mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
2014 lines
52 KiB
2014 lines
52 KiB
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; | This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) |
; | Copyright (c) 2009 by Hex-Rays, <support@hex-rays.com> |
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; Input MD5 : E6F971B37336C0F9FCE53F895780031E
; File Name : th02/MAINE.EXE
; Format : MS-DOS executable (EXE)
; Base Address: 0h Range: 0h-FCF0h Loaded length: DE32h
; Entry Point : 0:0
; OS type : MS DOS
; Application type: Executable 16bit
.model use16 large _TEXT
include ReC98.inc
include th01/hardware/grppsafx.inc
include th02/th02.inc
extern _execl:proc
maine_01 group END_TEXT, maine_01_TEXT
; ===========================================================================
; Segment type: Pure code
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:_TEXT
assume es:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
include libs/master.lib/bfnt_entry_pat.asm
include libs/master.lib/bfnt_extend_header_skip.asm
include libs/master.lib/bfnt_header_read.asm
include libs/master.lib/bfnt_header_analysis.asm
include libs/master.lib/bcloser.asm
include libs/master.lib/bfill.asm
include libs/master.lib/bfnt_palette_set.asm
include libs/master.lib/bgetc.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_black_in.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_black_out.asm
include libs/master.lib/bopenr.asm
include libs/master.lib/bread.asm
include libs/master.lib/bseek.asm
include libs/master.lib/bseek_.asm
include libs/master.lib/cutline.asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_axdx.asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_filesize.asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_setvect.asm
include libs/master.lib/egc.asm
include libs/master.lib/egc_shift_down.asm
include libs/master.lib/egc_shift_left.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_append.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_close.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_exist.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_read.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_ropen.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_seek.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_size.asm
include libs/master.lib/file_write.asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_close.asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_ropen.asm
include libs/master.lib/grcg_boxfill.asm
include libs/master.lib/grcg_line.asm
include libs/master.lib/grcg_setcolor.asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_backup.asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_entry_bfnt.asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_putca.asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_putsa.asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_read.asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_write.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_400line.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_clear.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_copy_page.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_extmode.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_gaiji_putc.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_gaiji_puts.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_pi_free.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_pi_load_pack.asm
include libs/master.lib/graph_pack_put_8.asm
include libs/master.lib/key_sense.asm
include libs/master.lib/over_put_8.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_show.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfclose.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfgetc.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfread.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfrewind.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfseek.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_entry_rgb.asm
include libs/master.lib/rottbl.asm
include libs/master.lib/smem_release.asm
include libs/master.lib/smem_wget.asm
include libs/master.lib/text_clear.asm
include libs/master.lib/vsync.asm
include libs/master.lib/vsync_wait.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_white_in.asm
include libs/master.lib/palette_white_out.asm
include libs/master.lib/hmem_lallocate.asm
include libs/master.lib/mem_assign_dos.asm
include libs/master.lib/mem_assign.asm
include libs/master.lib/memheap.asm
include libs/master.lib/mem_unassign.asm
include libs/master.lib/super_entry_pat.asm
include libs/master.lib/super_entry_at.asm
include libs/master.lib/super_entry_bfnt.asm
include libs/master.lib/pfint21.asm
db 0
include th02/formats/pfopen.asm
include libs/master.lib/pf_str_ieq.asm
_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
END_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
@END_LOAD$QNXC procdesc pascal near \
fn_seg:word, fn_off:word
@VERDICT_VALUE_SCORE_PUT$QIIL procdesc pascal near \
left_and_top:dword, score:dword
@LINE_TYPE$QIIINUCI procdesc pascal near \
left_and_top:dword, len:word, str_seg:word, str_off:word, frames_per_kanji:word
extern @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii:proc
@END_PIC_SHOW$QI procdesc pascal near \
@STAFFROLL_PIC_PUT$QIII procdesc pascal near \
left_and_top:dword, quarter:word
@END_PIC_PUT_ROWS$QIII procdesc pascal near
; Segment type: Pure code
maine_01_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:maine_01
;org 3
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public @end_line_clear$qv
@end_line_clear$qv proc near
var_2 = word ptr -2
enter 2, 0
push si
push di
call grcg_setcolor pascal, (GC_RMW shl 16) + 0
mov si, 14Ch
jmp short loc_9AC5
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov di, 90h
jmp short loc_9ABE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, di
sar ax, 3
mov dx, si
shl dx, 6
add ax, dx
mov dx, si
shl dx, 4
add ax, dx
mov [bp+var_2], ax
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, [bp+var_2]
mov word ptr es:[bx], 0FFFFh
add di, 10h
cmp di, 1F0h
jl short loc_9A99
inc si
cmp si, 15Ch
jl short loc_9A94
call grcg_off
pop di
pop si
@end_line_clear$qv endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_9AD4 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
call @end_load$qnxc pascal, ds, offset aEnd3_txt ; "end3.txt"
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 30
push 1
call palette_white_out
call _snd_load c, offset aEnding_m, ds, SND_LOAD_SONG
pop cx
call @end_line_clear$qv
push 4
call palette_white_in
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 5
pop cx
mov si, 0A0h
jmp short loc_9B5C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push si
push 100
lea ax, [si+319]
push ax
push (299 shl 16) or 4
call egc_shift_left
call grcg_setcolor pascal, (GC_RMW shl 16) + 0
lea ax, [si+312]
push ax
push 100
lea ax, [si+319]
push ax
push 299
call grcg_boxfill
call grcg_off
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
sub si, 4
cmp si, 24h ; '$'
jg short loc_9B1B
pop si
pop bp
sub_9AD4 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_9B64 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
call @end_load$qnxc pascal, ds, offset aEnd1_txt ; "end1.txt"
call _snd_load c, offset aEnd1_m, ds, SND_LOAD_SONG
pop cx
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd01_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
push 2
call palette_black_in
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 40
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 0
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 1
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text, 6
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 20
push 1
call palette_black_out
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 1
push 1
call palette_black_in
mov si, 1
jmp short loc_9C2D
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 3
jle short loc_9C15
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 2
mov si, 4
jmp short loc_9C54
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 5
jle short loc_9C3C
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 6), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 7
jmp short loc_9C91
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 9
jle short loc_9C79
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 10), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 11), 6
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 20
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 12), 6
xor si, si
jmp short loc_9D10
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
graph_accesspage 0
call egc_shift_down pascal, (160 shl 16) or 100, (479 shl 16) or 297, 2
push 3 ; quarter
mov ax, si
add ax, ax
mov dx, (200 - 2)
sub dx, ax
push dx ; quarter_offset_y
push 2 ; rows
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
inc si
cmp si, 64h ; 'd'
jl short loc_9CDE
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 13), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 0Eh
jmp short loc_9D48
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 0Fh
jle short loc_9D30
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 10h
jmp short loc_9D6F
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 11h
jle short loc_9D57
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 12h
jmp short loc_9D96
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 14h
jle short loc_9D7E
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 21), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 22), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 23), 6
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd02_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
push 2
call palette_black_out
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.shottype], 0
jnz short loc_9E2A
push 0
jmp short loc_9E3B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.shottype], 1
jnz short loc_9E39
push 2
jmp short loc_9E3B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 3
call @end_pic_show$qi
push 2
call palette_black_in
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 24), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 19h
jmp short loc_9E7D
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 1Ah
jle short loc_9E65
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.shottype], 0
jnz loc_9F22
mov si, 1Bh
jmp short loc_9EB1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 1Ch
jle short loc_9E99
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 1Dh
jmp short loc_9ED8
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 1Eh
jle short loc_9EC0
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 1
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 31), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 32), 12
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 0
push (144 shl 16) or 332
push ds
push offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 33)
jmp loc_A092
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.shottype], 1
jnz loc_9FD3
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 34), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 35), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 36), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 25h ; '%'
jmp short loc_9F8E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 26h ; '&'
jle short loc_9F76
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 39), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 40), 12
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 0
push (144 shl 16) or 332
push ds
push offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 41)
jmp loc_A092
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.shottype], 2
jnz loc_A097
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 42), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 43), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 2Ch ; ','
jmp short loc_A029
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 2Dh ; '-'
jle short loc_A011
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 2Eh ; '.'
jmp short loc_A050
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 2Fh ; '/'
jle short loc_A038
mov _line_col_and_fx, (6 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 48), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 49), 12
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 0
push (144 shl 16) or 332
push ds
push offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 50)
push 9
call @line_type$qiiinuci
call sub_9AD4
pop si
pop bp
sub_9B64 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_A09D proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
call @end_load$qnxc pascal, ds, offset aEnd2_txt ; "end2.txt"
call _snd_load c, offset aEnd1_m, ds, SND_LOAD_SONG
pop cx
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd01_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
push 2
call palette_black_in
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 40
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 0
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 1
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text, 6
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 20
push 1
call palette_black_out
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd03_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 0
push 1
call palette_black_in
mov si, 1
jmp short loc_A19D
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 3
jle short loc_A185
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 1
mov si, 4
jmp short loc_A1C4
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 9
jle short loc_A1AC
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 2
mov si, 0Ah
jmp short loc_A1EB
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 0Bh
jle short loc_A1D3
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 3
mov si, 0Ch
jmp short loc_A212
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 0Dh
jle short loc_A1FA
push ds
push offset aEd03a_rgb ; "ed03a.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 0Eh
jmp short loc_A247
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 0Fh
jle short loc_A22F
push 2
call palette_black_out
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd04_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
graph_accesspage 0
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 0
push 2
call palette_black_in
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 16), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 17), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 12h
jmp short loc_A2EA
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 13h
jle short loc_A2D2
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 1
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 14h
jmp short loc_A316
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 15h
jle short loc_A2FE
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 22), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 17h
jmp short loc_A353
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 18h
jle short loc_A33B
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 25), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 26), 6
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 10
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.shottype], 0
jnz loc_A4EC
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 27), 6
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 30
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 2
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 28), 6
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 3
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 29), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 1Eh
jmp short loc_A403
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 1Fh
jle short loc_A3EB
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 20h ; ' '
jmp short loc_A42A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 24h ; '$'
jle short loc_A412
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 25h ; '%'
jmp short loc_A451
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 26h ; '&'
jle short loc_A439
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 39), 6
push 2
call palette_black_out
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd05_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 0
push 2
call palette_black_in
mov si, 28h ; '('
jmp short loc_A4D3
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 2Eh ; '.'
jle short loc_A4BB
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 0
push (144 shl 16) or 332
push ds
push offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 47)
jmp loc_A869
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.shottype], 1
jnz loc_A6B6
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 48), 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 49), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 50), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 51), 6
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 30
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 2
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 52), 6
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 3
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 53), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 54), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 55), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 56), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 57), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 3Ah ; ':'
jmp short loc_A5F9
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 3Dh ; '='
jle short loc_A5E1
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
mov si, 3Eh ; '>'
jmp short loc_A620
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 42h ; 'B'
jle short loc_A608
push 2
call palette_black_out
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd05_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 1
push 2
call palette_black_in
mov si, 43h ; 'C'
jmp short loc_A68C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 44h ; 'D'
jle short loc_A674
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 69), 12
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 0
push (144 shl 16) or 332
push ds
push offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 70)
jmp loc_A869
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 71), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 72), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 73), 6
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 30
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 2
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 74), 6
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 3
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 75), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 76), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 77), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 78), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 79), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 80), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 81), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (9 or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 82), 6
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 83), 6
push 2
call palette_black_out
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd05_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call @end_pic_show$qi pascal, 2
push 2
call palette_black_in
mov si, 54h ; 'T'
jmp short loc_A842
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push (144 shl 16) or 332
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
push 6
call @line_type$qiiinuci
inc si
cmp si, 5Bh ; '['
jle short loc_A82A
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (144 shl 16) or 332, END_LINE_LENGTH, ds, offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 92), 6
mov _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and, 0
push (144 shl 16) or 332
push ds
push offset _end_text + (END_LINE_SIZE * 93)
push 12
call @line_type$qiiinuci
call sub_9AD4
pop si
pop bp
sub_A09D endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_A874 proc near
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8
enter 2, 0
push si
push di
mov si, [bp+arg_4]
mov di, [bp+arg_0]
mov [bp+var_2], 0
jmp short loc_A898
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push si
push [bp+arg_2]
push di
call over_put_8
inc [bp+var_2]
inc di
add si, 10h
cmp [bp+var_2], 5
jl short loc_A887
pop di
pop si
retn 6
sub_A874 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_A8A4 proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp
call grcg_setcolor pascal, (GC_RMW shl 16) + 0
push 1A000C0h
push 27F010Fh
call grcg_boxfill
call grcg_off
pop bp
sub_A8A4 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
rotrect proc near
arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8
push bp
mov bp, sp
push [bp+arg_4]
push [bp+arg_0]
call @staffroll_rotrect_animate$qucuc
call @staffroll_pic_put$qiii pascal, large (32 shl 16) or 100, [bp+arg_2]
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 4
mov PaletteTone, 100
call far ptr palette_show
pop bp
retn 6
rotrect endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_A8FA proc near
@@g_str = byte ptr -4
enter 4, 0
push si
push di
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 6
pop cx
xor si, si
jmp short loc_A920
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 1B000B8h
push si
call sub_A874
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 4
add si, 5
cmp si, 37h ; '7'
jl short loc_A90C
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 528, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 192, offset aVer1_00, ds ; "ver 1.00"
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 8
pop cx
mov si, 0B8h
jmp short loc_A992
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call grcg_setcolor pascal, (GC_RMW shl 16) + 0
push 528
lea ax, [si+4]
push ax
push 591
lea ax, [si+19]
push ax
call grcg_boxfill
call grcg_off
push 1B0h
push si
push 32h ; '2'
call sub_A874
push ds
push offset aVer1_00 ; "ver 1.00"
lea ax, [si+8]
push ax
push 528
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 1
add si, 4
cmp si, 170h
jl short loc_A947
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 9
pop cx
mov _line_col_and_fx, (V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD)
call @line_type$qiiinuci pascal, (432 shl 16) or 192, 20, ds, offset aXxcvsB@b@vrvsv, 12
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 13
pop cx
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd06_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
graph_accesspage 0
push 4
push 0
push 29h ; ')'
call rotrect
call sub_A8A4
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 192, offset aGvgngogigab@b@, ds ; "<22>v<EFBFBD><76><EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD><4F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m"
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 17
pop cx
push ds
push offset aEd06b_rgb ; "ed06b.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 0FCh
push 2
push 29h ; ')'
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 21
pop cx
call @staffroll_pic_put$qiii pascal, large (32 shl 16) or 100, 3
push ds
push offset aEd06c_rgb ; "ed06c.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 4
push 3
push 29h ; ')'
call rotrect
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd07_pi, ds
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
graph_accesspage 0
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 25
pop cx
call sub_A8A4
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 192, offset aGogigtgbgbgnb@, ds ; "<22>O<EFBFBD><4F><EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>b<EFBFBD>N<EFBFBD>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 224, offset aB@b@b@b@b@b@b@, ds ; "<22>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 240, offset aB@b@b@b@bigibG, ds ; "<22>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>I<EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD>N<EFBFBD><4E><EFBFBD>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD>j"
push ds
push offset aEd07a_rgb ; "ed07a.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 0FCh
push 0
push 29h ; ')'
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 29
pop cx
push ds
push offset aEd07b_rgb ; "ed07b.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 8
push 1
push 0E9h
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 33
pop cx
call @staffroll_pic_put$qiii pascal, (32 shl 16) or 100, 2
push 0F8h
push 2
push 0E9h
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 37
pop cx
call sub_A8A4
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 432, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 192, offset aVlvtvrvhvbb@b@, ds ; "<22>l<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>h<EFBFBD>b<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m"
push ds
push offset aEd07b_rgb ; "ed07b.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 8
push 3
push 0E9h
call rotrect
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd08_pi, ds
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
graph_accesspage 0
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 41
pop cx
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
freePISlotLarge 0
push 0F8h
push 0
push 0E9h
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 45
pop cx
push ds
push offset aEd08a_rgb ; "ed08a.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 0Ch
push 1
push 29h ; ')'
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 49
pop cx
call sub_A8A4
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 192, offset aVsvdvrvsb@vovk, ds ; "<22>s<EFBFBD>d<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>@<40>o<EFBFBD>k<EFBFBD>`<60>x<EFBFBD>d<EFBFBD>q"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 224, offset aB@b@b@b@vivivs, ds ; "<22>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 248, offset aB@b@b@b@vbbVv, ds ; "<22>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>b<EFBFBD>|<7C>v"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 272, offset aB@b@Orucb@mbiS, ds ; "<22>@<40>@ <20>R<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD>@<40>b<EFBFBD><62><EFBFBD>Y"
call _graph_putsa_fx c, 416, ((V_WHITE or FX_WEIGHT_BOLD) shl 16) or 296, offset aVVSSxrivVVVV, ds ; " <20><><EFBFBD>̑<EFBFBD><CC91>吨<EFBFBD>݂̂Ȃ<DD82><C882><EFBFBD>"
push ds
push offset aEd08b_rgb ; "ed08b.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 0F4h
push 2
push 29h ; ')'
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 53
pop cx
push ds
push offset aEd08c_rgb ; "ed08c.rgb"
call palette_entry_rgb
call far ptr palette_show
push 0Ch
push 3
push 29h ; ')'
call rotrect
call _snd_delay_until_measure stdcall, 57
pop cx
push 4
call palette_black_out
graph_accesspage 1
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aEd09_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call graph_copy_page pascal, 0
push 4
call palette_black_in
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 100
graph_accesspage 1
push ds
push offset aVsvivbvovlb@vs
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (96 shl 16) or 24
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 24, large 96 or (21 shl 16)
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 200
graph_accesspage 1
push ds
push offset aB@nPiuU_ ; "<22>@<40>ŏI<C58F><49><EFBFBD>_"
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (128 shl 16) or 64
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
call @verdict_value_score_put$qiil pascal, (192 shl 16) or 128, large [_score]
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 64, large 128 or (16 shl 16)
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 100
graph_accesspage 1
push ds
push offset aGrgugegbgjgeb ; "<22>R<EFBFBD><52><EFBFBD>e<EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>j<EFBFBD><6A><EFBFBD>["
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (160 shl 16) or 64
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push (256 shl 16) or 160
les bx, _resident
mov ax, es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.continues_used]
add ax, gb_0_
push ax
push V_WHITE
call graph_gaiji_putc
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 64, large (16 shl 16) or 160
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 100
graph_accesspage 1
push ds
push offset aB@Gigugn ; "<22>@ <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>N"
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (192 shl 16) or 64
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push (208 shl 16) or 192
push GAIJI_W
push ds
mov al, _rank
shl ax, 3
add ax, offset _gbcRANKS
push ax
push V_WHITE
call graph_gaiji_puts
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 64, large 192 or (16 shl 16)
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 100
graph_accesspage 1
push ds
push offset aGvgmgcgdbPik ; "<22>v<EFBFBD><76><EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD><43><EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (224 shl 16) or 64
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push (256 shl 16) or 224
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.start_lives]
mov ah, 0
add ax, gb_1_
push ax
push V_WHITE
call graph_gaiji_putc
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 64, large 224 or (16 shl 16)
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 100
graph_accesspage 1
push ds
push offset aCMvpik ; " <20>쌂<EFBFBD><EC8C82><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (256 shl 16) or 64
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push (256 shl 16) or 256
les bx, _resident
mov al, es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.start_bombs]
mov ah, 0
add ax, gb_0_
push ax
push V_WHITE
call graph_gaiji_putc
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 64, large 256 or (16 shl 16)
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 150
graph_accesspage 1
les bx, _resident
mov di, es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.skill]
cmp di, 64h ; 'd'
jle short loc_AEAC
mov di, 64h ; 'd'
jmp short loc_AEB2
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
or di, di
jge short loc_AEB2
xor di, di
push ds
push offset aVavVVSrso ; "<22><><EFBFBD>Ȃ<EFBFBD><C882>̘r<CC98>O"
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (288 shl 16) or 64
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
push di ; value
push ss ; str (segment)
lea ax, [bp+@@g_str]
push ax ; str (offset)
call @gaiji_boldfont_str_from_positive$qin12gaiji_th02_t
push (192 shl 16) or 288
push GAIJI_W
push ss
lea ax, [bp+@@g_str]
push ax
push V_WHITE
call graph_gaiji_puts
cmp di, 64h ; 'd'
jnz short loc_AEEF
xor si, si
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 5Ah ; 'Z'
jl short loc_AEF9
mov si, 1
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 50h ; 'P'
jl short loc_AF03
mov si, 2
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 46h ; 'F'
jl short loc_AF17
cmp di, 4Dh ; 'M'
jnz short loc_AF12
mov si, 3
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, 4
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 3Ch ; '<'
jl short loc_AF21
mov si, 5
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 32h ; '2'
jl short loc_AF2B
mov si, 6
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 28h ; '('
jl short loc_AF35
mov si, 7
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 1Eh
jl short loc_AF3F
mov si, 8
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 14h
jl short loc_AF49
mov si, 9
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp di, 0Ah
jl short loc_AF53
mov si, 0Ah
jmp short loc_AF56
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, 0Bh
mov ax, si
imul ax, END_LINE_SIZE
add ax, offset _end_text
push ds
push ax
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (288 shl 16) or 240
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 64, large 288 or (6 shl 16)
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 120
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 192, large 288 or (24 shl 16)
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 200
graph_accesspage 1
push ds
push offset aVpvxvxvvb@vyvt ; "<22>P<EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>V<EFBFBD>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m (Amusement Makers)"
mov al, _line_col_and_fx
push ax
push (352 shl 16) or 64
call _graph_putsa_fx
add sp, 0Ah
call @verdict_row_1_to_0_animate$qiii c, 64, large 352 or (18 shl 16)
call @key_delay$qv
push 5
call palette_black_out
nopcall sub_AFE7
call graph_clear
pop di
pop si
sub_A8FA endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_AFE7 proc far
push bp
mov bp, sp
call scoredat_is_extra_unlocked
or ax, ax
jz loc_B07D
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.continues_used], 0
jnz short loc_B07D
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aAll_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
push 2
call palette_black_in
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 150
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aBut_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call @key_delay$qv
push 5
call palette_black_out
pop bp
sub_AFE7 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_B07F proc far
push bp
mov bp, sp
call scoredat_is_extra_unlocked
or ax, ax
jz loc_B115
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aAll_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
push 2
call palette_black_in
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 150
call _pi_load c, 0, offset aExtra_pi, ds
call _pi_palette_apply stdcall, 0
pop cx
call _pi_put_8 c, 0, large 0
freePISlotLarge 0
call @key_delay$qv
push 5
call palette_black_out
pop bp
sub_B07F endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; int __cdecl main(int _argc, const char **_argv, const char **_envp)
public _main
_main proc far
_argc = word ptr 6
_argv = dword ptr 8
_envp = dword ptr 0Ch
push bp
mov bp, sp
call @cfg_load$qv
or ax, ax
jz loc_B1FE
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.stage], 7Fh
jnz loc_B1FE
call @game_init_main$qv
call gaiji_backup
push ds
push offset aMikoft_bft ; "MIKOFT.bft"
call gaiji_entry_bfnt
call _snd_pmd_resident
call _snd_mmd_resident
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.bgm_mode], 0
jnz short loc_B161
mov _snd_midi_active, 0
jmp short loc_B189
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.bgm_mode], 1
jnz short loc_B173
mov _snd_midi_active, 0
jmp short loc_B184
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.bgm_mode], 2
jnz short loc_B189
mov al, _snd_midi_possible
mov _snd_midi_active, al
call _snd_determine_mode
graph_accesspage 0
mov dx, 164 ; Port 00A4h: Page display register
out dx, al
call super_entry_bfnt pascal, ds, offset aEndft_bft ; "endft.bft"
call @frame_delay$qi pascal, 100
les bx, _resident
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.rank], 4
jz short loc_B1C2
cmp es:[bx+mikoconfig_t.continues_used], 0
jz short loc_B1BA
call sub_9B64
jmp short loc_B1BD
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call sub_A09D
call sub_A8FA
jmp short loc_B1C6
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call sub_B07F
mov PaletteTone, 50
call far ptr palette_show
call score_enter
mov PaletteTone, 0
call far ptr palette_show
call gaiji_restore
call @game_exit$qv
pushd 0
push ds
push offset path ; "op"
push ds
push offset path ; "op"
call _execl
add sp, 0Ch
pop bp
_main endp
maine_01_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
SHARED segment word public 'CODE' use16
include th02/snd/snd.inc
extern _graph_putsa_fx:proc
extern @key_delay$qv:proc
extern _pi_load:proc
extern @FRAME_DELAY$QI:proc
extern @game_exit$qv:proc
extern _snd_mmd_resident:proc
extern _snd_determine_mode:proc
extern _snd_pmd_resident:proc
extern _snd_load:proc
extern @game_init_main$qv:proc
extern _pi_palette_apply:proc
extern _pi_put_8:proc
extern _snd_kaja_interrupt:proc
extern _snd_delay_until_measure:proc
; ===========================================================================
maine_03_TEXT segment word public 'CODE' use16
extern @cfg_load$qv:proc
maine_03_TEXT ends
; ===========================================================================
maine_04_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern SCORE_ENTER:proc
maine_04_TEXT ends
extern _gbcRANKS:byte
aEnd3_txt db 'end3.txt',0
aEnding_m db 'ending.m',0
aEnd1_txt db 'end1.txt',0
aEnd1_m db 'end1.m',0
aEd01_pi db 'ed01.pi',0
aEd02_pi db 'ed02.pi',0
aEnd2_txt db 'end2.txt',0
aEd03_pi db 'ed03.pi',0
aEd03a_rgb db 'ed03a.rgb',0
aEd04_pi db 'ed04.pi',0
aEd05_pi db 'ed05.pi',0
aVer1_00 db 'ver 1.00',0
aXxcvsB@b@vrvsv db '<27><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>^<5E>@<40>@<40>r<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>`<60>e<EFBFBD>e',0
aEd06_pi db 'ed06.pi',0
aGvgngogigab@b@ db '<27>v<EFBFBD><76><EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD><4F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m',0
aEd06b_rgb db 'ed06b.rgb',0
aEd06c_rgb db 'ed06c.rgb',0
aEd07_pi db 'ed07.pi',0
aGogigtgbgbgnb@ db '<27>O<EFBFBD><4F><EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>b<EFBFBD>N<EFBFBD>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m',0
aB@b@b@b@b@b@b@ db '<27>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>',0
aB@b@b@b@bigibG db '<27>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>i<EFBFBD>I<EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD>N<EFBFBD><4E><EFBFBD>A<EFBFBD><41><EFBFBD>j',0
aEd07a_rgb db 'ed07a.rgb',0
aEd07b_rgb db 'ed07b.rgb',0
aVlvtvrvhvbb@b@ db '<27>l<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>h<EFBFBD>b<EFBFBD>@<40>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m',0
aEd08_pi db 'ed08.pi',0
aEd08a_rgb db 'ed08a.rgb',0
aVsvdvrvsb@vovk db '<27>s<EFBFBD>d<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>@<40>o<EFBFBD>k<EFBFBD>`<60>x<EFBFBD>d<EFBFBD>q',0
aB@b@b@b@vivivs db '<27>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>',0
aB@b@b@b@vbbVv db '<27>@<40>@<40>@<40>@<40>b<EFBFBD>|<7C>v',0
aB@b@Orucb@mbiS db '<27>@<40>@ <20>R<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD>@<40>b<EFBFBD><62><EFBFBD>Y',0
aVVSSxrivVVVV db ' <20><><EFBFBD>̑<EFBFBD><CC91>吨<EFBFBD>݂̂Ȃ<DD82><C882><EFBFBD>',0
aEd08b_rgb db 'ed08b.rgb',0
aEd08c_rgb db 'ed08c.rgb',0
aEd09_pi db 'ED09.pi',0
aB@nPiuU_ db '<27>@<40>ŏI<C58F><49><EFBFBD>_',0
aGrgugegbgjgeb db '<27>R<EFBFBD><52><EFBFBD>e<EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD>j<EFBFBD><6A><EFBFBD>[',0
aB@Gigugn db '<27>@ <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>N',0
aGvgmgcgdbPik db '<27>v<EFBFBD><76><EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD><43><EFBFBD>[<5B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>',0
aVavVVSrso db '<27><><EFBFBD>Ȃ<EFBFBD><C882>̘r<CC98>O',0
aVpvxvxvvb@vyvt db '<27>P<EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>X<EFBFBD>V<EFBFBD>@<40>y<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>m (Amusement Makers)',0
aAll_pi db 'all.pi',0
aBut_pi db 'but.pi',0
aExtra_pi db 'extra.pi',0
aMikoft_bft db 'MIKOFT.bft',0
aEndft_bft db 'endft.bft',0
; char path[]
path db 'op',0
include libs/master.lib/bfnt_id[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/clip[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/edges[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/fil[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/dos_ropen[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_backup[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/gaiji_entry_bfnt[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/grp[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/pal[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/pf[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/sin8[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/tx[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/version[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/vs[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/mem[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/super_entry_bfnt[data].asm
include libs/master.lib/superpa[data].asm
public _key_delay_groups
_key_delay_groups db 5, 3, 0
db 0
include th02/formats/pfopen[data].asm
extern _rank:byte
extern _end_text:byte:(100 * END_LINE_SIZE)
extern _line_col_and_fx:byte
extern _line_type_allow_fast_forward_and:byte
include libs/master.lib/clip[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/fil[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/pal[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/vs[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/vsync[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/mem[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/superpa[bss].asm
include th01/hardware/vram_planes[bss].asm
include th02/formats/pi_slots[bss].asm
include libs/master.lib/pfint21[bss].asm
include th02/hardware/input_sense[bss].asm
include th02/snd/snd[bss].asm
include th02/snd/load[bss].asm
extern _resident:dword
extern _score:dword