nmlgc a1f36ffa04 [Reverse-engineering] [th03] Demo initialization
Something small that came out of the resident structure review.
Including more research to suggest that we probably can't ever use C++
constructors for anything in ReC98.

Part of P0076, funded by [Anonymous] and -Tom-.
2020-02-23 16:58:30 +01:00

12 lines
363 B

public _demo_chars, _demo_rand
_demo_chars label byte
db (1 + (PLAYCHAR_MIMA * 2)), (1 + (PLAYCHAR_REIMU * 2))
db (1 + (PLAYCHAR_MARISA * 2)), (1 + (PLAYCHAR_RIKAKO * 2))
db (1 + (PLAYCHAR_ELLEN * 2)), (1 + (PLAYCHAR_KANA * 2))
db (1 + (PLAYCHAR_KOTOHIME * 2)), (1 + (PLAYCHAR_MARISA * 2))
_demo_rand label dword
dd 600
dd 1000
dd 3200
dd 500