mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
1846 lines
43 KiB
1846 lines
43 KiB
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; | This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) |
; | Copyright (c) 2009 by Hex-Rays, <support@hex-rays.com> |
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; Input MD5 : 2CAAD6F798E32B912A08DA327A97DDB4
; File Name : th01/FUUIN.EXE
; Format : MS-DOS executable (EXE)
; Base Address: 0h Range: 0h-147E0h Loaded length: 13ED8h
; Entry Point : 0:0
; OS type : MS DOS
; Application type: Executable 16bit
.model use16 large _TEXT
include ReC98.inc
include th01/th01.inc
option emulator
extern @$bdla$qnv:proc
extern @$bnwa$qui:proc
extern FTOL@:proc
extern F_LUDIV@:proc
extern LUMOD@:proc
extern LXMUL@:proc
extern SCOPY@:proc
extern __mbcjmstojis:proc
extern __setargv__:proc ; main() needs both to be set
extern __setenvp__:proc
extern _access:proc
extern _close:proc
extern _execl:proc
extern _exit:proc
extern _farfree:proc
extern _farmalloc:proc
extern _filelength:proc
extern _int86:proc
extern _intdosx:proc
extern _memcmp:proc
extern _open:proc
extern _printf:proc
extern _proc:proc
extern _puts:proc
extern _read:proc
extern _segread:proc
extern _strcmp:proc
extern _strcpy:proc
extern _vsprintf:proc
fuuin_01 group fuuin_01_TEXT, fuuin_01__TEXT
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:_TEXT
assume es:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
include libs/master.lib/graph_400line.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_clear.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_show.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_start.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_scrollup.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_show.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_init.asm
include libs/master.lib/respal_exist.asm
include libs/master.lib/respal_free.asm
include libs/master.lib/resdata.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_read.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_close.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_ropen.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_seek.asm
include libs/master.lib/key_sense.asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_ropen.asm
include libs/master.lib/egc.asm
include libs/master.lib/gdc_outpw.asm
db 0
include libs/master.lib/random.asm
_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
fuuin_01_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
fuuin_01_TEXT ends
fuuin_01__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:fuuin_01
extern _end_init:proc
extern _end_resident_clear:proc
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
public _main
_main proc far
_argc = word ptr 6
_argv = dword ptr 8
_envp = dword ptr 0Ch
push bp
mov bp, sp
call _mdrv2_resident
or ax, ax
jnz short loc_A105
pop bp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, [bp+_argv]
les bx, es:[bx+4]
mov al, es:[bx]
cmp ax, 74h ; 't'
jz short loc_A121
call _end_init
or ax, ax
jnz short loc_A11F
pop bp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
jmp short loc_A13E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, [bp+_argv]
les bx, es:[bx+4]
mov al, es:[bx+1]
cmp ax, 31h ; '1'
jnz short loc_A139
mov _end_flag, 1
jmp short loc_A13E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov _end_flag, 2
call _mdrv2_check_board
call _game_init
call sub_B945
call _game_switch_binary
push 0
push 0
push ds
push offset arg0 ; "op"
push ds
push offset path ; "op"
call _execl
add sp, 0Ch
pop bp
_main endp
fuuin_01__TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
fuuin_02_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _input_sense:proc
extern _input_reset_sense:proc
extern _regist:proc
fuuin_02_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
fuuin_03_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:fuuin_03_TEXT
;org 5
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_B945 proc far
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push ds
push offset aIris_mdt ; "iris.mdt"
call _mdrv2_bgm_load
add sp, 4
call _mdrv2_bgm_play
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 0
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd1a_grp ; "ED1A.grp"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call grp_palette_black_in pascal, 6
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call grp_palette_white_out pascal, 5
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 100
call _frame_delay stdcall, 13
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 13
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 50
pop cx
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd1b_grp ; "ED1B.grp"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 10
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 10
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call grp_palette_black_out pascal, 6
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call _z_graph_clear
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 100
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd1c_grp ; "ED1C.GRP"
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BA49
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 20
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 20
pop cx
inc si
cmp si, 6
jl short loc_BA28
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 40
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 40
pop cx
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd1d_grp ; "ED1D.GRP"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 70
pop cx
xor si, si
jmp loc_BB16
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
or si, si
jnz short loc_BA98
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
cmp si, 14h
jnz short loc_BAA5
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
cmp si, 18h
jnz short loc_BAB2
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
cmp si, 1Ch
jnz short loc_BABF
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
cmp si, 32h ; '2'
jnz short loc_BACC
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
cmp si, 36h ; '6'
jnz short loc_BAD9
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
cmp si, 3Ah ; ':'
jnz short loc_BAE6
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
cmp si, 5Ah ; 'Z'
jnz short loc_BAF3
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
cmp si, 5Eh ; '^'
jnz short loc_BB00
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
cmp si, 62h ; 'b'
jnz short loc_BB0D
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 2
pop cx
inc si
cmp si, 64h ; 'd'
jge short loc_BB1E
jmp loc_BA8C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 60
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 20
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 105
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd1e_grp ; "ED1E.GRP"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BB79
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, si
imul ax, 5
add ax, 110
call grp_palette_settone pascal, ax
call _frame_delay stdcall, 16
pop cx
inc si
cmp si, 4
jl short loc_BB62
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BBB1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
mov ax, si
imul ax, 5
add ax, 130
call grp_palette_settone pascal, ax
inc si
cmp si, 0Fh
jl short loc_BB82
mov ax, word ptr _continues_total
or ax, word ptr _continues_total+2
jnz short loc_BBC7
call sub_BDBD
call sub_C03D
jmp short loc_BBF1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call sub_BC7C
call _mdrv2_bgm_fade_out_nonblock
call grp_palette_black_out pascal, 10
call _z_graph_clear
call _mdrv2_bgm_stop
push ds
push offset aSt1_mdt ; "st1.mdt"
call _mdrv2_bgm_load
add sp, 4
call _mdrv2_bgm_play
nopcall sub_C446
pop si
pop bp
sub_B945 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_BBF9 proc near
arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BC35
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
test si, 3
jnz short loc_BC0B
push 8
jmp short loc_BC0D
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 0
call graph_scrollup
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 1
pop cx
test si, 1
jz short loc_BC2D
push 170
jmp short loc_BC2F
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 100
call grp_palette_settone
inc si
cmp si, [bp+arg_2]
jle short loc_BC01
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BC72
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
test si, 3
jnz short loc_BC48
push 8
jmp short loc_BC4A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 0
call graph_scrollup
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 2
pop cx
test si, 1
jz short loc_BC69
push 2
jmp short loc_BC6B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 1
call _end_pic_show
pop cx
inc si
cmp si, [bp+arg_0]
jle short loc_BC3E
pop si
pop bp
retn 4
sub_BBF9 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_BC7C proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd2a_grp ; "ed2a.grp"
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 200
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call grp_palette_white_in pascal, 5
call _frame_delay stdcall, 120
pop cx
cmp _end_flag, 2
jnz short loc_BCFC
push 40h
push 10h
call sub_BBF9
push 20h ; ' '
push 20h ; ' '
call sub_BBF9
call graph_scrollup pascal, 0
call _frame_delay stdcall, 50
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call graph_type_ank pascal, 232, 316, 22, ds, offset aTryToNoContinu ; "Try to 'No continue'!!"
push 232
push 348
push 22
push ds
push offset aBadEnding2 ; " Bad Ending2 "
jmp loc_BDAC
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd4a_grp ; "ed4a.grp"
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BD2A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 3
pop cx
inc si
cmp si, 14h
jl short loc_BD09
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BD62
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 3
pop cx
mov ax, si
imul ax, 5
add ax, 100
call grp_palette_settone pascal, ax
inc si
cmp si, 14h
jl short loc_BD33
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call grp_palette_white_in pascal, 5
call _frame_delay stdcall, 200
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call graph_type_ank pascal, 232, 316, 22, ds, offset aTryToNoConti_0 ; "Try to 'No continue'!!"
push 232
push 348
push 22
push ds
push offset aBadEnding1 ; " Bad Ending1 "
call graph_type_ank
call _frame_delay stdcall, 300
pop cx
pop si
pop bp
sub_BC7C endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_BDBD proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd3a_grp ; "ed3a.grp"
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 200
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BE07
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
mov ax, si
imul ax, 5
mov dx, 200
sub dx, ax
call grp_palette_settone pascal, dx
inc si
cmp si, 14h
jl short loc_BDD6
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 100
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BE38
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
inc si
cmp si, 0Ah
jl short loc_BE17
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BE64
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, si
and ax, 1
call _end_pic_show stdcall, ax
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
mov ax, si
imul ax, 10
add ax, 100
call grp_palette_settone pascal, ax
inc si
cmp si, 0Ah
jl short loc_BE41
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 200
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_BE7D
call sub_BF07
jmp short loc_BE80
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call sub_BE83
pop si
pop bp
sub_BDBD endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_BE83 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd3b_grp ; "ed3b.grp"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call grp_palette_white_in pascal, 4
call _frame_delay stdcall, 250
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 200
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 150
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 150
pop cx
call graph_type_ank pascal, 256, 316, 16, ds, offset aCongratulation ; "Congratulations!"
call graph_type_ank pascal, 232, 348, 22, ds, offset aGoodEnding2 ; " Good Ending2 "
call _frame_delay stdcall, 300
pop cx
pop bp
sub_BE83 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_BF07 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd5a_grp ; "ed5a.grp"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call grp_palette_white_in pascal, 4
call _frame_delay stdcall, 300
pop cx
xor si, si
jmp short loc_BF51
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 8
pop cx
inc si
cmp si, 0Fh
jl short loc_BF30
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd5b_grp ; "ed5b.grp"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 150
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 3
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call end_pics_load_palette_show pascal, ds, offset aEd5c_grp ; "ed5c.grp"
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 1
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 150
pop cx
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 2
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 150
pop cx
call graph_type_ank pascal, 256, 316, 16, ds, offset aCongratulati_0 ; "Congratulations!"
call graph_type_ank pascal, 232, 348, 22, ds, offset aGoodEnding1 ; " Good Ending1 "
call _frame_delay stdcall, 300
pop cx
pop si
pop bp
sub_BF07 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_C009 proc near
@@quarter = word ptr 4
push bp
mov bp, sp
call _frame_delay stdcall, 150
pop cx
call grp_palette_black_out pascal, 5
call _z_graph_clear
call _end_pic_show stdcall, [bp+@@quarter]
pop cx
call grp_palette_black_in pascal, 5
call _frame_delay stdcall, 50
pop cx
pop bp
retn 2
sub_C009 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_C03D proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
call _mdrv2_bgm_fade_out_nonblock
call grp_palette_black_out pascal, 10
call _z_graph_clear
call _mdrv2_bgm_stop
push ds
push offset aSt1_mdt_0 ; "st1.mdt"
call _mdrv2_bgm_load
add sp, 4
call _mdrv2_bgm_play
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C074
push ds
push offset aEndb_a_grp ; "endb_a.grp"
jmp short loc_C078
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push ds
push offset aEndb_b_grp ; "endb_b.grp"
call end_pics_load_palette_show
call _end_pic_show stdcall, 0
pop cx
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 100
call _frame_delay stdcall, 50
pop cx
call graph_type_ank pascal, 272, 316, 13, ds, offset aStage5Boss ; "STAGE 5 BOSS"
call graph_type_ank pascal, 232, 348, 22, ds, offset aGatekeeperSing ; "Gatekeeper 'SinGyoku'"
call sub_C009 pascal, 1
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C0E1
call graph_type_ank pascal, 272, 316, 13, ds, offset aStage10Boss ; "STAGE 10 BOSS"
push 232
push 348
push 22
push ds
push offset aEvileyesYuugen ; "EvilEyes 'YuugenMagan'"
jmp short loc_C0FE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call graph_type_ank pascal, 272, 316, 13, ds, offset aStage10Boss_0 ; "STAGE 10 BOSS"
push 232
push 348
push 23
push ds
push offset aRevengefulGhos ; "Revengeful Ghost 'Mima'"
call graph_type_ank
call sub_C009 pascal, 2
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C12E
call graph_type_ank pascal, 272, 316, 13, ds, offset aStage15Boss ; "STAGE 15 BOSS"
push 232
push 348
push 22
push ds
push offset aInnocenceDevil ; "Innocence Devil 'Elis'"
jmp short loc_C14B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call graph_type_ank pascal, 272, 316, 13, ds, offset aStage15Boss_0 ; "STAGE 15 BOSS"
push 256
push 348
push 17
push ds
push offset aHellmoonKikuri ; "HellMoon 'Kikuri'"
call graph_type_ank
call sub_C009 pascal, 3
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C17B
call graph_type_ank pascal, 272, 316, 13, ds, offset aStage20Boss ; "STAGE 20 BOSS"
push 232
push 348
push 22
push ds
push offset aAngelOfDeathSa ; "Angel of Death'Sariel'"
jmp short loc_C198
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call graph_type_ank pascal, 272, 316, 13, ds, offset aStage20Boss_0 ; "STAGE 20 BOSS"
push 224
push 348
push 24
push ds
push offset aAstralKnightKo ; "Astral Knight 'Konngara'"
call graph_type_ank
call _frame_delay stdcall, 150
pop cx
pop bp
sub_C03D endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_C1A8 proc far
var_2 = word ptr -2
enter 2, 0
push si
push di
xor si, si
cmp word ptr _score+2, 26h ; '&'
jl short loc_C1C6
jnz short loc_C1C1
cmp word ptr _score, 25A0h
jb short loc_C1C6
add si, 0Ah
jmp short loc_C21C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score+2, 1Eh
jl short loc_C1DC
jnz short loc_C1D7
cmp word ptr _score, 8480h
jb short loc_C1DC
add si, 8
jmp short loc_C21C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score+2, 16h
jl short loc_C1F2
jnz short loc_C1ED
cmp word ptr _score, 0E360h
jb short loc_C1F2
add si, 6
jmp short loc_C21C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score+2, 0Fh
jl short loc_C208
jnz short loc_C203
cmp word ptr _score, 4240h
jb short loc_C208
add si, 4
jmp short loc_C21C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score+2, 7
jl short loc_C21C
jnz short loc_C219
cmp word ptr _score, 0A120h
jb short loc_C21C
add si, 2
cmp word ptr _score_highest+2, 2Dh ; '-'
jl short loc_C232
jnz short loc_C22D
cmp word ptr _score_highest, 0C6C0h
jb short loc_C232
add si, 0Ah
jmp short loc_C288
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score_highest+2, 27h ; '''
jl short loc_C248
jnz short loc_C243
cmp word ptr _score_highest, 0AC40h
jb short loc_C248
add si, 8
jmp short loc_C288
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score_highest+2, 21h ; '!'
jl short loc_C25E
jnz short loc_C259
cmp word ptr _score_highest, 91C0h
jb short loc_C25E
add si, 6
jmp short loc_C288
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score_highest+2, 1Bh
jl short loc_C274
jnz short loc_C26F
cmp word ptr _score_highest, 7740h
jb short loc_C274
add si, 4
jmp short loc_C288
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _score_highest+2, 15h
jl short loc_C288
jnz short loc_C285
cmp word ptr _score_highest, 5CC0h
jb short loc_C288
add si, 2
mov ax, word ptr _continues_total
or ax, word ptr _continues_total+2
jnz short loc_C297
add si, 1Eh
jmp loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C2AD
jnz short loc_C2A7
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 2
ja short loc_C2AD
add si, 0Ah
jmp loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C2C3
jnz short loc_C2BD
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 4
ja short loc_C2C3
add si, 8
jmp loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C2D9
jnz short loc_C2D3
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 6
ja short loc_C2D9
add si, 6
jmp loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C2EE
jnz short loc_C2E9
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 8
ja short loc_C2EE
add si, 4
jmp short loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C303
jnz short loc_C2FE
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 0Ah
ja short loc_C303
add si, 2
jmp short loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C315
jnz short loc_C313
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 0Ch
ja short loc_C315
jmp short loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C32A
jnz short loc_C325
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 0Eh
ja short loc_C32A
sub si, 2
jmp short loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C33F
jnz short loc_C33A
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 10h
ja short loc_C33F
sub si, 4
jmp short loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C354
jnz short loc_C34F
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 12h
ja short loc_C354
sub si, 6
jmp short loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp word ptr _continues_total+2, 0
jg short loc_C369
jnz short loc_C364
cmp word ptr _continues_total, 14h
ja short loc_C369
sub si, 8
jmp short loc_C36C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub si, 0Ah
cmp _rank, RANK_LUNATIC
jnz short loc_C378
add si, 32h ; '2'
jmp short loc_C39A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp _rank, RANK_HARD
jnz short loc_C384
add si, 1Eh
jmp short loc_C39A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp _rank, RANK_NORMAL
jnz short loc_C390
add si, 0Ah
jmp short loc_C39A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp _rank, RANK_EASY
jnz short loc_C39A
sub si, 0Ah
cmp _end_flag, 2
jnz short loc_C3A4
add si, 5
mov al, _start_lives_extra
cmp ax, 4
jnz short loc_C3B2
sub si, 0Ah
jmp short loc_C3D8
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov al, _start_lives_extra
cmp ax, 3
jnz short loc_C3C0
sub si, 5
jmp short loc_C3D8
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov al, _start_lives_extra
cmp ax, 1
jnz short loc_C3CE
add si, 5
jmp short loc_C3D8
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp _start_lives_extra, 0
jnz short loc_C3D8
add si, 0Ah
call IRand
mov bx, 3
idiv bx
mov [bp+var_2], dx
cmp si, 50h ; 'P'
jl short loc_C3F0
mov di, 5
jmp short loc_C419
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp si, 3Ch ; '<'
jl short loc_C3FA
mov di, 4
jmp short loc_C419
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp si, 28h ; '('
jl short loc_C404
mov di, 3
jmp short loc_C419
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp si, 14h
jl short loc_C40E
mov di, 2
jmp short loc_C419
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
or si, si
jl short loc_C417
mov di, 1
jmp short loc_C419
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor di, di
mov bx, [bp+var_2]
imul bx, 18h
mov ax, di
shl ax, 2
add bx, ax
call _graph_printf_fx c, 488, 384, 12h, offset aS_1, ds, word ptr _VERDICT_TITLES[bx], word ptr _VERDICT_TITLES[bx]+2 ; "%s"
pop di
pop si
sub_C1A8 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_C446 proc far
var_10 = byte ptr -10h
enter 10h, 0
push si
lea ax, [bp+var_10]
push ss
push ax
push ds
push offset off_12EC0
mov cx, 10h
call SCOPY@
call grp_palette_black_out pascal, 10
push 1
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call _grp_put_palette_show c, offset aEndm_a_grp, ds ; "endm_a.grp"
call _graph_copy_page_back_to_front
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call grp_palette_black_in pascal, 8
call graph_type_kanji pascal, 400, 32, 5, ds, offset aUmx_1 ; "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ˈٓ`"
call graph_type_ank pascal, 496, 32, 3, ds, offset aVer ; "ver"
call graph_type_ank pascal, 528, 32, 4, ds, offset a1_10 ; "1.10"
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
mov al, _rank
mov ah, 0
shl ax, 2
lea dx, [bp+var_10]
add ax, dx
mov bx, ax
call _graph_printf_fx c, 296, 64, 0Fh, offset aUqiUxb@b@b@b@b, ds, word ptr ss:[bx], word ptr ss:[bx+2] ; "<22><><EFBFBD>Փx<D593>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %s"
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
call _graph_printf_fx c, 296, 96, 0Fh, offset aNbi, ds, word ptr _score_highest, word ptr _score_highest+2 ; "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>̍ō<CC8D><C58D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %7lu"
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
call _graph_printf_fx c, 296, 128, 0Fh, offset aNPiuU_b@b@b@b@, ds, word ptr _score, word ptr _score+2 ; "<22>ŏI<C58F><49><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %7lu"
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
call _graph_printf_fx c, 296, 160, 0Fh, offset aGrgugegbgjgebI, ds ; "<22>R<EFBFBD><52><EFBFBD>e<EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>j<EFBFBD><6A><EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
call _graph_printf_fx c, 296, 192, 0Fh, offset aB@r_oB@b@b@b@b, ds, word ptr _continues_per_scene[0 * dword], word ptr _continues_per_scene[0 * dword] + 2 ; "<22>@<40>_<EFBFBD>Ё@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>T<EFBFBD>ʁj <20>@ %3lu"
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C590
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[1 * dword] + 2
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[1 * dword]
push ds
push offset aB@gqbGgb@b@b@b ; "<22>@<40>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>g<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>U<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD>ʁj %3lu"
jmp short loc_C59C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[1 * dword] + 2
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[1 * dword]
push ds
push offset aB@tkb@b@b@b@b@ ; "<22>@<40>K<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>U<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD>ʁj %3lu"
push 0Fh
push 224
push 296
call _graph_printf_fx
add sp, 0Eh
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C5C9
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[2 * dword] + 2
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[2 * dword]
push ds
push offset aGfgbgivFpBivpv ; " <20><><EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>i<EFBFBD>̔p<CC94>Ёi<D081>P<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>ʁj%3lu"
jmp short loc_C5D5
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[2 * dword] + 2
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[2 * dword]
push ds
push offset aB@ikvXekeb@b@b ; "<22>@<40><><EFBFBD>̕<EFBFBD><CC95>E<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>ʁj%3lu"
push 0Fh
push 256
push 296
call _graph_printf_fx
add sp, 0Eh
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C602
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[3 * dword] + 2
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[3 * dword]
push ds
jmp short loc_C60E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[3 * dword] + 2
push word ptr _continues_per_scene[3 * dword]
push ds
push offset aB@rVivVsr_uabi ; "<22>@<40>Â<EFBFBD><C382>Ȃ<EFBFBD><C882>_<EFBFBD>a<EFBFBD>i<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>Q<EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD>ʁj%3lu"
push 0Fh
push 288
push 296
call _graph_printf_fx
add sp, 0Eh
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C63B
push word ptr _continues_total+2
push word ptr _continues_total
push ds
push offset aCvkeglbGgsnnzb ; " <20><><EFBFBD>E<EFBFBD><45><EFBFBD>[<5B>g<EFBFBD><67><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %5lu"
jmp short loc_C647
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push word ptr _continues_total+2
push word ptr _continues_total ; arglist
push ds
push offset aB@tnncglbGgsnn ; "<22>@<40>n<EFBFBD><6E><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[<5B>g<EFBFBD><67><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@%5lu"
push 0Fh
push 320
push 296
call _graph_printf_fx
add sp, 0Eh
call _frame_delay stdcall, 30
pop cx
call graph_type_ank pascal, 296, 352, 29, ds, offset aThankYouForPla ; " Thank you for Playing !! "
call _graph_printf_fx c, 264, 384, 12h, offset aBBBVavVVPNjbBB, ds ; "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>Ȃ<EFBFBD><C882>̏̍<CC8F><CC8D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
call _frame_delay stdcall, 50
pop cx
call sub_C1A8
xor si, si
call _frame_delay stdcall, 100
pop cx
call _input_reset_sense
jmp short loc_C6B1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _input_sense stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _frame_delay stdcall, 1
pop cx
mov ax, si
inc si
cmp ax, 2000
jge short loc_C6C7
cmp _input_ok, 0
jnz short loc_C6C7
cmp _input_shot, 0
jz short loc_C6A1
push 1
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call _graph_copy_page_back_to_front
push 0
call _graph_accesspage_func
pop cx
call grp_palette_settone pascal, 50
mov _z_Palettes[3 * 3].r, 07h
mov _z_Palettes[3 * 3].g, 0Fh
mov _z_Palettes[3 * 3].b, 07h
mov _z_Palettes[7 * 3].r, 0Fh
mov _z_Palettes[7 * 3].g, 0Fh
mov _z_Palettes[7 * 3].b, 0Fh
call _z_palette_set_all_show c, offset _z_Palettes, ds
cmp _end_flag, 1
jnz short loc_C71C
push ds
push offset aKo ; "<22><>"
jmp short loc_C722
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push ds
push offset aKo_0 ; "<22><>"
push word ptr _score+2
push word ptr _score
call _regist
add sp, 0Ah
call _end_resident_clear
pop si
sub_C446 endp
fuuin_03_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
fuuin_04_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _end_pic_show:proc
extern _frame_delay:proc
extern GRAPH_TYPE_ANK:proc
extern GRAPH_TYPE_KANJI:proc
fuuin_04_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
vsync_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _vsync_init:proc
extern _vsync_exit:proc
extern _z_vsync_wait:proc
vsync_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
ztext_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _z_text_init:proc
extern _z_text_25line:proc
extern _z_text_setcursor:proc
extern _z_text_clear:proc
extern _z_text_show:proc
extern _z_text_print:proc
ztext_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
initexit_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _game_init:proc
extern _game_switch_binary:proc
initexit_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
graph_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _z_graph_exit:proc
extern _graph_showpage_func:proc
extern _graph_accesspage_func:proc
extern _z_palette_set_all_show:proc
extern _z_palette_set_show:proc
extern _z_graph_clear:proc
extern _z_graph_clear_0:proc
extern _graph_copy_page_back_to_front:proc
extern _z_palette_black:proc
extern _z_palette_black_out:proc
extern _graph_putsa_fx:proc
extern _graph_move_byterect_interpage:proc
extern _z_respal_set:proc
graph_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
grppffx_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _graph_printf_fx:proc
grppffx_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
PTN_GRP_GRZ segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _grp_put_palette_show:proc
; ===========================================================================
SHARED segment byte public 'CODE' use16
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
fuuin_12_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
fuuin_12_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
mdrv2_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern _mdrv2_resident:proc
extern _mdrv2_bgm_load:proc
extern _mdrv2_se_load:proc
extern _mdrv2_bgm_play:proc
extern _mdrv2_bgm_stop:proc
extern _mdrv2_bgm_fade_out_nonblock:proc
extern _mdrv2_check_board:proc
extern _mdrv2_se_play:proc
mdrv2_TEXT ends
public _score, _score_highest
_score dd 100000
_score_highest dd 100000
_RES_ID_0 db 'ReiidenConfig',0
_ERROR_END_FLAG db 'ERROR : end_flag is not ture !!',0
_ERROR_NO_RESDATA db 'ERROR : cfg_id is not alloc!!',0
_RES_ID_1 db 'ReiidenConfig',0
; char path[]
path db 'op',0
; char arg0[3]
arg0 db 'op',0
db 0
include th01/hardware/input_main_end[data].asm
dd 0
include th01/hiscore/alphabet_syms[data].asm
include th01/hardware/grppfnfx_ptrs[data].asm
include th01/hiscore/regist_name[data].asm
include th01/hardware/grppfnfx[data].asm
include th01/hiscore/scorelod[data].asm
include th01/hiscore/regist[data].asm
_VERDICT_TITLES label dword
dd aB@gvguglbB@ ; "<22>@<40><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>L<EFBFBD>[<5B>@"
dd aB@cRlio ; "<22>@<40>ސl<DE90><6C>"
dd aGzgvgtgsgggugx ; "<22>z<EFBFBD><7A><EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>G<EFBFBD><47><EFBFBD>X"
dd aB@tRl ; "<22>@<40><><EFBFBD>l"
dd aB@sR_b@ ; "<22>@<40>ː_<CB90>@"
dd aB@r_v ; "<22>@<40>_<EFBFBD>z"
dd aVioqclgqbGB ; "<22><><EFBFBD>q<EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>}<7D>["
dd aGGhglgxgrgagib ; "<22>~<7E>h<EFBFBD><68><EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>R<EFBFBD>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD>["
dd aGngcgxgrgagib ; "<22>n<EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>R<EFBFBD>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD>["
dd aGxbGpbGqbGB ; "<22>X<EFBFBD>[<5B>p<EFBFBD>[<5B>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>}<7D>["
dd aGqbGBV ; "<22>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>}<7D>[<5B>z"
dd aGugbgnbGavO ; "<22>U<EFBFBD>b<EFBFBD>N<EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD>̎<EFBFBD>"
dd aLTfvCMc ; "<22>֒f<D692>̗ь<CC97>"
dd aRvkeo ; "<22><><EFBFBD>E<EFBFBD><45><EFBFBD>̗t"
dd aB@gagagkg ; "<22>@<40>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>^"
off_12EC0 dd aEasy
; " EASY "
dd aNormal ; "NORMAL"
dd aHard ; " HARD "
dd aLunatic ; "LUNATIC"
aB@gvguglbB@ db '<27>@<40><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>L<EFBFBD>[<5B>@',0
aB@cRlio db '<27>@<40>ސl<DE90><6C>',0
aGzgvgtgsgggugx db '<27>z<EFBFBD><7A><EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>G<EFBFBD><47><EFBFBD>X',0
aB@tRl db '<27>@<40><><EFBFBD>l',0
aB@sR_b@ db '<27>@<40>ː_<CB90>@',0
aB@r_v db '<27>@<40>_<EFBFBD>z',0
aVioqclgqbGB db '<27><><EFBFBD>q<EFBFBD>l<EFBFBD>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>}<7D>[',0
aGGhglgxgrgagib db '<27>~<7E>h<EFBFBD><68><EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>R<EFBFBD>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD>[',0
aGngcgxgrgagib db '<27>n<EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>R<EFBFBD>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD>[',0
aGxbGpbGqbGB db '<27>X<EFBFBD>[<5B>p<EFBFBD>[<5B>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>}<7D>[',0
aGqbGBV db '<27>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>}<7D>[<5B>z',0
aGugbgnbGavO db '<27>U<EFBFBD>b<EFBFBD>N<EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD>̎<EFBFBD>',0
aLTfvCMc db '<27>֒f<D692>̗ь<CC97>',0
aRvkeo db '<27><><EFBFBD>E<EFBFBD><45><EFBFBD>̗t',0
aB@gagagkg db '<27>@<40>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>^',0
; char aIris_mdt[]
aIris_mdt db 'iris.mdt',0
aEd1a_grp db 'ED1A.grp',0
aEd1b_grp db 'ED1B.grp',0
aEd1c_grp db 'ED1C.GRP',0
aEd1d_grp db 'ED1D.GRP',0
aEd1e_grp db 'ED1E.GRP',0
; char aSt1_mdt[]
aSt1_mdt db 'st1.mdt',0
aEd2a_grp db 'ed2a.grp',0
aTryToNoContinu db 'Try to ',27h,'No continue',27h,'!!',0
aBadEnding2 db ' Bad Ending2 ',0
aEd4a_grp db 'ed4a.grp',0
aTryToNoConti_0 db 'Try to ',27h,'No continue',27h,'!!',0
aBadEnding1 db ' Bad Ending1 ',0
aEd3a_grp db 'ed3a.grp',0
aEd3b_grp db 'ed3b.grp',0
aCongratulation db 'Congratulations!',0
aGoodEnding2 db ' Good Ending2 ',0
aEd5a_grp db 'ed5a.grp',0
aEd5b_grp db 'ed5b.grp',0
aEd5c_grp db 'ed5c.grp',0
aCongratulati_0 db 'Congratulations!',0
aGoodEnding1 db ' Good Ending1 ',0
; char aSt1_mdt_0[]
aSt1_mdt_0 db 'st1.mdt',0
aEndb_a_grp db 'endb_a.grp',0
aEndb_b_grp db 'endb_b.grp',0
aStage5Boss db 'STAGE 5 BOSS',0
aGatekeeperSing db 'Gatekeeper ',27h,'SinGyoku',27h,0
aStage10Boss db 'STAGE 10 BOSS',0
aEvileyesYuugen db 'EvilEyes ',27h,'YuugenMagan',27h,0
aStage10Boss_0 db 'STAGE 10 BOSS',0
aRevengefulGhos db 'Revengeful Ghost ',27h,'Mima',27h,0
aStage15Boss db 'STAGE 15 BOSS',0
aInnocenceDevil db 'Innocence Devil ',27h,'Elis',27h,0
aStage15Boss_0 db 'STAGE 15 BOSS',0
aHellmoonKikuri db 'HellMoon ',27h,'Kikuri',27h,0
aStage20Boss db 'STAGE 20 BOSS',0
aAngelOfDeathSa db 'Angel of Death',27h,'Sariel',27h,0
aStage20Boss_0 db 'STAGE 20 BOSS',0
aAstralKnightKo db 'Astral Knight ',27h,'Konngara',27h,0
; char aS_1[]
aS_1 db '%s',0
aEasy db ' EASY ',0
aNormal db 'NORMAL',0
aHard db ' HARD ',0
aLunatic db 'LUNATIC',0
aEndm_a_grp db 'endm_a.grp',0
aUmx_1 db '<27><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ˈٓ`',0
aVer db 'ver',0
a1_10 db '1.10',0
; char aUqiUxb[]
aUqiUxb@b@b@b@b db '<27><><EFBFBD>Փx<D593>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %s',0
; char aNbi[3]
aNbi db '<27><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>̍ō<CC8D><C58D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %7lu',0
; char aNPiuU_b[]
aNPiuU_b@b@b@b@ db '<27>ŏI<C58F><49><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %7lu',0
; char aGrgugegbgjgebI[15]
aGrgugegbgjgebI db '<27>R<EFBFBD><52><EFBFBD>e<EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>j<EFBFBD><6A><EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>',0
; char aB[]
aB@r_oB@b@b@b@b db '<27>@<40>_<EFBFBD>Ё@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>T<EFBFBD>ʁj <20>@ %3lu',0
aB@gqbGgb@b@b@b db '<27>@<40>Q<EFBFBD>[<5B>g<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>U<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD>ʁj %3lu',0
; char aB[]
aB@tkb@b@b@b@b@ db '<27>@<40>K<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>U<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD>ʁj %3lu',0
aGfgbgivFpBivpv db ' <20><><EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>i<EFBFBD>̔p<CC94>Ёi<D081>P<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>ʁj%3lu',0
; char aB[]
aB@ikvXekeb@b@b db '<27>@<40><><EFBFBD>̕<EFBFBD><CC95>E<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>P<EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>ʁj%3lu',0
; char aB[]
aB@rVivVsr_uabi db '<27>@<40>Â<EFBFBD><C382>Ȃ<EFBFBD><C882>_<EFBFBD>a<EFBFBD>i<EFBFBD>P<EFBFBD>T<EFBFBD>ʁ`<60>Q<EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD>ʁj%3lu',0
aCvkeglbGgsnnzb db ' <20><><EFBFBD>E<EFBFBD><45><EFBFBD>[<5B>g<EFBFBD><67><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@ %5lu',0
; char aB[]
aB@tnncglbGgsnn db '<27>@<40>n<EFBFBD><6E><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[<5B>g<EFBFBD><67><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@%5lu',0
aThankYouForPla db ' Thank you for Playing !! ',0
; char aBBBVavVVPNjbBB[]
aKo db '<27><>',0
aKo_0 db '<27><>',0
db 0
include th01/end/type[data].asm
include th01/hardware/vsync[data].asm
include th01/hardware/ztext[data].asm
include th01/core/initexit[data].asm
include th01/hardware/palette[data].asm
include th01/hardware/graph_r[data].asm
include th01/hardware/respal[data].asm
include th01/formats/grp_ptn[data].asm
include th01/snd/mdrv2[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/version[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/grp[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/pal[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/respal_exist[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/resdata[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/fil[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_ropen[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/clip[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/rand[data].asm
public _continues_total, _continues_per_scene
_continues_total dd ?
_continues_per_scene dd SCENE_COUNT dup(?)
db 308 dup(?)
public _start_lives_extra, _end_flag, _rank
_start_lives_extra db ?
_end_flag db ? ; ZUN symbol [Strings]
_rank db ?
db ?
include th01/hiscore/hiscore[bss].asm
db ? ;
public _input_prev
_input_prev db 10 dup(?)
include th01/hardware/vsync[bss].asm
db 256 dup(?)
include th01/core/initexit[bss].asm
include th01/hardware/graph[bss].asm
db 80 dup(?)
include th01/formats/grp_palette[bss].asm
db 1136 dup(?)
include th01/formats/grp_buf[bss].asm
include th01/hardware/vram_planes[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/pal[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/fil[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/clip[bss].asm