:" & vbNewLine & _
dim internalUUID
for each internalUUID in split(normalizeLineEndings(internalUUIDs), vbLf)
if instr(internalUUID, "=") > 0 then
dim replacementParts: replacementParts = split(internalUUID, "=")
regEx.pattern = replacementParts(0)
contentFileContent = regEx.replace(contentFileContent, replacementParts(1))
' and parse it
set readIni = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dim currentSection: set currentSection = Nothing
dim nextLine
for each nextLine in iniLines
' get the next line
nextLine = trim(nextLine)
if len(nextLine) > 0 then
' done -> look what we have
if left(nextLine, 1) = "[" then
' a section -> switch to it
dim nextSectionName: nextSectionName = mid(nextLine, 2, len(nextLine) - 2)
if readIni.exists(nextSectionName) then
set currentSection = readIni.item(nextSectionName)
set currentSection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set readIni.item(nextSectionName) = currentSection
end if
' a key -> add it
dim endKeyPos: endKeyPos = inStr(nextLine, "=")
if endKeyPos >= 1 and not currentSection is nothing then
dim nextKey: nextKey = trim(left(nextLine, endKeyPos - 1))
dim nextValue: nextValue = mid(nextLine, endKeyPos + 1)
currentSection.item(nextKey) = nextValue
end if
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your internal UUIDs have been inserted."
end if
' process any color overrides
if len(colorOverrides) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You are using the default colors set by ShadowFox." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize the colors used by editing colorOverrides.css."
const replacePattern = "(--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)(.*)(--end-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)"
dim replaceWith: replaceWith = "$1" & vbNewLine & colorOverrides & vbNewLine & "$3"
chromeFileContent = regExNLReplace(chromeFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
contentFileContent = regExNLReplace(contentFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom colors have been set."
end if
' add on any overrides
if len(contentCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userContent.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userContent.css using userContent_customization.css."
contentFileContent = contentFileContent & vbSection & contentCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userContent.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
if len(chromeCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userChrome.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userChrome.css using userChrome_customization.css."
chromeFileContent = chromeFileContent & vbSection & chromeCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userChrome.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
' write them out again
on error resume next
call fso.createTextFile(chromeFilePath, true).write(chromeFileContent)
call fso.createTextFile(contentFilePath, true).write(contentFileContent)
if err.number <> 0 then
allOK = false
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error saving the customized versions of the userChrome.css and/or userContent.css files."
end if
on error goto 0
end if
end if
end function
' and tell we're done
call msgBox(prompt, iif(allOK, vbInformation, vbExclamation), "ShadowFox updater")
' gets the path to the profile folder to update
' returns "" if more than one profile exists but the user cancels
function getProfileFolderPath()
' determine where the FireFox files are located
dim userDataFolderPath: userDataFolderPath = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%\Mozilla\FireFox")
dim profileIniFilePath: profileIniFilePath = fso.buildPath(userDataFolderPath, "profiles.ini")
' determine where we are located
dim ourPath: ourPath = fso.getParentFolderName(wscript.scriptFullName)
' get the profiles configuration
dim iniContent: set iniContent = readIni(profileIniFilePath)
' extract the names & paths of the profiles found
dim profilePaths: set profilePaths = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
profilePaths.compareMode = VBTextCompare
dim sectionName
dim defaultProfileName: defaultProfileName = ""
dim forcedProfilePath: forcedProfilePath = ""
for each sectionName in iniContent.keys()
if lcase(left(sectionName, 7)) = "profile" then
dim section: set section = iniContent.item(sectionName)
dim name: name = section.item("Name")
dim path
if section.item("IsRelative") = "0" then
path = section.item("Path")
path = fso.buildPath(userDataFolderPath, section.item("Path"))
end if
if section.exists("Default") then
defaultProfileName = name
end if
if strComp(left(ourPath, len(path)), path, vbTextCompare) = 0 then
forcedProfilePath = path
end if
profilePaths.item(name) = path
end if
' and look what situation we're in
if len(forcedProfilePath) > 0 then
' running from within a profile -> use that one
getProfileFolderPath = forcedProfilePath
elseif profilePaths.count = 1 then
' just one profile found -> use it
getProfileFolderPath = profilePaths.items()(0)
' more than one profile found -> ask which one to use
dim prompt: prompt = "Which profile would you like to update ShadowFox in?"
dim profileName
dim profileChosen: profileChosen = true
for each profileName in profilePaths.keys()
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & profileName & ": """ & profilePaths.item(profileName) & """"
dim chosenProfileName: chosenProfileName = trim(inputBox(prompt, "ShadowFox updater", defaultProfileName))
if len(chosenProfileName) = 0 then
getProfileFolderPath = ""
if profilePaths.exists(chosenProfileName) then
getProfileFolderPath = profilePaths.item(chosenProfileName)
' illegal one -> tell
call msgbox("The profile """ & chosenProfileName & """ doesn't exist; please select one from the list.", vbOKOnly & vbExclamation, "ShadowFox updater")
profileChosen = false
end if
end if
loop while not profileChosen
end if
end function
' gets the version of the given updater file
' return "" if not found
function getUpdaterVersion(updaterSourceCode)
regEx.pattern = "' version: (.*)"
dim matches: set matches = regEx.execute(updaterSourceCode)
if matches.count > 0 then
getUpdaterVersion = matches(0).subMatches(0)
getUpdaterVersion = ""
end if
end function
' gets the latest version of the updater
' returns if a newer version was installed
function getLatestUpdater(updaterFilePath)
' download the source of the latest updater
getLatestUpdater = false
dim latestSource
if downloadFile(updaterFileURL, latestSource) then
' done -> extract it's version
dim latestVersion: latestVersion = getUpdaterVersion(latestSource)
' extract our version
dim ourVersion: ourVersion = getUpdaterVersion(readFileContent(updaterFilePath))
' and see if there is a newer version available
if latestVersion > ourVersion then
' yes -> replace us with it
dim updaterPath: updaterPath = fso.getParentFolderName(updaterFilePath)
call backupFile(updaterFilePath, updaterPath)
call writeFileContent(updaterFilePath, latestSource)
getLatestUpdater = true
end if
end if
end function
' ensure we're up-to-date
dim ourPath: ourPath = wscript.scriptFullName
if getLatestUpdater(ourPath) then
' we weren't, but are now -> tell we're going to run it
call msgbox("There is a new updater script available online. Your old version has been backed up, and the new one has been downloaded and has replaced this one. It will now be executed instead.", vbOKOnly, "ShadowFox updater")
call"""" & ourPath & """", , false)
' we are -> look which profile folder to update
dim profileFolderPath: profileFolderPath = getProfileFolderPath()
if len(profileFolderPath) > 0 then
' done -> determine where the files need to go
dim chromeFolderPath: chromeFolderPath = fso.buildPath(profileFolderPath, "chrome")
dim backupFolderPath: backupFolderPath = fso.buildPath(profileFolderPath, "chrome_backups")
dim chromeFilePath: chromeFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userChrome.css")
dim contentFilePath: contentFilePath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "userContent.css")
dim customizationsFolderPath: customizationsFolderPath = fso.buildPath(chromeFolderPath, "ShadowFox_customization")
dim colorOverridesFilePath: colorOverridesFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "colorOverrides.css")
dim internalUUIDsFilePath: internalUUIDsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "internal_UUIDs.txt")
dim chromeCustomizationsFilePath: chromeCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userChrome_customization.css")
dim contentCustomizationsFilePath: contentCustomizationsFilePath = fso.buildPath(customizationsFolderPath, "userContent_customization.css")
' and ask if we may continue
dim prompt: prompt = "Updating userContent.css and userChrome.css for Firefox profile:" & vbNewLine & chromeFolderPath & vbNewLine
if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your current userContent.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userContent.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your current userChrome.css file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ShadowFox version from github will take its place."
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"A userChrome.css file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ShadowFox version from github will be downloaded."
end if
if vbNo = msgBox(prompt & vbSection & "Continue?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "ShadowFox updater") then
' no -> tell
call msgBox("Process aborted.", vbOKOnly, "ShadowFox updater")
' yes -> ensure the folders are present
if not fso.folderExists(chromeFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(chromeFolderPath)
end if
if not fso.folderExists(customizationsFolderPath) then
call fso.createFolder(customizationsFolderPath)
end if
' backup any existing files
prompt = "Installing new ShadowFox files."
if fso.fileExists(contentFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userContent.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(contentFilePath, backupFolderPath)
end if
if fso.fileExists(chromeFilePath) then
prompt = prompt & vbNewLine & _
"Your previous userChrome.css file was backed up: " & backupFile(chromeFilePath, backupFolderPath)
end if
' download the latest versions
dim allOK
allOK = true
if _
not downloadAndSaveFile(chromeFileURL, chromeFilePath) or _
not downloadAndSaveFile(contentFileURL, contentFilePath) _
' error downloading -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error downloading the latest ShadowFox userContent.css and/or userChrome.css files."
allOK = false
' done -> tell
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"ShadowFox userContent.css and userChrome.css have been downloaded."
' read their content to manipulate it
dim chromeFileContent: chromeFileContent = readFileContent(chromeFilePath)
dim contentFileContent: contentFileContent = readFileContent(contentFilePath)
' do any extension UUID replacements
dim internalUUIDs: internalUUIDs = processCustomizationFile(internalUUIDsFilePath)
if len(internalUUIDs) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You have not defined any internal UUIDs for webextensions." & vbNewLine & _
"If you choose not to do so, webextensions will not be styled with a dark theme and may have compatibility issues in about:addons." & vbNewLine & _
"For more information, see here:" & vbNewLine & _
dim internalUUID
for each internalUUID in split(normalizeLineEndings(internalUUIDs), vbLf)
if instr(internalUUID, "=") > 0 then
dim replacementParts: replacementParts = split(internalUUID, "=")
regEx.pattern = replacementParts(0)
contentFileContent = regEx.replace(contentFileContent, replacementParts(1))
end if
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your internal UUIDs have been inserted."
end if
' process any color overrides
dim colorOverrides: colorOverrides = processCustomizationFile(colorOverridesFilePath)
if len(colorOverrides) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You are using the default colors set by ShadowFox." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize the colors used by editing colorOverrides.css."
const replacePattern = "(--start-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)(.*)(--end-indicator-for-updater-scripts: black;)"
dim replaceWith: replaceWith = "$1" & vbNewLine & colorOverrides & vbNewLine & "$3"
chromeFileContent = regExNLReplace(chromeFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
contentFileContent = regExNLReplace(contentFileContent, replacePattern, replaceWith)
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom colors have been set."
end if
' add on any overrides
dim contentCustomizations: contentCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(contentCustomizationsFilePath)
if len(contentCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userContent.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userContent.css using userContent_customization.css."
contentFileContent = contentFileContent & vbSection & contentCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userContent.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
dim chromeCustomizations: chromeCustomizations = processCustomizationFile(chromeCustomizationsFilePath)
if len(chromeCustomizations) = 0 then
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"You do not have any custom userChrome.css tweaks." & vbNewLine & _
"You can customize userChrome.css using userChrome_customization.css."
chromeFileContent = chromeFileContent & vbSection & chromeCustomizations
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"Your custom userChrome.css tweaks have been applied."
end if
' write them out again
on error resume next
call fso.createTextFile(chromeFilePath, true).write(chromeFileContent)
call fso.createTextFile(contentFilePath, true).write(contentFileContent)
if err.number <> 0 then
allOK = false
prompt = prompt & vbSection & _
"There was an error saving the customized versions of the userChrome.css and/or userContent.css files."
end if
on error goto 0
end if
' and tell we're done
call msgBox(prompt, iif(allOK, vbInformation, vbExclamation), "ShadowFox updater")
end if
end if
end if